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李谦  戴靓  朱青  杨桂山  吴绍华 《地理科学》2014,34(6):733-739
以南京市高淳区东坝镇土地整治项目为实验区,基于格局-过程-效应的视角,运用最小累积阻力模型分析土地整治对生态连通性的影响及生态格局优化途径。结果显示:① 从景观格局看,土地整治后生态景观破碎度降低,集聚度上升,较整治前更规整,但景观优势、空间连接度和多样性指数下降,不利于整个生态系统的自组织能力与可持续发展;② 从景观过程看,土地整治后原有的生态廊道被侵占和阻断,景观生态服务功能和强度均弱化。③ 从景观效应看,土地整治后生态功能连通性降低,生态流阻隔,形成明显的3个“生态孤岛”。因此,研究区在整治过程中需注意保护东-西方向生态流迁移关键通道和南-北方向、西南-东北方向辅助通道的畅通,努力优化整治区生态格局。  相似文献   
利用2002年9月“东方红2号”调查船调查中获得的沉积物样品,定量研究了长江、老黄河口以及东海陆架沉积物中正构烷烃和无环类异戊二烯烷烃(姥鲛烷和植烷)两种天然示踪物,结果表明:(1)各采样站位样品的碳数范围为n-C14~n-C34,主要可分为陆源单峰、双峰和石油污染等3种类型。(2)长江口东南软泥区和浙江沿岸软泥区沉积物样品中高碳正构烷烃n-C27、n-C29和n-C31含量较高,奇碳优势显著,表明其来源以陆源高等植物输入占优势;相反,“东海冷涡”泥质区和黄海中南陆架区沉积物样品中的低碳正构烷烃n-C17、n-C18和n-C19含量较高,奇偶优势不明显,表明其来源主要以浮游生物和细菌为主。冲绳海槽泥质区沉积物样品中高碳与低碳正构烷烃的含量几乎相当,表明其来源为海洋低等生物和陆地高等植物共同输入,其中陆源物质是从东海陆架经底流搬运而来的。(3)有机质的堆积受控于物质供应和沉积环境两大因素。东海中陆架区沉积物中正构烷烃总量和有机碳含量为最低,这是由于台湾暖流的顶托,使黄河和长江两大物质扩散系统对该区的物质供应量减少,沉积速率低,潮流冲刷作用强,沉积物保存有机碳的能力较差;表层沉积物中正构烷烃及有机碳的最高值分别出现在浙江沿岸软泥区(E 5站)和冲绳海槽泥质区(P 4站);“东海冷涡”泥质区沉积环境最为适宜,但是陆源有机质供应则相对较少。  相似文献   
基于改进的CASA模型测算祁连山地区植被净初级生产力(NPP)物质量, 并进一步基于光合作用方程式、 碳循环过程模型估算了研究区2005年、 2010年、 2015年植被、 土壤固碳量及价值, 旨在定量分析该区域不同植被生态系统植被、 土壤固碳价值时空演变情况, 为制定更科学合理的碳管理措施提供科学依据。研究表明: 祁连山地区2005 - 2015年植被、 土壤固碳价值呈递增趋势, 2005年、 2010年、 2015年植被、 土壤固碳价值分别为515.95、 356.56亿元; 491.05、 404.36亿元; 581.55、 465.65亿元, 土地类型的改变使得植被、 土壤固碳分别增长12.72%、 30.39%。从空间分布上看, 东部植被、 土壤固碳量明显高于西部, 林地固碳能力最高, 单位面积固碳量为10.19 t·hm-2。草地是研究区分布最广的植被, 且其对该地区植被、 土壤固碳贡献比为51.13%、 49.34%。  相似文献   
邻近既有隧道的新建大断面隧道施工参数优化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨永波  刘明贵  张国华  李祺 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1217-1226
结合大帽山隧道Ⅴ级围岩段施工参数优化的试验,通过爆破震动速度、岩体声波波速和围岩内部位移的现场监控量测工作,研究既有隧道旁新建大断面隧道双侧壁导坑法施工时岩体的损伤程度和范围,进而优化导洞的单循环进尺、爆破参数等施工参数。研究表明:推进式往复爆破作业的双侧壁导坑法开挖的隧道必然导致围岩产生一定程度的损伤、破坏,尤其是小净距隧道间的中夹岩岩墙;双侧壁导坑法开挖的大断面隧道,控制岩体的损伤程度和损伤范围是相互矛盾的,通过减少单循环开挖进尺来减少爆破震动速度,只能控制岩体的损伤范围,多次的重复爆破导致损伤岩体的损伤程度更大,极大影响围岩稳定;相反,通过适当加大单循环开挖进尺来控制损伤程度的同时,过大的爆破震动速度导致损伤范围更大,极大影响邻近既有隧道的安全运行。利用现场监测数据,通过在UDEC软件中实现的岩体各向异性爆破损伤模型,计算导洞推进式开挖全过程围岩压力的变化和既有隧道支护结构的状态,综合考虑各种因素,优化得到折中的单循环进尺。  相似文献   
结合沪瑞国道主干线贵州境镇胜高速公路十八合同段晴隆滑坡深部位移监测曲线特征,总结归纳了滑坡深部累积位移曲线“V”型、“B”型、“r”型、“钟摆”型及“复合”型等几种,详细论述了常见的曲线特征类型及其研究意义,提出了依据滑坡深部位移监测成果资料判别滑坡动态变形特征及其稳定性的判识方法。  相似文献   
In June/July 1994 a study was made of a small bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi in an area of the North Sea to the east of the Shetland Islands. Observations on the hydrography of the study area indicated the bloom was associated with Atlantic water and was confined to an area in which a stable shallow mixed layer had formed. There was no evidence to suggest association of horizontal physical structure with the bloom development. High cell densities of >1– cells dm−3, together with low concentrations of PIC (<50 μg dm−3) and detached liths (2– liths cm−3) indicated that the bloom was studied at an early stage of development. Biochemical and physiological observations indicated active growth was taking place. The results presented are discussed in comparison with previous studies carried out in both oceanic and shelf seas.  相似文献   
台湾海峡西部海域水体中的二氧化碳体系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郭水伙 《台湾海峡》1994,13(3):219-229
据1984年5月至1985年2月的调查资料,计算了该水体中二氧化碳体系各要素的统计值,着重研究了它们的季节变化及其与水文,化学和生物因子的关系。结果表明该水体中PCO2,CO2(T),CO^2^-3,HCO3,∑CO2,CO^2^-3/∑CO2,HCO3/∑CO2,HCO2,CO2(T),CO^2^-3,∑CO2/Cl,Ωc,Ωa和C:N:P平均值依次分别为251dPa,8.43μmol/dm×3  相似文献   
The dynamic strain and strength of frozen silt under long-term dynamic loading are studied based on creep tests. Three groups of tests are performed (Groups I, II, and III). The initial deviator stresses of Groups I and II are same and the dynamic stress amplitude of Group II is twice as that of Group I. The minimum value of dynamic stress in Group III is near zero and its dynamic stress amplitude is larger than those of Groups I and II. In tests of all three groups there are similar change trends of accumulative strain, but with different values. The accumulative strain curves consist of three stages, namely, the initial stage, the steady stage, and the gradual flow stage. In the tests of Groups I and II, during the initial stage with vibration times less than 50 loops the strain amplitude decreased with the increase of vibration times and then basically remained constant, fluctuating in a very small range. For the tests of Group III, during the initial and steady stages the strain amplitude decreased with the increase of vibration times, and then increased rapidly in the gradual flow stage. The dynamic strength of frozen silt decreases and trends to terminal dynamic strength as the vibration times of loading increase.  相似文献   
实验研究了不同条件下海洋光合细菌的混合菌种对五种活性染料的脱色效果。结果表明,海洋光合细菌耐盐性较好,对五种染料都有很好的脱色效果。温度对各类染料影响不同,但五种染料都在30~35℃时达到最佳脱色效果。菌种适应的PH值范围广,驯化后活性增强。在100mg/L的浓度下,染料X-3B对细菌生长没有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   
Assessing large-scale patterns of gross primary production (GPP) in arid and semi-arid (ASA) areas is important for both scientific and practical purposes. Remote sensing-based models, which integrate satellite data with input from ground-based meteorological measurements and vegetation characteristics, improve spatially extended estimates of vegetation productivity with high accuracy. In this study, the authors simulated GPP in ASA areas by integrating moderate resolution imaging spectral radiometer (MODIS) data with eddy covariance and meteorological measurements at the flux tower sites using the Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM), which is a remote sensing-based model for analyzing the spatial pattern of GPP in different land cover types. The field data were collected by coordinating observations at nine stations in 2008. The results indicate that in the region during the growing season GPP was highest in cropland sites, second highest in woodland sites, and lowest in grassland sites. VPM captured the temporal and spatial characteristics of GPP for different land covers in ASA areas. Further, Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) had a strong liner relationship with GPP in densely vegetated areas, while the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) had a strong liner relationship with GPP over less dense vegetation. This study demonstrates the potential of satellite-driven models for scaling-up GPP, which is a key component for studying the carbon cycle at regional and global scales.  相似文献   
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