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锡矿石是难分解的矿物,主要存在形式是锡石(SnO_2),且共生和伴生元素多,常用的酸溶方法几乎不能溶解SnO_2,从而给锡矿石中的共生与伴生元素的准确测定带来困难。本文基于碘化氨在较低温度下熔融可产生无水状态的碘化氢,利用碘化氢的酸性和氨的还原性分解SnO_2,使Sn呈SnI_4升华分离的原理处理锡矿石。实验中以高纯铂丝作催化剂,加入碘化铵在450℃的马弗炉中分解锡矿石30 min,使得Sn以SnI_4形式挥发,除锡率达到98%以上,再用2 mL氢氟酸和1 mL硝酸封闭溶解残渣,电感耦合等离子体质谱测定钴镍铜铌钽钍铀等24个共生和伴生元素。元素检出限在0. 001~2. 9μg/g之间,90%以上元素的相对标准偏差(RSD)小于5%,相对误差小于10%。本方法解决了锡矿石难分解的问题,可测定共存金属元素,也适合测定Sn含量在1. 27%~62. 49%之间的锡矿石中的微量和痕量元素及锡精矿中的微量元素。  相似文献   
詹诚  卢绍平  方鹏高 《地学前缘》2022,29(4):307-318
南海的形成演化受控于印-澳、欧亚以及太平洋板块的相互运动,为研究汇聚背景下板块碰撞及其远程效应提供重要窗口。为了揭示该汇聚背景下的多幕裂陷过程,本文选取地质信息丰富的整个珠江口盆地为典型区,利用三条高精度地震剖面,对盆地各地质单元进行断层活动速率和构造沉降速率的定量计算及综合分析。结果表明盆地裂陷期东部、中部和西部主要控凹断层的平均活动速率分别为96 m/Ma、223 m/Ma和124 m/Ma,且其平均沉降速率依次为8.5 m/Ma、34 m/Ma和12.7 m/Ma,盆地整体呈现中部裂陷作用最强,其后向西部和东部逐渐减弱的特征。本文认为这与先存断裂以及初始地壳厚度有关:盆地东部和中部存在NE向先存断裂,并且东部先存断裂更加活跃,因此在新生代拉伸应力下东部更易表现为裂陷作用最强的区域,其次为中部和西部;而受前新生代时期俯冲作用的影响,岩浆的底垫作用引起盆地东部地壳增厚,东部裂陷作用强度急剧降低,造成裂陷作用强度的东西差异。此外,盆地南段凹陷裂陷期的断层活动和沉降速率发生激增,裂陷作用存在向南迁移的现象。本文推测在深度相关的伸展模式的影响下,南段凹陷地壳温度升高,强度减弱,因而在伸展应力下发生快速的拉伸减薄,导致裂陷中心向南迁移及岩浆物质上涌。同时,侵入的岩浆物质导致高角度正断层转换成低角度正断层,进一步促进裂陷中心向南迁移。  相似文献   
流速作为深远海养殖海区选址的重要依据,也是影响鱼类游泳能力的重要因素之一,为评价深远海养殖良种斑石鲷(Oplegnathus punctatus)的游泳能力,明确最适放养规格,分别以体重50、150、250、350g的斑石鲷为研究对象,利用鱼类游泳能力及运动消耗检测装置,在24℃条件下,解析了不同规格的斑石鲷在四种流速下的续航时间、暴发游泳速度(Uburst)、临界游泳速度(Ucrit)和运动耗氧率(MO2),并计算出其单位位移耗能(COT)和最适游泳速度(Uopt)。结果表明,鱼体规格和流速均会对实验鱼续航时间产生影响显著(P<0.001,F=25.401,df=1),50g斑石鲷在60cm/s流速下续航时间显著小于其他三种规格(P<0.05),在大于60cm/s流速下,四种规格斑石鲷续航时间均小于30min;250g和350g斑石鲷暴发游泳速度显著高于50g与150g(P<0.05);斑石鲷临界游泳速度与体重成正相关(R=0.96),不同规格下临界游泳速度存在显著差异(P<0.05);各规格实验鱼间最适游泳速度无显著差别(P>0.05)。以上结果表明,不同规格斑石鲷游泳能力存在显著差异,其中250g和350g斑石鲷耐流能力显著优于50g和150g。综上所述,斑石鲷在深远海海域进行陆海接力养殖时,建议放养250g以上规格,且养殖海域流速不超过60cm/s。  相似文献   
The characteristics of grain-size,total organic carbon(TOC) and total nitrogen(TN) contents,TOC/TN ratios,stable carbon isotope(δ13C) and 210 Pb dating were measured in six sediment cores from the Xiaohai Lagoon.The results show distinct spatial and temporal variations in sedimentation patterns.The sediments are dominated by clayey silt,sandy silt and by silty sand in the southern,middle lagoon and the northern lagoon,respectively.TOC and TN contents decline from south to north.Sedimentation rates,determined by 210 Pb dating,tend to decrease from south to middle.However,the determination of sedimentation rate in the north is difficult.These spatial variations are related to the variations in sediment sources and hydrodynamic conditions in the Xiaohai Lagoon.The variations of organic matter signatures can be divided into two stages in the cores from the southern and middle lagoon.Before 1988,the organic matter signatures are relatively stable.The contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources varies between 60% and 85%.After 1988,the organic matter signatures demonstrate significant variations.TOC and TN contents increase rapidly,TOC/TN ratios decrease,δ13C values shift to higher and the contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources decreases to 40%-50%.The contributions of phytoplankton organic matter have increased in the sediment since 1988.Increasing aquaculture activities have had a significant impact on organic matter signatures since 1988.The sedimentation rates have increased rapidly in the southern and middle lagoon since 1988 due to the anthropogenic activities which include aquaculture,mining and deforestation.These activities have caused eutrophication and increased siltation in the southern and middle lagoon.  相似文献   
黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场的涡动能和涡特征尺度存在显著地年代际振荡,和黑潮延伸体路径的年代际变化有很好的相关性。当黑潮延伸体路径比较稳定时,其上游区域涡动能比较高,涡特征尺度比较大,反之相反。通过对黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场进行集合分析发现:当黑潮延伸体处于稳定状态时,上游涡场几乎是各向均匀地,有轻微的径向伸长;而当黑潮延伸体处于不稳定状态时,上游的中尺度涡场有显著地纬向伸长。对与中尺度涡场的产生相关的线性斜压不稳定和正压不稳定进行了计算分析,结果显示,线性斜压不稳定不是控制中尺度涡场年代际变化的机制,而正压不稳定对中尺度涡场的年代际变化有积极的贡献。不稳定产生的中尺度涡之间存在非线性涡-涡相互作用。  相似文献   
Theoretical predictions of an accretion model of star formation in galactic clusters, published quite long ago, which is found to have some relevance with the current picture of star formation have been tested with observation of seven clusters of young and intermediate ages. It is found that the agreement between the theory and observation is very good.  相似文献   
针对盐碱化土壤地表蒸发速率研究的不足,以表层土壤为研究对象,采用土壤蒸发试验和数学模型相结合的方法分析了溶质势对地表蒸发速率的影响。结果表明:当土壤中盐分没有沉淀结晶时,溶质势是盐分引起地表蒸发速率降低的主要原因;溶质势越低,蒸发速率下降比例越大,该下降比例与溶质势有近似线性关系,但同时还受到空气温度与相对湿度、土壤温度以及土壤基质势等因素的影响;当表层土壤存在水盐补给时,地表蒸发速率总是变化趋向于水分补给速率,但含盐土壤蒸发速率变化较慢,而且若补给水分中含盐,那么其稳定蒸发速率会低于水分补给速率。  相似文献   
安徽省旱涝灾害及其对农作物产量影响   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
通过对建国以来安徽省多种农业气象资料分析,采用Z指数方法建立安徽省旱涝灾害气候判别指标,分析安徽省旱涝灾害发生规律。结果表明:1961—2000年安徽省有13年偏涝、13年偏旱;分区域看,淮北旱多于涝,沿淮、江淮、江南旱涝相当,沿江、大别山区涝多于旱。通过水稻(一季稻)、小麦典型旱涝年灾损率与发育期间气象条件、旱涝程度的对比统计分析,建立了分区水稻、小麦旱涝灾害损失评估模型和指标。春季涝渍灾害是影响安徽省冬小麦产量的主要灾害,其对冬小麦产量的危害程度远大于干旱,尤以4—5月发生的涝渍影响最严重,极重涝渍灾害的减产损失可达4成以上。同时重点研究了春季渍害对冬小麦产量的影响,提出改进的涝渍强度指标Qw,并进一步综合分析作物的敏感性和区域脆弱性对灾损率的影响。对1961—2000年冬小麦灾损率进行的敏感性和脆弱性订正表明,订正后拟合误差平均值和差异变率都明显降低,灾损评估精度得到提高。  相似文献   
Understanding the impact of prior earthquake damage on residual capacity is important for postearthquake damage assessment of buildings; however, interpretation of such impact is challenging when based on tests using traditional reversed‐cyclic loading protocols. A new loading protocol, consisting of a dynamic earthquake displacement history followed by quasi‐static reversed‐cyclic loading to failure, is presented as an alternative to traditional simulated seismic loading protocols. Data are analyzed from a set of 12 nominally identical ductile reinforced concrete beams that were tested by using variations of this protocol and traditional reversed‐cyclic and monotonic protocols. Differences in the cycle content of the earthquake displacement histories applied to the test specimens allowed for the effects of load history variation below 2.2% drift to be isolated. It is found that such variation had no effect on the beam deformation capacities. The effects of dynamic loading rates are also analyzed and compared against control quasi‐static specimens. Relative strength increases due to dynamic loading are found to be more significant at yield than at ultimate. Dynamic loading rates led to modest reductions in the beam deformation capacities, but the presence of causality between these variables remains uncertain.  相似文献   
The partial melting and metasomatism are two most important geological processes of changing chemical compositions of mantle. Extracting partial melt from primitive mantle leads residual mantle to deplete in- compatible elements, whereas the metasomatism …  相似文献   
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