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渤海沿岸风暴沉积体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渤海沿岸是风暴潮常发地区之一.温带气旋和热带风暴作用形成该区的风暴沉积体.研究风暴沉积体的特征及其分布规律,探讨全新世以来风暴作用对沿岸地质环境演化影响及沉积模式.进行野外地质调查和历史资料研究,综合研究渤海沿岸风暴潮动力环境.渤海沿岸的风暴沉积体表现为滨岸沙堤、贝壳堤、风暴沉积砂层等地质体.保护风暴沉积体,合理开发利用,提出减轻灾害的措施和对策,有利于当地经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   
渤海埕北海域风暴潮多年一遇极值增水的数值计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用一个二维正压浅海模型和大小区嵌套式的计算格式,对埕北海域及其附近连续20a的风暴潮进行了数值模拟,并获得了与实测值较为一致的结果.在此基础上对该海区的风暴潮极值增水做出了多年一遇的长期预测.  相似文献   
一次夏季强沙尘暴形成机理的综合分析   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
利用沙尘暴发生前夕酒泉基准站的探空资料、沙尘暴发生前后地面自动站观测资料和有关台站的常规观测资料对2004年7月12日出现在我国内蒙古西部和河西走廊西端的一次沙尘暴天气过程,从大气层结稳定度、地形因素对沙尘暴影响的机理以及下垫面性质等方面进行了分析,并对天气现象发生时地面气象要素和地温的变化进行了研究。结果表明:①大气层结的不稳定起了激发作用;②该地区特殊的地形条件所造成的“狭管效应”起到了加强作用;③沙尘暴爆发前风速迅速增大,为起沙提供了动力条件;④气压和相对湿度在沙尘暴发生前夕和沙尘暴过程的中后期有明显扰动, 沙尘暴结束后温度、气压、相对湿度和地面等气象要素有显著性突变。  相似文献   
黄土高原地区沙尘暴形成的自然地理因素:Ⅰ影响因素分析   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
许炯心 《中国沙漠》2005,25(4):547-551
以黄土高原地区227个县的资料为基础,研究了沙尘暴的发生频率与自然地理因子之间的关系。研究表明,沙尘暴的发生频率与自然地理因子密切相关,年降水量越大,地表物质可蚀性越小,大风日数越少,年均风速越小,年均沙尘暴日数越少。  相似文献   
选取我国渤海某处21a的风暴过程后报资料,考虑风暴发生频次的影响,提出泊松二维逻辑分布,并且将其用于海洋石油工程设计中极值风速与波高的联合概率计算,给出了计算海域的风浪设计参数,并与传统的设计标准进行了比较.计算结果表明,新的统计模式适用于受风暴影响海区的海洋工程结构设计,特别是边际油田的开发建设.  相似文献   
Flooding associated with tropical storms can cause extreme perturbations in riverine and coastal ecosystems. Measuring isotope variability of tropical storm events can help investigate the impacts of flooding. We measured the water isotope composition (δD and δ18O) of rain and associated floodwater collected during two storms and subsequent major and minor flooding events in the subtropical coast of eastern Australia. Compared with baseline regional rainfall isotope values of ?15.0 ± 1.9‰ for δD and ?3.3 ± 0.2‰ for δ18O, floodwater had lower values with ?33.8 ± 2.5‰ δD and ?5.1 ± 0.4‰ δ18O for the major flood and ?29.4 ± 1.0‰ δD and ?4.6 ± 0.1‰ δ18O for the minor flood. The low isotope composition of the floodwater was associated with the transport of large quantities of suspended sediments, with sediment loads 30 to 70 times larger than during base flow conditions. Floods carried up to 35% of the annual phosphorus and up to 208% of the currently calculated average annual nitrogen load of the Brisbane River. The dramatic changes caused by a rapid increase in discharge from 2 to 2015 m3 s?1 over 2 days in the major flood would have major consequences in riverine and coastal ecosystems of the region. These changes could potentially be traced using the isotope composition of the floodwaters. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Organic compounds are removed from the atmosphere and deposited to the Earth's surface via precipitation. In this study, we quantified variations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in precipitation during storm events at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, a forested watershed in central Pennsylvania (USA). Precipitation samples were collected consecutively throughout the storm during 13 events, which spanned a range of seasons and synoptic meteorological conditions, including a hurricane. Further, we explored factors that affect the temporal variability by considering relationships of DOC in precipitation with atmospheric and storm characteristics. Concentrations and chemical composition of DOC changed considerably during storms, with the magnitude of change within individual events being comparable or higher than the range of variation in average event composition among events. Although some previous studies observed that concentrations of other elements in precipitation typically decrease over the course of individual storm events, results of this study show that DOC concentrations in precipitation are highly variable. During most storm events, concentrations decreased over time, possibly as a result of washing out of the below‐cloud atmosphere. However, increasing concentrations that were observed in the later stages of some storm events highlight that DOC removal with precipitation is not merely a dilution response. Increases in DOC during events could result from advection of air masses, local emissions during breaks in precipitation, or chemical transformations in the atmosphere that enhance solubility of organic carbon compounds. This work advances understanding of processes occurring during storms that are relevant to studies of atmospheric chemistry, carbon cycling, and ecosystem responses.  相似文献   
“2012.4.11”两个强降雹超级单体特征分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
利用常规气象资料、自动站资料、新一代天气雷达和风廓线雷达等资料,对一次强对流天气过程中两个强风暴单体的形势背景、强对流发生条件、强风暴单体演变及结构特征、风暴异同点进行了详细分析。结果表明:(1)本次强对流过程是发生在强的垂直风切变条件下;高层冷平流降温减湿、低层暖平流增温增湿的对流不稳定层结,高CAPE值为强对流发生发展提供了必要的能量条件;上干下湿的水汽分布有利于冰雹、雷暴大风的产生;适宜的0℃、-20℃层高度使此次过程地面以降雹为主;地面倒槽低压、辐合线及低层锋区的南压是这次强对流天气的触发因子。(2)两个强降雹单体雷达回波共同特征是降大雹前均出现了三体散射长钉回波,弱回波区,回波强度强,VIL密度均大于4 kg·m-3,成熟阶段均右偏高空风约30°。(3)长生命史超级单体风暴Ⅱ的中气旋维持2个多小时,它保证了一支强上升气流支撑空中大冰雹的增长,维持了雷暴的持续发展,使其生命史长达近6 h,同时也存在前侧、后侧入流缺口,反映了上升气流与下沉气流共存的风暴动力特征,其高层辐散更强,移动路径东略偏南且移向稳定,平均右偏高空风约28°,移速均匀为14 m·s-1;超级单体风暴Ⅰ的中气旋维持时间仅十几分钟,且处于弱中气旋的下限,其高层辐散和上升气流更弱,风暴生命史更短,移动路径东略偏北,除成熟阶段外右偏高空风10°~20°。这些差异与产生风暴的环境条件如垂直风切变、垂直涡度等存在差异有密切关系。  相似文献   
综合考虑海平面上升、陆域和海域地形变化、海塘沉降等因素,本文以上海历史上引发强风暴潮的热带气旋TC5612、TC8114和TC0012为基础,构建了12种复合灾害情景,利用MIKE21 FM模型模拟分析了不同情景下台风风暴潮对上海造成的漫滩淹没影响.结果表明:以2010年为模拟基准年份,由于上海地区有高标准的海塘防护,发生风暴潮漫堤淹没的概率极低;但随着时间情景的改变,各情景要素强度加大,漫滩淹没危险性逐渐增大;在2040年的复合灾害情景中,以正面登陆类热带气旋造成的影响为最大,局部区域淹没深度可达3.0m以上,全市25.23%的海塘和防汛墙存在漫堤危险,漫堤淹没危险区的面积可达到909.53 km2.在此基础上开展了应急避难模拟及避难场所优化研究,进而针对性地提出了保护城市水源涵养区、开挖城市蓄水空间、提高部分海塘设防水平、加强城市排涝系统建设和优化城市应急避难场所布局等空间应对方案.研究成果给上海新一轮“城市安全与综合防灾规划”提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
The features of large-scale circulation, storm tracks and the dynamical relationship between them were examined by investigating Rossby wave breaking (RWB) processes associated with Eastern Pacific (EP) and Central Pacific (CP) E1-Nifio. During EP E1-Nino, the geopotential height anomaly at 500 hPa (Z500) exhibits a Pacific-North America (PNA) pattern. During CP EI-Nifio, the Z500 anomaly shows a north positive-south negative pattern over the North Pacific. The anomalous distributions of baroclinicity and storm track are consistent with those of upper-level zonal wind for both EP and CP EI-Nino, suggesting impacts of mean flow on storm track variability. Anticyclonic wave breaking (AWB) oczurs less frequently in EP EI-Nino years, while cyclonic wave breaking (CWB) occurs more frequently in CP EI-Nino years over the North Pacific sector. Outside the North Pacific, more CWB events occur over North America during EP Ei-NiNo. When AWB events occur less frequently over the North Pacific during EP EI-Nino, Z500 decreases locally and the zonal wind is strengthened (weakened) to the south (north). This is because AWB events reflect a monopoie high anomaly at the centroid of breaking events. When CWB events occur more frequently over the North Pacific under CP EI-Nino conditions, and over North America under EP EI-Nino condition, Z500 increases (decreases) to the northeast (southwest), since CWB events are related to a northeast-southwest dipole Z500 anomaly. The anomalous RWB events act to invigorate and reinforce the circulation anomalies over the North Pacific-North America region linked with the two types of EI-Nino.  相似文献   
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