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采用中尺度数值模式MM5V2对1998年6月下旬发生在长江流域持续的暴雨过程进行分析研究。通过尺度分离与数值模拟对比试验,着重分析了暴雨过程中天气尺度与次天气尺度各物理量场的结构特征,提出本次暴雨过程形成的物理机制:天气尺度流场与水汽场为降水提供持续的远距离水汽输送通道,次天气尺度流场形成稳定的经向强辐合,为水汽的抬升与凝结提供动力条件;在有利的高、低空急流的配置下,暴雨区落在高空急流轴以南、低空急流轴以北;次天气尺度温度场下暖上冷的热力不稳定层结促进了热力不稳定的发展,促使暴雨增幅;特大暴雨发生地区上空的次天气尺度湿度的高值中心,有利于湿空气在上升运动中释放潜热,形成暴雨的反馈机制。数值试验分离模式初始场不同尺度系统信息,揭示了不同尺度系统在暴雨发生过程中的动力作用,没有中尺度系统的配合,仅有天气尺度系统信息,或只有次天气尺度系统信息,没有大尺度系统的配合,暴雨的强度及范围都将有所消减。分析及数值试验结果表明大暴雨是在天气尺度和次天气尺度系统的共同作用下才得以产生和维持的。  相似文献   
茶树种植适宜性区划研究可为浙江茶产业良好发展和优化布局提供理论依据。从气候、土壤、地形3类影响因子中选出10个因子对浙江省的茶树种植适宜性进行区划研究。其中,气候因子5个,分别为年平均气温、≥10℃活动积温、年降雨量、生长季平均相对湿度和年日照时数,这5个因子通过主成分分析筛选确定;土壤因子2个,即:土壤质地和土壤p H值;地形因子3个,即:海拔高度、坡度和坡向。考虑到浙江省地形复杂多样的实际情况,对所有气候因子采用分布式模型实现其空间分布精细化模拟。利用层次分析法确定各因子权重系数,采用加权求和法建立茶树种植综合区划评估模型。结合各种因子适宜性等级量化指标,最终获得茶树种植适宜性综合评价得分的空间分布。基于土地利用现状,屏蔽水域、城镇居民用地等不适宜种植区,将浙江分为适宜、较适宜和不适宜3个种植区。结果表明,浙江茶树种植各指标适宜性以气候适宜性最佳,地形适宜性次之,土壤适宜性最差。浙江茶树适宜区占参评面积(除去屏蔽区域)的45.51%,该区海拔、热量等自然资源充分满足茶树生长;较适宜区占47.05%,该区主要分布在平原地带或中高海拔地区;不适宜区占7.44%,主要分布在高山区,热量资源不足。  相似文献   
An automated procedure employing principal-component analysis and a two-stage cluster analysis was developed to classify the synoptic meteorological conditions prevailing over Urumqi, one of the most heavily polluted cities in the world. Six clusters representing different circulation patterns and air-mass characteristics were classified using surface- and upper-meteorological variables during the heating period from 2001 to 2008, and the relationships between synoptic clusters and air quality were evaluated. The heaviest air-pollution episodes occurred when Urumqi was in either an extremely cold, strong anticyclone or at the front of a migrating cyclone, both with light winds, wet surface air, and relatively dry upper air. Moderate pollution was seen when Urumqi was in the pre-cold/cold frontal passages with lower temperatures and light winds or moderate anticyclone with relatively warmer, drier air. When Urumqi was at the front of a migrating anticyclone or in a weak anticyclone with moderate winds and most warm, dry air, or in the cold/post-cold frontal passages with relatively strongly northerly airflows and precipitation, relatively good air quality could be seen. These results suggest that air pollution in Urumqi is very closely related to the synoptic meteorological conditions, which provides an important basis for not only the prediction and control of urban air-quality problems here but also for the analysis of the differential impacts of weather and pollution on human morbidity.  相似文献   
利用1981~2016年气象常规观测和自动站资料对南充大风的基本气候特征进行统计分析,重点探讨不同类型区域雷暴大风的天气系统配置和环境物理量基本特征。结果表明:(1)南充雷暴大风按照形成原因主要分为高空冷平流强迫类和斜压锋生类,按落区出现情况分为全市型、东部型和西部型,东部型雷暴大风主要由高空冷平流强迫所致,全市型和西部型雷暴大风过程则多为斜压锋生所造成。(2)斜压锋生类雷暴大风主要发生在显著冷暖平流导致的斜压锋生与锋面动力强迫共同作用的形势下,高空冷平流强迫类则主要是高空强干冷平流的作用。(3)雷暴大风过程发生前大气环境呈上干下湿、湿层浅薄或为“喇叭口”形态,对于不同类型雷暴大风过程发生前的环境物理结构不同,斜压锋生类雷暴大风产生时大气环境多为明显斜压特征,高空常伴有强锋区,低层不稳定能量大,因此热力因子比较重要。高空冷平流强迫类主要发生在川陕槽后强烈冷平流形势下,水平风垂直切变大、要求低层增温快,故热力和动力因子都重要。  相似文献   
碘化银(AgI)类催化剂是人工影响天气外场试验和业务作业中使用最广泛的催化剂,其核化效率和核化机制在很大程度上影响催化效果。在总结美国、中国和欧洲多个国家利用云室和风洞研究AgI类催化剂的核化机制、核化阈温及成核率的室内实验成果的基础上,梳理利用室内实验成果发展的AgI数值催化模式,旨在为下一步优选新型高效AgI类催化剂和改进数值催化模式提供借鉴。AgI类催化剂核化机制包括凝华核化、接触冻结核化、凝结冻结核化和浸没冻结核化,其核化过程受大气温湿条件、催化剂粒子大小、成分等多种因素影响,并与催化剂粒子的燃烧溶液法、燃烧焰剂法和爆炸法等发生方式有关。目前国内外使用的AgI类催化剂含有不同成分,有多种催化剂粒子产生方式,催化剂粒子的核化机制和成核率有很大差异。将来应重点基于高性能云室和风洞,分析不同催化剂配方的核化机制和成核率,优选新型高效催化剂,改进AgI数值催化模式。  相似文献   
Although an official observatory was established in Toronto in 1839, governmental attempts to organize a national meteorological service were not begun until 1871. Storm warnings and general weather forecasts for Eastern Canada were instituted in 1876, and this service was extended across the West and throughout the settled portions of the country by the early years of the 20th century. Historical climatological data were published annually after 1871, but very little statistical data, delineating the climate of the country, were available prior to 1900. A beginning was made at expanding meteorological activities into the North before World War I, but it was not until the 1920's that a significant number of observing stations were located there. By 1930 the need for extensive aviation meteorological services was becoming apparent, but the economic depression prevented an expansion of both aviation and meteorological services.  相似文献   
利用已有的二维雷暴云起电模式,加入气溶胶模块,建立一个完善的雷暴云起电模式.结合SEET个例,初步探讨了气溶胶浓度对雷暴云内各种水成物粒子荷电情况的影响.发现气溶胶的浓度与雷暴云内云滴、霰粒、冰雹以及雨滴等水成物粒子在空间所携带的最大电荷面密度值以及电荷量有很好的正相关性;同时气溶胶粒子浓度的增加使得雨滴在空间携带电荷量达到峰值的时间有一定提前.  相似文献   
Second-order closure models for the canopy sublayer (CSL) employ aset of closure schemes developed for `free-air' flow equations andthen add extra terms to account for canopy related processes. Muchof the current research thrust in CSL closure has focused on thesecanopy modifications. Instead of offering new closure formulationshere, we propose a new mixing length model that accounts for basicenergetic modes within the CSL. Detailed flume experiments withcylindrical rods in dense arrays to represent a rigid canopy areconducted to test the closure model. We show that when this lengthscale model is combined with standard second-order closureschemes, first and second moments, triple velocity correlations,the mean turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate, and the wakeproduction are all well reproduced within the CSL provided thedrag coefficient (CD) is well parameterized. The maintheoretical novelty here is the analytical linkage betweengradient-diffusion closure schemes for the triple velocitycorrelation and non-local momentum transfer via cumulant expansionmethods. We showed that second-order closure models reproducereasonably well the relative importance of ejections and sweeps onmomentum transfer despite their local closure approximations.Hence, it is demonstrated that for simple canopy morphology (e.g.,cylindrical rods) with well-defined length scales, standard closureschemes can reproduce key flow statistics without much revision.When all these results are taken together, it appears that thepredictive skills of second-order closure models are not limitedby closure formulations; rather, they are limited by our abilityto independently connect the drag coefficient and the effectivemixing length to the canopy roughness density. With rapidadvancements in laser altimetry, the canopy roughness densitydistribution will become available for many terrestrialecosystems. Quantifying the sheltering effect, the homogeneity andisotropy of the drag coefficient, and more importantly, thecanonical mixing length, for such variable roughness density isstill lacking.  相似文献   
地震学中非线性预测方法的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了近年来地震预测学中非线性理论和非线性方法的研究趋势和最新研究进展。在非线性数学模型的研究中,较为成功地将非线性门限模型,指数模型、具有长程关联自回归模型等应用于地震的中期预测上,在分形研究上,明确地取代了以往的一些经验结果,使对地震的活动的经验统计关系上升到分形的理论,在研究地震的动力学机制中,以多滑块-弹簧模型为代表,模拟地壳上地震断层运动机制和事实,建立了粘滑摩擦情况下的参数动力学方程。  相似文献   
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