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用逐日的欧洲中期数值预报中心再分析(ERA)风应力,和由Haney公式结合ERA海表资料与预报海温计算出的热通量强迫一个全球大洋环流模式.并用逐日的模拟结果与TOGA-COARE(Tropical Ocean--Global Atmosphere--Coupled Ocean-AtmosphereResponse Experiment)浮标观测资料对比,分析模拟结果中暖池海区上层海洋热量平衡对西风爆发(WWB)的响应.在第一次WWB过程中,模拟与观测的主要差异在WWB期间,而造成差异的原因主要是模式中由下沉运动引起的增温和由强的纬向温度梯度引起的暖平流.初步认为下沉增温可能是差分格式本身和模式分辨率不足造成的.从热量平衡的结果看,第二次WWB事件的模拟比第一次更成功,两次差异可能与两次WWB事件的季节背景不同有关.  相似文献   
The Ulleung Basin is one of three deep basins that are contained within the East/Japan Sea. Current meter moorings have been maintained in this basin beginning in 1996. The data from these moorings are used to investigate the mean circulation pattern, variability of deep flows, and volume transports of major water masses in the Ulleung Basin with supporting hydrographic data and help from a high-resolution numerical model. The bottom water within the Ulleung Basin, which must enter through a constricted passage from the north, is found to circulate cyclonically—a pattern that seems prevalent throughout the East Sea. A strong current of about 6 cms−1 on average flows southward over the continental slope off the Korean coast underlying the northward East Korean Warm Current as part of the mean abyssal cyclonic circulation. Volume transports of the northward East Korean Warm Current, and southward flowing East Sea Intermediate Water and East Sea Proper Water are estimated to be 1.4 Sv (1 Sv=10−6 m3 s−1), 0.8 Sv, and 3.0–4.0 Sv, respectively. Deep flow variability involves a wide range of time scales with no apparent seasonal variations, whereas the deep currents in the northern East Sea are known to be strongly seasonal.  相似文献   
南海表层流场的卫星跟踪浮标观测结果分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
运用卫星跟踪漂移浮标资料分析南海表层海流 ,研究了有关海域的表层海流特征。结果表明 ,秋、冬季入侵南海的黑潮水有一小部分沿台湾南岸折回黑潮主干 ,并有时在台湾西南外海形成反气旋涡旋 ,其余大部分黑潮水西行进入南海内部。吕宋岛西部沿岸流始于 1 3°N以南 ,沿菲律宾西海岸北上抵达吕宋岛西北角 ,与黑潮水混合后西行  相似文献   
Pliocene age sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175, Site 1085-A and B in the Cape Basin were analyzed to investigate the impact of the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (INHG) on the South Atlantic Benguela Current system from 4 to 2 Ma. Proxies for productivity (concentrations and mass accumulation rates of total organic carbon, carbon to nitrogen ratios, percent calcium carbonate, and percent biogenic silica) as well as weight percent sand (a proxy for preservation or winnowing) peak at 3.2, 3.0, 2.4, and 2.25 Ma. Normative calculations of allied trace and major elemental determinations indicate synchronous increases in productivity peaks, as well as high concentrations and accumulations of terrigenous sediments. Coeval increases in hemipelagic sedimentation and productivity indicators could be the result of enhanced eolian sedimentation resulting from strengthened winds, leading to elevated rates of upwelling and enhanced productivity. However, rapid burial, as indicated by high sedimentation rates, could also enhance preservation. The very high concentrations (>30%) and accumulations (up to 60 g/cm2/kyr) limit the likelihood that eolian sedimentation was the only transport mechanism, invoking an additional fluvial source. Rapid burial by either eolian or fluvial transport links these intervals of enhanced preservation and productivity with continental climate changes resulting from (1) increased winds and/or dust availability due to higher aridity in the Namibia/northern South Africa region; (2) lowered sea-level related to increased ice volume; (3) increased sediment load due to wetter conditions in the continental interior; or (4) some combination. Peaks at 3.2, 2.4 and 2.25 Ma are coincident with maximum precession, suggesting a link between hemipelagic sedimentation and enhanced monsoonal circulation over southern Africa. The Site 1085 sedimentary record during the INHG seems to be controlled by low-latitude processes linked to precession rather than hig-latitude processes.  相似文献   
1998年冬季南海环流的三维结构   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
利用1998年11月28日至12月27日南海的调查资料,采用三维海流诊断模式,计算了冬季南海三维海流,所得结果如下:(1)冬季南海环流系统方面:1)南海北部,在吕宋西北海域分别存在一个气旋式、反气旋式涡.2)南海中部,在越南近岸存在较强的、南向的西边界射流.其以东海域出现较强的气旋式环流.南海中部东侧海域存在一个较弱的反气旋式环流.3)南海南部,一般流速较弱.在112°E以西受反气旋式环流所控制,加里曼丹岛西北海域存在气旋性环流.由于受调查海域所限,这两个环流只部分出现.(2)上述环流系统与200 m层水平温度、密度分布对应较好.(3)南海冬季环流垂向速度分布方面:1)表层,南海北部,在吕宋西北为范围较大的上升流海区.而在东沙群岛附近海域出现了下降流.海南岛以南及东南海域也存在下降流.南海中部,越南以东海域出现范围较大的下降流,其以东为上升流海域,而在巴拉望岛西北海域又出现下降流.南海南部,基本上被上升流海域所控制.2)次表层与表层不同,例如在次表层,海南岛东南部海域出现上升流.中层和深层垂向速度分布与次表层相似.(4)关于南海垂向速度分量分布的动力原因:在表层,风应力旋度场起着主要作用;在次表层,β效应与斜压场相互作用是重要的动力因子,而风应力旋度场和β效应与正压场相互作用也有一定影响;在南海中部等区域的中层以及在南海的深层,主要受B效应与斜压场相互作用和B效应与正压场相互作用的共同作用.  相似文献   
山东夏季气温年际变化形成的气候特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为研究本地区短期气候预测方法,利用山东80个代表站夏季平均气温、降水量资料和NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料(1961~2001年),分析了夏季平均气温年际变化的气候特征、冷暖夏的环流形势及夏季风与气温的关系。结果表明:EOF第一模态几乎反映了整个温度场的时空变化特征;夏季气温标准化距平年际变化显著,有弱线性增温趋势;极端冷、暖夏大气环流形势差异明显,显著差异区在亚欧一北太平洋地区,冷夏年中高纬度欧亚大陆存在正欧亚一太平洋(EUP)型遥相关,东亚地区有负太平洋-日本(PJ)型波列,暖夏年反之。东亚夏季风强弱与山东夏季气温关系密切,强(弱)夏季风时,易造成山东暖(冷)夏;同期降水对气温有负反馈,对气温升高有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   
2012年洪季对珠江黄茅海河口湾侧向动力结构与泥沙输移过程进行了系统观测,采用动量平衡和泥沙通量机制分解等方法,分析了河口流、温盐和泥沙侧向分布特征以及泥沙输移过程,探讨了侧向动量平衡与泥沙输移机制。洪季黄茅海河口存在明显的侧向流,西滩和北槽均形成表层向东、底层向西的两层侧向流,拦门沙滩顶呈现表、底层向西、中层向东的三层侧向流,而拦门沙前缘侧向流整体向西。河口湾纵向净泥沙通量表现为北槽向海、西滩向陆,拦门沙滩顶及其前缘均向海;侧向净泥沙通量表现为滩顶及其前缘均向西,西滩向东、北槽向西。这种侧向泥沙辐聚过程是高浓度悬沙聚集于滩槽界面的重要原因,向陆净通量是西滩回淤的重要原因。滩槽间侧向余环流动量平衡主要是侧向斜压梯度力、科氏力和侧向平流作用。欧拉平流输运在侧向泥沙输运中起主要作用,潮泵效应也起重要作用。  相似文献   
本文利用美国NCEP/NCAR逐月的再分析资料、HadISST海温、中国160台站气温和反映渤海冰情轻重的渤海冰情等级资料,研究了前秋巴伦支海海温异常对后期渤海冰情和东亚冬季风的影响,并对相关的物理过程进行分析。结果表明,前秋巴伦支海关键区海温与该区域海冰密集度呈显著的负相关,且具有较好的持续性,通过调节随后冬季向大气释放的热通量,引起后期环流变化。偏高(偏低)年冬季亚洲纬向环流偏弱(偏强),东亚大槽加深(减弱),东亚冬季风加强(减弱),我国东北、华北及西北地区地区显著偏冷(偏暖),这与冬季渤海海冰异常的强度和范围都偏大(小)及与之相联系的环流异常相一致。进一步的分析揭示了联系上游关键区海温变化与后期东亚地区气候异常的重要途径,前秋巴伦支海海温偏高会导致200 hPa高度场形成一个自西向东的波列形式,在东亚局地Hadley环流异常的作用下,加强了我国北方地区地表的北风异常。因此,前秋巴伦支海海温异常可以作为冬季渤海冰情的预报因子。  相似文献   
The low-frequency variability of the shallow meridional overturning circulation(MOC) in the South China Sea(SCS) is investigated using a Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA) product for the period of 1900–2010. A dynamical decomposition method is used in which the MOC is decomposed into the Ekman, external mode, and vertical shear components. Results show that all the three dynamical components contribute to the formation of the seasonal and annual mean shallow MOC in the SCS. The shallow MOC in the SCS consists of two cells: a clockwise cell in the south and an anticlockwise cell in the north; the former is controlled by the Ekman flow and the latter is dominated by the external barotropic flow, with the contribution of the vertical shear being to reduce the magnitude of both cells. In addition, the strength of the MOC in the south is found to have a falling trend over the past century, due mainly to a weakening of the Luzon Strait transport(LST) that reduces the transport of the external component. Further analysis suggests that the weakening of the LST is closely related to a weakening of the westerly wind anomalies over the equatorial Pacific, which leads to a southward shift of the North Equatorial Current(NEC) bifurcation and thus a stronger transport of the Kuroshio east of Luzon.  相似文献   
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