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台湾岛地形对“麦德姆”台风的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈俊  平凡  王秀春  李梦夏 《大气科学》2017,41(5):1037-1058
采用WRF模式,以2014年10号台风"麦德姆"为例,针对台湾岛中央山脉的局部地形,设计精细化地形试验,数值模拟了"麦德姆"台风登陆台湾岛前后地形对其路径、强度及风雨分布的影响。研究结果表明:真实的地形能更好的模拟和再现"麦德姆"台风发生发展的过程;台湾岛中央山脉地形对登岛"麦德姆"台风的路径有实质性的影响,降低台湾地形高度试验导致台风路径向西南偏转,而提高台湾岛地形高度则导致台风路径向东北偏转,地形高度改变的程度与路径偏转程度成正相关,地形高度改变所导致阻挡效应及台风环流与大尺度环流的相互作用是导致路径偏转的主要原因;台湾岛地形高度的改变对台风强度有明显的影响,增加或减少台湾岛地形高度,都会使台风强度有所减弱,这与地形变化引起的动力狭管效应、云水物质分布及外围云带的对流运动有关;台湾岛地形影响"麦德姆"台风降水的机制更为复杂,其不仅与地形引发的台风强度及结构变化有关,更与地形引起的眼区对流活动和螺旋云带及外围云系的时空分布有关。  相似文献   
Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) 10Be surface exposure ages for strath terraces along the Braldu River in the Central Karakoram Mountains range from 0.8 to 11 ka. This indicates that strath terrace formation began to occur rapidly upon deglaciation of the Braldu valley at  11 ka. Fluvial incision rates for the Braldu River based on the TCN ages for strath terraces range from 2 to 29 mm/a. The fluvial incision rates for the central gorged section of the Braldu River are an order of magnitude greater than those for the upper and lower reaches. This difference is reflected in the modern stream gradient and valley morphology. The higher incision rates in the gorged central reach of the Braldu River likely reflect differential uplift above the Main Karakoram Thrust that has resulted in the presence of a knickpoint and more rapid fluvial incision. The postglacial fluvial incision rate (2–3 mm/a) for the upper and lower reaches are of the same order of magnitude as the exhumation rates estimated from previously published thermochronological data for the Baltoro granite in the upper catchment region and for the adjacent Himalayan regions.  相似文献   
2003年8月“巴蜀夜雨”过程的模拟和分析研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
卢萍  宇如聪  周天军 《气象学报》2008,66(3):371-380
结合中尺度数值预报模式AREM的数值试验和观测资料分析,对2003年8月川西地区的9次夜雨过程进行了模拟研究和综合分析.结果表明,在一定环流背景下,川西地区特殊地形引起的沿坡地的辐合上升运动和下垫面提供给低层大气的热通量所导致的大气层结不稳定,对川西夜雨的形成和发展有重要影响.白天,随着陆-气通量交换的增加,低层大气的温度和湿度逐步升高,并在午后达到极值.与此同时,低层偏南暖湿气流在盆地西部由于气旋性弯曲而形成的东北风在午后逐渐加强,这支气流在盆地西部被地形阻挡,产生爬升运动.辐合上升将低层高温高湿的大气向上输送,使得大气不稳定层结的厚度以及强度都增加;日落以后,低层大气的相对湿度随着气温的降低而增大,容易饱和而形成凝结,同时大气中积累了相当可观的对流有效位能,低层辐合抬升等因素容易触发不稳定能量释放,造成对流性夜雨天气.强烈的对流辐合运动需要周围大气的入流补偿,促使偏东风气流增强且向高空伸展,这令辐合抬升作用进一步增强.  相似文献   
何建中 《气象学报》1993,51(3):295-303
利用摄动方法,解析求解了含有地形的非线性斜压行星边界层的风场及其顶部的垂直速度。将所得结果与其它工作比较,说明了斜压性、地形和非线性平流对边界层中风场分布和顶部垂直速度的影响。  相似文献   
During the UBL-ESCOMPTE program (June–July 2001), intensive observations were performed in Marseille (France). In particular, a Doppler lidar, located in the north of the city, provided radial velocity measurements on a 6-km radius area in the lowest 3 km of the troposphere. Thus, it is well adapted to document the vertical structure of the atmosphere above complex terrain, notably in Marseille, which is bordered by the Mediterranean sea and framed by numerous massifs. The present study focuses on the last day of the intensive observation period 2 (26 June 2001), which is characterized by a weak synoptic pressure gradient favouring the development of thermal circulations. Under such conditions, a complex stratification of the atmosphere is observed. Three-dimensional numerical simulations, with the Méso-NH atmospheric model including the town energy balance (TEB) urban parameterization, are conducted over south-eastern France. A complete evaluation of the model outputs was already performed at both regional and city scales. Here, the 250-m resolution outputs describing the vertical structure of the atmosphere above the Marseille area are compared to the Doppler lidar data, for which the spatial resolution is comparable. This joint analysis underscores the consistency between the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) observed by the Doppler lidar and that modelled by Méso-NH. The observations and simulations reveal the presence of a shallow sea breeze (SSB) superimposed on a deep sea breeze (DSB) above Marseille during daytime. Because of the step-like shape of the Marseille coastline, the SSB is organized in two branches of different directions, which converge above the city centre. The analysis of the 250-m wind fields shows evidence of the role of the local topography on the local dynamics. Indeed, the topography tends to reinforce the SSB while it weakens the DSB. The ABL is directly affected by the different sea-breeze circulations, while the urban effects appear to be negligible.  相似文献   
地形对沙尘暴的影响及敏感试验研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
沈建国  姜学恭  孙照渤 《高原气象》2007,26(5):1013-1022
在初步探讨地形影响沙尘扬升、传输、沉降等动力过程可能机制的基础上,利用沙尘数值预报模式对一次强沙尘暴过程进行了模拟研究,结果表明:沙尘暴形成阶段沙尘主要来源于阿尔泰—萨彦岭及以东地区,这部分沙尘主要向东扩展,该区域地形对其强度具有重要影响;内蒙古中西部、甘肃、宁夏等地的起沙主要在沙尘暴持续阶段产生影响,之后主要向南输送,青藏高原东侧地形绕流对其强度具有影响。地形影响可以使沙尘的扩展分为两种不同的方式,当上下游地形落差较小时形成整体推进式传输,此时沙尘位于对流层低层,没有上下沙尘层的分离;当上下游地形落差较大时形成分离式传输,沙尘位于对流层中层且在传输过程中沉降很弱,同时与地面附近的沙尘层分离。源于蒙古国、内蒙古等地的沙尘往往产生整体推进式传输;而产生于青藏高原的沙尘常形成分离式传输。  相似文献   
The passive continental margins of India have evolved as India broke and drifted away from East Antarctica, Madagascar and Seychelles at various geological times. In this study, we have attempted to collate and re-examine gravity and topographic/bathymetry data over India and the adjoining oceans to understand the structure and tectonic evolution of these margins, including processes such as crustal/lithosphere extension, subsidence due to sedimentation, magmatic underplating and so on. The Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) seems to have evolved in a complex rift and shear tectonic settings in its northern and southern segments, respectively, and bears similarities with its conjugate in East Antarctica. Crustal extension rates are uniform along the stretch of the ECMI in spite of the presence or absence of crustal underplated material, variability in lithospheric strength and tectonic style of evolution ranging from rifting to shearing. The Krishna-Godavari basin is underlain by a strong ( 30 km) elastic lithosphere, while the Cauvery basin is underlain by a thin elastic lithosphere ( 3 km). The coupling between the ocean and continent lithosphere along the rifted segment of the ECMI is across a stretched continental crust, while it is direct beneath the Cauvery basin. The Western Continental Margin of India (WCMI) seems to have developed in an oblique rift setting with a strike-slip component. Unlike the ECMI, the WCMI is in striking contrast with its conjugate in the eastern margin of Madagascar in respect of sedimentation processes and alignment of magnetic lineations and fracture zones. The break up between eastern India and East Antarctica seems to have been accommodated along a Proterozoic mobile belt, while that between western India and Madagascar is along a combination of both mobile belt and cratonic blocks.  相似文献   
 A methodology for precise determination of the fundamental geodetic parameter w 0, the potential value of the Gauss–Listing geoid, as well as its time derivative 0, is presented. The method is based on: (1) ellipsoidal harmonic expansion of the external gravitational field of the Earth to degree/order 360/360 (130 321 coefficients; http://www.uni-stuttgard.de/gi/research/ index.html projects) with respect to the International Reference Ellipsoid WGD2000, at the GPS positioned stations; and (2) ellipsoidal free-air gravity reduction of degree/order 360/360, based on orthometric heights of the GPS-positioned stations. The method has been numerically tested for the data of three GPS campaigns of the Baltic Sea Level project (epochs 1990.8,1993.4 and 1997.4). New w 0 and 0 values (w 0=62 636 855.75 ± 0.21 m2/s2, 0=−0.0099±0.00079 m2/s2 per year, w 0/&γmacr;=6 379 781.502 m,0/&γmacr;=1.0 mm/year, and &γmacr;= −9.81802523 m2/s2) for the test region (Baltic Sea) were obtained. As by-products of the main study, the following were also determined: (1) the high-resolution sea surface topography map for the Baltic Sea; (2) the most accurate regional geoid amongst four different regional Gauss–Listing geoids currently proposed for the Baltic Sea; and (3) the difference between the national height datums of countries around the Baltic Sea. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 19 June 2001  相似文献   
地形起伏大会严重影响大地电磁测深的解释效果,不同的地形特征将会造成不同的影响,可以采用一定的校正方法压制或消除这种影响。本文以镇巴区块为例研究了地形影响的特点,实现了地形校正。解释结果清楚地显示出镇巴区块几条主要断裂以及存在推覆体,与该区构造特征基本一致。  相似文献   
Sanghyun Kim   《Journal of Hydrology》2009,374(3-4):318-328
In this study, the spatial distribution of measured soil moisture was analyzed on the platform of multivariate modeling. Soil moisture time series for two seasons were selected and used for analysis to reveal similarities and differences in soil moisture responses for a few rainfall events. The development of a soil moisture transport process that considers the representative element volume and uncertainty of soil media provides the hydrological basis for time series modeling. The systematic procedure of Box–Jenkins with noise modeling was used to delineate the final models for all monitoring points. The physical basis of mass balance and the continuity in inflow contribution, as well as statistical criteria, were used in the model selection procedure. Heuristic approaches provide the spatial distribution of selected models along the transect of a hillside. Comparative analysis for two different depths and seasons provide an understanding of the variation in soil moisture transfer processes at the hillslope scale. Differences in soil moisture models for both depths and seasons are associated with eco-hydrological processes. The relationships between distributed topographic features and modeling results were explored to configure dominant hydrological processes for each season.  相似文献   
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