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In this paper, the process of oasis-desert circulation (ODC) is simulated by MM5V3.5 model through designing an ideal oasis-desert scheme and assuming that initial atmosphere is at rest (V = 0). The findings showed that the key of forming special oasis boundary structure is the difference of energy and water between oasis and desert. The evaporation of oasis surface consumes heat energy, and the low temperature of oasis causes an oasis breeze circulation (OBC), which drives an ODC with a downdraft over the oasis and an updraft over the desert. Later, the cold, dry and stable boundary over oasis is gradually formed, on the contrary,the atmospheric boundary over desert on the edge of oasis is hot, humid and unstable and its height is about 600 hPa. The updraft over the desert forms a wet ring that acts as a vertical wall weakening the low-level moisture exchange between the oasis and desert. The downdraft of OBC increases the atmospheric stability that reduces the oasis evaporation. The low-level outflow from the oasis (into the desert) prevents the dry, hot air flowing from the desert into the oasis.Thus an oasis self-preservation mechanism may be formed due to OBC. The horizontal area influenced by oasis is twice as oasis area and the vertical range is four times as oasis. The ODC is strong in the daytime and reaches the strongest at 17:00, and the influenced area is the largest at 20:00.  相似文献   
By utilizing observational data from a 325 m tower of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on March 19-29, 2001 and August 11-25, 2003, a comprehensive study was conducted on the vertical dynamical and thermodynamic characteristics of the urban lower boundary layer (ULBL) and its relationship with aerosol concentration over Beijing. Firstly, a comparative analysis was made on the gradient data (wind, temperature and humidity), ultrasonic data (atmospheric turbulences) and air-quality observations at different tower heights (47, 120 and 280 m). Secondly, a diagnosis was made to reveal the major features of normalized variances of velocity and temperature, turbulence kinetic energy as well as their relationship with aerosol concentrations. Furthermore, the characteristics of the ULBL vertical structure and the TSP concentration/distribution variations during a sand/dust weather process were also analyzed. The outcome of the study showed that under unstable stratification, the normalized variances of velocity (σu/u*, σv/u*, σw/u*) and temperature (σT/T*) at 47 and 120 m heights fit the Monin-Obukhov similarity (MOS) framework and the fitting formulas were given out accordingly. According to the stratification parameter (z′/L), the stable ULBL could be divided into 2 zones. With z′/L<0.1, it was a weakly stable zone and MOS framework was applicable. The other was a highly stable zone with z′/L>0.1 and the normalized velocity variances tended to increase along with higher stability, but it remained constant for normalized temperature variances. At daytime, the near-surface layer includes two heights of 47 and 120 m, while 280 m has been above it. The ULBL analysis in conjunction with a sand/dust weather process in Beijing in March 2001 indicated that the maximum concentration of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) at 320 m reached 913.3 μg/m3 and the particles were transported from the upper to lower ULBL, which was apparently related to the development process of a low-level jet and its concomitant strong sinking motion.  相似文献   
The locations of mining-induced horizontal fractures along rock interfaces in the overburden of Donetsk Coal Basin were identified using an original experimental device. The device traps methane from horizontal fracture zone (100–fold coal seam thickness) over an active longwall mining excavation. Presence or absence of horizontal fractures along rock layer interfaces is correlated with physical characteristics of the overburden, such as thickness, uniaxial compressive strength of overburden rock layers, location of rock layer interfaces and thickness of extracted coal seams. As a result, a combined criterion based on these physical characteristics is proposed to predict the presence of overburden horizontal fracturing in coal mine operations.  相似文献   
火山玻璃风化层的透射电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用透射电镜(TEM)和X射线能谱(EDX)研究了长白山天池火山1000年和4000年前两次大喷发产生的火山玻璃风化层特征.TEM分析显示,4000年前大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层平均厚度3.7 mm,1000年前大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层平均厚度为1.0 mm.EDX分析显示,两次大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层化学组成与火山玻璃相比富Al、Fe,而si减少.火山玻璃风化层富Al发生在Al的浓度较高的中到弱酸溶液中(pH=5~6),火山玻璃表面形成含有少量的非晶质的Al、Si、Fe物质,这些非品质的次生物质是火山玻璃风化早期阶段形成的.天池火山喷发物中火山玻璃的微观特征的差异可能与火山喷发年代和喷发后的环境有关,研究天池火山不同期次喷发物中火山玻璃的微观特征具有一定的理论和实际应用价值.  相似文献   
依据煤层反射波运动学和动力学特征,提取出了波峰波谷振幅A1、平均频率Fa、主频带能量Qf1、低频带宽能量Qf和峰值频率Fmain等5个地地震特征参数。选取8组学习样本,利用4层BP(Back Propagation)人工神经网络模型,采用动量法和自适应调整的改进算法,训练BP网络,用训练好的BP网络预测煤层厚度。经实例验证,地震多参数BP网络预测煤层厚度精度高,是一种有效的煤厚预测方法。  相似文献   
大北油田萨尔图油层特低渗储层宏观非均质性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大北油田萨尔图油层属于特低渗透储层。从沉积微相的角度对萨尔图油层宏观非均质性研究表明,储层非均质性较强,而其非均质性主要受控于沉积环境、成岩作用及裂缝发育情况等因素。萨尔图油层在本区发育水下分流河道、席状砂、远砂坝和浊积扇(滑塌沉积)等4种储层微相,油层非均质性在各种沉积微相之间的过渡部位及浊积扇微相中较强;其次为席状砂微相和远砂坝微相,在水下分流河道中相对较弱。  相似文献   
开采沉陷土体变形与孔隙水压相互作用研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过实验、实测和理论分析研究了开采沉陷土体变形与孔隙水压力之间的相互作用,结果表明,随着开采的进行,土体的应力变形发生变化造成了超静孔隙水压力的产生和消散,反映在土体变形上出现随开采时间延续而发展的附加压缩和膨胀变形,这种压缩或膨胀在土体的不同部位相互叠加,有时还叠加了底部含水层水位下降引起的地面下沉。这些结果揭示了厚松散含水层地区开采沉陷特殊性的机理,对开采沉陷预测及水体下采煤具有重要意义。  相似文献   
利用线性旅行时插值射线追踪对近地表模型进行正演计算,可以快捷、准确地获得初至波走时和射线路径。由于该算法计算的初至波不局限于折射波,因此很好地解决了浅层折射勘探中的低速"隐蔽层"问题;而且,由于该算法是基于网格划分和线性插值,因此它不仅可以追踪任意复杂介质的初至波,而且可以使得追踪的初至波射线路径逼于真实,避免了同类算法直接连接网络节点形成射线路径的缺陷(路径过于弯折,计算走时偏大)。将LTI算法同其他几种算法的追踪结果进行的对比和分析表明,LTI算法在计算初至波走时和射线路径方面较其他算法更为精准、稳定,是一种有效的射线追踪方法。  相似文献   
通过对一个滨海多层含水层系统的考察,该含水层系统由上、下弱透水层和介于中间的承压含水层组成,海底露头处被淤泥层覆盖.建立了描述该系统中地下水水头随潮汐波动的数学模型,并得到其解析解.该解析解与六个基本参数有关,分别是承压含水层的海潮传播参数,淤泥层的无量纲透水系数,上下弱透层与承压含水层贮水率的比率 (无量纲)和上下弱透层的无量纲越流.当这些参数取某些特殊值时,我们的解便化简为前人考虑的几种简单情形对应的解.分析表明,承压含水层中地下水水头波幅是上、下弱透水层贮水率和越流系数的减函数,是淤泥层相对透水系数的增函数;波动相位(时滞)是上、下弱透水层贮水率和越流系数的增函数,是淤泥层相对透水系数的减函数.  相似文献   
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