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关于海面湍流通量参数化的两种方案试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵鸣 《气象科学》2000,21(3):319-325
本文对海气间湍流通量计算的参数化进行了两个方案的试验。第一个是对气候模式CCM3中的计算方案作了改进,用半解析的计算方法代替纯迭代的方法,减少了计算量而达到相同精度。第二个是用Brutsaert提出的廓线函数计算海面通量,达到了当前最精确模式相同的精度。这二种方案均可用于大气模式或用于由实测气象资料求通量。  相似文献   
利用气象观测、高分辨率城市地理信息和卫星遥感数据,通过将气象类指标与城市类指标相结合,开展了北京地区风环境容量指标和区划的探索性研究。结果表明:水平风速和大气混合层厚度两个指标在空间上均呈北部和东部地区高、中心城区和西南地区低的特征;中心城核心区和卫星城的地表粗糙度长度较高,二环内老城区建筑多为平房,地表粗糙度长度小于二环外其他中心城区,形成较明显的空心环状结构;在中心城区外的植被地区,北部和西部山区粗糙度长度明显高于平原区;加权综合水平风速、大气混合层厚度和地表粗糙度长度3个指标,计算不同等级风环境容量指数阈值,在空间上西南地区的房山、门头沟、海淀、石景山、丰台以及中心城区的东城和西城等地风环境容量指数较低,其中二环至四环范围是风环境容量指数最低区域,这与北京经济、金融和商业中心空间分布一致;延庆、怀柔、密云的北部以及通州的绝大部分地区为风环境容量指数高值区,其他平原区多为中等风环境容量指数区。  相似文献   
精细准确预报大风风速对于风功率预报和风灾防御具有重要意义。本文以上海市域为研究区域,基于形态学方法估算上海市域空气动力学粗糙度分布,并通过近地层分层风速插值方法推算上海市域10 m高度精细风速分布。针对2016年1月23日20时—24日20时一次大风过程开展实证检验,对比分析降尺度模拟风速、地面实测风速、ECMWF预报10 m风速的空间分布、时间变化以及垂直廓线特征。结果表明,该方法可以较好地模拟上海市域风速大小的精细空间分布,模拟精度总体上表现为中心城区精度高、郊区精度稍低,但相比于ECMWF预报10 m风速分布有了明显提高,可以为风速的精细化预报提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
Wind profile and eddy-correlation data obtained at two sites on a melting glacier surface in Iceland during the summer of 1996 are presented. Throughout the experiment the surface roughness increased rapidly from smooth to very rough, with the largest roughness element height obtained being about 1.7 m. In a layer close to the rough surface we find that the wind speed profiles were disturbed showing horizontal inhomogeneities as in a roughness sublayer. Its height was approximately two times the height of the main roughness elements (h) at both sites throughout the experiment. From the wind profiles and eddy-correlation data we calculated corrections for the displaced zero plane as a function of time and compared these with results obtained from a drag partitioning model. In general, the agreement was reasonable considering the ranges of uncertainty but the results indicate that the increasing horizontal anisotropy of the surface probably limits the use of the model. The values obtained for the roughness lengths are in good agreement with those calculated from a simple linear model, i.e., z0/h = 0.5 with the frontal area index. Above the roughness sublayer the wind profiles, normalised standard deviations of wind speed, and the balance of the turbulence kinetic energy budget behaved as over an ideal homogeneous surface thereby confirming similarity of the flow.  相似文献   
标量粗糙度对地气交换的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
任军芳  苏炳凯  赵鸣 《大气科学》1999,23(3):349-358
为提高地-气间感热和潜热通量的精度,利用Garratt的公式将标量粗糙度Z0T和Z0q引入BATS,对六种不同的植被作对比试验。结果表明:标量粗糙度Z0T和Z0q均远远小于动量粗糙度Z0,约相差3~10个数量级不等。晴天状况下,农作物区Z0/Z0T最小,约103,阔叶林最大,达1010;雨天状况下,各种植被间标量粗糙度的差异减小了。计算的地表温度、感热通量、潜热通量较原BATS的更为合理。  相似文献   
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow over regular arrays of urban-like, cubical obstacles are reported. Results are analysed in terms of a formal spatial averaging procedure to enable interpretation of the flow within the arrays as a canopy flow, and of the flow above as a rough wall boundary layer. Spatial averages of the mean velocity, turbulent stresses and pressure drag are computed. The statistics compare very well with data from wind-tunnel experiments. Within the arrays the time-averaged flow structure gives rise to significant ‘dispersive stress’ whereas above the Reynolds stress dominates. The mean flow structure and turbulence statistics depend significantly on the layout of the cubes. Unsteady effects are important, especially in the lower canopy layer where turbulent fluctuations dominate over the mean flow.  相似文献   
A method is described to infer the horizontal scale of roughness variations from land-use maps, for use in flux aggregation schemes designed to account for sub-grid scale terrain heterogeneity in numerical models of the atmosphere. Based on simple statistical-geometrical considerations, it is shown that this horizontal scale is inversely proportional to edge density, which can be readily derived from high-resolution land-use maps. The method is demonstrated for a highly heterogeneous landscape in northern Belgium, the resulting length scale values approximately ranging between 200 and 1500 m. Finally, the extension towards satellite imagery and coarse land-use data is discussed.  相似文献   
精细的城市边界层模拟中热力粗糙度引入的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
周荣卫  蒋维楣  刘罡 《大气科学》2007,31(4):611-620
运用南京大学城市尺度边界层模式(UBLM)以100 m水平网格距的精细高分辨率,诊断分析小规模城市(水平范围在一二十公里)的气象环境与边界层结构。就高分辨率精细模拟分析研究了两个问题:(1)在模式中引入热力粗糙度,就引入热力粗糙度前后的模拟结果与实测结果进行对比,结果表明引入后的模拟结果与自动气象站的观测结果吻合较好,能够很好地反映出地面气温的日变化规律。冬季,白天不引入热力粗糙度比引入热力粗糙度会高估小规模城市地区感热通量约60 W/m2,而对乡间农作物地区约10 W/m2。(2)以四种不同水平网格距对同一下垫面及气象条件进行诊断分析,结果表明以100 m网格距精细模拟效果明显优于以较大网格距进行的模拟效果。以这样的精细高分辨率模式所获模拟结果分析了小规模城市的边界层特征,表明:冬季白天和夜间小规模城市与乡村气温差分别为0.8℃和0.6℃;风速明显低于乡村地区;湍能高于乡村地区,白天和夜间湍能一般为乡村的3倍左右;白天混合层发展较乡村迅速,且高度高于乡村地区。这样的特征在当今城市规划布局工作中,为特大型城市的卫星城市的建设规划提供了有益的科学实验依据。模拟效果表明以如此高的水平分辨率实施的模式和模拟是可行和有意义的。  相似文献   
We report the spatio-temporal variability of surface-layer turbulent fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and the Arabian Sea (AS) during the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases Radiation Budget (ICARB) field experiment. The meteorological component of ICARB conducted during March – May 2006 onboard the oceanic research vessel Sagar Kanya forms the database for the present study. The bulk transfer coefficients and the surface-layer fluxes are estimated using a modified bulk aerodynamic method, and then the spatio-temporal variability of these air-sea interface fluxes is discussed in detail. It is observed that the sensible and latent heat fluxes over the AS are marginally higher than those over the BoB, which we attribute to differences in the prevailing meteorological conditions over the two oceanic regions. The values of the wind stress, sensible and latent heat fluxes are compared with those obtained for the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) period. The variation of drag coefficient (C D ), exchange coefficients of sensible heat and moisture (C H = C E ) and neutral drag coefficient (C DN ) with wind speed is also discussed.
梯度法计算空气动力学粗糙度存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2009年春季内蒙古苏尼特左旗风速、空气温湿度的野外观测资料,用梯度法研究荒漠化草原区空气动力学粗糙度Z0时发现,Z0有明显的日、月分布规律。中性条件下,根据风速对Z0的不同影响可分为3个特征区。梯度法计算Zn有风速条件约束,只有在风速较大时计算的Z0真实可靠,确定可靠风速区域是正确应用梯度法计算Z0的关键。乙随风速值的增大成指数关系递减,可从指数函数的收敛性确定Z0。  相似文献   
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