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山回波的PIA因子在3 cm雷达波衰减订正中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过比较同一山体在晴雨两种天气条件下的回波反射率,确定在雷达与山体之间的降水赞成山体回波的路径积分衰减因子(Path-integrated attenration factor),以此计算雷达与山体之间降水的真实反射率,从而把降水对X(3cm波长)面雷达波的衰减订正掉。  相似文献   
WRF模式对福建沿海风电场风速预测的效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杨光焰  吴息  周海 《气象科学》2014,34(5):530-535
在WRF模式中选取不同的边界层、近地面层以及陆面过程参数化方案,设计了4种不同物理过程参数化方案,组合模拟福建沿海某测风塔站2010年1月1—11日和7月1—11日的逐时风速,将数值模拟结果和同期测风塔观测数据进行对比,以寻求最佳参数化方案。经分析比较,采用MYJ边界层方案,Monin-Obukhov近地面层方案以及Noah陆面过程方案的方案2模拟效果最好。使用该方案对2010年1月和7月的风速进行模拟,按不同风速级别分别对数值模拟结果进行对比分析,结果表明:方案2对6~15m/s风速模拟的平均相对误差在20%左右,能够满足风电预测的精度需求;而对0~6m/s风速模拟的误差相对较大,这可能是由于模式地形分辨率不够精细以及风塔所处海陆交界处的特殊位置,使低风速容易受地面扰动以及海陆气流影响所致。  相似文献   
In order to predict wind loading on trees (canopy height h) in partially harvested forests, it is necessary to characterize air flow and momentum transfer in progressively more complex patterns where groups of trees (or aggregates) are retained. In this study, we used large-eddy simulation to explore the effects of aggregate size, inter-aggregate spacing, and the ratio between the aggregate size and inter-aggregate spacing on air flow and momentum transfer. Forty-five grid points across an aggregate were needed to achieve an adequate level of turbulence. Using grid sizes of h/15 throughout was too viscous for the smaller aggregates. Vertical and horizontal flow deflection by the leading aggregates sheltered some of the downstream aggregates to varying degrees where turbulence increased for subsequent rows. The number of rows of protected aggregates decreased as aggregate dimensions and the space between aggregates increased. A theoretical treatment of time-dependent wind is presented for the lead aggregate and a simulation case is presented for the case of a gust of reduced wind passing through the aggregate pattern. The leading aggregate responded with decreasing moment for decreasing ambient wind speed as predicted by theory. However, downwind aggregates experienced substantial increases in bending moment. The overall results of the disruptive aspects of time dependence agrees with arguments regarding the role of irrotational (potential) flow to this problem. Our treatment of retention pattern design is only a first step and further research suggestions are presented.  相似文献   
In this study, the variation of radio refractivity with respect to temperature and moisture is analyzed. Also, the effects of vertical gradients in temperature and moisture on the propagation paths of electromagnetic waves of weather radar are examined for several sites across the United States using several years of sounding data from the National Weather Service. The ray path is important for identifying storm characteristics and for properly using the radar data in initializing numerical weather prediction models. It is found that during the warm season the radio refractivity gradient is more sensitive to moisture gradients than to temperature gradients. Ray paths from the commonly accepted vertical ray path model are compared to a ray path computed from a stepwise ray tracing algorithm using data from actual soundings. For the sample of about 16 000 soundings examined, we find that only a small fraction of the ray paths diverge significantly from those calculated using a ray path model based on the US Standard Atmosphere. While the problem of ray dueting in the presence of a temperature inversion is fairly well known, we identify the presence of a strong vertical moisture gradient as the culprit in the majority of the cases where significant deviations occurred.  相似文献   
Microphysics elements and vertical velocity retrieved were incorporated using the nudging method into the initial data assimilation of GRAPES (Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System) model.Simulation experiments indicated that nudging technique was effective in forcing the model forecast gradually consistent to the observations, yielding the thermodynamically and dynamically balanced analysis field. As viewed from the simulation results, water vapor is vital to precipitation, and it is a governing factor for the amount and duration of precipitation. The initial cloud water, rain water, and vertical velocity determine the strength distribution of convection and precipitation at the beginning time of forecast; the horizontal wind field steers the motion of the mesoscale weather system embedded in and impacts the position of precipitation zone to a large extent. The simulation experiments show that the influence of the initial retrieval data on prediction weakens with the increase of forecast time, and within the first hour of forecast, the retrieval data have an important impact on the evolution of the weather system, but its influence becomes trivial after the first three hours. Changing the nudging coefficient and the integral time-spacing of numerical model will bring some influences to the results. Herein only one radar reflectivity was used, the radar observations did not cover the whole model domain, and some empirical parameters were used in the retrieval method, therefore some differences still lie between simulation and observation to a certain extent, and further studies on several aspects are expected.  相似文献   
以2019年8月在浙江舟山对1909号超强台风“利奇马”的移动观测试验为基础,利用同一地点释放的9次GPS探空气球,对比了风廓线雷达和多普勒激光测风雷达与GPS探空的吻合程度,并利用车载雨滴谱仪对风廓线雷达在不同台风降水强度下的适用性进行了研究。结果表明,在100~300 m高度范围内激光测风雷达观测风速比风廓线雷达更准确。由水平风速对比结果可知,风廓线雷达在3~4 km高度范围内偏差最小(3.59 m/s),相关性最高(0.86),而在1 km高度下偏差最大(6.39 m/s),相关性最低(0.54);在中雨及大雨条件下适用性最差,最大风速偏差约为18 m/s。由水平风向对比结果可知,风廓线雷达与GPS探空总体上吻合较好,相关系数均大于0.85,均方根偏差均小于11 °。另外,降水强度对风廓线雷达的风向观测影响较小,风向偏差随降水强度的变化总体趋于平稳,基本分布在-20 °~20 °之间。   相似文献   
复杂地形下C波段雷达定量降水估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C波段雷达定量降水估计(QPE)精度受到很多因素的影响,主要包括:(1)雷达标定,(2)非气象回波的干扰,(3)降水物垂直空间变化,(4)地形或地物的严重遮挡,(5)Z-R关系的代表性,(6)雷达拼图的质量,(7)雷达观测回波衰减等.文中雷达定量降水估计算法基于陕西省C波段天气雷达展开,从雷达探测数据质量控制、地形遮挡...  相似文献   
利用广州S波段双偏振雷达观测数据和低频电场探测阵列三维闪电定位数据,分析了2017年5月4日和5月8日华南地区两次飑线过程中闪电起始和通道位置处的雷达偏振参量和降水粒子特征.两次飑线中约80%的闪电起始和通道(统称闪电放电)定位于对流区.对流区闪电放电位置处的雷达反射率(ZH)要比层云区平均大4~5 dBZ,其它偏振参...  相似文献   
周海光  王玉彬 《气象学报》2005,63(3):301-312
2003年6月下旬至7月上旬,淮河流域出现了持续强暴雨,文中使用双多普勒雷达三维风场反演技术(MUSCAT)对6月29~30日合肥和马鞍山多普勒雷达探测到的暴雨资料进行了三维风场反演,对暴雨系统的中尺度三维动力结构进行了研究。此次梅雨锋暴雨是由β中尺度辐合带和嵌在辐合带上的γ中尺度涡旋共同作用引起的,辐合带上的波动活动对降水具有重要的触发和维持作用。在强降水时段的前期,无为附近中低层的γ中尺度涡旋在东—西走向的中尺度辐合带上自西向东移动,γ涡旋的移动与主雨区的移动基本同步,γ中尺度波动是该时段暴雨的重要动力因素;与此同时,在雨带的北区,γ中尺度涡旋活动比较频繁,但基本上是局地生消;在后期,西南暖湿气流和西风辐合,形成雨带上空的β中尺度辐合带,辐合带随着降水的减弱而减弱;最后,给出了此次暴雨的三维动力结构。  相似文献   
An algorithm for retrieving polarimetric variables from numerical model fields is developed. By using this technique, radar reflectivity at horizontal polarization~ differential reflectivity, specific differential phase shift and correlation coefficients between the horizontal and vertical polarization signals at zero lag can be derived from rain, snow and hail contents of numerical model outputs. Effects of environmental temperature and the melting process on polarimetric variables are considered in the algorithm. The algorithm is applied to the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) model simulation results for a hail storm. The spatial distributions of the derived parameters are reasonable when compared with observational knowledge. This work provides a forward model for assimilation of dual linear polarization radar data into a mesoscale model.  相似文献   
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