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将INTEX-B排放源应用到空气质量模型Model3-CMAQ中,对中国地区对流层NO2的浓度分布进行了数值模拟,并与OMI卫星对流层NO2资料进行了对比和验证。结果表明:将INTEX-B排放源应用到Model3-CMAQ模式,模拟的NO2浓度在中国地区的分布、季节变化规律与卫星资料所得结果一致。敏感性试验表明,工业及电厂排放对NO2的浓度贡献最大,而交通排放的贡献相对较小,两种排放均主要集中在京津、长江三角洲等经济发达地区。  相似文献   
对流层活性卤素化学:充满机遇和挑战的研究领域   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
活性卤素物种(RHS)参与大气对流层中许多化学过程,影响许多重要物种的源和汇,在大气对流层化学中起着十分重要的作用,因此对流层活性卤素化学成为近年来国际大气化学研究的重要前沿研究领域。RHS在对流层的外场观测方法主要包括化学放大、大气压化学电离质谱(APCIMS)、长程差分吸收光谱(DOAS)、雾室和湿法化学分析法、光解法、碳同位素的比率法等。各种观测方法表明大气边界层中存在着不同种类的RHS,特别在海洋边界层、极地边界层和盐湖地区。RHS的浓度有较大的变化范围(10-12~10-10)。RHS可引起一些VOCs的氧化,影响HOx和NOx的反应,减少对流层O3,并对硫的氧化和汞化学有较大的影响。对流层RHS的源主要为有机卤素化合物的排放和海盐气溶胶的释放。在讨论RHS在对流层的循环转化的基础上,归纳总结出一个示意图;提出了现有的主要科学问题,进而展望了今后的研究前景。  相似文献   
In order to study the behavior of stratospheric minor constituents related to aeronomic processes and atmospheric transport in the meridional plane, a numerical two-dimensional model is established.This model is applied to the study of chlorine compounds in the stratosphere. A special attention is devoted to the effect in the ozonosphere of an increase of CIX due to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   
Implementation and testing of the gridded Vienna Mapping Function 1 (VMF1)   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
J. Kouba 《Journal of Geodesy》2008,82(4-5):193-205
The new gridded Vienna Mapping Function (VMF1) was implemented and compared to the well-established site-dependent VMF1, directly and by using precise point positioning (PPP) with International GNSS Service (IGS) Final orbits/clocks for a 1.5-year GPS data set of 11 globally distributed IGS stations. The gridded VMF1 data can be interpolated for any location and for any time after 1994, whereas the site-dependent VMF1 data are only available at selected IGS stations and only after 2004. Both gridded and site-dependent VMF1 PPP solutions agree within 1 and 2 mm for the horizontal and vertical position components, respectively, provided that respective VMF1 hydrostatic zenith path delays (ZPD) are used for hydrostatic ZPD mapping to slant delays. The total ZPD of the gridded and site-dependent VMF1 data agree with PPP ZPD solutions with RMS of 1.5 and 1.8 cm, respectively. Such precise total ZPDs could provide useful initial a priori ZPD estimates for kinematic PPP and regional static GPS solutions. The hydrostatic ZPDs of the gridded VMF1 compare with the site-dependent VMF1 ZPDs with RMS of 0.3 cm, subject to some biases and discontinuities of up to 4 cm, which are likely due to different strategies used in the generation of the site-dependent VMF1 data. The precision of gridded hydrostatic ZPD should be sufficient for accurate a priori hydrostatic ZPD mapping in all precise GPS and very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) solutions. Conversely, precise and globally distributed geodetic solutions of total ZPDs, which need to be linked to VLBI to control biases and stability, should also provide a consistent and stable reference frame for long-term and state-of-the-art numerical weather modeling.  相似文献   
基于实时精密单点定位技术的暴雨短临预报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种将实时精密单点定位(Precise Point Positioning, PPP)技术用于暴雨短临预报的新方法.该方法首先基于GPS连续运行参考站网(Continuously Operating Reference Stations, CORS)实时估计的精密卫星钟差完成PPP解算,再以实时获取的对流层延迟(Zenith Tropospheric Delay, ZTD)及其增量变化为依据进行暴雨短临预报.研究结果表明:一般雷暴天气来临之前的2~6 h,ZTD增量表现为先后突破±5 mm/5 min,且后续记录到的实际降水量大小与ZTD维持在高水平阶段的时间长短有较好的对应关系;就热带气旋而言,在强风作用下,ZTD增量变化表现的异常活跃和复杂,规律性较弱,但对短临预报强降雨仍有一定的指示作用.  相似文献   
Reported are the results from a comparison of OH,H2O2CH3OOH, and O3 observationswithmodel predictions based on current HOx–CH4reaction mechanisms. The field observations are thoserecorded during the NASA GTE field program, PEM-Tropics A. The major focus ofthis paper is on thosedata generated on the NASA P-3B aircraft during a mission flown in the marineboundary layer (MBL) nearChristmas Island, a site located in the central equatorial Pacific (i.e.,2° N, 157° W). Taking advantage of thestability of the southeastern trade-winds, an air parcel was sampled in aLagrangian mode over a significantfraction of a solar day. Analyses of these data revealed excellent agreementbetween model simulated andobserved OH. In addition, the model simulations reproduced the major featuresin the observed diurnalprofiles of H2O2 and CH3OOH. In the case ofO3, the model captured the key observational feature whichinvolved an early morning maximum. An examination of the MBL HOxbudget indicated that the O(1D) + H2Oreaction is the major source of HOx while the major sinks involveboth physical and chemical processes involving the peroxide species,H2O2 and CH3OOH. Overall, the generally goodagreement between modeland observations suggests that our current understanding ofHOx–CH4 chemistry in the tropical MBL isquite good; however, there remains a need to critically examine this chemistrywhen both CH2O and HO2are added to the species measured.  相似文献   
对流层臭氧(O_3)作为最重要的大气污染物之一,对植物的形态特征和生理生化指标有着重要影响;并通过作用于陆面植被间接改变全球和区域的碳循环以及气候和环境。本文系统地回顾了对流层臭氧影响陆面植被的观测事实,主要包括其对光合作用、气孔导度、叶面积、生物量、产量等方面的影响;归纳和分析了常用的O_3暴露指数(ozone exposure index)和O_3影响植被的参数化方案的优缺点;并介绍这些参数化方案应用于生态模式和地球系统模式,模拟O_3通过作用于陆面植被对碳、水、能量通量和状态的影响。最后探讨了O_3影响植被在观测、参数化方案及其模拟应用方面亟需解决的问题以及未来发展方向。  相似文献   
Iron occurs in rain as particulateand dissolved Fe and includes both Fe(II) and Fe(III)species. Model calculations and correlation analysisindicate Fe(II)(aq) occurs almost exclusively as thefree ion whereas Fe(III)(aq) occurs as both ironoxalate and Fe(OH)2 +(aq) with largevariations over the pH range from 4.0 to 5.0. Complexation with humic-like compounds may also beimportant for Fe(III)(aq); however, the concentrationand structural characteristics of these compounds haveyet to be determined. 112 rain samples were collectedfor iron analysis in Wilmington, North Carolina,between 1 July 1997, and 30 June 1999. Total iron,particulate iron and Fe(III)(aq) were higher inconcentration in summer and spring rain relative towinter and autumn rain. Fe(II)(aq) concentrations, incontrast, did not vary seasonally. Particulate iron,which was approximately half the total rainwater iron,was highest between noon and 6 p.m. (EST), probably dueto more intense regional convection including land-seabreezes during that time. The ratio ofFe(II)(aq)/Fe(III)(aq) was also highest in rainreceived between noon and 6 p.m., which most likelyreflects photochemical reduction of Fe(III)(aq)complexes to form Fe(II)(aq). A conceptual modeldepicting the interplay between iron species, lightintensity and organic ligands in rainwater ispresented.  相似文献   

气压、温度和水汽含量等大气物理参数的时空变化导致的对流层延迟是制约合成孔径雷达干涉测量(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar,InSAR)高精度应用的重要因素之一.最新研究显示气象再分析资料在补偿对流层延迟影响方面具有巨大的应用潜力,这促使我们对其有效性和鲁棒性做进一步的研究和探索.本文首先推导了利用气象再分析资料对InSAR进行对流层延迟校正的算法;然后以美国南加州地区的ENVISAT ASAR数据为例,分析了基于两种气象再分析资料(ERA-Interim和North American Regional Reanalysis,NARR)校正InSAR对流层延迟改正的效果;通过与MERIS水汽延迟改正结果比较,验证了该方法的有效性.实验结果表明:(1)不能简单忽略干延迟,可通过气象再分析资料进行有效估计;(2)通过与MERIS水汽产品获得的对流层延迟比较发现,气象再分析资料能够取得接近于MERIS的改善效果;(3)对ERA-Interim和NARR两种气象再分析资料而言,虽然后者具有更高的时间和空间分辨率,但在改正InSAR对流层延迟方面并没有表现出比前者更明显的优势;(4)气象再分析资料可以很好地估计与地形强相关的垂直分层延迟,但对于小尺度的湍流混合延迟的捕捉能力有限.综合分析认为,气象再分析资料的优势在于其数据可随时获得、免费和全球覆盖,它可以显著减弱大尺度的垂直分层延迟对干涉图相位的影响,从而有助于InSAR获取更真实可靠的地形高程和地表形变信息.

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