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The Glikson structure is an aeromagnetic and structural anomaly located in the Little Sandy Desert of Western Australia (23°59'S, 121°34′E). Shatter cones and planar microstructures in quartz grains are present in a highly deformed central region, suggesting an impact origin. Circumferential shortening folds and chaotically disposed bedding define a 19 km-diameter area of deformation. Glikson is located in the northwestern Officer Basin in otherwise nearly flat-lying sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate of the Neoproterozoic Mundadjini Formation, intruded by dolerite sills. The structure would not have been detected if not for its strong ring-shaped aeromagnetic anomaly, which has a 10 km inner diameter and a 14 km outer diameter. We interpret the circular magnetic signature as the product of truncation and folding of mafic sills into a ring syncline. The sills most likely correlate with dolerites that intrude the Boondawari Formation ~25 km to the north, for which we report a SHRIMP U?–?Pb baddeleyite and zircon age of 508?±?5 Ma, providing a precise older limit for the impact event that formed the Glikson structure.  相似文献   
探地雷达应用于城市固体废弃物填埋场的构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫长斌  徐国元 《岩土力学》2005,26(10):1689-1691
介绍了探地雷达技术的基本工作原理及其在某些领域的应用效果,提出了应用探地雷达技术进行城市固体废弃物填埋场选址、渗漏检测以及封场后覆盖层厚度测定等研究的构想,并探讨了探地雷达技术的可行性和技术优势。在总结相关文献的基础上,结合现场调查认为,应用探地雷达技术进行填埋场选址、渗漏检测以及封场后覆盖层厚度测定等研究工作是行之有效的一种新方法。  相似文献   
复杂条件下的地下管线探测技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以深圳市某大道顶管施工地下管线的探测成果为例,研究了在复杂场地条件下,探测地下管线的地球物理方法和技术,着重研究了电磁感应探测法.认为在复杂条件下,对钢质煤气管,应采用电磁感应探测法;对钢质或铁质给水管,应采用直接法;对电力管和电信管,应尽量采用夹钳法;对排水(管)渠等非金属材质管线,应采用地质雷达探测的方法.  相似文献   
这里基于某铁路隧道仰拱400MHz天线探地雷达的实际采集数据,采用Radan7软件处理方法所检测的缺陷结果,与施工单位及相关质量控制单位所组织的破检验证完全相符。通过对检测缺陷展开全面分析与解释,为隧道缺陷检测提供了依据和方法,将其应用于该工区后续隧道施工和隧道缺陷的检测处理与解释,具有重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
Mineral exploration drilling 60 km west of Leonora in 2008 intersected >95 m of poorly consolidated granitoid-dominated breccia at the base of a Cenozoic paleochannel beneath Lake Raeside. The breccia, initially interpreted as a kimberlite, is composed of poorly consolidated fragments of granitic gneiss, felsite and metamorphosed mafic rock within a matrix of fine to medium-grained breccia. Microscopic examination revealed quartz grains displaying well-developed planar deformation features (PDFs) dominated by the ω? {1013} planar set, diaplectic silica glass and diaplectic plagioclase glass. These features constitute the diagnostic hallmarks of shock metamorphism owing to high-velocity impact of a large meteorite or asteroid. The PDFs in quartz grains of the breccia are distinctly different from metamorphic deformation lamellae produced tectonically or in diatremes. Airborne total magnetic intensity data suggest an outline of an 11 km-diameter crater, consistent with the significant thickness of the shock-metamorphosed breccia at >95 m, suggestive of the existence of a large impact structure.  相似文献   
西藏当雄地区构造地貌及形成演化过程   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
西藏当雄地区在区域性挤压缩短期后发育2种典型层状地貌面,即山顶面与盆地面,不同地块具有不同特点与不同高度的山顶面.山顶面形态与分区性、分段性明显受早期逆冲推覆构造与晚期断裂所控制,山顶面梯级带对应于区域张性-张扭性断裂与盆-山构造-地貌边界.原始山顶面或高原主夷平面主要形成于15~8 Ma,念青唐古拉山脉开始快速隆升与两侧地块初始断陷时代为8~4 Ma,羊八井-当雄-谷露盆地快速裂陷事件发生于2~1.5 Ma,区域NW向走滑断裂与现今河流峡谷主要形成于1.4 Ma以来.当雄及邻区层状地貌面的形成、裂解与演化良好地反映了青藏高原腹地挤压缩短与地壳增厚期后区域构造活动和地貌环境变迁的动力学过程.  相似文献   
 An olivine grain from a peridotite nodule 9206 (Udachnaya kimberlite, Siberia) was investigated by TEM methods including AEM, HRTEM, SAED and EELS techniques. A previous study of the 9206 olivine sample revealed OH absorption bands in the IR spectrum and abundant nanometer-sized OH-bearing inclusions, of hexagonal-like or lamellar shape. Inclusions, which are several hundred nm in size, consist of 10 ? phase, talc and serpentine (chrysotile and lizardite). The lamellar (LI) and hexagon-like small inclusions of several ten nm in size (SI) are the topic of the present paper. AEM investigations of the inclusions reveal Mg, Fe and Si as cations only. The Mg/Si and Fe/Si atomic ratios are lower in the inclusions than in the host olivine. The Si concentration in the olivine host and both lamellar inclusions and small inclusions is the same. A pre-peak at 528eV was observed in EEL spectra of LI and SI, which is attributed to OH or Fe3+. From these data it is concluded that there is a OH- or Fe3+-bearing cation-deficient olivine-like phase present. HRTEM lattice fringe images of LI and SI exhibit modulated band-like contrasts, which are superimposed onto the olivine lattice. Diffraction patterns (Fourier-transforms) of the HREM images as well as SAED patterns show that the band-like contrasts in HRTEM images of the inclusions are caused by periodic modulations of the olivine lattice. Three kinds of superperiodicity in the olivine structure such as 2a, 3a and 3c, were observed in SAED patterns. The corresponding olivine supercells labelled here as Hy-2a, Hy-3a and Hy-3c were derived. The M1-vacancies located in the (100) and (001) octahedral layers of the olivine lattice are suggested to form ordered arrays of planar defects (PD), which cause the band-like contrasts in HRTEM patterns as well as the superperiodicity in the SAED patterns. The vacancy concentrations as well as the chemical composition of Hy-2a, Hy-3a and Hy-3c olivine supercells were calculated using crystal chemical approaches, assuming either {(OH)< O−V" Me−(OH)< O}, or {F e < Fe H Me } or {2F e < Fe V Me "} point defect associates. The calculated theoretical compositions Mg1.615Fe+2 0.135v0.25SiO4H0.5 (Hy-2a) and Mg1.54Fe2+ 0.12v0.33SiO4H0.66 (Hy-3a and Hy-3c) are in a good agreement with the AEM data on inclusions. Hy-2a, Hy-3a and Hy-3c are considered to be a hydrous olivine with the extended chemical formula (Mg1-yFe2+ y)2−xvxSiO4H2x. The crystal structure of hydrous olivine is proposed to be a modular olivine structure with Mg-vacant modules. The crystal chemical formula of hydrous olivines in terms of a modular structure can be written as [MgSiO4H2] · 3[Mg1.82Fe0.18SiO4] for Hy-2a, [MgSiO4H2] · 2[Mg1.82Fe0.18SiO4] for Hy-3a and Hy-3c. Hydrous olivine is suggested to be exsolved from the olivine 9206, which has been initially saturated by OH-bearing point defects. The olivine 9206 hydration as well as the following exsolution of hydrous olivine inclusions is suggested to occur at high pressure-high temperature conditions of the upper mantle. Received: 15 January 2001 / Accepted: 2 July 2001  相似文献   
探地雷达检测道路厚度结构的应用现状及进展   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
对探地雷达检测道路厚度结构的应用现状进行介绍,分析雷达检测道路厚度结构的物理前提.将探地雷达的道路厚度检测技术与常规的钻孔取芯方法进行对比,并根据笔者在工作中应用的实际情况,说明探地雷达在公路厚度结构检测方面有广阔应用前景.  相似文献   
探地雷达检测中如何计算速度   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
袁明德 《物探与化探》2003,27(3):220-222,236
雷达波的传播速度随介质而变,这给准确定位探测目标带来了一些困难,因为目标深度取决于速度与讯号反射时间的乘积.但另一方面,利用速度变化与介质的关系,反过来可以推断介质的物质架构.作者结合实用例举了7种求速度的方法,以供使用探地雷达的同行们选用.  相似文献   
Heavy mining of Jurassic and Carboniferous horizontal coal seams in the Datong coalfield has seriously affected the local geological environment, which is mainly manifested by such geohazards as soil avalanches, landslides, mudflows, surface subsidence, surface cracks, surface solid waste accumulation and surface deformation. More seriously, coal mining causes groundwater to leak. Overpumping of groundwater has resulted in substantial land subsidence of the urban area in Datong City. Based on the previous geo-environmental investigation in the work area, the authors used radar remote sensing techniques such as InSAR (synthetic aperture radar interferometry) and D-InSAR (differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry), supplemented by the optical remote sensing method, for geo-environmental investigation to ascertain the geo-environmental background of the Datong Jurassic and Carboniferous-Permian coalfield and evaluate the effects of the geohazards, thus providing a basis for the geo-environmental protection, geohazard control and prevention, land improvement and optimization of the human environment. In this study 8 cog-nominal ERS-1/2 SAR data frames during 1992 to 2003 were used, but the following processing was made: (1) the multitemporal SAR magnitude images were used to interpret the geological structure, vegetation, microgeomorphology and drainage system; (2) the multi-temporal InSAR coherent images were used to make a classification of surface features and evaluate the coherence change due to coal mining; and (3) the multi-temporal cog-nominal SAR images were used to complete D-InSAR processing to remove the information of differential deformation areas (sites). In the end, a ten-year time series of differential interferograms were obtained using the multi-temporal cog-nominal SAR images. In the tests, 84 deformed areas (sites) were obtained, belonging to those in 1993-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-2001, 1998-2002 and 2001-2003 respectively. Of the 84 areas, 44 are m  相似文献   
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