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LINTRODUCTIONAsfear7specificsurveyshavebeenmadeonthemorphologicalbehavioroftheHuaihefox'erinthepast.Someinformationofbeddeformationduringfloodprocesshavebeenobtained.Beingrelativelystable,theHuaihehiverusedtobeineptlytreatedas"fixedbed".Fortunately,tilehydrometricalstationsweredenselydistributedalongtheHuaihehiverinthe1950s,andthevelocitylareamethodwasusedforthedeterminationofdischarge.Themeasurementsofdischargearelistedin"TheDischargeMeasurementsTable"intheHydrologicalYearbooks.Sinc…  相似文献   
砾石床面的空气动力学粗糙度   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
通过砾石床面的空气动力学粗糙度(Z0)的风洞实验研究,结果表明,砾石床面的空气动力学粗糙度(Z0)与砾石粒径、砾石覆盖度和自由风速有关,Bagnold的1/30定律和其它有关空气动力学粗糙度与粗糙元高度的固定比例对砾石床面都不适用。在各种一定砾石覆盖度条件下,砾石床面的Z0随自由风速的增加而呈指数衰减。在各种一定自由风速条件下,Z0随砾石覆盖度C的变化遵循二次曲线:Z0=F1+F2C+F3C1.5+F4C2,砾石覆盖度为40%~75%时,Z0达到最大值。建立了包含自由风速和砾石覆盖度两个因子的Z0的双因子综合模型。  相似文献   
盐度是描述海洋的关键变量,对海表面盐度进行观测可以推进对全球水循环的理解。本文的主要目的是在中国近海海域对SMOS卫星盐度数据进行准确度评估。主要方法是将SMOS卫星L2海洋盐度数据产品(V317)与实测ARGO数据和走航数据进行匹配,并采用统计学的方法对SMOS卫星数据准确度进行评估。结果表明:匹配数据的线性关系不显著,SMOS卫星盐度数据(V317)在南海和东海的均方根误差分别约为1.2和0.7,应用海表面粗糙度修正模型得到的3组海表盐度数据准确度都相对较低,尤其在近岸强风场区域,海表盐度卫星数据相对于实测数据偏高,这可能是由于海表粗糙度和陆地射频干扰(RFI)作用影响的结果;SMOS卫星数据在东海的均方根误差比南海高0.5左右,这可能是由于东海海域为相对开阔海域,受陆地RFI影响相对南海较小;在中国近岸海域,应用SSS1和SSS3模型得到的盐度数据准确度相对较高,可以对模型进行地球物理参数修正,进行局地化改进,预计可以提高近岸海域盐度反演的准确度。  相似文献   
Wind profile and eddy-correlation data obtained at two sites on a melting glacier surface in Iceland during the summer of 1996 are presented. Throughout the experiment the surface roughness increased rapidly from smooth to very rough, with the largest roughness element height obtained being about 1.7 m. In a layer close to the rough surface we find that the wind speed profiles were disturbed showing horizontal inhomogeneities as in a roughness sublayer. Its height was approximately two times the height of the main roughness elements (h) at both sites throughout the experiment. From the wind profiles and eddy-correlation data we calculated corrections for the displaced zero plane as a function of time and compared these with results obtained from a drag partitioning model. In general, the agreement was reasonable considering the ranges of uncertainty but the results indicate that the increasing horizontal anisotropy of the surface probably limits the use of the model. The values obtained for the roughness lengths are in good agreement with those calculated from a simple linear model, i.e., z0/h = 0.5 with the frontal area index. Above the roughness sublayer the wind profiles, normalised standard deviations of wind speed, and the balance of the turbulence kinetic energy budget behaved as over an ideal homogeneous surface thereby confirming similarity of the flow.  相似文献   
中国西北半干旱区降水稀少、蒸散强烈,土壤水分作为重要的生态因子,影响着土壤-大气界面的能量平衡。支持向量回归模型具有估算精度高、可处理非线性问题、泛化能力强等优点,近年来被应用于土壤水分反演研究中,但已有模型极少考虑地表粗糙度因素的影响,导致反演精度受到一定限制。因此,本文以内蒙古乌审旗为研究区,采用水云模型去除地表稀疏植被覆盖的影响,提取全极化Radarsat-2 SAR影像裸土后向散射系数( σ soil 0 ),并利用AIEM模型和Oh模型建立后向散射系数数据库,采用LUT法模拟地表有效粗糙度参数,构建基于支持向量回归的土壤水分反演模型,并系统地对比分析了不同极化方式的后向散射系数作为数据源的土壤水分反演结果。研究结果表明:不考虑粗糙度参数的单数据源作为模型参数时,同极化数据反演结果比交叉极化具有更高的反演精度;当模型参数为考虑粗糙度的多源数据时,不同极化数据的反演精度均有所提高,其中数据源为 σ vv 0 和粗糙度参数时,反演结果最好(R 2=0.917,MAE=3.980%,RMSE=5.187%)。研究结果可为旱区稀疏植被覆盖地表土壤水分的遥感监测提供技术支持。  相似文献   
The west‐central part of South Africa's Free State Province falls within the transition zone between South Africa's sub‐humid, temperate grasslands to the east, and the semi‐arid Karoo and arid Kalahari to the south and west, respectively. The area is characterized by low rainfall (typically 500 mm or less) with high variability, but environmental conditions allow widespread dryland commercial agriculture (maize, sunflowers and stock farming). However, human activity promotes wind erosion and the area is susceptible to dust emissions. This study is the first to quantify the degree of wind erosion on the agricultural soils in the region under prevailing winter to spring climatic conditions and land management practices. Using arrays of cup anemometers, dust deposition traps and saltation impact sensors (Safires), measurements were made of the key erosivity and erodibility drivers that control the degree of wind erosion. Results demonstrate that significant quantities of dust are mobilized, particularly during the months of September and October. Thresholds of wind erosion are shown to respond particularly closely to changes in surface and aerodynamic roughness (z0) with the amount of collected dust correlating well with measures of wind erosivity that weight the impact of higher wind speeds. Given the importance of surface roughness in controlling erosion thresholds, results show that the opportunity exists for well designed farming practices to control wind erosion. However, it is likely that climatically driven environmental change will impact on some of the identified controls on erosion (wind power, moisture availability) with the result that the wind erosion hazard is likely to increase within this marginal environment. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
目前对岩石结构表面粗糙度的研究往往只局限于地表,难以反映深部岩石节理粗糙度的特征。钻孔孔壁上节理轮廓线包含有三维信息的特点,本文开展了基于数字钻孔摄像技术的岩石节理粗糙度分形特征的研究,利用数字钻孔摄像系统获取地下深度岩石节理全景图,采用边缘检测技术从全景图中提取出节理轮廓线,对其进行空间变换和视距离变换得到地下岩石节理粗糙表面轮廓线的真实状况。与Barton提出的10条标准剖面曲线进行对比得到每条轮廓线的JRC值,并计算其分形维数,根据最小二乘法原理拟合出JRC与分形维数之间的关系为:(D)=JRC=-541.9x2+1362x-818.53。本文研究内容为描述地下深部天然节理的结构及其特征提供了基础,对更深入地研究地下深部岩石节理的表面空间状况有重要的意义。  相似文献   
The acceleration of saltating grains by overland flow causes momentum to be transferred from the flow to the grains, thereby increasing flow resistance and bed roughness. To assess the impact of saltating sediment on overland flow hydraulics, velocity profiles in transitional and turbulent flows on a fixed sand-covered bed were measured using hot-film anemometry. Five discharges were studied. At each discharge, three flows were measured: one free of sediment, one with a relatively low sediment load, and one with a relatively high sediment load. In these flows from 83 to 90 per cent of the sediment was travelling by saltation. As a result, in the sediment-laden flows the near-bed velocities were smaller and the velocity profiles steeper than those in the equivalent sediment-free flows. Sediment loads ranged up to 87·0 per cent of transport capacity and accounted for as much as 20·8 per cent of flow resistance (measured by the friction factor) and 89·7 per cent of bed roughness (measured by the ratio of the roughness length to median grain diameter). It is concluded that saltating sediment has a considerable impact on overland flow hydraulics, at least on fixed granular beds. Saltation is likely to have a relatively smaller effect on overland flow on natural hillslopes and agricultural fields where form and wave resistance dominate. Still, saltation is generally of greater significance in overland flow than in river flow, and for this reason its effect on overland flow hydraulics is deserving of further study. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
罗战友  杜时贵  黄曼 《岩土力学》2015,36(12):3381-3386
粗糙度系数是结构面抗剪强度的主要影响因素,然而由于结构面表面形态的复杂性,粗糙度系数尺寸效应研究并未获得较大进展。总结了结构面粗糙度系数的3种获取手段:标准剖面对比法、理论公式法、试验反分析法。在此基础上分析了3种方法在研究粗糙度系数尺寸效应方面存在的问题和困难。为了研究结构面粗糙度系数与试样尺寸的相关度,对中砂、硅粉、水泥、非引气型萘系减水剂等原材料的配比进行了研究,获得了与天然钙质板岩物理力学特性相类似的岩石模型材料,然后采用研发的结构面制作模具及其制备工艺制作了8组共176对具有不同尺寸和表面起伏粗糙程度的结构面,并利用改进的高精度岩石结构面推拉仪对结构面粗糙度系数进行了推拉试验研究和数据统计分析,结果表明:模型结构面粗糙度系数的统计均值随试样尺寸的增加而降低,但特定结构面粗糙度系数的尺寸效应规律需要根据结构面的具体表面形貌进行测试;Barton理论公式计算的结构面粗糙度系数尺寸效应变化规律与推拉试验测试规律总体上一致,但试验值与理论值有差异,且结构面试样尺寸越小,二者的差异就越大;具有特定表面形貌的模型结构面粗糙度系数也有差异,工程大尺寸岩体结构面粗糙度系数需要根据表面形貌和分布特征进行综合判定。  相似文献   
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