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台风登陆衰减后造成降水加强的概况   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
对1965-2008年101例登陆台风衰减后3d内仍存在较强降水的天气过程,运用客观分离方法及其改进方案,分离提取了台风降水(Tropical Cyclone Precipitation;TCP),结果表明:即使登陆台风衰减为热带低压或停编后,因台风系统的存在而产生高强度降水是一种普遍现象,仍旧是预报服务中需要高度关注的问题.采用气候趋势系数和功率谱等方法得到TCP及台风的气候特征:台风衰减点的位置分布具有很强的区域性,与南岭、武夷山脉的走势大致吻合;台风衰减后降水并非单纯性减少,随着时间的推移,空间分布具有向北、向西扩散的特点,特别是中纬度地区的江汉一江淮一带,仍然是防灾减灾的重点.对于衰减后降水反而加强的台风,防御重点可以有针对性地对登陆华南类和登陆华东类两类路径的台风展开.  相似文献   
Xubin ZHANG 《大气科学进展》2022,39(11):1833-1858
To improve the ensemble prediction system of the tropical regional atmosphere model for the South China Sea(TREPS) in predicting landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs), the impacts of three new implementing strategies for surface and model physics perturbations in TREPS were evaluated for 19 TCs making landfall in China during 2014–16. For sea surface temperature(SST) perturbations, spatially uncorrelated random perturbations were replaced with spatially correlated ones. The multiplier f, which is u...  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对1949年以来7个进入北部湾后强度突然增强的热带气旋(TC)环流背景特征及物理量场特征进行分析,结果表明,有利TC进入北部湾后强度增强的环流背景是:(1)西太平洋副热带高压稳定加强西伸,(2)热带辐合带北抬至华南沿海活动,(3)西南季风爆发处于活跃期,(4)东风波西移叠加,(5)有适度的弱冷空气侵入;对物理量场的合成分析表明,TC进入北部湾前和进入北部湾后,环流中心附近500hPa涡度变化极小,200hPa高空散度增大,500hPa垂直上升速度增大,850hPa中南半岛水汽输送量增大。  相似文献   
全球数值模式中的台风初始化Ⅱ: 业务应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于缺少大量有效的观测资料,台风初始化对数值天气预报业务模式而言,仍然是一个悬而末决的难题.中国国家气象中心自从1996年将台风数值预报系统投入业务运行以来,一直使用经验的人造bogus涡旋台风初始化技术.实际上,不同时期的台风有着不同的环流结构,即使同一个台风在不同的生命期也具有不同的结构特征,而这些结构特征的差异并不能依靠现有的bogus涡旋技术体现出来,这种主观方法的统一性与台风在时空上的差异性形成了强烈的反差.最近,基于国家气象中心全球资料分析同化-预报循环系统,设计和发展了一套新的台风初始化业务方案,它主要由初始涡旋形成、涡旋重定位和涡旋调整3部分过程组成.相比于业务中使用的人造bogus涡旋台风初始化方案,新方案在很大程度上减少了人为因素对台风涡旋结构的影响,而更多地是依靠数值模式自身的动力和物理过程来协调约束产生三维空间的涡旋结构.应用新方案,文中对生成于西北太平洋的2006年0605号台风格美(Kaemi)进行了数值试验,初步分析表明,新方案在实现台风涡旋环流结构的初始化方面效果较好,同时,对台风格美多个时次的预报结果也显示,相比于业务使用的bogus方案而言,新方案对台风路径平均预报误差有了大幅度的降低.  相似文献   
An accurate determination of water content in garnet is critical to quantify the transport of water to the deep mantle by the subducted oceanic crust beyond the breakdown of hydrous phases. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is the most widely used approach to determine the species and contents of water in garnet. Accurate quantification of OH in garnet requires independent calibration using an external method, as OH absorbance is mineral and composition specific. To obtain the infrared absorption coefficients of structural hydroxyl in garnet, a combined study of spectrometric analyses by FTIR and a method combining a thermal conversion elemental analyser with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (TC/EA-MS) was carried out for fourteen gem-quality natural garnet crystals with variable compositions. The obtained molar absorption coefficients were 9322 ± 338 and 240 ± 26 l mol−1 cm−2 for grossular- and spessartine-rich garnet and pyrope-almandine garnet, respectively. These results are within the range of previous studies. A new molar absorption coefficient of 689 ± 177 l mol−1 cm−2 was obtained for pyrope-spessartine garnet. The large variation in the absorption coefficient indicates it is controlled by both garnet composition and OH-absorption bands. The obtained absorption coefficients are only appropriate for certain types of eclogitic garnet, and more studies should be carried out on eclogitic garnets.  相似文献   
刘爽  钟玮  刘宇迪 《地球物理学报》2018,61(6):2207-2219

本文基于正压浅水模型,分析基态位涡(Potential Vorticity:PV)结构对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone:TC)类涡旋系统稳定性及其波动特征的影响.通过引入基态PV结构参数:宽度δ(眼墙内外边界涡度发生陡变的半径长度之比)和中空度γ(眼心相对涡度与内核区域平均相对涡度之比),设计具有相同基流最大切向风速和最大风速半径的170组不同基态PV环结构的敏感性试验,并讨论了不同基态PV结构下涡旋系统最不稳定波数(the most unstable wavenumber:MUWN)和系统最不稳定模态(the most unstable mode of System:MUMS)的特征频率及其不稳定增长率的大小.结果指出:当PV环较宽,系统表现为低波数最不稳定,相应的MUMS为低频波且增长率小;当PV环较窄,系统表现为高波数不稳定,且PV环越实最不稳定波数越高;当PV环窄且空时,MUMS均为中高频波动,且不稳定增长率随PV环的宽度变窄和中空度变空而明显增大.分析典型PV结构下系统演变特征可知,当PV环较宽,MUMS表现为具有平衡约束的低频波动的线性不稳定特征;当PV环趋向窄且空时,MUMS的平衡性约束趋向弱化,同时不稳定增长表现为明显的指数型增长.进一步讨论系统内部非对称结构的形成和传播机制发现,对于弱不稳定的PV环来说,低波数波最不稳定的特征波动具有典型涡旋Rossby波特征;而对于强不稳定的PV环来说,高波数不稳定的特征波动混合波性质明显.

西北太平洋热带气旋强度与环境气流切变关系的气候分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和JTwC(美国关岛联合台风警报中心)资料,对1974~2004年5~10月西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)强度和环境风垂直切变进行了趋势特征、振荡周期和空间结构分析.结果表明:西北太平洋热带风暴强度以上TC的最大风速和环境风垂直切变在时间上有相反的变化趋势,弱的环境风垂直切变有利于TC强度的增大;前12 h的环境风垂直切变对TC强度的发展影响最大.环境风垂直切变在两北太平洋TC最强的年份表现为环境风切变值小,TC发生密集;最弱的年份表现为环境风切变值大,TC发生稀疏.  相似文献   
两次台风暴雨冷空气影响对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨舒楠  陈涛  刘建勇 《气象科技》2018,46(2):324-335
利用常规观测、气象卫星资料及NCEP分析数据等,对台风"麦德姆"(1410)和"苏迪罗"(1513)的冷空气作用形式及对台风暴雨的影响进行对比分析。两个台风在冷空气影响下的强降水分布差异显著:"麦德姆"强降水经向特征明显;"苏迪罗"强降水纬向性较强。冷空气质点运动轨迹显示,"麦德姆"的冷空气沿西北路径入侵,包含西北冷槽和东北冷槽的共同影响;"苏迪罗"冷空气沿偏东路径入侵,冷空气源为单一的东北地区冷槽系统,强度较弱。在垂直方向上,"麦德姆"低层冷空气入侵早于高层,"苏迪罗"则相反。受冷空气不同作用方式影响,"麦德姆"台风倒槽明显,对流层低层冷暖平流较强,锋生显著,正涡度和上升运动沿台风倒槽呈东北—西南向分布;"苏迪罗"对流层低层冷平流及地面锋生均较弱,在台风北侧,低层偏东风急流引起较强的正涡度和上升运动,同时中层冷空气入侵有利于位势不稳定的增强,导致强降水沿台风北侧的偏东风急流呈东西向分布。  相似文献   
Subtidal nearshore sandbars may exhibit cyclic net offshore migration during their multi‐annual lifetime along many sandy coasts. Although this type of behavior can extend continuously for several kilometers, alongshore variations in cross‐shore bar position and bar amplitude are commonly observed. Alongshore variability is greatest when bars display km‐scale disruptions, indicative of a distinct alongshore phase shift in the bar cycle. An outer bar is then attached to an inner bar, forming a phenomenon known as a bar switch. Here, we investigate such large‐scale alongshore variability using a process‐based numerical profile model and observations at 24 transects along a 6 km section of the barred beach at Noordwijk, The Netherlands. When alongshore variability is limited, the model predicts that the bars migrate offshore at approximately the same rate (i.e. the bars remain in phase). Only under specific bar configurations with high wave‐energy levels is an increase in the alongshore variability predicted. This suggests that cross‐shore processes may trigger a switch in the case of specific antecedent morphological configurations combined with storm conditions. It is expected that three‐dimensional (3D) flow patterns augment the alongshore variability in such instances. In contrast to the observed bar behaviour, predicted bar morphologies on either side of a switch remain in different phases, even though the bars are occasionally located at a similar cross‐shore position. In short, the 1D model is not able to remove a bar switch. This data‐model mismatch suggests that 3D flow patterns are key to the dissipation of bar switches. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present study investigates modulation of western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclone(TC) genesis in relation to different phases of the intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of ITCZ convection during May to October in the period 1979-2008.The phases of the ITCZ ISO were determined based on 30-80-day filtered OLR anomalies averaged over the region(5-20 N,120-150 E).The number of TCs during the active phases was nearly three times more than during the inactive phases.The active(inactive) phases of ISO were characterized by low-level cyclonic(anticyclonic) circulation anomalies,higher(lower) midlevel relative humidity anomalies,and larger(smaller) vertical gradient anomalies of relative vorticity associated with enhanced(weakened) ITCZ convection anomalies.During the active phases,TCs tended to form in the center of the ITCZ region.Barotropic conversion from the low-level mean flow is suggested to be the major energy source for TC formation.The energy conversion mainly depended on the zonal and meridional gradients of the zonal flow during the active phases.However,barotropic conversion weakened greatly during the inactive phases.The relationship between the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity and low-level zonal flow indicates that the sign of the absolute vorticity gradient tends to be reversed during the two phases,whereas the same sign between zonal flow and the absolute vorticity gradient is more easily satisfied in the active phases.Thus,the barotropic instability of low-level zonal flow might be an important mechanism for TC formation over the WNP during the active phases of ISO.  相似文献   
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