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大庆长垣南部浅层气主要为来源于嫩江组一二段的生物气, 混入少量的青山口组热成因气和无机成因的CO2.明水组沉积末期为嫩江组一二段大量生排生物气时期, 此时断裂活动导致黑帝庙油层背斜和断圈的形成, 并诱导生物气垂向运移, "三期复合"使大量生物气向黑帝庙油层运移.活动断层均为"断裂密集带"的边界断层, 沿其垂向运移的生物气聚集的部位取决于断层与两盘地层的配置关系, 与断层倾向相反的一盘是生物气聚集的主要部位, 大庆长垣南部总体为"西缓东陡"的不对称背斜, 生物气主要富集在断裂密集带东部边界的圈闭中.黑帝庙油层纵向上分为5套储盖组合, 下部3套组合盖层厚度较大, 受断层错断的概率较小, 是主要的目的层.黑帝庙油层大部分圈闭为"断圈", 断层侧向封闭性决定圈闭的潜力, 断层侧向封闭所需SGR低限为0.375, 利用Allan图解标定断层侧向封闭性并分析圈闭的潜力, 与不考虑断层侧向封闭性时圈闭有3种变化: 一是断层侧向封闭, 面积和幅度没有改变的圈闭(Ⅰ型); 二是断层侧向封闭具有分段性, 面积和幅度变小的圈闭(Ⅱ型); 三是断层侧向不封闭, 不存在的圈闭(Ⅲ型).其中Ⅰ和Ⅱ型圈闭是生物气聚集的有利目标.从大庆长垣南部看松辽盆地浅层气成藏关键因素是有沟通气源的断层控制的圈闭的完整性(背斜或断层侧向封闭性较好的断圈)和区域稳定分布的盖层.   相似文献   
条斑紫菜低覆盖度基因组草图分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对条斑紫菜(Porphyra yezoensis)进行Solexa高通量测序,获得低覆盖度全基因组草图。该基因组草图大小约220Mbp,GC质量分数53.08%;包含26629个预测基因,其中16409个基因具有内含子,平均每个基因含2.22个内含子;基因结构分析表明具有内含子的基因平均长度为2214bp,内含子平均大...  相似文献   
An ocean general circulation model (OGCM) is used to demonstrate remote effects of tropical cyclone wind (TCW) forcing in the tropical Pacific. The signature of TCW forcing is explicitly extracted using a locally weighted quadratic least=squares regression (called as LOESS) method from six-hour satellite surface wind data; the extracted TCW component can then be additionally taken into account or not in ocean modeling, allowing isolation of its effects on the ocean in a clean and clear way. In this paper, seasonally varying TCW fields in year 2008 are extracted from satellite data which are prescribed as a repeated annual cycle over the western Pacific regions off the equator (poleward of 10°N/S); two long-term OGCM experiments are performed and compared, one with the TCW forcing part included additionally and the other not. Large, persistent thermal perturbations (cooling in the mixed layer (ML) and warming in the thermocline) are induced locally in the western tropical Pacific, which are seen to spread with the mean ocean circulation pathways around the tropical basin. In particular, a remote ocean response emerges in the eastern equatorial Pacific to the prescribed off-equatorial TCW forcing, characterized by a cooling in the mixed layer and a warming in the thermocline. Heat budget analyses indicate that the vertical mixing is a dominant process responsible for the SST cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Further studies are clearly needed to demonstrate the significance of these results in a coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling context.  相似文献   
利用贵州省安顺市2015—2019年大气污染物资料和气象资料,分析安顺市空气质量特征和主要大气污染物特征,通过TrajStat软件中HYSPLIT模型的后向轨迹模式,结合GDAS气象数据、PM2.5浓度,分析不同季节输送途径及其污染轨迹,采用潜在源贡献作用和浓度权重轨迹分析方法,分析研究期内所有PM2.5污染日(PM2.5日浓度高于75 μg·m-3)输送轨迹垂直与水平方向分布特征。结果表明: PM2.5是安顺城区主要大气污染物,冬季输送污染轨迹占比较大,输送方向主要为贵州东北方向、偏南方向; 污染日PM2.5输送路径以贵州东北方向近距离输送为主,该类轨迹基本分布在880—980 hPa高度; 潜在源高值区主要集中在贵阳整个地区、毕节织金县、黔西市、金沙县等,高贡献值区主要集中在安顺紫云县、镇宁县、毕节织金县、大方县等。  相似文献   
An ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic slab at Yangkou Beach near Qingdao in the Sulu region of China consists of blocks of eclogite facies metagabbro, metagranitoid, ultramafic rock and mylonitic orthogneisses enclosed in granitic gneiss. A gradational sequence from incipiently metamorphosed gabbro to completely recrystallized coesite eclogite formed at ultra-high-pressures was identified in a single 30 m block; metagabbro is preserved in the core whereas coesite eclogite occurs along the block margins. The metagabbro contains an igneous assemblage of Pl+Aug+Opx+Qtz+Bt+Ilm/Ti-Mag; it shows relict magmatic textures and reaction coronas. Fine-grained garnet developed along boundaries between plagioclase and other phases; primary plagioclase broke down to Ab+Ky+Ms+Zo±Grt±Amp. Augite is rimmed by sodic augite or omphacite, whereas orthopyroxene is rimmed by a corona of Cum±Act and Omp+Qtz layers or only Omp+Qtz. In transitional rocks, augite and orthopyroxene are totally replaced by omphacite, and the lower-pressure assemblage Ab+Ky+Phn+Zo+Grt coexists with domains of Omp (Jd70–73)+Ky±Phn in pseudomorphs after plagioclase. Both massive and weakly deformed coesite-bearing eclogites contain Omp+Ky+Grt+Phn+Coe/Qtz+Rt, and preserve a faint gabbroic texture. Coesite inclusions in garnet and omphacite exhibit limited conversion to palisade quartz; some intergranular coesite and quartz pseudomorphs after coesite also occur. Assemblages of the coronal stage, transitional and UHP peak occurred at about 540±50 °C at c. 13 kbar, 600–800 °C at ≥15–25 kbar and 800–850 °C at >30 kbar, respectively. Garnet from the coronal- through the transitional- to the eclogite-stage rocks show a decrease in almandine and an increase in grossular±pyrope components; garnet in low-grade rocks contains higher MnO and lower pyrope components. The growth textures of garnet within pseudomorphs after plagioclase or along grain boundaries between plagioclase and other phases are complex; the application of garnet zoning to estimate P–T should be carried out with caution. Some garnet enclosing quartz aggregates as inclusions shows radial growth boundaries; these quartz aggregates, as well as other primary and low-P phases, persisted metastably at UHP conditions due to sluggish reactions resulting from the lack of fluid during prograde and retrograde P–T evolution.  相似文献   
Carotenoids are valuable pigments that have been widely used in food,pharmaceutical,animal breeding and cosmetics industries.Due to the increasing demand for carotenoids of natural origin,the trend for production of carotenoids by red yeast has become popular.Strain Rhodotorula mucilaginosa CYJ03 was isolated from northern Yellow Sea of China for its carotenoid producing potential.It was found that the whole genome of CYJ03 was 19.03 Mb in size and contained 6301 protein-coding genes including a gene cluster for the carotenoids biosynthesis.The genome sequence would be valuable for exploring the potential biological properties of CYJ03,as well as for facilitating the molecular genetic analysis and the manipulation of carotenoids accumulation in this strain,and for the development of it as an engineered host for carotenoid production.  相似文献   
郝乐伟  王琪  廖朋  唐俊  张功成 《沉积学报》2011,29(4):734-743
根据砂岩薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜的分析,研究区内发育大量的粒间和粒内溶蚀孔。在大量实测物性参数统计分析的基础上,发现了白云凹陷第三系储层存在两个次生孔隙发育带,主要分布在2 750~3 500 m和4 100~4 600 m两个深度段。通过同位素示踪的方法,证实了形成次生孔隙的原因主要是有机质成熟时释放的有机酸和成岩过...  相似文献   
在中国制度背景下,乡村旅游的发展与政策变迁紧密相关。论文采用多变量交互作用的清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)方法,基于多源流理论探索乡村旅游政策变迁的动力机制,分析由组织/领导变更、乡村规划政策变更、本地文化政策变更、东道主居民参与以及旅游市场舆情组成的乡村旅游政策变迁影响的构型。研究发现:① 单项因素影响中,组织/领导的变更对文旅局层面的旅游政策出台产生了更大的影响力,东道主居民参与在市级政策的出台上产生了更大的影响力,但所有单因素均不构成乡村旅游政策变迁的必要条件;② 在可能形成的32条路径组合中,存在4个充分性条件的特定组合路径影响市级层面的乡村旅游政策变迁,3个充分性条件特定组合路径影响文旅局层面的乡村旅游政策变迁;③ 对于市级旅游政策变迁来说,乡村规划政策变更、旅游市场舆情和东道主居民参与具有同等重要的影响力,旅游部门的领导变更在组合中影响力相对较小;④ 对于文旅局层面的政策变更来说,组织领导变更、乡村规划政策变更、本地文化政策变更具有同等重要的影响力,东道主居民参与和旅游市场舆情在路径中影响较小;⑤ 多源流的政策变迁动力下旅游政策的效应涉及社会民生等多领域。研究可为未来政策研究领域的深入与政策制定提供参照。  相似文献   
冀中坳陷调节带构造特征及演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用Morley等的调节构造理论和构造几何学分析, 借助地质构造图、断层垂直位移分析等, 在冀中坳陷识别出5种调节带类型和7种调节带构造形式, 进而探讨了它们各自出现的特定构造部位、调节作用、主要构造特点和典型实例。同向趋近型调节带呈现鼻状、地垒状和转换断层3种构造形式, 在断层段连接处以鼻状构造形式出现, 而在控凹断层连接处则以转换断层与横向凸起并存的形式出现; 同向叠覆型调节带以走向斜坡形式调节应变; 同向平行型调节带以翘曲的形式改造河西务潜山带。对向平行型调节带以低凸起的形式发育于雁翎地区; 对向趋近型调节带以鄚州枢纽带为典型, 受两期应变的调节形成了底部以断层分叉斜滑与上部呈宽阔翘弯带的双层变形系统。产生调节作用的断层在地质演化过程中活动强度均呈现此起彼伏、此消彼长的构造特征。受调节带的影响与改造, 在潜山断坡上可形成以古构造脊为优势运移通道的油气运移路径。   相似文献   
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