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南海诸岛外来地名的命名背景及其历史影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
孙冬虎 《地理研究》2000,19(2):217-224
19世纪中叶至20世纪30年代英美等国在我国南海海域的测绘活动,给这里的岛礁留下了一大批以英语为主的外语名称。文中论述了南海诸岛外来地名的命名背景及其对我国三次公布官方名称所产生的深刻影响,在总结历史教训的基础上,分析了当前处理南海地名问题的缺陷,提出了若干改进建议。  相似文献   
Plant communities were sampled in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, Xinjiang. The results showed that there are 23 species belonging to 21 genera in 11 families, most of which have low occurrence frequency in quadrats. The most common species is Tamarix ramosissima, which occurred in 17 sites accounting for 89.47% of the total 19 sites. Quantitative classification (TWINSPAN) and ordination (CCA) methods were used to study the distribution patterns of 23 plant species in 19 sites in this valley. TWINSPAN results showed that the plant communities in the middle reaches of the Tarim River could be divided into 3 groups and the sampling sites could be divided into 7 types in 3 groups. CCA results were consistent with TWINSPAN results, and showed species distribution patterns correlated with major environmental variables of groundwater level and soil moisture.  相似文献   
During the development of Qaidam Basin, which is an arid area in Northwest China, rational water resources utilization and optimization are primal prerequisites, and the main restrictive factors include the following facts: scarcy water resources are non-substitutional and uneven distributed in time and space. Based on the essential principle of sustainable development, this paper adopts Multiple Targets Decision by the Closest Value Model, and succeeds in getting the best plan, which can o…  相似文献   
提出多天线基线网单历元模糊度同步解算法,其具体实现步骤为:1)根据宽巷组合模糊度易于固定的优点,采用附加已知基线长度约束法同步解算各基线的宽巷模糊度,得到dm~cm级精度的近似基线分量;2)将解算得到的各近似基线分量作为约束,同步解算各基线的基频模糊度,以获取mm级精度的基线矢量。该方法的关键在于检验各历元宽巷模糊度解算的正确性,以获取可靠的近似基线分量,为解算各基线的基频模糊度提供准确的基线先验信息。由于动态情况下各历元观测信息比较少,单纯依赖ratio检验不可靠,提出结合基线误差、单位权中误差、基线网模糊度闭合环及ratio值等对多组宽巷模糊度进行检验,避免ratio值设置不当导致模糊度检验中发生纳伪和弃真问题。实测数据结果证明,该处理方法使得模糊度解算的成功率提高1%~2%,可以获取移动平台更丰富的导航信息,提高其服务能力。  相似文献   
针对标准粒子滤波算法中存在的计算量大和粒子的权值退化的缺陷,将均值漂移算法和PF算法进行融合,设计基于均值漂移搜索算法的粒子滤波新算法。该算法仍遵从粒子滤波算法的计算框架,基本原理是利用MS算法对粒子的聚类作用,将均值漂移思想融合到粒子滤波算法的重要性采样过程中,对粒子集进行确定性搜索,使每个粒子收敛于局部最优值,这样粒子的状态表示更接近真实的状态分布,因此只需较少的粒子数便可达到未嵌入MS的使用大量粒子数的粒子滤波状态估计的性能,从而在缓解粒子的权值退化的同时提高粒子滤波算法的实时性。大量的数值试验和对GPS/DR组合导航数据处理的结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
塔里木河干流植被遥感监测时空多尺度协同分析方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用遥感植被指数、典型植被样方和地面观测信息进行塔里木河干流植被监测是目前的主要方法。由于塔里木河干流具有流域下垫面均匀性差,自然植被随机分布的特点,使得现有研究方法局限在特定的时间和空间尺度,很难使用地面的观测数据和不同尺度的遥感数据进行植被生长状态的协同分析。针对这些问题,本文提出了利用不同分辨率遥感数据和地面观测数据进行多尺度协同分析的方法MSSA(Multiple Scale Synergy Analysis)。该方法包括以下几个步骤:①通过低空间分辨率的遥感数据构建时间序列的塔里木河干流植被指数分布图像,在分析图像特征的基础上划分塔里木河遥感监测单元;②对监测单元内部不同组分的时间和空间状态参数进行量化与率定;③根据几何光学模型原理和植被随机分布特性,采用线性混合模型模拟单元植被指数;④根据模拟结果和遥感数据的对比分析,获得地面植被参量的可靠估计。该方法将地面组分的状态参量和遥感数据通过模拟模型相关联,实现了不同时空尺度遥感数据以及地面样方或者点观测数据的协同分析,为塔里木河干流植被监测进行长期、细致的研究建立了海量数据综合分析的方法体系。  相似文献   
In this paper the tidal phenomena on the Earth are concisely specified, including solid tides, ocean tides and atmospheric tides due to the luni-solar tide-generating force, and the Earth pole tide due to the motion of the Earth's rotation axis (polar motion); as well as their effects on the Earth rotation. The outcomes of scientific researches of Chinese astronomers on these topics are described in some detail. These researches deal with the mechanisms responsible for tidal effects on the earth rotation, and on the measurements of the Earth rotation parameters. Finally, the effects discovered by Chinese researchers on the measurements of the period and change in period of pulsars are discussed. These effects are very small in magnitude but not negligible.  相似文献   
The paper presents an ethnographic analysis of a group of secondary school students' protests against (illegal) bars in the city centre of El Alto, Bolivia. It shows how informal and formal practices are entangled through the state's dependence on the (illegal) actions of the citizenry in order to ensure civil security. The paper suggests that urban intervention is coproduced by state and nonstate actors at the margins of the state and that urban transformation entails subject formation, in this case that of political youth. Following Hansen and Verkaaik's (2009) argument that the city is essentially multilayered and unknowable, I argue that urban life, as well as state‐citizen relations, is indeterminate, and that it is due to this indeterminacy that the students succeeded in transforming a common association between Alteño youth, alcohol consumption and potential criminal conduct into an alternative notion of youth as responsible citizens of the New Bolivia. This conceptualization permits us to understand the urban sphere as a space not only of conflict but also of endurance and hope, and hence as a zone that allows for the imaginative production of the otherwise (Povinelli, 2011).  相似文献   
深入挖掘气象站点的观测降雨数据,研究区域降雨的雨型规律,对于洪涝灾害预警和减灾措施制订有重要意义.本文基于河北省2005-2017年3189个站点逐小时降雨观测数据,进行"场雨"的划定,进而提取历史上各场雨的累积雨量、时长指标.采用数据挖掘技术中的DTW相似性算法进行场雨雨型的自动归类,将场雨分成Ⅰ-Ⅶ共7种雨型,包括...  相似文献   
近60年洞庭湖泊形态与水沙过程的互动响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以历史文献、图件及1951~2009年长系水沙等资料为依据,对比分析洞庭湖形态与水沙过程的互动响应,结果表明:由于湖泊形态与水沙过程存在着相互作用的关系,近60年间,水沙过程以多种形式改变湖泊形态特征值,如湖盆结构破碎、解体,水深变浅以及湖面﹑湖容依次减少1840km2及130×108m3;同时湖泊形态特征值改变也引起水沙特性变异,在1951~2002年间湖盆蓄水量呈明显的增减波动,但同流量下汛期水位普遍抬高1.2~1.90m,西﹑南﹑东洞庭湖水位变幅依次增大1.61m、1.39m和1.35m,各主要水文站前5位最高洪水位排序的年份均出现在湖面积(容积)历史最低值,泥沙淤积率为70%以上;2003年6月三峡水库蓄水及"退田还湖"后,高、中水位下湖盆调蓄量有所减少,城陵矶丰、枯水位分别降低1.12m及0.35m,西湖区与东南湖区的泥沙输出比均呈增大趋势,泥沙淤积率减至35.9%。其互动响应机制,可概化为泥沙淤积循环→湖盆结构破碎、解体,湖面湖容缩小→水沙特性异变→改变湖泊形态→水沙特性变异的互动响应动态演进模式。  相似文献   
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