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This paper deals with dynamics of impact ejecta from Phobos and Deimos initially on near-circular equatorial orbits around Mars. For particles emitted in a wide size regime of 1 micron and greater, and taking into account the typical particle lifetimes to be less than 100 years, the motion is governed by two perturbing forces: solar radiation pressure and influence of Mars' oblateness. The equations of motion of particles in Lagrangian non-singular elements are deduced and solved, both analytically and numerically, for different-sized ejecta. We state that the coupled effect of both forces above is essential so that on no account can the oblateness of Mars are be neglected. The dynamics of grains prove to be quite different for the ejecta of Phobos and Deimos. For Deimos, the qualitative results are relatively simple and imply oscillations of eccentricity and long-term variations of orbital inclination, with amplitudes and periods both depending on grain size. For Phobos, the dynamics are shown to be much more complicated, and we discuss it in detail. We have found an intriguous peculiar behavior of debris near 300 µm in size. Another finding is that almost all the Phobos ejecta with radii less than 30 µm (against the values of 5 to 20 µm adopted earlier by many authors) should be rapidly lost by collisions with martian surface. The results of the paper may be the base for constructing an improved model of dust belts that presumably exist around Mars.  相似文献   
By considering a simple fluid model, we investigate the role of phase transitions in the ISM on the galaxy- scale gas dynamics. Cooling and heating timescales in the ISM are typically shorter than typical galactic rotation timescales, so the individual phases in the ISM can be assumed to be in temperature equilibrium with the radiation field. Using this approximation we can construct an equation of state which depends upon the average density and mass fractions in the individual phases. Previous studies suggest that there is an equilibrium phase fraction as a function of pressure. We incorporate evolution towards this equilibrium state as a relaxation term with a time to obtain equilibrium . We derive a condition in terms of a critical Mach number when one dimensional shocks should be continuous. For small values of the relaxation time we show that the relaxation term acts like a viscosity. We show with one dimensional simulations that increasing causes shocks to become smoother. This work suggests that phase changes can strongly effect the gas dynamics of the ISM across spiral arms and bars.  相似文献   
The existence of a suspected geological fault has been confirmed using Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTDs) by measuring radon concentration variations in the upper soil above its inferred position. The results obtained prompted us to increase the natural radon signal in the soil, using an additional radon source; this enhancement technique, has been experimentally checked with SSNTD detectors.On leave from Faculté des Sciences, Laboratoire des D.S.T.N. Université de Dakar, Dakar-Fann, Sénégal  相似文献   
大理州2005年初夏出现了严重干旱气象事件.从500pHa高空环流特征、500pHa距平场特征、西太平洋副高特征量及北太平洋中低纬海温距平场、OLR距平场对这次干旱的成因进行了分析,分析结果表明:2005年初夏(4月1日~6月10日)降水异常偏少气温明显偏高是发生干旱的主要原因,高空大气环流异常、西太平洋副高持续偏强偏西、冷空气活动偏北是导致干旱的直接原因;孟加拉湾南部4月OLR场呈明显正距平,抑制低值系统的发展和东北移影响云南,是影响2005年大理初夏干旱重要原因;北太平洋中低纬海温特征与大理州初夏干旱有一定的遥相关性.  相似文献   
Hydrocyclones are widely used in the mining and chemical industries. An attempt has been made in this study, to develop a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model, which is capable of predicting the flow patterns inside the hydrocyclone, including accurate prediction of flow split as well as the size of the air-core. The flow velocities and air-core diameters are predicted by DRSM (differential Reynolds stress model) and LES (large eddy simulations) models were compared to experimental results. The predicted water splits and air-core diameter with LES and RSM turbulence models along with VOF (volume of fluid) model for the air phase, through the outlets for various inlet pressures were also analyzed. The LES turbulence model led to an improved turbulence field prediction and thereby to more accurate prediction of pressure and velocity fields. This improvement was distinctive for the axial profile of pressure, indicating that air-core development is principally a transport effect rather than a pressure effect.  相似文献   
This paper presents a quantitative reconstruction of the European late Pleistocene paleoclimate based on 72 rodent assemblages of five sequences from France, Germany and Bulgaria, covering the last interglacial-glacial cycle. They show a pattern of severe changes in temperature, with reduced precipitation during the coldest periods. A tentative correlation between the isotopic and palynological records and the paleotemperature changes is shown. These changes are consistent with variations in atmospheric circulation patterns in response to an expanding-retracting Fennoscandian ice-sheet. They can be attributed to the enhancement-weakening of the Scandinavian-Polar anticyclone and its associated dry winds, the south-north shifting of the North Atlantic Polar Front, and the varying supply of moist air from the Atlantic. Qualitative paleoenvironmental analysis shows broadleaved-deciduous forests in France and Bulgaria during most of the studied period. Taiga and tundra appeared in eastern France during the lower Würm. The German sequence indicates the presence of coniferous forests. These results are broadly consistent with other paleobiological records (mammalian, avian and insect faunas, isotopic record in dental tissue, palynology). The main discrepancies with the paleoclimate inferred from the palynological record are found during the coldest periods and are probably due to the interaction between vegetation, climate, and atmospheric CO2 levels.  相似文献   
A geoelectrical monitoring activity has been carried out to improve the geological and hydrogeological knowledge about the Varco d'Izzo landslide (Potenza, Basilicata, Southern Apennine, Italy), an active rotational–translational slide evolved in earth-flow. In this work we have focused on the Self-Potential (SP) method by applying three different SP measuring techniques and combining modern technologies for data acquisition and new methods for tomographic inversion. A SP map and three static SP tomographies have been carried out to better analyse the groundwater circulation system and to better reconstruct the geometry of the landslide body. In the accumulation zone, which is the area more exposed to the geomorphological activity, a new SP measuring strategy has been applied. This strategy, based on time-continuous 2D SP tomographies, helps identify water flow changes in subsurface by studying the time series of SP tomographic images. The analysis of time-dependent changes of water infiltration in near surface is the key to better understand the hydrogeological processes underlying the ground instability phenomena. The time-lapse analysis of tomographic images has allowed us not only to investigate the correlation between the temporal changes of SP signals and rainfall events, but also to quantify the range of these changes. The modification of the distribution of the SP source accumulation zones is associated with the dynamics of the groundwater flows. These preliminary results allow us to consider the SP tomographic method as a tool for geophysical monitoring of landslide areas and encourage to develop new measuring systems for near-real time applications.  相似文献   
采用密闭室红外气体分析仪法(IRGA法)观测了中亚热带红壤侵蚀裸地植被恢复后不同季节土壤呼吸速率的日动态变化,并比较了IRGA法与碱吸收法(AA法)测定的土壤呼吸速率.结果表明:侵蚀裸地植被恢复后土壤呼吸速率日动态呈单峰曲线,与土壤温度的昼夜变化基本一致,最高值一般出现在午后13∶00~17∶00,最低值出现在凌晨3∶00~7∶00;植被恢复显著提高了土壤日呼吸速率,但明显降低了土壤呼吸速率日变化幅度;马尾松林对土壤呼吸速率日变化幅度降低程度高于板栗园和百喜草地,且对夏季的降低程度影响最大.而IRGA法和AA法测定的土壤呼吸速率具有显著的幂函数关系,AA法测定的土壤呼吸速率为IRGA法的27.5%~218%,平均为76.2%.当土壤呼吸速率较低时,AA法比IRGA法高估了土壤呼吸速率;反之,AA法则低估了土壤呼吸速率.  相似文献   
We investigate the risk that supplemental feeding of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to improve trophy quality may degrade rangeland through overutilization of forage plants near the feeders. We divided a South Texas ranch into 6 areas (each 1100 ha). Supplemental feed was provided year-round in a centrally placed feeder in 3 areas, no supplement was provided in the 3 control areas. Radio-telemetry collars were fitted on 2 bucks and 2 does in each area. Spatial distribution of these deer was assessed using the CALHOME program. Feed supplementation did not alter home range size of does but did reduce their 50% core area. Bucks without supplemental feed showed 2 spatial strategies; sedentary bucks had home range distributions similar to supplemented bucks, while commuter bucks moved to supplemented areas during the breeding season. Browsing pressure near feeders and control sites was assessed by measuring consumption of seedlings set in arrays radiating from feeders and control points. Deer browsing was heavier near feeders than at the control sites, and the probability of a seedling being browsed increased with proximity to the feeder. We caution against long-term supplemental feeding in fixed locations because of the potential for localized range degradation around the feeders.  相似文献   
By studying landscape form and patterns, we can study processes at multiple scales and determine how collectively those processes inform us about function(s). Integrating landscape ecology from a biogeographical perspective with geographic information science (GIScience) practices offers new ways to study how landscapes change over time and space, including how they can be measured, analyzed, and modeled for management needs. This article presents methodologies and selected results of analyzing spatial patterns from field data across multiple scales by examining standing dead tree (snag) processes across wildfire‐disturbed landscapes in Arizona. Our primary motivation was to illustrate a particular type of work benefiting from the coalescing of landscape ecology and GIScience, functioning at the methodological and practical overlap of these two contributing fields. Our management goals were to (1) describe spatial patterns and characteristics of snags in pairs of burned and unburned ponderosa pine forests of Arizona in four recent (within the past ten years) wildfires, (2) document bird response to wildfires by combining landscape ecology and GIScience methods, and (3) link these patterns to snag monitoring plots and cavity‐nesting bird use to predict the probability of snag use by birds and cavity nesters based on snag characteristics (snag use model). The methods and results demonstrate how integration of landscape ecology with both GIS and GIScience improves the ways to study landscapes and land management issues, in this case offering guidelines for retention of snags that provide habitat for wildlife.  相似文献   
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