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4DSVD分析误差与样本选取方法和样本容量的关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析误差与样本选取方法和样本容量的关系是4DSVD同化方法一个亟需研究的重要问题。获得支撑大气模式空间和观测空间吸引子的基向量是4DSVD研究的关键部分,样本的好坏和样本容量的范围是决定4DSVD基向量和分析结果质量的一个重要前提条件。首先利用Lorenz28变量模式,用4DSVD方法做了一些简单三维同化试验,探讨了Lorenz28变量模式的分析误差与样本容量和样本选取方法的关系。数值试验结果表明,对一个具体的模式,有限的样本容量就能够获得较高精度的分析结果;在模式系统和观测系统不变情况下,用一定样本容量得到的支撑模式空间和观测空间的基向量具有很好的稳定性,即一旦获得一组较好的基向量,在观测系统和模式系统不变的情况下,对同化任何时刻的观测适用;分析结果对选取方法没有太大的依赖性,但具体的样本容量要视不同模式和样本选取方法而定。用WRF模式做的4DSVD四维观测系统模拟试验结果表明,若样本选取方法得当,所需要的样本容量要远远小于模式自由度。4DSVD要真正获得较高精度的分析结果,需要的条件是尽可能的在吸引子上取样并选取充足的样本容量;间隔取样可以一定程度上减少计算量。根据数值试验结果提出了4DSVD在实际同化时样本选取的一些初步的方法。  相似文献   
Using the WRF (Weather Research Forecast) model, this work performed analysis and simulation on the rainband change during the landfall of Typhoon Haitang (2005) and found that breaking may occur over land and oceans leads to distinct asymmetric precipitation. The breaking is related to the topographic effect as well as interactions between the typhoon and midlatitude systems at upper levels. During the landfall, divergent flows at the 200-hPa level of the South-Asian high combined with divergent flows at the periphery of the typhoon to form a weak, inverted trough in the northwest part of the storm, with the mid- and low-level divergence fields on the west and northwest side of the typhoon center maintaining steadily. It intensifies the upper-level cyclonic flows, in association with positive vorticity rotating counterclockwise together with air currents that travel stepwise into a vorticity zone in the vicinity of the typhoon core, thereby forming a vorticity transfer belt in 22–25? N that extends to the eastern part of the storm. It is right here that the high-level vorticity band is subsiding so that rainfall is prevented from developing, resulting in the rainbelt breaking, which is the principal cause of asymmetric precipitation occurrence. Migrating into its outer region, the banded vorticity of Haitang at high levels causes further amplification of the cyclonic circulation in the western part and transfer of positive vorticity into the typhoon such that the rainband breaking is more distinct.  相似文献   
雷达资料在云南一次强降水过程中的三维变分同化试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于云南观测信息相对不足、局地强降水突出的现状,利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式及其变分同化系统进行雷达反射率因子和反演风场的三维变分同化试验。通过对2012年9月12日00:00—13日00:00发生在云南的一次强降水过程进行数值模拟和对比分析,结果表明,同时同化雷达反演风场和基本反射率因子,对区域模式同化系统中风矢量、相对湿度、位势高度几个基本分析量都有明显影响。雷达资料的同化,有利于区域模式初始场中强降水区域的上游中低层空气湿度增加、水汽输送增强和强降水发生区域的风场辐合加强,从而改善区域模式对强降水落区、强度的预报质量。对于切变线等天气尺度系统影响下的强降水过程,雷达资料的同化持续时间选取3 h、同化间隔为1 h较适宜。另外,雷达反演风场和基本反射率因子的同化均对降水预报改善有明显贡献,且多种资料的同化效果好于单一资料同化。  相似文献   
基于WRF/CALMET的近地面精细化风场的动力模拟试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张弛  王东海  巩远发 《气象》2015,41(1):34-44
本文利用中尺度动力模式 WRF和诊断模式CALMET对琼州海峡的两次冷空气过程的近地层风场进行模拟和诊断,所用的资料是美国NCEP再分析FNL资料。WRF模式第一至第四层网格的水平距离分别是27、9、3和1 km,并用WRF-1 km场以单向嵌套模拟方式降至200 m,同时以 WRF-1 km 预报场作为 CALMET 初猜场降尺度诊断至200 m。分别用CALMET-200 m风场、WRF-1 km风场和 WRF-200 m风场,3个风场的风速、风向与沿琼海海峡分布的21个测站(其中6个测风塔)观测资料进行检验比较分析。主要结论是:(1)CALMET-200 m的风速RMSE明显小于另外两组试验,风向RMSE总体上差异不大;在60~80 m高度上也没有明显差异。(2)在0~8 m·s-1风速,10 m高度上CALMET-200 m风场诊断结果最好,风速平均偏差值从4~0 m·s-1,WRF的两组试验平均偏差值比CALMET-200 m结果大约2 m·s-1,风向上表现为偏差的分布更加集中;60~80 m高度上,CALMET-200 m 诊断效果与 WRF-1 km 模拟效果相当,但是冷空气时段内 WRF-200 m的风速要远远差于另外两组试验;而3组试验的风向并无大的差异。(3)WRF/CALMET模式系统在非冷空气活动时段内的风速风向模拟诊断偏差更小,说明其在层结相对较稳定时模拟诊断的准确度更高。  相似文献   
利用2010年7月22日苏皖中尺度对流复合体(MCC)数值模拟输出结果,考察了模式对MCC的模拟能力,并对模拟结果做了动力和热力诊断分析,以揭示盛夏江淮下游MCC的特征。结果表明:1) 三重嵌套网格距为3.3 km的区域WRF模式的模拟效果较佳,结果与实况一致,并可利用模拟降水的范围及强度来确定MCC的位置及演变。2) 此MCC维持约10 h,其南北不对称,并随西太平洋副热带高压西伸北抬而随之北抬。MCC核心区对流层低层有水汽丰沛的入流,并有强辐合区,呈对流不稳定层结;中层有深厚的强上升运动,并因凝结潜热大量释放呈中性层结;高层则有出流;MCC核心区对流降水非常强。3) 在垂直剖面上,该核心区散度存在中低层辐合、高层辐散的柱状结构,此配置有利于强对流维持和加强,中低层以上有深厚的强上升气流柱,这些都是MCC核心区存在强对流的标志。该MCC的螺旋结构表明其中的强对流高度有组织。  相似文献   
对数值模拟的研究现状进行了总结梳理,分析了已有研究的不足,并根据研究目标在已有研究结论基础上有针对性地设计了敏感性实验方案。经过与实地观测的结果对比来看,与海雾模拟密切相关的边界层参数化方案中的YSU方案对我国黄渤海海区的不同强度海雾均具有良好的适用性,而长波辐射方案中的Fu-Liou-Gu方案则具有更好的普适性,在这种核心方案配置下的模拟结果均可满足一般科学研究与预报业务的需求。  相似文献   
宋佳琨  陈耀登  陈丹 《气象学报》2021,79(3):477-491
相比冬季大范围静稳条件下的污染堆积过程,秋季气象条件更加复杂和局地化,气象条件模拟不确定性给秋季气溶胶模拟带来了更大难度,且目前研究较少考虑气象-气溶胶因素在线模拟和联合同化。使用WRF/Chem模式和格点统计差值(GSI)三维变分同化系统,2015年10月进行了为期1个月的气象-气溶胶资料联合同化及模拟试验,并基于此讨论了气象-气溶胶资料联合同化对秋季PM2.5浓度模拟的影响。结果表明,WRF/Chem模式可以模拟出秋季污染天气过程,但对华北平原和中东部地区存在高估、西北部存在低估现象;同化地面PM2.5浓度观测资料可以改进对PM2.5浓度的模拟,上述两个地区的偏差均得到订正,6 h预报偏差均降低至6 μg/m3以内;重点针对华北地区的分析表明,秋季PM2.5污染过程与特殊气象条件(湿度升高、风场辐合、区域输送)密切相关,因此在地面PM2.5观测资料同化基础上增加常规气象资料同化,能进一步提高对华北平原气象-污染过程的表达,PM2.5浓度预报相关系数从0.86提高至0.89。气象-气溶胶联合资料同化能更加准确地模拟秋季气溶胶污染过程,为更好地开展污染成因和在气象预报框架下开展气象-气溶胶相互影响研究提供了基础。   相似文献   
The results from a hybrid approach that combines a mesoscale meteorological model with a diagnostic model to produce high-resolution wind fields in complex coastal topography are evaluated.The diagnostic wind model(California Meteorological Model,CALMET) with 100-m horizontal spacing was driven with outputs from the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model to obtain near-surface winds for the 1-year period from 12 September 2003 to 11 September 2004.Results were compared with wind observations at four sites.Traditional statistical scores,including correlation coefficients,standard deviations(SDs) and mean absolute errors(MAEs),indicate that the wind estimates from the WRF/CALMET modeling system are produced reasonably well.The correlation coefficients are relatively large,ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 for the zonal wind component and from 0.75 to 0.85 for the meridional wind component.MAEs for wind speed range from 1.5 to 2.0 m s-1 at 10 meters above ground level(AGL) and from 2.0 to 2.5 m s-1 at 60 m AGL.MAEs for wind direction range from 30 to 40 degrees at both levels.A spectral decomposition of the time series of wind speed shows positive impacts of CALMET in improving the mesoscale winds.Moreover,combining the CALMET model with WRF significantly improves the spatial variability of the simulated wind fields.It can be concluded that the WRF/CALMET modeling system is capable of providing a detailed near-surface wind field,but the physics in the diagnostic CALMET model needs to be further improved.  相似文献   
The airflow and dispersion of a pollutant in a complex urban area of Beijing, China, were numerically examined by coupling a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model with a mesoscale weather model. The models used were Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation (OpenFOAM) software package and Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. OpenFOAM was firstly validated against wind-tunnel experiment data. Then, the WRF model was integrated for 42 h starting from 0800 LST 08 September 2009, and the coupled model was used to compute the flow fields at 1000 LST and 1400 LST 09 September 2009. During the WRF-simulated period, a high pressure system was dominant over the Beijing area. The WRF-simulated local circulations were characterized by mountain valley winds, which matched well with observations. Results from the coupled model simulation demonstrated that the airflows around actual buildings were quite different from the ambient wind on the boundary provided by the WRF model, and the pollutant dispersion pattern was complicated under the influence of buildings. A higher concentration level of the pollutant near the surface was found in both the step-down and step-up notches, but the reason for this higher level in each configurations was different: in the former, it was caused by weaker vertical flow, while in the latter it was caused by a downward-shifted vortex. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the coupled WRF-OpenFOAM model is an important tool that can be used for studying and predicting urban flow and dispersions in densely built-up areas.  相似文献   
中国北方干旱/半干旱区是全球主要的沙尘源区之一,风蚀造成的沙尘排放可导致大量的土壤有机质(SOM)与养分流失,并通过传输与沉降过程对其进行空间再分配,对空气质量、气候变化、植被生长及生物地球化学过程等具有重要影响。本文利用WRF/Chem(Weather Research Forecasting with Chemistry)v3.7.1大气化学传输模型,对1980—2015年间中国北方沙尘排放及其引起的SOM、全氮(TN)与全磷(TP)的时空变化过程进行了精细化模拟,探究了中国北方风蚀引起的SOM、TN与TP养分流失的时空变化特征。结果表明:① 1980—2015年来平均每年约有66.59 Tg的沙尘颗粒排放至大气;② 沙尘排放具有较大的时空差异,沙尘排放源区主要集中在新疆东部、内蒙古西部的巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠等地区;③ 每年因沙尘排放引起的SOM、TN和TP流失量分别约为0.07 Tg、0.004 Tg和0.005 Tg;④ 1980—2015年间中国北方沙尘排放及其引起的SOM、TN与TP的流失量具有较强的年际波动,未呈现显著的趋势性变化特征。本研究对于认知风蚀在碳循环与养分循环过程中的作用,以及对深入了解中国北方的土地退化机理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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