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BadainJ aran Desert of Inner Mongolia is arid and rainless all the year around,with much more evaporation than rainfall.But the special groundwater recharge mechanism contributes to the generation of several lakes of different sizes that have never not dried up for years,among which there are many freshwater lakes.As the research object in this paper,East Badain Lake and West Badain Lake in the southeast of the desert,which are less than 50m away from each other,show the considerable difference in mineralization.In fact,one is a freshwater lake,but the other is a brackish-water lake.Considering the underground aquifer structure of BadainJ aran Desert and the special formation structure the particularity of the stratigraphic structure around Badain Lake,the author uses AMT(audio magneto telluric)method and ultra-high density resistivity method to analyze the difference in mineralization of East Badain Lake and West Badain Lake from the perspective of geophysical prospecting methods.  相似文献   
超强台风鲇鱼路径北翘预报分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
许映龙 《气象》2011,37(7):821-826
利用常规气象观测资料、实时业务数值预报模式、欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)ERA Interim全球再分析资料(1.5°×1.5°)以及NCEP全球再分析资料(1°×1°),对1013号超强台风鲇鱼移入南海后路径突然北翘的原因进行了初步分析,并对业务数值预报模式及中日美三家综合业务预报的台风路径预报进行了检验。结果发现:南半球越赤道气流向北涌进致使赤道缓冲带北进与"鲇鱼"东侧的副热带高压脊合并是"鲇鱼"在南海路径发生突然北翘的主要原因;当业务数值预报模式出现较大分歧时,台风路径多模式集成预报或超级集合预报是解决数值预报较大分歧的有效途径,为此有必要加强台风路径多模式集成预报或超级集合预报综合应用平台的研发,并在此基础上进一步完善现有台风业务预报流程。  相似文献   
More than ca 100 km3 of nearly homogeneous crystal-poor phonolite and ca 100 km3 of slightly zoned trachyte were erupted 39 ka during the Campanian Ignimbrite super eruption, the most powerful in the Neapolitan area. Partition coefficient calculations, equilibrium mineral assemblages, glass compositions and texture were used to reconstruct compositional, thermal and pressure gradients in the pre-eruptive reservoir as well as timing and mechanisms of evolution towards magma chamber overpressure and eruption. Our petrologic data indicate that a wide sill-like trachytic magma chamber was active under the Campanian Plain at 2.5 kbar before CI eruption. Thermal exchange between high liquidus (1199°C) trachytic sill and cool country rocks caused intense undercooling, driving a catastrophic and fast (102 years) in situ fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation that produced a water oversaturated phonolitic cap and an overpressure in the chamber that triggered the super eruption. This process culminated in an abrupt reservoir opening and in a fast single-step high decompression. Sanidine phenocrysts crystal size distributions reveal high differentiation rate, thus suggesting that such a sill-like magmatic system is capable of evolving in a very short time and erupting suddenly with only short-term warning.  相似文献   
基于SVDD的变形监测数据可靠性分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于支持向量数据描述的异常值检测方法,该方法在检测异常值方面具有快速形象、通用性强、可有效处理小样本数据等优点。实验结果证明当在训练样本中加入异常值时,训练得到的模型具有很高的正常数据识别率和异常数据识别率,因此,该方法用于异常值的检测是完全可行的。  相似文献   
克地坝陵河双线特大桥为沪昆客专贵州段内重点控制工程之一。桥梁工程穿越区内地形、地质条件异常复杂,受地形切割地层及地质构造等多种因素综合控制,区内危岩落石、滑坡、岩堆、岩溶等工程地质问题频发。利用测绘、物探、钻探等资料,对桥址区内主要工程地质的类型、规模、危害性以及防治对策等方面进行深入分析、研究。研究成果不仅能为铁路选线提供依据,而且对围岩落石问题的处理及桥梁工程设计、施工以及运营都具有重大意义。  相似文献   
超大型稀有稀土矿床的某些特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稀有稀土超大型矿床的储量为大型矿床储量的5倍以上(REE、Be)或10倍以上(Li、Cs、Nb、Ta、Zr)。这类矿床大多与碱性岩类岩石有关,主要分布在地台区,成岩成矿时代以前寒武纪为主,其次为中生代。成矿作用具有多期次性,矿化往往发生在更为还原条件下。超大型富矿与深部成矿源有着直接联系  相似文献   
基于AutoCAD的HD-STGPS超站仪碎部测量数据采集系统的实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
HD-STGPS超站仪是集GPS和TSP于一体的超站式测绘系统(STGPS),本文介绍基于AutoCAD的碎部测量数据采集系统的功能设计及实现方法。  相似文献   
Identification of tree crowns from remote sensing requires detailed spectral information and submeter spatial resolution imagery. Traditional pixel-based classification techniques do not fully exploit the spatial and spectral characteristics of remote sensing datasets. We propose a contextual and probabilistic method for detection of tree crowns in urban areas using a Markov random field based super resolution mapping (SRM) approach in very high resolution images. Our method defines an objective energy function in terms of the conditional probabilities of panchromatic and multispectral images and it locally optimizes the labeling of tree crown pixels. Energy and model parameter values are estimated from multiple implementations of SRM in tuning areas and the method is applied in QuickBird images to produce a 0.6 m tree crown map in a city of The Netherlands. The SRM output shows an identification rate of 66% and commission and omission errors in small trees and shrub areas. The method outperforms tree crown identification results obtained with maximum likelihood, support vector machines and SRM at nominal resolution (2.4 m) approaches.  相似文献   
利用W indow s操作系统中的超级终端检测、判断自动站采集器的状态,同时可对已缺测的正点数据进行补救。  相似文献   
额尔古纳超大型火山热液型铀成矿带地质特征及找矿前景   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文介绍了在额尔古纳超大型火山热液型铀成矿带中发现的超大型火山热液脉型铀矿末有5个,大型火山热液脉型铀矿床有6个,总共有铀金属储量33万t,在世界热液脉型铀矿资源量中占有重要地位。经研究认为,该成矿带内铀矿就成矿作用在时间上具有突发性特征,成矿时代集中在早白垩世,受统一中生代大陆裂陷-火山岩浆活动控制;成矿介质中深源的火山岩水,大气水和变质水三者相混合的具中低温的火山热液,成矿物质主要来自中生代深  相似文献   
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