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Controlled by climate changes, there were three large-scale transgressions and regressions around the Bohai Sea during the late Quaternary, which were accepted by most geologists. However, a big controversy still exists about the time when the transgressions occurred separately. In order to find out the process of the paleoenvironmental changes around the Bohai Sea in the late Quaternary, the foraminifera assemblages from a new borehole Lz908 in the southern coast of the Laizhou Bay were studied, and then the transgressive strata were indentified. Combined with accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon 14C(AMS14C) and optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages, the occurrence time of these transgressions were re-determined. The result showed that three major large-scale transgressions occurred separately at the beginning of marine isotopic stage 7(MIS7), the last interglacial period(MIS5) and the Holocene. In addition, a small-scale transgression occurred in the mid-MIS6, and the corresponding transgressive stratum was deposited. The transgressive deposition of MIS3 was also discovered in this study. However, the characteristics of the foraminifera indicated the environment during this period was colder than that in the MIS5. By comparison with the global sea-level changes, the paleoenvironmental changes around the Bohai Sea in the late Quaternary can be consistent with the global climate changes.  相似文献   
Using meteorological data of field observation in 1990 - 2000, especially polar orbit high-resolution NOAA satellite cloud maps received from the Antarctic expedition vessel since 1997, the formation and development of the Prydz Bay cyclone are studied in this paper. Some new viewpoints are suggested such as: when surround-polar cyclone enters the Prydz Bay, it can also intensify and develop in summer; cyclone can also develop in the easterlies in this bay. These view points revise old uncom-plete view point that the Prydz Bay is a burial ground of cyclone, and also further consummate formation-development theory of surround-cyclone in the Antarctic westerlies and cyclone in the Antarctic easterlies. In this paper, the mechanism of ice-air-sea interaction in the Prydz Bay is studied, and the physical process of cyclone formation-development is explained. By use of wholly dynamic transportation method, an energy exchange case of a cyclone, which explosively developed after entering the Prydz Bay, is calcu  相似文献   
用绝热表层风海流模式,以1949~1979年COADS资料,研究北太平洋表层风海流及相应水位场随季节变化的特点、某些特定年表层风海流的异常。模式采用二次动量守恒的有限差分方法,保证了计算稳定性。在数值积分中考虑了陆界、水界条件和近岸地形对风海流及水位场的影响。计算表明:模式反映了北太平洋主要流系的季节变化规律,能较敏感地反映上层海洋对大气动力作用的响应。给出了北太平洋主要流系的强弱与黑潮大弯曲的对应关系。  相似文献   
用王城岗遗址地层中炭化作物种子、植物花粉的分选鉴定结果,讨论了颍河上游地区龙山文化晚期至二里岗文化时期(约4.2~3.3 kaBP)的气候背景、作物类型和农业活动对环境的影响。结果显示,粟、黍种子数目一直占绝对优势,小麦种子在二里岗时期出现并逐渐走强;由于土地承载力和气候条件限制,王城岗地区的早期农业自龙山晚期后加速了多元化的进程,逐渐形成了以粟、黍、麦、豆为主,水稻、高粱、荞麦、稗子为辅,兼有果实采集的多样化农业生产。小麦的引入表明,本区早期农业与西部地区文化交流是主体,同时促进了颍河上游早期农业的多元化,巩固了史前社会可持续发展的物质基础。  相似文献   
对南海南部MD05-2897孔沉积物的分析显示,该孔涵盖氧同位素1~12期,底界年龄约为50万年。碳酸钙含量曲线形态基本与底栖有孔虫氧同位素曲线平行,即碳酸钙高值对应氧同位素轻值,呈现典型的大西洋型碳酸钙分布模式。碳酸钙含量在冰消期的高值出现及含量变化均领先于氧同位素,证明低纬海区"碳酸钙泵"对大气二氧化碳浓度和温度的作用。粒度分析显示,3~5 μm组分含量曲线的变化与氧同位素曲线基本平行,说明它主要受海平面升降变化控制,可作为海平面变化的间接指标。而1.5~2.5 μm粒级颗粒主要通过河流的悬浮搬运,直接受亚洲夏季风及其所带来降雨的影响,可间接反映夏季风的强弱变化。南海南部深海沉积中的季风记录具有0.1 Ma偏心率周期,40 ka斜率周期,20 ka岁差和10 ka半岁差周期等丰富的频谱,显示出低纬度海区气候变化对轨道周期的良好响应。  相似文献   
根据海南岛的气候特点,采取了特定的技术措施,育苗用水加FeCl3处理、二次过滤;亲蚶排放时,单独设置作精池;附着基质选择非酸性海泥;培养耐高温的饵料。另外,还做了亲蚶和稚贝倒池培养实验,结果证明:12小时倒池一次,亲贝培养效果最好;2天倒池一次,稚贝培养效果最好。  相似文献   
鞘藻属和毛鞘藻属营养细胞分裂方式的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于 1 999年 7月在湖北省仙桃市湿润土壤中采得一种鞘藻 ,经培养和电镜观察 ,发现该株鞘藻营养生长主要依赖位于丝状体最上面的细胞分裂 ,分生出的子细胞在该细胞亚顶端的胞壁破裂点掀开一个帽子 ,此帽子便附着于细胞侧壁上 ,这在鞘藻属中为首次报道 ,与 2 0 0 0年 1 2月在武汉纸坊青龙山水库采得的一种毛鞘藻的基细胞也附着相同的帽子结构。观察结果表明 ,该属基细胞亦具有明显的居间分裂能力。在观察这两属营养细胞居间分裂的同时 ,详细报道了这一种特殊的细胞分裂———顶端分裂 ,详细比较了这两属的营养细胞分裂方式 ,并对其分裂方式的机制进行探讨。结果表明 ,这两属细胞在细胞分裂方式上有极为亲密的亲缘关系 ,但毛鞘藻属更复杂、独特的营养细胞分裂显示它的进化地位比鞘藻属高。  相似文献   
Monopiles are considered to be as a kind of viable foundation types for offshore wind turbines. The effect of negative skin friction on pile foundation is always an important problem. There are very important theoretical and practical significance to study the distribution law of negative skin friction and the calculation method. Based on the special stratum, the stress and strain of the monopile and soil are simplified, and the improved Kezdi’s double-broken-line model is adopted. The analytical solution of negative skin friction of monopile is deduced according to the degree of skin friction. An engineering case was analyzed by the method, and the calculated results agree well with the measured data. The calculation method proposed can accurately describe the range of the monopile skin frictional distribution and the position of the neutral point, and it is simple and convenient to calculate, that is also a feasible method for calculating the negative skin friction of monopile of offshore wind turbines in practical engineering.  相似文献   
黄河三角洲潮滩潮沟体系的分维特征   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
利用分形分维方法对黄河三角洲潮滩和潮沟的地貌特征进行了定量研究。结果表明,潮滩和潮沟的分维值可以较好地反映潮滩潮沟的发育演化规律。随着时间的推移和潮沟潮滩的进一步发育,黄河三角洲潮沟的分维值呈逐渐增大的趋势,而潮滩的分维值则呈逐渐减小的趋势,两者在分维值的变化上存在着负相关关系。该研究为黄河三角洲潮滩发育时空谱系的建立和深入研究提出了一种新方法和新的定量指标。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBystudyingchlorophyllandprimaryproductivityinocean ,eitherinthebig scaleorinthesmallscale ,theproductivitydistributionandvariationofmarineorganicmaterialinthetempo ralandspatialcanbeunderstood .Theseaareas ,situatinginthewesterntropicalPacific…  相似文献   
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