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数据同化在海洋生态模型中的应用和研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将数据同化方法引入海洋生态系统动力学模型研究,利用现有的观测数据,获得最佳的模式参数、初始场或提高状态模拟,是当前多学科交叉研究的热门领域。本文依据国内外研究进展,主要就海洋生态模型研究中所采用的变分伴随、卡尔曼滤波、模拟退火法方法进行了介绍,总结了数据同化在我国的海洋生态系统研究中的现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   
Two methods, both using data from fixed-interval-length hydraulic tests and geological mapping on different scales, have been utilised to estimate transmissivity distributions of individual fractures. Individual fracture properties are of importance in estimating transport of water and solutes; they influence the spreading of grout when sealing tunnels. One of the methods is non-parametric, while the other is based on combinatorics and the multiplication principle. The study verified the usefulness of both methods for estimating the probability of conductive and non-conductive fractures, and the transmissivity distributions. Data for estimating transmissivity distributions originate from flow logging of a borehole in Sweden. Fracture frequency data are from core logging and images using a borehole image processing system (BIPS). Estimated transmissivity distributions, based on flow log data from 3-m sections (test scale length, L: 3 m, and step length, dL: 3 m), were compared with transmissivities obtained directly from detailed, overlapping flow logging which identify individual conductive fractures (test scale, L: 0.5 m, step length, dL: 0.1 m). The latter data are considered to be an acceptable approximation of the individual fracture transmissivities; the agreement, compared with the calculated transmissivity distributions based on 3-m section data, is good for both methods.
Resumen Se han utilizado dos métodos, ambos procesando datos de pruebas hidráulicas de longitud e intervalo fijo y mapas geológicos en distintas escalas, para estimar las distribuciones de transmisividad de fracturas individuales. Las propiedades de fracturas individuales son de importancia para estimar el transporte de agua y solutos; las propiedades influyen en la propagación de lechada al sellar túneles. Uno de los métodos es no paramétrico mientras que el otro se basa en el principio de multiplicación y combinatorio. El estudio verifica la utilidad de ambos métodos para estimar la probabilidad de fracturas conductivas y no conductivas y las distribuciones de transmisividad. Los datos para estimar las distribuciones de transmisividad se originan del registro de flujo de un pozo en Suecia. Los datos de frecuencia de fracturas provienen de registros de núcleo e imágenes usando un Sistema de Procesamiento de Imágenes de Pozo (BIPS). Se compararon las distribuciones estimadas de transmisividad basadas en datos del registro de flujo en secciones de 3 m (longitud de escala de la prueba L: 3 m, y escalón de longitud dL: 3 m), con transmisividades obtenidas directamente de registros detallados de flujo superpuesto el cual identifica fracturas conductivas individuales (escala de la prueba, L: 0.5 m, escalón de longitud, dL: 0.1 m). Los últimos datos se consideran una aproximación aceptable de las transmisividades de fracturas individuales; la consistencia, comparada con las distribuciones de transmisividad calculada basadas en datos de sección de 3 m, es buena para ambos métodos.

Résumé Deux méthodes ont été testées afin d’estimer la distribution des transmissivités de fractures unitaires; toutes deux utilisent des données issues de tests hydrauliques effectués à intervalles réguliers et de cartographies géologiques à plusieurs échelles. La connaissance des propriétés des fractures unitaires est importante pour estimer le transport d’eau et de solutés; elles influencent en outre l’étalement du coulis lors du scellement des tunnels. La première méthode est non-paramétrique, et la seconde repose sur l’analyse combinatoire et le principe de multiplication. Cette étude a vérifié l’utilité des deux méthodes pour estimer la probabilité d’occurrence de fractures conductrices et non-conductrices, et la distribution des transmissivités. Les distributions des transmissivités ont été estimées à partir de diagraphies effectuées sur un forage situé en Suède. Les densités de fracturation proviennent de carottages et d’imagerie BIPS (Borehole Image Processing System). Les distributions estimées des transmissivités, basées sur des diagraphies de flux effectuées sur des sections de 3 m (échelle du test L:3 m; pas dL:3 m), ont été comparées aux transmissivités obtenues sur des diagraphies de flux détaillées et se chevauchant, identifiant les fractures conductrices unitaires (échelle du test L: 0.5 m ; pas dL: 0.1 m). Il est admis que ces dernières données représentent une approximation satisfaisante des transmissivités des fractures unitaires; les deux méthodes sont en accord avec les distributions des transmissivités calculées à partir des données acquises sur des sections de 3 m.
Summary A large scalein situ compression test of a laminated coal cube is described. The cube was uniformly loaded by a system of hydraulic jacks supplied simultaneously from one pump. At the same time both load and deformations were controlled. Deformations were measured by 60 longitudinal gauges located at the side surface of the cube in the regular net. Due to the heterogeneity of the rock the readings showed scatter. As a first approximation, the scattered data were fitted to the plane using the least square method. Orientations of the planes were analysed and show permanent relative movement between adjacent lamina indicating complex behaviour of the cube under loading. Detailed analysis of this behaviour indicated that the cube was subjected to both bending and twisting.  相似文献   
双辽市氟中毒病区与非病区地下水水化学类型均处于重碳酸型水带内。病区水文地球化学作用处于元素迁移—富集的过渡阶段或元素富集阶段的初期,其水化学类型呈现由HCO3→HCO3.Cl→Cl.HCO3型水的分带性展布,地下水溶解固体浓度为0.5~2.0 mg/L;非病区则处于元素迁移阶段,其水化学类型则为单一的HCO3.Ca型水,地下水溶解固体浓度一般均低于0.5 mg/L。地方性氟中毒的分布与区域水文地球化学特征之间存在着一定的联系,此种关系虽然不可作为病因看待,但仍可当作一种环境标志加以考虑。  相似文献   
大唐国际东营风电一期工程拟建风电场场区位于东营市东部沿海区域,拟建场地上覆第四系地层,结构松散,厚度较大,工程性质较差,地基强度较低,不能满足重要建(构)筑物对其强度及变形的要求,且场地内的饱和粉土及砂土在地震影响烈度达Ⅶ度时将可能产生液化现象,因此需进行地基处理。根据现场岩土条件,拟采用预应力高强混凝土管桩(PHC),需进行桩基原体试验。主要介绍了桩基原体试验施工过程、检测方法及试验成果等。  相似文献   
The current use of fundamental mechanics in developing rational interpretation methods for deriving soil properties from in situ test results is reviewed and evaluated. The focus is on some of the most widely used in situ test devices including cone penetrometers with and without pore pressure measurements (CPTU and CPT), self-boring and cone pressuremeters (SBPMT and CPMT), and flat dilatometers (DMT). In situ tests in both cohesive and frictional soils for measuring strength and stiffness properties, in situ state parameters, consolidation coefficients, stress history, and in situ stresses are considered in detail.  相似文献   
This paper presents the shake table test results of a novel system for the design of precast reinforced concrete bridges. The specimen comprises a slab and four precast columns. The connections are dry and the columns are connected to the slab by an ungrouted tendon. One of the tendon ends is anchored above the slab, in series with a stack of washer springs, while the other end is anchored at the bottom of the column. The addition of such a flexible restraining system increases the stability of the system, while keeping it relatively flexible allowing it to experience negative post-uplift stiffness. It is a form of seismic isolation. Anchoring the tendon within the column, caps the design moment of the foundation, and reduces its size. One hundred and eighty-one shake table tests were performed. The first 180 caused negligible damage to the specimen, mainly abrasion at the perimeter of the column top ends. Hence, the system proved resilient. The 181st excitation caused collapse, because the tendons unexpectedly failed at a load less than 50% of their capacity (provided by the manufacturer), due to the failure of their end socket. This highlights the importance of properly designing the tendons. The tests were used to statistically validate a rigid body model. The model performed reasonably well never underestimating the median displacement response of the center of mass of the slab by more than 30%. However, the model cannot predict the torsion rotation of the slab that was observed in the tests and is due to imperfections.  相似文献   
为有效增强建筑结构的抗震性能、提高建筑抗震水平,对JGN型耐高温建筑结构胶抗震加固性能展开研究。将高活性酚醛胺(T-31)作为主固化剂、聚酰胺树脂(PA)为辅助固化剂,结合气相白炭黑、超细石英砂、石棉纤维、纳米材料、环氧树脂等材料,制备JGN型耐高温建筑结构胶。在高温环境下,使用万能试验机分析不同配比条件对结构胶抗震加固性能的影响。测试主要以拉伸强度、压缩强度以及压缩弹性模量为指标。测试结果表明:当固化剂质量比为45∶15、气相白炭黑掺量为4.5%、超细石英砂掺量为10%、石棉纤维掺量为10.5%、纳米SiO2掺量为3.5%、纳米CaCO3掺量为2.5%时,JGN型耐高温建筑结构胶的拉伸强度和压缩强度更大,压缩弹性模量得到优化,结构胶的抗震加固性能达到最佳状态。  相似文献   
在浅海覆盖区,常规的地质找矿工作开展难度较大,并缺少有效的技术方法,限制了浅海区找矿勘查工作.本文以三山岛北东浅海地区找矿勘查为例,采用重力测量+高精度磁法剖面测量+地震剖面测量+浅钻取样化探剖面测量+钻探的勘查技术方法组合,解译并控制了浅海覆盖区控矿构造,发现了金矿体.结果 表明该技术方法在浅海覆盖区找矿勘查的有效性...  相似文献   
基于机器学习方法的短临多气象要素预报系统(Weather Elements Nowcasting based on machine learning,简称WEN)具有高发布频次、高时间分辨率、基于候和时辰的复杂预报模型等特点。应用多维标签数组、机器学习工具、并行计算框架等Python库,以快速计算为目标,建立以预报模型覆盖时间范围为统计检验时间边界的检验子系统,客观给出预报性能,为模型调优效果评估、产品业务化运行提供依据。  相似文献   
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