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Through analysis we found that some mesoscale anomalous regions (101–102 km) of meteorological parameters such as the special drought areas, unusual warm areas, the largest snowfall center, low pressure area together with the epicenter area of M S=6.2 Zhangbei earthquake on January 10, 1998 are located at the same area, i.e. there appears the “Five areas corresponding” phenomenon. Meanwhile, three times of low pressure evolution are generated and develop in the earthquake area in five days after the occurrence of the earthquake. The abnormal variation of the lower limit of frozen soil layer shows indirectly that unusual warm in earthquake areas are related to the upward thermal conduction from the deeper layer of earth surface.  相似文献   
大同 阳高震区及其邻区壳幔速度结构与深部构造   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
张成科  张先康 《地震地质》1998,20(4):104-398
利用通过本区6条宽角反射/折射剖面资料对大同 阳高震区及邻区地壳上地幔速度结构与构造进行了详细的研究。结果表明,地壳上地幔速度结构与构造在纵向和横向上具有明显的不均一性。浅部基底断裂发育,而在其深部,根据波组特征、壳内界面及速度等值线起伏变化和低速异常体的边界等推测有3处地壳深断裂带。本区最明显的上地壳低速体位于大同—阳原附近,其南界存在地壳深断裂,大同 阳高地震群与该低速异常体和深断裂有关  相似文献   
La série sédimentaire du Crétacé moyen et supérieur étudiée dans l'Ouest du Bassin de Paris et sur la bordure du Massif armoricain comporte sept pulsations transgressives qui peuvent être reconnues en fonction de la disposition géomètrique des dépôts et de l'enchaînement vertical des faciès.Les épisodes transgressifs atteignent leur phase paroxysmale, en alternance avec des stades de régression, successivement:
1. (1) à la fin de l'Aptien supérieur —(régression début Albien)
2. (2) au milieu de l'Albien supérieur —(régression fin Albien-début Cénomanien)
3. (3) au milieu du Cénomanien inférieur —(régression fin Cénomanien inférieur)
4. (4) à la fin du Cénomanien moyen —(régression fin Cénomanien)
5. (5) au milieu du Turonien inférieur —(régression du Coniacien)
6. (6) au Santonien puis Campanien —(régression fin Campanien)
7. (7) au Maestrichtien —(régression fin Maastrichtien)
Ces dépôts crétacés présentent une succession de séquences séparées par des discontinuités et des surfaces d'érosion plus ou moins marquées. Les caractères et la répartition de ces séquences sont analysés en domaine de sédimentation terrigène littorale et dans le bassin envahi par la craie. Il est alors tenté d'interpréter les variations bathymétriques d'une part en fonction d'évènements tectoniques locaux, d'autre part en relation avec des variations eustatiques plus générales.Middle and Upper Cretaceous deposits studied in the western Paris Basin and on the Armorican Massif margin show seven transgressive pulses that can be detected in the geometrical arrangement of the sedimentary bodies and the vertical succession of facies.The transgressive episodes, each delimited by a regressive phase, reached their peak during:
1. (1) late Late Aptian —(Early Albian regression)
2. (2) mid Late Albian —(Late Albian-Early Cenomanian regression)
3. (3) mid Early Cenomanian —(late Early Cenomanian regression)
4. (4) late Middle Cenomanian —(Late Cenomanian regression)
5. (5) mid Early Turonian —(Coniacian regression)
6. (6) Santonian-Campanian —(Late Campanian regression)
7. (7) Maastrichtian —(Late Maastrichtian regression)
The Cretaceous sediments occur as a series of sequences, separated by more or less important discontinuities and erosion surfaces. The features and distribution of these sequences have been studied in the nearshore region of terrigenous sedimentation and in the Chalk basin. An attempt is made to relate the bathymetric changes to either tectonic movements or more widespread eustatic oscillations.  相似文献   
This paper is a brief explanation of the diagrams of the Cretaceous transgressions and regressions on the Russian Platform, in the Crimea (Figures 1–3) and some regions of central Asia—the western flanks of the Tien Shan mountains, the Fergana basin, the Zeravshan-Gissar and Alaj mountains, and the Northern Pamirs (Figures 5–7).Internationally recognized stages are employed. They are interpreted by Sasonova (1967) for the Lower Cretaceous (K1) of the Russian Platform, by Naidin (1977) for the Upper Cretaceous (K2) of the Platform and the Crimea, by Djalilov (1971) and Pojarkova (1976) for the Upper Cretaceous of central Asia. General data on the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous of central Asia may be found in Anon 1977.  相似文献   
Ammonite faunas consisting of Neolobites vibrayeanus (d'Orbigny), Calycoceras (Calycoceras) naviculare (Mantell), C. (Lotzeites(?)) sp., Pseudocalycoceras lattense Thomel, Metoicoceras geslinianum (d'Orbigny) and Euomphaloceras septemseriatum (Cragin) from Saumur, within the type area of the Turonian stage, are described from the collections of the Château de Saumur. They allow the recognition of two Upper Cenomanian horizons at Saumur, the one equivalent to the Sciponoceras gracile/Metoicoceras geslinianum Zone as developed in the Sables à Catopygus obtusus/Sables de Bousse of the Cenomanian stratotype; the other, older assemblage equates with the Calycoceras naviculare/Eucalycoceras pentagonum Zone fauna known from the Marnes à Ostracées of the type Cenomanian. From lithological comparisons it is suggested that this area is the source of the types of both Metoicoceras geslinianum and Neolobites vibrayeanus, which are redescribed.  相似文献   
舒锋敏  林良勋 《海洋预报》2007,24(4):102-108
本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料,着重对8903号"BRENDA"和0601号"珍珠"两个同源地进入南海后不同路径的典型热带气旋的大尺度环境场进行对比分析。结果表明:西风槽的强弱和东移的快慢、西太平洋副高的形状变化和东退西进、冷空气的强弱和南下路径及热带气旋内部的不对称结构是造成二者移动路经差异的主要原因。另,印缅槽的变化也对其路径差异有一定的作用。  相似文献   
We have produced a P-wave model of the upper mantle beneath Southeast (SE) Asia from reprocessed short period International Seismological Centre (ISC) P and pP data, short period P data of the Annual Bulletin of Chinese Earthquakes (ABCE), and long period PP-P data. We used 3D sensitivity kernels to combine the datasets, and mantle structure was parameterized with an irregular grid. In the best-sampled region our data resolve structure on scale lengths less than 150 km. The smearing of crustal anomalies to larger depths is reduced by a crustal correction using an a priori 3D model. Our tomographic inversions reveal high-velocity roots beneath the Archean Ordos Plateau, the Sichuan Basin, and other continental blocks in SE Asia. Beneath the Himalayan Block we detect high seismic velocities, which we associate with subduction of Indian lithospheric mantle. This structure is visible above the 410 km discontinuity and may not connect to the remnant of the Neo-Tethys oceanic slab in the lower mantle. Our images suggest that only the southwestern part of the Tibetan plateau is underlain by Indian lithosphere and, thus, that the upper mantle beneath northeastern Tibet is primarily of Asian origin. Our imaging also reveals a large-scale high-velocity structure in the transition zone beneath the Yangtze Craton, which could have been produced in multiple subduction episodes. The low P-wave velocities beneath the Hainan Island are most prominent in the upper mantle and transition zone; they may represent counter flow from the surrounding subduction zones, and may not be unrelated to processes beneath eastern Tibet.  相似文献   
Marine transgression onto the South American continent took place at least twice in the Miocene along distinct paleogeographic corridors. The first event occurred between 15 and 13 Ma and the second between 10 and 5? Ma. Each event has particular dominant variables (tectonism, eustacy, sediment accumulation rate) that permitted the preservation of the record and development of the sea on the continent. The 15–13 Ma transgression was tectonically and eustatically controlled, flooding older sedimentary accommodation zones on the South American plate during a global high sea level, whereas the 105? Ma event was predominantly tectonically controlled, generated by tectonic loading created in the Cordillera Oriental fold-and-thrust belt. A new 7.72±0.31 Ma 40Ar/39Ar date from the Río Parapetí in Bolivia suggests that the 15–13 Ma transgression registered in Argentina produced no continental connection to the Caribbean transgression, registered in Bolivia, because of temporal constraints.  相似文献   
基于53口井310余块储集层砂岩样品的分析研究,指出泰州组储集层存在着压实(压溶)、胶结和溶蚀等成岩作用,但在不同位置成岩作用的表现有所不同。海安凹陷以胶结和溶蚀作用为主,压实与压溶作用不太明显;高邮凹陷的压实程度较海安凹陷强烈。压实作用使得高邮凹陷泰州组储集层孔隙度在2 400~2 800 m处于10%左右,而海安凹陷为10%~20%。海安凹陷和高邮凹陷泰州组储集层目前处于中成岩阶段A期。储集层质量主要受原始沉积环境和成岩作用的综合影响。压实作用和胶结作用均可降低孔隙,但当碳酸盐胶结物含量小于15%时,胶结作用对储集层质量影响较小。碳酸盐胶结物和长石颗粒溶蚀形成了大量的粒间溶孔。海安凹陷有利储集层主要分布在西北部和东部三角洲前缘砂体和滑塌浊积扇砂体中,高邮凹陷有利储集层主要分布在南部扇三角洲前缘砂体中。  相似文献   
杨毅  周蕙兰 《地球物理学报》2001,44(06):783-792
使用中国及邻区的18个数字化地震台的宽频带三分向远震记录图,筛选计算得到了263条径向接收函数,并拾取了在41Okm和660km间断面上的透射转换震相P4S、P660S与P波的到时差.通过调整各台站之下的速度模型中这两个间断面的深度,使理论接收函数的P4S、P660S与P波的到时差与观测值相符,最终确定这两个间断面的实际埋藏深度.结果表明,各台站之下4km间断面的平均深度为403km,具有明显的横向不均匀性和区域性,其中北京台、西安台、兰州台和恩施台等的埋藏深度较浅,琼中台、CHTO等台较深.660km间断面的平均埋藏深度为663km,也存在明显的横向不均匀性,其中牡丹江台和MAJO台的较深,琼中台和HYB台的较浅.  相似文献   
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