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Central Asia(CA) is one of the most fragile regions worldwide owing to arid climate and accumulated human activities, and is a global hotspot due to gradually deteriorating ecological environment. The Amu Darya Basin(ADB), as the most economically and demographically important region in CA, is of particular concern. To determine the concentration,source and pollution status of heavy metals(HMs) in surface sediments of the ADB, 154samples were collected and analyzed for metals across the basin. C...  相似文献   
周芯玉  涂静  廖菲  胡东明 《暴雨灾害》2017,35(3):235-242

采用NCEP FNL 1°×1°逐6 h再分析资料、风廓线雷达观测资料及其他常规观测资料,对2014年5月23日发生在广州市中北部大暴雨过程的环流背景、天气尺度系统以及中尺度系统特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)该过程是多尺度系统相互配合作用的结果,暴雨发生在“两槽一脊”环流背景下,高空槽与副热带高压相互作用使华南持续受短波槽影响;低层来自孟加拉湾及南海的低空急流,为大暴雨的产生提供了充足的水汽条件;高层南亚高压使得华南上空风场辐散抽吸作用明显。(2)强降水发生前,强风速伸展高度的不断降低使得上下层垂直风切变增大,为暴雨的产生提供了很好的动力条件,且水汽条件较好;低空急流指数的脉动与强降水的发生关系密切,其在强降水发生前1~2 h迅速增大,强降水发生后则迅速减小。(3)风场低层垂直切变的增强与强风速的下传具有较好的时间对应关系,说明由于强风速垂直伸展高度不断降低导致了风场垂直切变的增强。在强降水发生前,低空急流、低空急流指数以及垂直风切变的相应变化对短时强降水的预报具有一定指示意义。

陶玮  郭婷  吴瑞姣  周昆  邱学兴 《暴雨灾害》2021,38(2):174-181

利用安徽省1961—2016年81个国家级地面气象观测站雨量、2006—2016年1 162个地面自动观测站小时雨量、1961—2016年安徽省民政厅灾情和2006—2016年《安徽省气象灾害年鉴》收录的227个暴雨过程灾情数据,采取气候平均、广义极值、概率密度函数、百分位分布等方法,统计暴雨过程的持续天数、区域、范围、平均日降水量和小时雨量对暴雨灾害的影响,划分安徽省暴雨灾害预警等级。结果表明:(1)安徽省暴雨灾害预警等级可分为Ⅳ级(轻度)、Ⅲ级(中度)、Ⅱ级(重度)、Ⅰ级(特重)四个等级;(2)从Ⅳ级到Ⅰ级,暴雨过程的持续天数指标从1—4 d,范围指标根据暴雨区占区域总面积的百分比确定,从Ⅳ级的20%上升至Ⅰ级的80%;(3)根据暴雨过程的区域差异,将安徽分为沿淮淮北、大别山区及皖南山区、沿江及江淮之间三个区域,分别建立降水量与暴雨灾情的定量关系,并在每个区域设置相应的平均日降水量和小时雨量指标;(4)利用上述暴雨灾害预警等级,对1981—2018年安徽省致灾的149个暴雨过程进行回代检验,并将其用于2020年6—7月安徽省暴雨灾害预警,暴雨灾害预警发布周期为Ⅳ级(轻度)0.66~0.82 a、Ⅲ级(中度)1.15~1.90 a、Ⅱ级(重度)3.16~3.80 a、Ⅰ级(特重)9.5~12.6 a,符合安徽暴雨灾情实际,可以为气象部门启动暴雨应急响应提供参考。

顾宇丹 《暴雨灾害》2016,31(6):590-595

基于2012-2015年期间上海市多次明显强降水过程的逐时110积水报警数据(积水灾情)和气象站降水量数据, 分析降水和积水灾情两者之间的关系和时空动态变化, 建立了上海城市人口密集区强降水积水的阈值指标。结果表明:上海中心城区强降水积水的起始阈值为1 h降水量30 mm, 当中心城区1 h降水量在70 mm以上时, 积水会显著增多。上海区县人口密集居住区强降水的起始阈值为1 h降水量35 mm。降水积水的严重程度不仅与降水强度相关, 也与累积降水量和降水持续时间的长短有关。当2 h累积降水达到40 mm以上时, 也有积水灾情。积水灾情相对于降水有1-2 h左右的滞后期。

Both of Typhoon Winnie (9711) and Matsa (0509) underwent an extratropical transition (ET) process when they moved northward after landfall and affected Liaodong Peninsula. However, Matsa produced half as much rainfall as Winnie, although it struck Liaodong Peninsula directly while Winnie passed through the Bohai Sea. The relations between the ET processes and the precipitation over Liaodong Peninsula are examined. The result shows that the precipitation difference between Winnie and Matsa was closely related to the interactions between the westerly systems and typhoons during their ET processes. Winnie was captured by the upper westerly trough and then coupled with it when moving to the mid-latitudes, and the positive anomaly of moist potential vorticity (MPV) was transported downward from the upper troposphere over the remnant circulation of the tropical cyclone (TC). It was favorable to the interaction between tropical warm and wet air and westerly cold air, causing convective cloud clusters to form and develop. The rain belt composed of several meso-β cloud clusters over the Liaodong Peninsula, resulting in heavy rainfall. On the other hand, Matsa did not couple with any upper trough during its ET process and the positive anomaly of MPV in the upper troposphere and its downward transfer were weak. Only one meso-β cloud cluster occurred in Matsa’s rain belt during its ET process that tended to lessen rainfall over Liaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   
M W Pasquini  F Harris 《Area》2005,37(1):17-29
Waste disposal constitutes an acute problem in numerous African cities. One solution could lie in the recycling of the nutrient-rich waste into agriculture taking place in and around cities. Farmers involved in vegetable production around Jos, Nigeria, have developed a sophisticated soil fertility management strategy combining inorganic fertilizers, manure and urban waste ash. This paper: (1) investigates the socio-economic constraints linked to obtaining scarce organic inputs, particularly urban waste ash and the health hazards (particularly heavy metal contamination of soil and crops) caused by using this ash and (2) suggests ways to improve use of this important resource.  相似文献   
采集和分析了五通桥区不同功能区和乡镇73个土壤样品,以了解山丘平原过渡区土壤重金属的含量和污染特征。结果表明,重金属的平均含量为Pb32.18mg/kg、Cd0.82mg/kg、Cu28.61mg/kg、Zn108.08mg/kg、Ni32.66mg/kg、Cr72.44mg/kg;与四川土壤背景值相比,Cu、Ni、Cr的含量与之持平,Pb增加了0.11倍,Zn增加了0.32倍,Cd的积累较为严重,比背景值增加了10倍。污染评价结果显示该过渡区存在一定程度的重金属污染问题,不同功能区的污染程度排序为工业区〉生活区〉农业区。Cd在六种元素的土壤污染分担率中占55.46%,是最主要的污染元素;土壤Cd含量与Pb和Zn存在较高的相关性(相关系数为0.525和0.500),表明存在Pb—Cd和Zn—Cd的复合污染。  相似文献   
环鄱阳湖区农家菜地土壤重金属风险评价及来源分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过评价环鄱阳湖区10个县农家菜地土壤样品重金属的潜在生态风险,分析其与9个社会经济指标间的灰色关联度来探讨重金属的污染来源。结果显示,鄱阳湖区各菜地土壤中Cd的超标情况最严重,超标率达到90%,除部分地区Cu超标外,其余重金属均未超标。鄱阳湖区农家菜地土壤达到轻微生态风险,工业较发达地区重金属生态风险较大于工业落后地区,工业发展情况对湖区的空间污染分异有较大影响。蔬菜产量、工业发展情况、城镇化率、交通业发展情况和菜地土壤不同种重金属具有较高关联度,而地区生产总值、农药使用量对各种重金属含量的影响最弱。  相似文献   
基于情景模拟的天津市滨海新区2020年暴雨内涝风险评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于多灾种复合动态风险评估理论,依据滨海新区2020年人口规划、土地利用规划以及社会经济发展计划,根据地面沉降和海平面上升预测结果设计了最不利、适中和最理想化三种情景;在此基础上,自行开发了基于GIS的洪水淹没区计算模块,模拟计算不同重现期暴雨内涝的淹没范围、淹没深度及淹没损失。结果表明:2020年,发生1 000 a一遇、200 a一遇和50 a一遇暴雨时,在最不利的情景一下:天津市滨海新区分别将有32.73%,29.34%和26.01%的土地不同程度受淹,受淹人口分别为338万、305万和264万,淹没损失分别达220.89亿元、181.39亿元和139.12亿元。  相似文献   
Low-temperature rock magnetic measurements have distinct diagnostic value. However, in most bulk marine sediments the concentration of ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic minerals is extremely low, so even sensitive instrumentation often responds to the paramagnetic contribution of the silicate matrix in the residual field of the magnetometer. Analysis of magnetic extracts is usually performed to solve the problems raised by low magnetic concentrations. Additionally magnetic extracts can be used for several other analyses, for example electron microscopy or X-ray diffraction. The magnetic extraction technique is generally sufficient for sediments dominated by magnetite. In this study however, we show that high-coercivity components are rather underrepresented in magnetic extracts of sediments with a more complex magnetic mineralogy. We test heavy liquid separation, using hydrophilic sodium polytungstenate solution Na6[H2W12O40], to demonstrate the efficiencies of both concentration techniques. Low-temperature cycling of zero-field-cooled, field-cooled and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization acquired at room temperature was performed on dry bulk sediments, magnetic extracts, and heavy liquid separates of clay-rich pelagic sediments originating from the Equatorial Atlantic. The results of the thermomagnetic measurements clarify that magnetic extraction favours components with high spontaneous magnetization, such as magnetite and titanomagnetite. The heavy liquid separation is unbiased with respect to high- and low-coercive minerals, thus it represents the entire magnetic assemblage.  相似文献   
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