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Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Potassic Volcanic Rocks in the Nangqen Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Nangqen basin is one of the Tertiary pull-apart basins situated in the east of the Qiangtang block.Similar to the adjacent Dengqen basin and Baxoi basin, there occurred a series of potassic volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks, ranging from basic, intermediate to intermediate-acid in lithology.Based on the study of petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry, including REEs, trace elements, isotopic elements and chronology, the authors concluded that the Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks in the Nangqen basin were formed in the post-collisional intraplate tectonic settings. The relations between the basic, intermediate and intermediate-acid rocks are neither differentiation nor evolution, but instead the geochemical variability is mainly attributable to the different partial melting degrees of the mantle sources formed at depths of 50-80 km.The sources of the potassic rocks are enriched metasomatic mantle that has experienced multiple mixing of components mainly derived from the crust. The recycling model can b  相似文献   
EVOLUTION OF ORE-FORMING FLUIDS AND Ag-Cu POLYMETAL MINERALIZATION IN THE LANPING BASIN, YUNNAN“KeyProjectforResourcesandEconomics” (95 0 2 0 0 1 0 1)oftheMinistryofLandResources  相似文献   
鲁西地块中生代构造格局及其形成背景   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
结合近几年来鲁西地区1∶5万区域地质调查等成果,重点论述了鲁西地区中生代构造特征与盆地原型。提出中生代构造层次总体在垂向上可分为三个主要构造层,分别称为上部、中部和下部,并分别被中—下侏罗统、上侏罗统—下白垩统和上白垩统角度不整合覆盖,所以,相应地可将鲁西地块的中生代构造变形分为三个阶段:印支期、燕山中期和燕山晚期;平面上变形样式总体表现为三种构造样式,即:1印支期的近东西走向的宽缓—紧闭褶皱及逆冲构造;2燕山中期的北北东或南北走向的厢状褶皱—坡坪式逆冲系统;3燕山晚期的北东走向的冲断—走滑断裂带。但是,鲁西地区燕山期的构造变形特征和原型盆地有所变化,这种变化是基底构造格局及构造变形在空间上差异叠合的结果。综合研究表明,鲁西地块及邻区燕山期构造是在西太平洋大陆边缘弧的挤压构造背景下,陆内壳下拆沉和壳内挤出—逃逸构造的综合动力作用下形成的。  相似文献   
江苏溧水盆在晚中生代活化为地洼,受燕山期岩浆作用的影响形成火山盆地。本区的矿床严格受火山旋回、构造控制。地震勘探资料显示:不同地质体的地震波场特征各具特点,测区盆地构造清晰,火山岩系总厚约3 700m,火山旋回界面明显,前火山岩沉积地层中断裂发育,次火山岩体分布于盆地边缘隆起带。按成矿构造法观点,结合本区成矿背景、相关矿床类型和MT剖面异常分析,对盆地相关控矿因素进行了定位预测。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地东南部延长组储层成岩体系研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
鄂尔多斯盆地东南部延长组具有丰富的油气资源,储集层为一套致密低渗透砂岩,油气的富集与致密低渗透背景下的高效储层有关。通过铸体薄片、背散射、扫描电镜及能谱分析,结合孔、渗测定,认为:①延长组高效储层的形成与绿泥石环边有密切关系,绿泥石环边的出现是三角洲前缘沉积环境、富黑云母的长石砂岩和咸—微咸水的湖泊水体在空间上耦合的产物;②绿泥石环边抵消了一部分埋藏过程中上覆地层的机械压实作用,减缓了由于压实作用而引起的原生孔隙的减低,而且有抑制石英次生加大的作用;③同生期形成的方解石可以使颗粒呈嵌晶接触,形成致密层,但是这部分方解石量小且分布不均匀;④自生石英在纵向上变化明显,封闭体系中形成的SiO2由于绿泥石环边的抑制作用,以雏晶的形式产出;而半封闭体系中形成的SiO2可向上发生运移,在绿泥石环边不连续或欠发育的层段以加大边的形式产出。通过成岩体系研究,可以明确高效储层的形成机理,指导岩性油气藏的勘探。  相似文献   
位于新疆北部富蕴县库尔提一带的晚古生代变质玄武岩和辉长岩系含有似岛弧火山岩(arc-like)和似洋中脊玄武岩(MORB-like)成分的两种组分,岩石以出现不同程度的LREE亏损和Nb、Ta等元素的负异常为特征,在成分上非常相似于现代弧后盆地(Mariana和Okinawa弧后盆地)的玄武岩。我们厘定这套变质的镁铁质火成岩为弧后盆地蛇绿岩,它们很可能代表了晚古生代古亚洲洋北侧的一个洋内岛弧的弧后盆地系统,表明晚古生代早期新疆北部地区处于与古亚洲洋俯冲有关的岛弧环境,该古洋在晚石炭世-二叠纪消减消失后,两侧西伯利亚和哈萨克-准噶尔板块才开始碰撞和造山。  相似文献   
在2007年底至2008年初的枯水期间,系统采集了中国东部流域面积和径流量较大的33条河流沉积物、悬浮颗粒物和水样,采用等离子质谱法、X荧光光谱法等方法测定了14种稀土元素含量以及常量组分和水体pH值等理化指标。研究发现中国河流稀土元素浓度总体高于世界均值,且南方河流沉积物、悬浮物稀土元素含量高于北方河流,南方河流悬浮物态中稀土、重稀土呈现一定程度的相对富集,与我国上地壳稀土丰度和稀土矿产种类的南北分异相吻合。展示了以中国东部泥质岩稀土元素丰度标准化后的稀土配分模式及Ce、Eu异常特征,发现河流沉积物的中、重稀土元素相对富集,悬浮物轻稀土相对富集,溶解相重稀土富集的特征;北方河流溶解相稀土元素浓度明显大于南方河流,且除小清河外,溶解相Eu不同于沉积物与悬浮物而呈强烈的正异常,主要与河水理化性质影响下的稀土分异有关。研究发现小清河等少数河流沉积物中稀土元素为异常高值,经Al标准化处理、计算拟合剩余值后,认为小清河等河流稀土元素已受人为污染的影响。  相似文献   
沁南地区煤层气生产潜力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴建光 《中国煤田地质》2003,15(1):27-28,70
本文以沁水盆地南部地区煤层气生产试验井的徘采资料为基础,结合煤田地质勘探和中联公司煤层气勘探所获得的地质、生产资料,阐述了煤层气井的排采机理。并以TL—003井排采试验为例进行详细剖析,运用储层模拟技术,研究、分析影响煤层气产出的主要参数,初步预测了该区煤层气井的生产潜力。  相似文献   
This study provides an integrated interpretation for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonothermal evolutionary history of the Permian strata in the Qishan area of the southwestern Weibei Uplift, Ordos Basin. Apatite fission-track and apatite/zircon(U-Th)/He thermochronometry, bitumen reflectance, thermal conductivity of rocks, paleotemperature recovery, and basin modeling were used to restore the Meso-Cenozoic tectonothermal history of the Permian Strata. The Triassic AFT data have a pooled age of ~180±7 Ma with one age peak and P(χ2)=86%. The average value of corrected apatite(U-Th)/He age of two Permian sandstones is ~168±4 Ma and a zircon(U-Th)/He age from the Cambrian strata is ~231±14 Ma. Bitumen reflectance and maximum paleotemperature of two Ordovician mudstones are 1.81%, 1.57% and ~210°C, ~196°C respectively. After undergoing a rapid subsidence and increasing temperature in Triassic influenced by intrusive rocks in some areas, the Permian strata experienced four cooling-uplift stages after the time when the maximum paleotemperature reached in late Jurassic:(1) A cooling stage(~163 Ma to ~140 Ma) with temperatures ranging from ~132°C to ~53°C and a cooling rate of ~3°C/Ma, an erosion thickness of ~1900 m and an uplift rate of ~82 m/Ma;(2) A cooling stage(~140 Ma to ~52 Ma) with temperatures ranging from ~53°C to ~47°C and a cooling rate less than ~0.1°C/Ma, an erosion thickness of ~300 m and an uplift rate of ~3 m/Ma;(3)(~52 Ma to ~8 Ma) with ~47°C to ~43°C and ~0.1°C/Ma, an erosion thickness of ~500 m and an uplift rate of ~11 m/Ma;(3)(~8 Ma to present) with ~43°C to ~20°C and ~3°C/Ma, an erosion thickness of ~650 m and an uplift rate of ~81 m/Ma. The tectonothermal evolutionary history of the Qishan area in Triassic was influenced by the interaction of the Qinling Orogeny and the Weibei Uplift, and the south Qishan area had the earliest uplift-cooling time compared to other parts within the Weibei Uplift. The early Eocene at ~52 Ma and the late Miocene at ~8 Ma, as two significant turning points after which both the rate of uplift and the rate of temperature changed rapidly, were two key time for the uplift-cooling history of the Permian strata in the Qishan area of the southwestern Weibei Uplift, Ordos Basin.  相似文献   
胡春生  周迎秋 《地理科学》2014,34(5):614-620
以兰州盆地0.8 Ma B.P.阶地为例证,运用古地磁测年方法,通过收集相关文献,分析讨论了0.8 Ma B.P.阶地与0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件的联系。结果表明:① 0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件主要表现在气候转型、构造运动等方面,具有群发性和全球性特点;② 兰州盆地以及其他区域0.8 Ma B.P.阶地存在的证据,表明河流在0.8 Ma B.P. 前后普遍发生过一次下切事件;③ 0.8 Ma B.P.阶地是河流对0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件的地貌响应,构造运动为提供了下切驱动力,而气候变化则控制了下切时间。  相似文献   
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