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The Huangshannan magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposit is one of a group of Permian magmatic Ni-Cu deposits located in the southern Central Asian Orogenic belt in the Eastern Tianshan, northwest China. It is characterized by elevated Ni tenor (concentrations in recalculated 100% sulfide) in sulfide within ultramafic rocks (9–19 wt%), with values much higher than other deposits in the region. Sulfides of the Huangshannan deposit are composed of pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite and the host rock is relatively fresh, indicating that the high-Ni tenor is a primary magmatic feature rather than formed by alteration processes. It is shown that sulfides with high-Ni tenor can be generated by sulfide-olivine equilibrium at an oxygen fugacity of QFM +0.5, for magmas containing 450 ppm Ni and 20% olivine. Ores with >10 wt% sulfur have relatively low PGE and Ni tenors compared to other ores, R factor (mass ratio of silicate to sulfide liquid) modeling of Ni indicates that they formed at moderate R values (150–600). Based on this constraint on R values, ores with <10 wt% sulfides in the Huangshannan deposit can be segregated from a similar parental magma with 0.05 ppb Os, 0.023 ppb Ir, and 0.5 ppb Pd at R values between 600 and 3000. This, coupled with the supra-cotectic proportions of sulfide liquid to cumulus silicates in the Huangshannan ores imply mechanical transport and deposition of sulfide liquid in a magma pathway or conduit, in which sulfides must have interacted with large volumes of silicate magma. Platinum and Pd depletion relative to other platinum group elements (PGEs) are observed in fresh and sulfide-rich samples (S > 4.5 wt%). As sulfide-rich samples are also depleted in Cu, and as interstitial sulfides in those samples are physically interconnected at a scale of several cms, the low Pt and Pd anomalies are attributed to solid Pt and Pd phases crystallization and retention with the monosulfide solid solution (MSS) and Cu-rich sulfide liquid percolation during MSS fractionation. This finding indicates that Pt anomalies in sulfide-rich rocks from magmatic Ni-Cu deposits in the Eastern Tianshan are the result of sulfide fractionation rather than a hydrothermal effect. 187Os/188Os(278Ma) values of the lherzolite samples vary from 0.27 to 0.37 and γOs(278Ma) values vary from 110 to 189, indicating significant magma interaction with crustal sulfides, rich in radiogenic Os. Well constrained γOs values and δ34S values (−0.4 to 0.8‰) indicate that crustal contamination occurred at depth before the arrival of the magma in the Huangshannan chamber. Regionally, deposits with high-Ni tenor have not been reported other than the Huangshannan deposit; however, many intrusions with high-Ni contents in olivine are present in NW China, such as the Erhongwa, Poyi and Poshi intrusions. Those intrusions are capable of forming high-Ni tenor sulfides due to olivine-sulfide-silicate equilibrium and relative high-Ni content in parent magma, making them attractive exploration targets.  相似文献   
对2006-07-04文安MS5.1地震前2001~2004年区域GPS站速度场和应变率场使用刚性-线弹性运动模型拟合处理的结果进行研究,获得文安MS5.1地震的1~3 a期的前兆异常。结果表明,地震发生在异常区高异常体发育的边缘梯度带的转折处。  相似文献   
根据厦门东孚井水氡多年的观测资料,分析了水氡异常与地震活动的关系。分析结果认为,该井点映震效果较好,特别是对发生在长乐-诏安断裂带上的地震,映震能力尤为明显。  相似文献   
����Ms7.1����ǰ�����VTEC�쳣   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
?????й???????????????GNSS???????????????????2010??4??14??????Ms7.1????????и???4??GNSS??????LHAS??LUZH??DLHA??WUSH??????TEC?????????????й???TEC??????????????????????TEC??????????????????LHAS??LUZH??WUSH???4??1????????????TEC?????????????LHAS??LUZH??DLHA???4??5???????????TEC?????????????TEC????????????????????5???????????????????????????й?????????  相似文献   
运用山西临汾中心地震台2010年2月TJ-型体应变仪、SSQ-2I石英摆、VS垂直摆倾斜仪的观测资料,分析总结2月27日琉球7.2级、智利8.8级地震的形变异常。为今后的分析预报工作,提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
定点形变观测的降雨干扰及排除方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了蓟县小辛庄台形变观测资料的降雨响应特征,对观测数据的非潮汐部分分别用一般距平法去年周期、K-L直线拟合方法去线性零漂等处理,再用动态系统法[1]对预处理数据进行排除降雨干扰计算,取得了一定的效果。  相似文献   
通过对1992~2008年间各期观测资料进行全时空扫描,分析华北地区网区重力场的演化特征,总结震前异常的形态、持续时间和变化幅度,指出重力场空间变化易于发生地震的部位,并对一些问题进行讨论。结果显示:华北地区重力场总体变化不具明确规律性;大量测点存在明显的背景性趋势性异常变化;重力场变化与网区及周边地区中强地震的活动联系密切,较明显的重力场异常反应多发生在震前2年左右时间,且常伴有大面积高值异常区出现。重力变化"0"线、高梯度带、异常中心(含极值)附近是重力场空间变化易于发震的部位。  相似文献   
利用有序聚类法、MWP检定法分析出1979年为孤山川流域天然时期和人类活动影响时期水沙的转折点,采用1979年之前的资料建立模型,并将该时期的次洪水量和沙量作为基准,分析了气候变化和人类活动对1979年后次洪水量和沙量的影响.  相似文献   
煤层气组分浓度异常蕴含着丰富的地球化学成因信息,某些有害组分的异常浓度往往会对矿工人身健康造成影响。为此,基于相关文献和资料从重烃浓度异常、氧化物气体浓度异常、硫化氢浓度异常三个方面总结了国内外研究进展,分析了关于煤层气组分浓度异常地球化学成因的种种假说,认为目前对煤层气组分浓度异常的成因尚欠深入理解,有必要结合具体实例开展解剖研究,并从新的视角予以探讨。  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区扎鲁特旗伊和布拉格多金属矿位于额济纳旗-大兴安岭成矿区之突泉-林西华力西燕山期铁(锡)铜、铅、锌、银、铌(钽)成矿带。区内共发现7条矿化蚀变带,土壤地球化学测量圈定了元素组合异常4个。矿化蚀变带受NE-SW向断裂构造控制,其中Ⅲ号矿化蚀变带、Ⅴ号矿化蚀变带位于该区近东西向和近南北向断裂带的交汇处。矿化蚀变主要产于下二叠统或上侏罗统,成矿作用与燕山中晚期岩浆侵入活动相关。矿化蚀变带与地球化学异常及低电阻率,高极化激电异常均相关性,其中Ⅲ号蚀变带深部已见多层银铅锌矿体。从地质、物化探资料分析并与有关同类型的矿床类比,区内多条矿化蚀变带均具有寻找中-大型银铅锌多金属矿潜力。  相似文献   
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