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Over the last 10 years a great interest in spineless cactus pear was shown in the drier areas in terms of both fresh fruit and fodder production. However, there is a lack of knowledge on quantitative data on root dynamics of these plants needed to fully understand its potential under water limiting conditions. This study aimed at quantifying the effects of water stress on the growth of tap roots, side roots and rain roots of the species Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller (cultivar Morado—green cladode) and O. robusta Wendl. (cultivar Monterey—blue cladode). One-year-old cladodes were planted in root boxes and pots (2002/2003 season) that were kept in the greenhouse at day/night temperatures of 25–30 °C/15–18 °C. Placing the cladodes flat on the soil, more areoles came in contact with the soil and therefore more roots developed in both species with an average of only 3.4% areole complexes not rooting. Each areole complex formed on average 3 roots. The highest daily tap root growth was 42 and 36 mm for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Tap root growth increased in the morning with water stress for both species but decreased in the afternoon. Side root growth increased with water stress, with that of O. robusta more per tap root than O. ficus-indica. O. robusta showed a finer root system than O. ficus-indica. The side roots grew as much as 8 and 5 mm per day for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Whitish rain roots developed on the established roots within the first hour after rewetting the soil and grew for only 3 days. Rain roots grew up to 7 and 5 mm within a day for O. ficus-indica and O. robusta, respectively. Considering all studied aspects of their roots systems, O. robusta appears to be better adapted to drought (less sensitive to water stress) than O. ficus-indica.  相似文献   
金华市水资源承载力分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从生态学角度出发,提出水资源承载力是在社会发展的某一阶段和生态系统良性循环的条件下,水资源对人类活动的最大支撑能力。指出目前金华市的水荒不是水源型缺水,而是水质型缺水和工程型缺水。根据20多年的历史数据和2020年全面建设小康社会的标准,利用系统动力学(SD)模型,仿真研究了金华市未来政策实施后水资源承载力的动态变化过程。同时指出,对于金华市来说,单方面追求经济的快速发展、以牺牲环境作为代价的高方案和把环境保护作为首要目标、经济慢速发展的低方案都是不可取的,只有经济发展和环境保护同时兼顾的中方案才是首选方案。  相似文献   
Tools that support public engagement with sustainability are essential for local sustainability planning. This research investigates the ability of two geographic information system (GIS)-based tools to promote discussion of sustainability in a suburban context. A local ecological footprint tool and a community environmental atlas (an environmentally themed online mapping system) were created for seven suburban boroughs of Montreal. Variations of both tools have been used to support sustainability efforts, but their use has not been widely evaluated. Working from a public participation GIS (PPGIS) framework that recognizes the powerful influence of data representation, this research uses focus groups to evaluate how well these tools address three criteria that have emerged from the literature on public engagement in sustainability: interdependency across systems, reflexivity about personal and social decision making, and interactions across spatial scales. Whereas the atlas remains advantageous for discussing local spatial specifics, it was found that the ecological footprint helped people see the interconnections among systems, integrate local and global aspects of sustainability, and reflect on the values and assumptions underlying current social and economic structures.  相似文献   
1997-2008年对福州滨海湿地水鸟进行了调查,记录到水鸟共132种,隶属9目21科,以鸻鹬类和雁鸭类为主,居留型以冬候鸟和旅鸟为主;拥有多种珍稀濒危水鸟,属于国家重点保护野生动物(1988)有15种、IUCN名录的有16种、中国濒危动物红皮书名录有16种。水鸟主要分布在闽江河口、福清兴化湾、福清湾、文武砂、罗源湾。同时针对福州滨海湿地水鸟情况提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   
A palynological investigation of 164 samples from 18 water wells in northern Kordofan, Sudan, enabled the recognition of five informal zones based on pollen and spore assemblages ranging in age from Albian to Maastrichtian. The youngest (late Campanian-Maastrichtian) assemblages are restricted to the Bagbag Basin, whereas Albian-Cenomanian (to Turonian) sediments are widespread to the east and west of the Bagbag area. Impressions of Salvinia floating leaves from outcrops of the upper Hamrat el Wuz Formation, western part of the study area, are among the oldest occurrences of this water fern and indicate a Campanian-Maastrichtian age for these sediments.The vertical distribution of hygrophilous (pteridophytic spores) versus xerophilous (ephedroids and possibly small, weakly sculptured tricolporates) elements in the palynofloras suggests widespread moist or even aquatic habitats in the Albian-Cenomanian and Campanian-Maastrichtian. A shift towards drier conditions occurred in the late Cenomanian-Turonian. Throughout the Cretaceous, however, there may have been extensive arid/semiarid areas of non-deposition and seasonally dry periods. Some characteristics of the local palynofloras are attributed to its inner continental position. Rare Albian-Cenomanian and Campanian-Maastrichtian dinoflagellates could be interpreted as lacustrine phytoplankton rather than as evidence for marine influence.  相似文献   
采用室内池子多层笼养殖方式 ,以加工海带、鲜江艹离 与 A,B2种片状饲料为饵料 ,试验了不同食物与不同放养水层对九孔鲍生长影响 ,结果表明 :( 1)从壳长增长上 ,海带与饲料 B近似 ,各为 11.3与 11.2 mm;其次为饲料 A,10 .2 mm;而江 艹离 最差 ,仅 7.7mm;( 2 )在体重增长上 ,以饲料 B最高 ,平均每只为 3.3g,其次为饲料 A与海带 ,平均每只 2 .9g,而江艹离 仅 1.8g;( 3)从试验期间所获体重增长比壳长增长看 ,两种饲料 ( B为 2 95,A为 2 84 mg/mm)均比两种海藻高 (海带为 2 57,江艹离 为 2 34mg/mm) ;( 4 )从垂直 11层笼子九孔鲍生长的比较 ,下层的好于上层 ,越是下层越好 ,投喂两种饲料在体重上差别更明显。  相似文献   
Characteristics and formation causes of Qingdao Cold Water Mass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this work,the main characteristics of the Qingdao Cold Water Mass were studied by using“the comparison analysis method”based on 1980 temperature,salinity and dissolved oxygen data on the western South Yellow Sea.The formation cause of the water mass was analyzed based on February of 1959 temperature and salinity data for this area and on some other authors’studies.The results showed that the Qingdao Cold Water Mass has growing and vanishing processes:appears in the last ten days of March;has stable pattern in April;is biggest in its area in May;becomes small in its area in June;vanishes in July.It comes from the northem Shandong Coastal Water and is characterized by low temperature and salinity and high disolved oxygen.The mass is formed under the joint effects of anticyclonic circulation and solar radiation.  相似文献   
Two types of fuzzy inference systems (FIS) are used for predicting municipal water consumption time series. The FISs used include an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and a Mamdani fuzzy inference systems (MFIS). The prediction models are constructed based on the combination of the antecedent values of water consumptions. The performance of ANFIS and MFIS models in training and testing phases are compared with the observations and the best fit model is identified according to the selected performance criteria. The results demonstrated that the ANFIS model is superior to MFIS models and can be successfully applied for prediction of water consumption time series.  相似文献   
山东省远距离热带气旋暴雨研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
应用1971—2003年的山东降水资料、常规天气图资料、台风年签和NCEP资料,对在华沿海登陆和活动的热带气旋在山东造成远距离暴雨的气候特征进行统计分析,对环流形势场进行合成分析。建立了山东省远距离热带气旋暴雨的天气学模型。分别计算分析了山东有和无远距离热带气旋暴雨合成的水汽和温湿能的收支。结果表明:在华南沿海登陆和活动的热带气旋与西风带环流系统和副热带高压相互作用在山东造成的远距离热带气旋暴雨年均2.5次。暴雨的范围广、强度大。出现暴雨的时间比热带气旋登陆时间滞后。在山东造成远距离暴雨的热带气旋在华南沿海登陆时,中心东部有一股东南风或偏南风低空急流指向内陆。中高纬度中低层西风带环流弱,位置偏北。500 hPa西风带中的偏北气流与副高边缘的偏南气流在山东境内汇合。低层850—700 hPa伴有低值系统影响,山东为气旋性环流控制。热带气旋登陆后其中心附近的中低层偏南风急流向北伸展,绕过副高脊线直达山东。在台风中心附近至山东之间建立起水汽和温湿能的输送通道,把高温高湿的暖湿空气源源不断地向山东输送。在台风登陆后12—48小时内,山东暴雨区上空有大量的水汽和温湿能的净流入。暖湿气流与西风带气流相汇合,产生辐合上升,造成暴雨。  相似文献   
石羊河流域水质环境遥感监测评价研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
利用遥感技术对流域水质环境的监测评价,可实现全流域水质的同步监测,其监测结果具有可比性。以石羊河流域为实验区,研究了一种基于遥感技术的河流水质环境监测与评价方法,该方法克服了传统监测方法的局限性,完善了表面水质遥感信息获取的基础方法研究体系。  相似文献   
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