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以黄河三角洲退化湿地人工引水恢复区为研究对象,采用野外植被调查、土壤采样结合室内实验方法,对植被的种类、密度、盖度、频度和重要值以及土壤含水量、pH值、有机质、全氮以及全磷等指标进行分析,旨在探讨人工引水恢复工程对黄河三角洲退化湿地所产生的生态效应。结果表明:随着水分条件的改善,恢复区植被呈现出正向演替;恢复区土壤含水量明显高于未恢复区,pH值则明显降低,土壤有机质含量高于未恢复区,土壤全氮、全磷含量变化不大。可见,引水恢复工程已经使退化湿地的生态环境得到了一定程度的改善,淡水资源仍是制约退化湿地恢复的关键因素。  相似文献   
The Xiadian Fault is a very important concealed active fault in the Beijing Plain. It is the seismogenic fault of the Sanhe-Pinggu MS8.0 earthquake in 1679. The ancient earthquake sequence in the long historical period is of great significance to understand accurately the activity characteristics of the fault and effectively reduce the earthquake disaster risk in Beijing. We have re-interpreted the Dahuzhuang trench, and identified three layers of buried paleosol, six collapsed wedges and one sand liquefaction event. Further, through the comparison with the landmark strata and paleo-earthquake events revealed by other trenches on the fault, an ancient earthquake sequence with a long historical period of the Xiadian Fault was established:since the 31ka, the Xiadian Fault has 11 occurrences of earthquake events (including the 1679 earthquake), and the average recurrence interval is about 2.8ka. The paleo-seismic sequence also shows that there is an ancient earthquake cluster period from 25ka to 15ka, and there are 5 strong earthquakes in the cluster period. The average recurrence interval is about 2.0ka, which reflects the phase difference of the Xiadian Fault activity.  相似文献   
一种测求水井含水层导水系数的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了一种测求水井含水层导水系数的新方法。利用Cooper理论和振动理论,通过简单的试验,可以测求出水井含水层的导水系数。用这种方法计算出珍珠泉井含水层的导水系数为2439m~2/d,用抽水试验法测得该系数为2618m~2/d,两者符合得较好。  相似文献   
2001年三次6级左右地震前西昌地磁的虚假异常研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牟雅元  王天国 《地震研究》2002,25(3):246-250
2001年,在西昌地磁台300km范围内连续发生了三次6级左右地震;即2月23日在西昌北200km的四川雅江县境内发生的6.0级地震;5月24日在西昌西南140km的盐源县内境内发生的MS5.8地震,10月27日在西昌西南260km的云南永胜发生的MS6.0地震。震前,西昌地磁台各相对观测记录分量和绝对观测量都发生了明显的异常变化。研究结果表明,由于邻近基建施工,使观测环境发生改变,引起大幅度虚假异常,这些异常 尽管与三次地震对应较好,但不是先兆异常。  相似文献   
本文结合三峡库区地质灾害监测预警建设历程、地质灾害监测分析现状及面临的问题,从地质灾害监测分析概念和内涵、发展趋势等方面进行了探讨,获得了以下认识:(1)探讨了地质灾害监测分析的内涵,提出了地质灾害监测分析的定义,即围绕着监测目的、监测内容和监测方法,对地质灾害监测数据及相关成果资料开展综合性分析的工作,针对预警预报、防控决策、施工安全、工程效果等不同监测目的,总结了地质灾害监测分析的主要内容;(2)面对多源、异构、实时、海量的地质灾害监测及相关数据,发展地质灾害智能化监测分析系统,实现地质灾害监测数据、分析技术方法、应用服务以及监测分析工作流程化等方面有效集成,是破解监测分析困境和问题的关键。  相似文献   
Based on the MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model, the temperature structure along 35°N in the Yellow Sea was simulated and compared with the observations. One of the notable features of the temperature structure along 35°N section is the double cold cores phenomena during spring and summer. The double cold cores refer to the two cold water centers located near 122°E and 125°E from the depth of 30m to bottom. The formation, maintenance and disappearance of the double cold cores are discussed. At least two reasons make the temperature in the center (near 123°E) of the section higher than that near the west and east shores in winter. One reason is that the water there is deeper than the west and east sides so its heat content is higher. The other is invasion of the warm water brought by the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) during winter. This temperature pattern of the lower layer (from 30m to bottom) is maintained through spring and summer when the upper layer (0 to 30m) is heated and strong thermocline is formed. Large zonal span of the 35°N section (about 600 km) makes the cold cores have more opportunity to survive. The double cold cores phenomena disappears in early autumn when the west cold core vanishes first with the dropping of the thermocline position. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. G1999043809) and the National Science Foundation of China (No. 49736190).  相似文献   
强弱南海夏季风活动及大气季节内振荡   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
应用NCEP再分析资料和中国降水资料,分析研究了对应南海强、弱夏季风的环流形势及其与之相应的中国东部的降水异常。其结果表明,由强、弱夏季风所引起的中国气候异常是完全不同(甚至反相)的。分析大气季节内振荡(ISO)的活动还表明,对应大气强(弱)南海夏季风,南海地区 850 hPa也有强(弱)大气 ISO;而强、弱南海夏季风环流(200 hPa和 850 hPa)主要由异常的大气ISO所激发。本研究还揭示了南海地区大气ISO的变化往往与江淮地区大气ISO的变化反相,例如南海地区的强(弱)大气ISO常与江淮流域的弱(强)大气ISO相对应。对于大气ISO的强度,一般多表现出局地激发特征,经向传播相对较弱。  相似文献   
华北地区典型污染天大气气溶胶飞机探测个例分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张瑜  银燕  石立新  段英  吴志会 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1432-1438
利用2005年10月17日华北地区一次典型污染天气条件下的飞机探测资料,对石家庄和邯郸气溶胶的微物理特征进行了对比分析,初步讨论了该天气条件下大气气溶胶污染的微观特征和可能原因。结果表明,观测当天石家庄和邯郸地区的气溶胶粒子浓度很高,边界层内气溶胶平均数浓度为103cm-3量级,最高值出现在近地面附近,达到104cm-3量级;边界层以上的数浓度基本都在103cm-3量级,属于空气污染比较严重的一次过程。造成污染的原因是该日晴天风小,大气湍流较弱,不利于污染物扩散和稀释。基于美国国家海洋和大气局(NOAA)后向轨迹模式(HYSPLIT4)对颗粒物进行溯源和追踪分析,发现造成气溶胶浓度较高的气块传输路径主要为西北和偏西路径,境外源主要来自蒙古国,境内源主要来自我国西部,途经甘肃、宁夏、陕西及山西后进入河北。  相似文献   
我国南方初夏汛期和东亚夏季风环流   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
主要根据低层夏季风热力学性质与流场演变特点深入讨论我国南方初夏汛期包括华南前汛期和长江中下游梅雨期同夏季风活动的联系,分析了东亚夏季风环流建立过程的阶段性和类型,指出汛期的开始与结束同夏季风前沿位置变动一致。我国夏季风从开始到发展鼎盛时期低纬大气环流的演变过程各年不完全相同,主要可归纳为4类,每类包括4个或3个不同阶段,从而可认识到东亚夏季风体系结构的非单一性,它可有4种结构模型,即仅是东南季风P的单气流型、强东南季风P与弱西南季风A的双气流型、强东南季风P和弱西南季风M的双气流型、强东南季风P和强(或弱)西南季风M以及弱西南季风A的3气流型。  相似文献   
A procedure is proposed for the reconfiguration of the macroseismic planes relative to earthquakes that, being characterized by a reduced number of points of observed intensity due to a lack of information, or having the epicenter very close to the coastline, are characterized by an incomplete distribution of observed intensity levels. The design of a plurality of virtual areas, through which a distribution of intensity consistent with an anisotropic model of attenuation is depicted, allows a reliable determination of macroseismic parameters of the same seismic event.  相似文献   
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