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The objective of this study was to analyze the response of runoff in the area of runoff yield of the upstream Shiyang River basin to climate change and to promote sustainable development of regional water resources and ecological environment. As the biggest tributary of the Shiyang River, Xiying River is the only hydrological station (Jiutiaoling) that has provincial natural river and can achieve long time series monitoring data in the basin. The data obtained from this station is representative of natural conditions because it has little human activites. This study built a regression model through identifying the characteristics of runoff and climate change by using Mann-Kendall nonparametric statistical test, cumulative anomaly, and correlation analysis. The results show that the average annual runoff is 320.6 million m3/a with the coefficient of variation of 0.18 and shows slightly decrease during 1956–2020. It has a significant positive correlation the average annual precipitation (P<0.01). Runoff is sensitive to climate change, and the climate has becoming warm and wet and annual runoff has entering wet period from 2003. Compared to the earlier period (1955–2000), the increases of average annual temperature, precipitation and runoff in recent two decades were 15%, 9.3%, and 7.8%, respectively. Runoff in the Shiyang River is affected by temperature and precipitation among climate factors, and the simulation results of the runoff-climate response model (R = 0.0052P ? 0.1589T + 2.373) indicate that higher temperature leads to a weakening of the ecological regulation of surface runoff in the flow-producing area.  相似文献   
铅橡胶复合阻尼器的性能试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍作者提出的铅橡胶复合阻尼器的构造与耗能原理,通过不同形状,不同大小铅心的8个铅橡胶复合阻尼器的循环荷载试验,研究了频率、应变幅值、循环次数、铅芯直径、竖向压力等对铅橡胶复合阻尼器的影响规律。研究结果表明,铅橡胶复合阻尼器工作性能稳定,耗能性能和抗疲劳性能好。  相似文献   
为研究AP1000核电厂基底隔震性能,设计了缩尺比为1/40的AP1000核电厂模型结构,进行了AP1000核电厂模型基底隔震振动台试验。试验中采用铅芯橡胶隔震支座进行隔震,并选取RG1.60人工波、El Centro波和Kobe波作为地震动输入。本文从加速度响应、楼层加速度反应谱、加速度峰值放大系数、减震率等方面对隔震与非隔震核电厂结构的地震响应特性进行了研究。试验结果表明:隔震能明显减小上部结构水平向加速度响应和加速度反应谱峰值,而在隔震频率处隔震模型加速度反应谱有所增加;隔震模型由于摇摆效应在隔震频率处的水平向楼层加速度反应谱随楼层高度的升高先减小后增大;在三向输入地震动作用下,隔震和非隔震AP1000模型各楼层在竖向基频附近的竖向加速度反应谱较竖向输入的地震动放大较为明显。  相似文献   
简述了ZP-1型钻杆疲劳试验台的试验原理、主要技术性能参数和设计指导思想,并着重介绍了试验台机械传动系统和加载系统的组成、设计要点及试验台的试验情况。  相似文献   
应用NCAR的非静力平衡中尺度数值模式MM5V3.6,设计了三种不同土壤湿度对金塔绿洲边界层的特征影响的敏感性试验。结果表明:土壤灌溉后地表温度和气温升温率较灌溉前有所减小。土壤湿度越大,绿洲温度越低,绿洲的“冷岛效应”越显著。绿洲灌溉后地面感热通量较灌溉前偏低,潜热通量比灌溉前高;土壤湿度越大,这种差异越显著。土壤湿度为0.35时,绿洲能够很好地表现绿洲特性,维持其自身的发展。绿洲边界层高度在灌溉前后有很大的变化。随着土壤湿度的增加,绿洲的边界层高度逐渐降低。这种较低的边界层对绿洲起到了保护作用,它将绿洲的能量与水分保存任较低的边界层中,促进了绿洲的进一步维持和发展。  相似文献   
Assigned values derived from the GeoPT proficiency testing programme were compared with certified values for six certified reference materials that have been used as test materials in the GeoPT programme. Statistical analysis showed that there were few significant differences between these sets of data and that these differences had no significant impact on the GeoPT assessment when fitness‐for‐purpose criteria were taken into account.  相似文献   
2007年汛期AREM模式降水预报效果检验分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公颖 《湖北气象》2007,26(4):372-380
过对2007年6~8月AREM模式降水预报做不同时效、不同区域的TS评分对比,比较AREM与T213、JAPAN三个模式降水预报TS评分,并对AREM模式2007年汛期主要降水过程预报效果进行检验分析,从而获得AREM模式2007年汛期降水预报效果和特点,结果表明:(1)从AREM模式不同时效降水预报TS评分对比可知,对长江中下游区域,AREM模式12~36 h预报效果好于0~24 h预报,24~48 h效果相对较差,对华南、华北、东北、西南东部区域的降水,AREM模式预报效果均随时效延长而减弱。(2)由AREM模式对不同区域降水预报TS评分的对比可知,AREM模式(各预报时效)对长江中下游地区各量级降水预报的TS评分均高于全国范围的TS评分,西南东部(各预报时效)小雨(以上)量级TS评分均为各区域最高,但中雨以上各量级TS评分均低于全国范围,其他区域无稳定的预报特性。(3)从AREM、T213、JAPAN对长江中下游地区12~36 h降水预报TS评分对比可知,三个模式小雨(以上)量级降水的TS评分基本相当,对该区域暴雨、大暴雨强降水中心的预报,AREM好于T213,JAPAN相对较差,随量级增加AREM预报优势表现更为明显。(4)对2007年汛期6次个例分析可知,AREM模式对长江中下游尤其是江淮流域的大范围强降水过程预报效果较好,对暴雨、大暴雨中心的预报较T213和JAPAN有明显的优势,但对小范围、局地强降水过程的预报效果不够理想。  相似文献   
宋中华  田慧  王静 《测绘通报》2020,(11):120-123
为了解决黄河三角洲附近海区测验中测船姿态对单波束数字测深数据的影响,本文利用姿态传感器对测船的姿态进行了有效改正。试验结果表明,姿态修正技术对数字测深仪瞬时水深进行改正后,其测深结果与传统的人工水深曲线改正后成果比较,中误差为0.089 m,试验段面0 m线以下面积相差不超过0.22%,符合国家规范要求,提高了海区测验中测深成果的精度,为数字技术在海区测量的应用提供了技术保证。  相似文献   
To assess the post-earthquake seismic safety of buildings, it is crucial to predict seismic response, and it is necessary to set the appropriate physical parameters of the response analysis model. Numerous methods have been proposed to identify physical parameters. However, most of them are limited to linear systems, and previous researches on nonlinear systems have difficulties in practical applications. In this paper, a nonlinear response analysis model is identified for a full-scale ten-story reinforced concrete building with the degrading tri-linear stiffness model by the modal iterative error correction (MIEC) method, and the accuracy of this technique is discussed by comparing with the shaking table test.  相似文献   
杜泽玉  曹富强  杨荣 《高原气象》2021,40(1):123-132
全球变暖的背景下,百年尺度上的区域气温变化规律,近年来已成为气候变化研究的热点。本文基于1901-2016年英国东英吉利(East Anglia)大学气候研究中心(Climatic Research Unit,CRU)提供的高分辨率、逐月气温数据集,采用一元线性回归法、滑动平均法和Mann-Kendall突变检验法分析了116年来山西气温的时空分布特征。结果表明:百年来山西年平均气温和各季节气温均呈波动上升趋势,年均和各季节气温倾向率分别为0.13℃·(10a)-1(年平均)、0.16℃·(10a)-1(春季)、0.05℃·(10a)-1(夏季)、0.09℃·(10a)-1(秋季)、0.22℃·(10a)-1(冬季),其中冬季气温增幅最大,对年均温增长的贡献最大,贡献率为42.31%,夏季气温增幅最小,贡献率也最小(9.62%)。研究时段内,山西各季节气温均发生突变,春季季均温突变开始于1993年,夏季在1917年和1996年都发生了气温突变,秋季、冬季出现突变的年份分别为20...  相似文献   
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