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以微机控制电化学分析系统对铵盐镍基胎体镀层的电化学机理进行研究,试验了硫酸镍用量、氯化铵用量、镀液温度和镀液的pH值对镍沉积的影响,结果表明保持镀液适当高的pH值、略低的温度和加入氯化铵,可使镍沉积的极化增大,从而使镀层晶粒变小,结晶致密,且氯化铵的加入没有改变阴极过程的控制步骤。在N iSO4.6H2O 280 g/L,NH4Cl 19 g/L,H3BO335 g/L,十二烷基硫酸钠0.1 g/L;镀液温度45℃±1℃,pH值5.2,电流密度3.6 A/dm^2条件下电镀Φ41/27 mm室内钻头,钻进可钻性Ⅷ级的绢云母化含石英斜长石玢岩,钻进时效平均达到1.94 m/h,钻头的磨损约为0.092 mm/m,与普通镍-钴胎体钻头的使用寿命相差不大;但其钻进时效要比镍-钴胎体钻头高0.18 m/h,即约高10%,为野外生产试验提供了试制钻头的可靠资料和经验。  相似文献   
In groundwater studies, the numerical modeling of complex boundary conditions can be made easier by considering reservoirs and pipes as “reservoir” finite elements, which can store or release large volumes of water at almost constant hydraulic head. The numerical code to be used must solve the complete conservation equation with unlinked functions for the water retention curve and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, and the ability to describe these as step functions. Four examples illustrate the performance of the “reservoir” element: reservoir pumping, laboratory variable-head permeability test, vertical flow in an open borehole, and pumping test with well storage.  相似文献   
Capacity based design of pile foundations limits the soil-structure interaction mechanism to group bearing capacity estimation, neglecting, in most cases, the contribution of the raft. On the other hand, a straightforward, nonlinear, 3-D analysis, accounting for soil and structural nonlinearities and the effects arising from pile–soil–pile interaction, would be extremely high CPU-time demanding and will necessitate the use of exceptionally powerful numerical tools. With the aim of investigating the most efficient, precise, and economical design for a bridge foundation, a hybrid method, compatible with the notion of sub-structuring is proposed. It is based on both experimental data and nonlinear 3-D analysis. The first step to achieve these targets is a back-analysis of a static pile load test, fitting values for soil shear strength, deformation modulus, and shear strength mobilization at the soil–pile interface. Subsequently, the response of 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 pile group configurations is numerically established and the distribution of the applied load to the raft and the characteristic piles is discussed. Finally, a design strategy for an optimized design of pile raft foundations subjected to non-uniform vertical loading is proposed.  相似文献   
科学有效的地下水资源评价是可持续开发地下水资源的关键,其中地下水资源可开采量的评价是地下水资源评价的核心内容。该文在对枣庄市台儿庄区小龚庄水源地水文地质条件、岩溶塌陷发育情况等进行详细分析的基础上,采用开采试验法对小龚庄水源地岩溶地下水允许开采量进行了计算,计算结果为11354m~3/d。根据已发生岩溶塌陷情况,设定岩溶塌陷预警水位,利用非稳定流Theis公式计算了安全开采量范围在11187~13150m~3/d之间,对开采试验法计算结果进一步进行评价。根据评价结果最终确定以11354m~3/d作为小龚庄水源地的允许开采量是可靠的,可以保证水源地最大限度的开采地下水资源,同时又保证水源地运行时不易引发岩溶塌陷的环境地质问题。该方法为同类型水源地地下水允许开采量的计算评价提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
需要多大的压桩力才能将桩压入设计预定的标高,获得最大的单桩承载力,这是工程上最实际、最有价值的问题之一。本文通过静力压桩及静载试验求取适合于工程实际情况的终止压桩力与单桩极限承载力的关系,并通过钢弦式应力计在预应力管桩中的应用,论述了由测应力计频率到求取单桩极限侧阻力标准值及极限端阻力标准值的过程和原理。  相似文献   
多普勒天气雷达冰雹探测算法评估及检验改进   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王芬  李腹广 《气象科技》2009,37(3):345-348
利用新一代多普勒天气雷达资料和WSR-88D提供的冰雹指数算法,对2005年1月至2007年8月发生在贵州省黔西南地区的20个冰雹个例进行验证。用此算法对20个风暴日的样本计算了WT(警报阈值)、H(相对雷达的高度)、M(漏报率)、FA(虚警率)、POD/FAR/CSI(探测概率/误报率/临界成功指数)等多个函数,并将这些数据与强冰雹指数(SHI)作对比分析,将SHI作为冰雹尺寸的预报因子进行独立评估,对实际观测到的冰雹尺寸与模式预报尺寸进行比较。在考虑了本地环境、气候特征的前提下对误警率较高的情况进行了算法补尝,并针对误警率较高的现象提出解决办法:①输入当天的正确0℃/-20℃高度,②提高冰雹探测反射率阈值。用改进方法对2007年发生的9次冰雹天气过程进行对比检验。结果表明,误报率有所降低,预报冰雹尺寸更接近实际探测尺寸。  相似文献   
本文在对2000年以来移出青藏高原后活动时间长的高原低涡活动过程,进行对流层中层南支气流对高原低涡移出高原的影响的观测事实分析基础上,通过对2001年6月1~5日索县低涡移出高原活动的数值模拟和试验分析,得出了在高原低涡以南的南支气流减弱或者是没有南风或者是没有南风脉动的影响,会使低涡移出高原的速度减慢,移出高原12小时后减弱消失。低涡以南的南支气流起到了向低涡区输送水汽通量、正涡度平流的作用,提供利于低涡活动持续的条件。从而丰富了高原低涡东移的认识,为高原低涡洪涝暴雨的预报提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
This paper considers the integrability of generalized Yang-Mills system with the HamiltonianH a (p, q)=1/2(p 1 2 +p 2 2 +a 1 q 1 2 +a 2 q 2 2 )+1/4q 1 4 +1/4a 3 q 2 4 + 1/2a 4 q 1 2 q 2 2 . We prove that the system is integrable for the cases: (A)a 1=a 2,a 3=a 4=1; (b)a 1=a 2,a 3=1,a 4=3; (C)a 1=a 2/4,a 3=16,a 4=6. Our main result is the presentation of these integrals. Only for cases A and B does the Yang-Mills Hamiltonian possess the Painlevé property. Therefore the Painlevé test does not take account of the integrability for the case C.  相似文献   
星载原子频率标准在许多空间系统中担当着重要的角色,其性能和可靠性对这些系统的功能有重要的影响。介绍了广泛使用的星载铷原子频率标准的基本工作原理,分析了影响其可靠性的各种因素,并探讨了提高其可靠性的基本途径。  相似文献   
rmDUCnONInthecultUreofbenthicdiatomsasfeedforabalone,itisnecesoptoaddsomnu-trientssuchasnitIngen,Phosphorus,ironandsilicontotheSeawatermwhum.Thecom-monraioofthenutrientswas(lO-25):(l-2.5):o.l:l(mg/L)(Chenetal.,1977).Anstinetal-(l99o)rePOrtedthatheratioofnibogenandphosphorusinfluencedthebio-massdensityofthePeriphyton,whichInainlyconsistedOfbenthicdiatomPOPulations.However,theirrestiltswerenotbasedonmonoalgalwwh,andtherewerenodetallsonthereasonableratioofthesenutrientsintheirreports-Ther…  相似文献   
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