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Reinforced concrete columns with insufficient transverse reinforcement and non‐seismic reinforcement details are vulnerable to brittle shear failure and to loss of axial load carrying capacity in the event of a strong earthquake. In this paper, a procedure is presented after examining the application of two macro models for displacement‐based analysis of reinforced concrete columns subjected to lateral loads. In the proposed model, lateral load‐deformation response of the column is simulated by estimating flexural and shear deformation components separately while considering their interaction and then combining these together according to a set of rules depending upon column's yield, flexural and shear strengths. In addition, lateral deformation caused by reinforcement slip in beam–column joint regions and buckling of compression bars are taken into account and considered in the analysis. Implementation of the proposed procedure produces satisfactory lateral load–displacement relationships, which are comparable with experimental data. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为探究重复循环荷载作用下含水率、固结压力对原状黄土动力特性、变形性状的影响规律,利用英国GDS双向动态三轴试验系统模拟交通荷载,对海东地区原状黄土进行动三轴试验研究。试验结果表明:单一重复循环动荷载作用下,在加载初期,海东地区原状黄土的轴向动应变随着循环次数的增大急剧增加,后期缓慢增加至趋于稳定,即发生应变硬化现象。在加载初期,含水率、固结压力对原状黄土的轴向动应变无明显影响,当循环次数N>400时,原状黄土的轴向动应变随含水率的升高而增加,随固结压力的增大而减小。动剪切模量随循环次数的增加出现先减小后增加再减小的变化,随含水率的升高有较大幅度的降低。动阻尼比随循环次数的增加先增加后减小,随含水率的升高而增大。表明海东地区原状黄土所具有的大孔隙架空结构使其在重复循环荷载作用下易发生振动变形。  相似文献   
It is important to identify the non-stationarity in the relation between runoff and sediment load under the backdrop of the changing environment. This relation helps to further understand the mechanisms of runoff and sediment yield. A copula-based method was used to detect possible change points in the relation between runoff and sediment load in the Wei River Basin (WRB), China, where soil erosion is a very severe issue. The modified Mann-Kendall trend test method was applied to obtain the trends of runoff and sediment load spanning 1960–2010 at monthly and annual timescales. Finally, the causes of the identified non-stationarity of the relation between runoff and sediment load were roughly analyzed from the perspective of climate change and human activities. Results indicated that:(1) the runoff and sediment load in the Jinghe and Wei rivers were generally characterized by noticeably decreasing trends at both monthly and annual timescales;(2) both the Jinghe and Wei rivers had a common change point (2002), implying that the stationarity of the relation between runoff and sediment load in the Jinghe and Wei River was invalid; (3) human activities including increasing water consumption and growing application of soil conservation practices are dominant factors resulting in non-stationarity in the rela-tion between runoff and sediment load in the WRB. This study provides a new idea for identifying the non-stationarity of multivariate relation in the hydro-meteorological field under the background of the changing environment.  相似文献   
Nutrient loadings in many river catchments continue to increase due to rapid expansion of agriculture, urban and industrial development, and population growth. Nutrient enrichment of water bodies has intensified eutrophication which degrades water quality and ecosystem health. In this study, we carried out a trend analysis of total phosphorus and total nitrogen loads in the South Saskatchewan River (SSR) catchment using a novel approach to analyse nutrient time series. Seasonal analysis of trends at each of the water quality stations was performed to determine the relationships between annual flow regimes and nutrient loads in the catchment, in particular, the influence of the high spring runoff on nutrient export. Decadal analysis was also performed to determine the long-term relationships of nutrients with anthropogenic changes in the catchment. Although it was found that seasonal and historical variability of nutrient load trends is mainly determined by streamflow regime changes, there is evidence that increases in nitrogen concentration can also be attributed to anthropogenic changes.  相似文献   
为了解地震作用下纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱的抗震性能,采用钢筋、混凝土、纤维编织网浇筑纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱,编织网主材为碳、玻璃纤维束;利用电液伺服加载系统为试件加载地震作用,监测相关数据,部分试件置入氯化钠溶液进行多次干湿循环。不同环境下的实验结果显示:纤维编织网层数越多,纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱承载能力越强,抗震性能越好;配箍间距较大时,纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱的抗震性能仅在地震作用的后期呈现较差状态;干湿循环次数越多,纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱承载力越弱,抗震性能越差。对于氯盐环境而言,可增加纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱的抗腐蚀措施改善抗震性能。适当增加纤维编织网的数量、降低配箍间距有利于提升纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱的抗震性能。  相似文献   
为提高混凝土剪力墙受弯性能计算的准确度,开展强震下混凝土剪力墙受弯性能试验研究。选取1个混凝土剪力墙对比试件和3个测试试件作为研究对象,对试件施加垂直荷载和水平荷载,模拟强烈地震作用力。试验前期准备工作完成后,建立分离式有限元模型,通过计算混凝土在受压和受拉状态下的损伤弹塑性刚度,完成对有限元模型中混凝土塑性损伤分析,在此基础上,计算混凝土剪力墙受弯承载力。利用有限元模型对3个测试试件进行模拟试验,结果表明,强烈地震后3个试件的荷载-位移曲线均与实际位移值接近,且混凝土剪力墙受弯承载力试验结果与实际值的误差在2%以内,表明试验研究方法具有一定的可行性,数值模拟结果较为准确。  相似文献   
为研究厦门市弯箱梁自行车桥的地震响应规律,采用SAP2000有限元软件建立自行车高架桥三维壳体模型,在考虑多遇地震和罕遇地震水准作用及不同加载方向的基础上,分别采用反应谱分析法和时程分析法进行该桥的动力响应分析。结果表明:自行车桥z方向位移分量最大,且z方向分量极值均发生在曲线分叉段;相对剪力而言,桥墩竖向支反力相对较小;E1和E2地震水准响应情况随时间的变化趋势基本一致,桥梁结构未进入塑形状态,抗震性能良好,安全性指标较高;反应谱法计算得到的响应包络值相对3条不同的地震时程结果的峰值大,在实际桥梁抗震分析过程中需要综合考虑两者的分析结果。文章研究结果对今后自行车桥设计和抗震性能分析具有指导意义,并可为研究者对该类桥的进一步研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
针对地下水埋深较浅地区,由高层建筑荷载引起的土体变形问题,以比奥固结理论为基础,结合土体非线性流变理论,将土体本构关系推广到黏弹塑性;同时考虑土体力学参数及水力参数的动态变化关系,建立了高层建筑荷载引发地面沉降与隆起变形的三维有限元数值模型,详细研究了高层建筑荷载影响下的土体变形特征及此过程中土体力学参数及水力学参数的变化特征。结果表明:由高层建筑荷载引起的地面沉降呈现漏斗状,以建筑物中心为漏斗中心,高层建筑荷载施加初期,高层建筑周围出现隆起,到达最大值后隆起逐渐消失;高层建筑底部浅层土体孔隙度、渗透系数及泊松比均呈现缓慢减小趋势,弹性模量呈现缓慢增大趋势;而高层建筑周围浅层土体的孔隙度、渗透系数及泊松比呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势,弹性模量则呈现先减小后增大的变化趋势;高层建筑影响区域浅部土体参数的变化趋势与土体的回弹及压缩有关。  相似文献   
为了研究爆炸条件下不同垫板形式锚杆对洞室加固效果的影响,现场试验中选择了平板和碗形两种不同的垫板形式。通过抗爆试验,对锚固洞室宏观破坏形态、洞壁位移特征、拱顶位移与比例距离之间的关系以及爆心两侧拱顶各点位移进行了对比,分析了两种垫板形式在爆炸条件下对洞室加固效果的影响。试验结果表明:在爆炸条件下,碗形垫板可以充分发挥锚杆抗拉能力高的特点,拱部围岩经碗形垫板加固后,整体刚度能够得到较大提高,对岩体的加固效果较好。  相似文献   
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