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针对白沙河地下水含水层的内部结构和本区开采特点以及已出现的环境问题,建立了地下水资源管理模型,确定了优化开采方案。该管理模型针对本区每年2个管理时段的长度及其开采量均不同的特点,导出了新的响应矩阵的公式。管理模型的建立有助于对该区地下水的合理开采。  相似文献   
To explore the spatial-temporal distribution of the phytoplankton community and evaluate the combined effects of marine resource exploitation, net-collected phytoplankton and physical-chemical parameters were investigated in the Xiangshan Bay during the four seasons of 2010. A total of eight phyla, 97 genera, and 310 species were found, including 232 diatom species, 45 dinoflagellate species and 33 other taxa. The phytoplankton abundances presented a significant (P<0.001) seasonal difference with the average of 60.66×104 cells/m3. Diatoms (mainly consisting of Coscinodiscus jonesianus, Cerataulina pelagica, Skeleto n ema costatum, and genus Chaetoceros) dominated the phytoplankton assemblage in all seasons. We found great spatio-temporal variation in community composition based on the multidimensional scaling and similarity analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis show that temperature, nutrition, illumination, and salinity were the main variables associated with microalgal assemblage. Compared with the previous studies, an increase in phytoplankton abundance and change in the dominant species coincided with increased exploitation activities in this bay (e.g. operation of coastal power plants, intensive mariculture, tidal flat reclamation, and industrial and agricultural development). The present findings suggest that the government should exercise caution when deciding upon developmental patterns in the sea-related economy.  相似文献   
为了对广西合浦盆地干热岩资源成热条件及其潜力进行评价,利用广西航磁勘查数据,采用Parker-Oldenburg法反演计算了居里面深度。在此基础上进行大地热流密度值和不同埋深地温计算,发现计算结果与现有测温资料吻合,合浦盆地内西场凹陷和常乐凹陷具有干热岩资源成生条件。结合合浦盆地内基础地质调查资料和油气钻孔资料,分析了合浦盆地干热岩资源的储层和盖层条件。初步圈出2个位于西场凹陷和常乐凹陷的干热岩勘查靶区C1和C2,面积分别为167.10和72.90 km2,干热岩资源量分别为182.48×1015、77.59×1015 J。按20%的采收率,合浦盆地干热岩资源量可开采量为52.01×1015 J,折合标准煤177.48×104 t,占2018年广西全区能源生产总量3 756.69×104 t标准煤的4.72%。在资源量评价基础上,可优先考虑位于合浦盆地西场凹陷的C1靶区开展进一步的勘探工作。  相似文献   
陈代文 《福建地质》2012,31(3):233-239
云南景谷登海山铜矿5个含矿层呈层状贮存于"滇中红层"第三系始新统等黑组紫红色砂岩所夹白色砂岩中,矿石具层纹状原始沉积特征,无明显热液改造痕迹,矿体明显受层位控制,成矿物质主要来源于元谋古陆。结合区域成矿地质背景、矿床地质特征及控矿条件,认为景谷登海山铜矿为砂岩型铜矿床。  相似文献   
地理国情监测是获取国情国力信息的重要手段,是掌握自然资源、生态环境以及人类活动基本情况的综合性、基础性工作。地理国情监测的实施将为生态河南建设提供动态、实时的自然、人文要素信息,林业、水资源监测信息以及环境综合整治、环境保护以及环保基础设施信息。本文着重研究地理国情监测的技术体系、生态省建设中的地理国情监测内容体系、开展地理国情监测的措施,并结合河南省地理国情监测试点项目对生态河南建设中的地理国情监测进行系统的研究。  相似文献   

基于反馈模型的地表相关多次波消除方法SRME(Surface-Related Multiple Elimination)近年来已得到了广泛的应用.利用共聚焦点CFP(Common Focus Point)道集代替炮集,可以将该方法扩展至层间多次波的消除.地表数据驱动的层间多次波消除方法直接利用地表观测数据进行层间多次波预测,避免了构建CFP道集所需的聚焦运算,特别是与层相关的层间多次波消除方法有效提高了多次波预测的计算效率.但地表数据驱动的与层相关的层间多次波消除方法并没有从理论上被严格地推导证明,其与CFP方法之间的关系亦未被讨论.本文在CFP方法的理论基础上推导了地表数据驱动的与层相关的层间多次波消除方法,阐明了CFP方法与地表数据驱动方法之间的内在联系.并将该方法应用于模型数据和野外实际数据,应用实例表明了所提方法的有效性.

2010年早春浙江罕见连阴雨天气环流特征及成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张建海  曹艳艳 《高原气象》2011,30(6):1543-1553
利用客观分析资料分析了2010年早春浙江连阴雨天气的环流特征和热力、动力条件,并与历史同期天气状况进行了对比,结果表明:(1)乌拉尔山地区长波脊前偏北气流为连阴雨天气提供了冷空气条件,西太平洋副热带高压偏北偏西有利于其西北侧建立持久、稳定的水汽通道。(2)南北温差分布的变化导致高空西风急流出现分支,浙江位于北支急流南侧...  相似文献   
The study focuses on a way to parameterize the effect of subgrid scale convective motions on surface fluxes in large scale and regional models for the case of light surface winds. As previously proposed, these subgrid effects are assumed to scale with the convection intensity through the relationship: where is the mean velocity of the wind, U0 the velocity of the mean wind, w* the free convection velocity, and an empirical coefficient to be determined. Both observations and numerical simulation are presently used to determine the free convection coefficient .Large eddy simulation of a fair weather convective boundary layer case observed during TOGA-COARE is performed. Comparisons between observations and the simulation of surface properties and vertical profiles in the planetary boundary layer are presented. The simulated vertical turbulent fluxes of heat, moisture and buoyancy range well within estimates from aircraft measurements.The most important result is that the true free convection coefficient , directly estimated from simulation, leads to a value of 0.65, smaller than the ones estimated from temporal and spatial variances. Using observations and simulation, estimates of from temporal and spatial variances are obtained with similar values 0.8. From both theoretical derivations and numerical computations, it is shown that estimates of the true from variances are possible but only after applying a correction factor equal to 0.8. If this correction is not used, is overestimated by about 25%. The time and space sampling problem is also addressed in using numerical simulations.  相似文献   
孟洁  翟增秀  刘英会  张君  韩萌 《岩矿测试》2019,38(2):179-185
还原硫化物是一Z类典型的恶臭物质,其特点是活性高、不易储存,因此适宜的储存条件对还原硫化物的准确测定具有重要意义。本文使用气相色谱-质谱联用技术,从气袋材质、还原硫化物初始浓度、还原硫化物性质和储存时间四个因素探究袋采样法储存还原硫化物过程的损失情况。以Tedlar~? PVF和Teflon~? FEP为目标采样袋,使用5个初始浓度(0. 001、0. 010、0. 100、1. 000和10. 000μg/m L)的混合还原硫化物,选择0、2、6、12、24、48以及72h的储存时间,以响应因子和相对回收率作为评价因子,并使用配对t检验法和吸附动力学,研究影响储存效果的主要因素、物质损失机理以及两种采样袋的储存能力。结果表明,储存时间越长、物质初始浓度越高,物质活性越强,损失情况越严重;在环境温度达到60℃时,Tedlar~? PVF的基质背景较Teflon~? FEP更复杂;相同条件下,还原硫化物在Teflon~? FEP储存过程中损失更严重。依据研究结果建议:(1)样品采集后避光保存;(2)低浓度含硫样品的测定在采样后8h内完成,高浓度含硫样品的测定在2h内完成;(3)若待测样品气体温度较高,优先选择Teflon~? FEP采样袋,气体温度较低条件下选择Tedlar~? PVF采样袋,可最大限度保持样品的原始状态。本研究成果有利于确保还原硫化物样品的储存稳定性,最大限度还原恶臭污染现场情况,为恶臭污染的分析测试以及后续的恶臭污染控制与治理提供技术支持。  相似文献   
南海表层流场的卫星跟踪浮标观测结果分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
运用卫星跟踪漂移浮标资料分析南海表层海流 ,研究了有关海域的表层海流特征。结果表明 ,秋、冬季入侵南海的黑潮水有一小部分沿台湾南岸折回黑潮主干 ,并有时在台湾西南外海形成反气旋涡旋 ,其余大部分黑潮水西行进入南海内部。吕宋岛西部沿岸流始于 1 3°N以南 ,沿菲律宾西海岸北上抵达吕宋岛西北角 ,与黑潮水混合后西行  相似文献   
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