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This study assesses the sensitivity to model fitting methods and segment selection of the estimated parameters A and B of the model dQ/dt = ?AQB for individual events. We investigated about 750 recession events observed at 25 US Geological Survey gauges in the Iowa and Cedar river basins in the United States, with drainage areas ranging from 7 to 17 000 km2. The parameters of these recession events were estimated using three commonly adopted methods and recession segments with different extraction criteria. The results showed that the variations of the parameter estimates for the same recession event were comparable to the variations of parameters between different events due to using different model fitting methods and recession segments. This raises cautions for comparative analysis of individual recessions. The result also implies that the nonlinear direct fitting method is the most robust among the three model fitting methods compared.
EDITOR Z.W. Kundzewicz ASSOCIATE EDITOR T. Okruszko  相似文献   
Interannual variations of spring wheat yields in Canadian agricultural regions are analyzed, together with the associated sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the northern hemisphere tropics and extratropics, from 1961 to 2015. The cubic trend is calculated and used to represent the trend related to advances in agricultural technology over this time period. The correlations between Canadian wheat yields at regional scales and the tropical El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability are not robust at any stage of the evolution of ENSO. Based on the power spectrum and cross-spectrum analysis, the most prominent yield variance is found in the Canadian Prairies, with a significant power peak of 4.5 years but does not co-vary significantly with interannual ENSO variability. ENSO weakly affects temperature and precipitation anomalies in the Canadian Prairie Region in summer—two important agroclimatic conditions for crop growth—and hence insignificantly impacts wheat yields. This indicates that there would be little benefit to including tropical ENSO indices in the operational wheat yield forecasting system. For Canadian wheat yield forecasting, attention should be paid to the preceding winter and spring SST anomalies in the northern extratropics. The SST anomalies associated with yields in the Canadian Prairie region and Central Region are generally stronger than those associated with yields in the Canadian Pacific Coast Region and eastern Maritime Region. In association with the Prairie Region and Central Region yields, SST shows pronounced anomalies in the mid-high latitudes of the North Pacific from winter to summer. The non-linearity of the SST anomalies associated with the Canadian yields is also clearly evident. Stronger (weaker) SST anomalies in the extratropical North Pacific correspond to low wheat yields in the Prairie (Central) Region, while weaker (stronger) SST anomalies correspond to high yields in the Prairie (Central) Region.  相似文献   
This study focuses on recent debate over the value of stable isotope‐based environmental proxies recorded in riverine tufa stromatolites. A twelve‐year record (1999 to 2012) of river‐bed tufa stromatolites in the River Piedra (north‐east Spain) was recovered in this study, along with a partly overlapping fifteen‐year record (1994 to 2009) of accumulations in a drainage pipe: both deposits formed in water with near identical physico/chemical parameters. Measured water temperature data and near‐constant δ 18Owater composition allowed selection of an ‘equilibrium’ palaeotemperature equation that best replicated actual temperatures. This study, as in some previous studies, found that just two published formulas for water temperature calculation from equilibrium calcite δ 18O compositions were appropriate for the River Piedra, where tufa deposition rates are high, with means between 5·6 mm and 10·8 mm in six months. The δ 18Ocalcite in both the river and the pipe deposits essentially records the full actual seasonal water temperature range. Only the coldest times (water temperature <10°C), when calcite precipitation mass decreased to minimum, are likely to be unrepresented, an effect most noticeable in the pipe where depositional masses are smaller and below sample resolution. While kinetic effects on δ 18Ocalcite‐based calculated water temperature cannot be ruled out, the good fit between measured water temperature and δ 18Ocalcite‐calculated water temperature indicates that temperature is the principal control. Textural and deposition rate variability between the river and pipe settings are caused by differences in flow velocity and illumination. In the river, calcification of growing cyanobacterial mat occurred throughout the year, producing composite dense and porous laminae, whereas in the pipe, discontinuous cyanobacterial growth in winter promoted more abiogenic calcification. High‐resolution δ 18Ocalcite data from synchronous pipe and river laminae show that reversals in water temperature occur within laminae, not at lamina boundaries, a pattern consistent with progressive increase in calcite precipitation rate as cyanobacterial growth re‐established in spring.  相似文献   
In this paper, we mainly summarize and review the progresses in recent climatological studies (by CMSR, IAP/CAS and some associated domestic and international institutions) on the interannual and interdecadal variabilities of monsoon troughs and their impacts on tropical cyclones and typhoons (TCs) geneses over the western North Pacific Ocean. The climatological characteristics of monsoon troughs and four types of circulation patterns favorable to TCs genesis over the western North Pacific Ocean in summer and autumn are given in this paper. It is also shown in this paper that the monsoon trough over the western North Pacific Ocean has obvious interannual and interdecadal variabilities. Especially, it is revealed in this paper that the interannual and interdecadal variabilities of the monsoon trough over the western North Pacific Ocean influence the TCs genesis not only through the impact on distributions of the vorticity in the lower troposphere and the divergence in the upper troposphere, the water vapor in the mid- and lower troposphere and the vertical shear of wind fields between the upper and lower troposphere over the western North Pacific Ocean, but also through the dynamical effects of the transition between convectively coupled tropical waves and providing disturbance energy. Besides, some climatological problems associated with TCs activity over the western North Pacific Ocean that need to be studied further are also pointed out in this paper.  相似文献   
本文利用2003年-2015年观象台的酸雨观测资料,统计分析了北京市观象台酸雨分布特征及长期变化趋势。结论如下,北京市观象台降水年均pH值的变化范围为4.34~5.87,北京市观象台酸雨变化分为三个阶段:2003~2005年年均pH值较高,2006年是转折点,年均pH值比2005年下降0.42, 2007~2010年的年均pH值均低于4.5,在此期间北京地区已成为重酸雨污染区,2011~2015年pH值呈现较稳定的上升趋势。由于北京地区夏、秋季节温度及湿度均较高,加快了酸雨前体物的转换速率,而冬、春季节干旱少雨,大气中沙尘和颗粒较多,对酸性降水有缓冲作用,所以酸雨发生频率在夏季、秋季明显高于春季、冬季。降水的年均电导率的变化范围为48.8~99.5μs/cm,年际变化规律不明显,但电导率与降水量存在相关性,总降水量较小的年份,年均电导率偏高;总降水量较大的年份,年均电导率偏低。  相似文献   

A numerical model, the Parallel Ocean Program (POP) was used to run a 46-year simulation of the North Pacific Ocean beginning in January 1960. The model had a horizontal resolution of 0.25°, 28 vertical levels, and employed spectral nudging that, unlike standard nudging, nudges only specific frequency and wavenumber bands. This simulation was nudged to the mean and monthly Levitus climatology of potential temperature and absolute salinity (SA). The model was forced with the mean monthly winds, sea level pressure, net heat flux, and precipitation from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).

The simulation was used to examine the anomalous intrusions, previously observed from 2001 to 2002, of cooler and fresher (less spicy) water flowing southward along the coast of western North America. The simulated anomaly began in 1999 in the North Pacific, progressed southeastward towards the coast and then southward, at least as far south as southern California. The southward velocity signal, modulated by a strong annual cycle, reached Point Conception in 2000 while the temperature and SA anomalies arrived later, in 2002–03. The simulated velocity anomalies were eastward at about 3?cm s?1 in the northeast Pacific near 47°N in agreement with observations. Simulated coastal southward flow speeds reached 10–20?cm s?1 during the summer from 2000 to 2002.

This intrusion was by far the largest to occur over the entire length of the simulation. It was also the only time during the simulation when the Victoria mode was positive (associated with enhanced flow to the east via the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO)) and the Multivariate El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Index (MEI) was negative (La Niña conditions), tending to cause a southward flow anomaly along the coast.  相似文献   
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室 (LASG) 发展的耦合气候系统模式FGOALS 1.0_g控制试验 (二氧化碳浓度保持工业革命前的浓度不变, 代表无人类活动影响的自然变率) 模拟结果, 研究了模拟的自然变率下热带季节内振荡 (Intraseasonal Oscillation, 简称ISO) 的基本特征与年际、年代际变化.研究发现, 模拟的自然变率下全球ISO主要活跃区与近六十年的实测结果基本接近; ISO主要活跃区的季节变动特征与实际结果基本一致; 全球ISO强度冬强、夏弱的季节变化也与实际结果一致; 但模拟的ISO强度偏弱与ISO周期不明显.进一步利用控制试验模拟结果研究了模拟的自然变率下热带ISO特征的年际与年代际变化, 得出: 第一, 模拟的自然变率下的热带ISO强度存在明显的年际与年代际变化, 低强度指数阶段, 全球ISO强度减弱, 活跃区范围缩小, 高强度指数阶段则相反; 并存在季节性差异, 冬季不明显, 春秋季明显, 实测结果有类似结论, 但高、低指数似乎与增暖有关.第二, 模拟的自然变率下的热带东传或西传ISO能量比值总体来看基本上维持一种平衡状态, 不存在上升或下降趋势; 与实际状况下的东传相对能量增强、西传相对能量减弱趋势明显不同.  相似文献   

Mapping soil hydraulic parameters with traditional scaling methods that use laboratory-determined hydraulic characteristics (the LAB method) is not always feasible as it involves expensive, time-consuming and sophisticated measurements on soil samples collected in several locations of the study area. An alternative scaling method (the AP method) has been recently proposed to indirectly retrieve the soil hydraulic properties following the Arya-Paris physico-empirical pedotransfer function, which makes use of particle-size distribution and bulk density values. In this synthetic study we verify the performance of the AP method from a functional perspective, by evaluating the differences in the simulated soil water budget through a Monte Carlo approach. Notwithstanding that the AP method can provide soil hydraulic property patterns with faster experimental procedures and minor costs, we observe significant bias in the predicted spatially-averaged soil water budget due to a poor parametric calibration of the AP method and an imprecise identification of the spatial correlation structure of the AP-estimated scaling factors.

Citation Nasta, P., Romano, N., and Chirico, G.B., 2013. Functional evaluation of a simplified scaling method for assessing the spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties at the hillslope scale. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1059–1071.  相似文献   
Relations in year-to-year variability between wintertime Sea-Ice Concentrations (SICs) in the Okhotsk Sea and atmospheric anomalies consisting of zonal and meridional 1000-hPa wind speeds and 850-hPa air temperatures are studied using a singular value decomposition analysis. It is revealed that the late autumn (October–November) atmospheric conditions strongly influence sea-ice variability from the same season (late autumn) through late winter (February—March), in which sea-ice extent is at its maximum. The autumn atmospheric conditions for the positive sea-ice anomalies exhibit cold air temperature anomalies over the Okhotsk Sea and wind anomalies blowing into the Okhotsk Sea from Siberia. These atmospheric conditions yield anomalous ocean-to-atmosphere heat fluxes and cold sea surface temperature anomalies in the Okhotsk Sea. Hence, these results suggest that the atmospheric conditions affect the sea-ice through heat anomalies stored in sea-ice and oceanic fields. The late autumn atmosphere conditions are related to large 700-hPa geopotential height anomalies over the Bering Sea and northern Eurasia, which are related to a stationary Rossby wave propagation over the North Pacific and that from the North Atlantic to Eurasia, respectively. In addition, the late autumn atmospheric preconditioning also plays an important role in the decreasing trend in the Okhotsk sea-ice extent observed from 1980 to the mid-1990s. Based on the lagged sea-ice response to the late autumn atmosphere, a simple seasonal prediction scheme is proposed for the February–March sea-ice extent using four-month leading atmospheric conditions. This scheme explains 45% of the variance of the Okhotsk sea-ice extent.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton and its relationships with physical and chemical variables were analysed over a 2-year period in Hueihue and Linao Bays (southern Chile). Samples were collected on a monthly basis from May 1991 to May 1993. The growth rate of a single stock of hatchery-produced oysters (Ostrea chilensis) distributed between these two bays was also monitored monthly. The growth rate of oysters maintained at Linao Bay (site associated with a fish farm) was significantly higher, at every depth, compared with the oysters maintained at Hueihue Bay. Temperature and salinity values and their annual fluctuations were similar at both locations, presenting higher variations at the surface (1 m) due to the influence of air temperature and local precipitation than at depth. However, significant differences in phytoplankton abundance and composition were found between the two locations. The phytoplankton community was characterized by high biomass values during spring and summer, the dominance of diatoms and an inverse relationship between temperature and species diversity. However, phytoplankton cell abundance, biovolume and chlorophyll a concentration were significantly higher at Linao at every depth sampled. Cell abundance ranged between 4.49 × 104 and 7.45 × 106 cells · l?1 in Hueihue and between 6.48 × 104 and 8.71 × 106 cells ·1?1 in Linao. The influence of temperature on chlorophyll a concentration was significant except at 8 m at both locations. The instantaneous oyster growth rate was found to be positively correlated with temperature, chlorophyll a concentration and particulate organic matter at both locations. A significant negative relationship between oyster growth and amount of particulate inorganic matter was found; this confirms the important role played by seston composition in oyster growth. The demonstration of variation in oyster growth rate associated with differences in food availability between the two locations provides insight into the ecological role played by fish farms in southern Chile. The results suggest a strong link between food availability and oyster growth.  相似文献   
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