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Since the early or late onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSM) has a large impact on summer monsoon rainfall in East Asia, the mechanism and process of early or late onset of the SCSM are an worthy issue to study. In this paper, the results analyzed by using the observed data show that the onset date and process of the SCSM are closely associated with the thermal state of the tropical western Pacific in spring. When the tropical western Pacific is in a warming state in spring, the western Pacific subtropical high shifts eastward, and twin cyclones are early caused over the Bay of Bengal and Sumatra before the SCSM onset. In this case, the cyclonic circulation located over the Bay of Bengal can be early intensified and become into a strong trough. Thus, the westerly flow and convective activity can be intensified over Sumatra, the Indo-China Peninsula and the South China Sea (SCS) in mid-May. This leads to early onset of the SCSM. In contrast, when the tropical western Pacific is in a cooling state, the western Pacific subtropical high anomalously shifts westward, the twin cyclones located over the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean and Sumatra are weakened, and the twin anomaly anticyclones appear over these regions from late April to mid-May. Thus, the westerly flow and convective activity cannot be early intensified over the Indo-China Peninsula and the SCS. Only when the western Pacific subtropical high moves eastward, the weak trough located over the Bay of Bengal can be intensified and become into a strong trough, the strong southwesterly wind and convective activity can be intensified over the Indo-China Peninsula and the SCS in late May. Thus, this leads to late onset of the SCSM. Moreover, in this paper, the influencing mechanism of the thermal state of the tropical western Pacific on the SCSM onset is discussed further from the Walker circulation anomalies in the different thermal states of the tropical western Pacific.  相似文献   
A cumulonimbus cloud may ascend and spawn its anvil cloud, precipitation, and downdrafts within an hour or so. This paper inquires why a similar progression of events (life cycle) is observed for tropical weather fluctuations with time scales of hours, days, and even weeks. Regressions using point data illustrate the characteristic unit of rain production: the mesoscale convective system (MCS), covering tens of kilometers and lasting several hours, with embedded convective rain cells. Meanwhile, averages over larger spatial areas indicate a self-similar progression from shallow to deep convection to stratiform anvils on many time scales.Synthetic data exercises indicate that simple superpositions of fixed-structure MCS life cycles (the Building Block hypothesis) cannot explain why longer period life cycles are similar. Rather, it appears that an MCS may be a small analogue or prototype of larger scale waves. Multiscale structure is hypothesized to occur via a Stretched Building Block conceptual model, in which the widths (durations) of zones of shallow, deep, and stratiform anvil clouds in MCSs are modulated by larger scale waves.Temperature (T) and humidity (q) data are examined and fed into an entraining plume model, in an attempt to elucidate their relative roles in these large-scale convection zone variations. T profile variations, with wavelengths shorter than troposphere depth, appear important for high-frequency ( 2–5-day period) convectively coupled waves, as density directly links convection (via buoyancy) and large-scale wave dynamics (via restoring force). Still, the associated q anomalies are several times greater than adiabatic, suggesting a strong amplification by shallow convective feedbacks. For lower frequency (intraseasonal) variability, q anomalies are considerably larger compared to T, and may be dominant.  相似文献   
为了探讨绥中一次暴雪伴雷电天气过程的成因,利用常规观测资料、NCEP每6h间隔的1°×1°的再分析资料和营口多普勒雷达的资料,分析此过程的天气形势特点、高低空急流的作用、雷达回波的特征及反映动力、热力和水汽条件的相关物理量场的特征。结果发现:雷电发生在对流层中层的西南风急流和底层偏东风均处在最强的时刻,当对流云团发展到-20℃温度层时,温差起电产生雷电;雷电发生在低层850hPa附近存在的逆温层消失之后,同时配合低层水汽的辐合,产生了暴雪天气;雷电和强降雪发生在大气底层南风和北风转换的过程中,强降雪的时间与冷空气扩散加强的时间比较一致,当冷空气扩散到整个大气底层时强降雪结束;引起雷电和强降雪的对流不稳定层结主要处在对流层中层,并为上升运动的发生提供了动力和热力条件,促使雷电发生和强降雪的维持。  相似文献   
金华  张蔷  何晖  马新成  黄梦宇  田海军  刘力威 《气象》2012,38(11):1443-1448
人为引发的下沉气流可以抑制对流云的发展,这一现象已在试验中得到验证。用“人工下沉气流法”实施人工消云试验时,需在云顶大剂量的播撒粉剂催化剂。北京市人工影响天气办公室研制了能完成此类大剂量播撤任务的设备,并通过外场飞行试验对设备进行检验和改进。这是国内人工影响天气领域首个采用空投播撒法的粉剂催化剂播撤设备;可减少催化剂对飞机和播撤设备的污染。分析发现,新设备能够满足人工消云作业中播撒大剂量粉剂催化剂的需要。该设备在北京奥运会、残奥会开闭幕式当日的消云试验作业中投入使用,共实施消云飞行作业9架次,累计利用新设备播撒吸湿性粉剂催化剂34吨。  相似文献   
集合预报产品在台风麦莎预报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了提高集合预报效果,利用T106L19全球谱模式和增长模繁殖法对台风麦莎制作了13个成员的集合预报,并对其结果进行集合预报产品解释应用研究。首先在离散距离分簇法中,引入方差分析的方法确定分簇基础,然后对集合预报的形势场进行了分簇,相对于以往采用96小时样本为分簇基础进行分簇的方法,分簇效果提高明显,分簇结果能给出台风移动的几种可能路径及其概率;其次对要素随时间的演变利用系统聚类法进行了分类,根据分簇平均图可以确定几个可能的台风登陆地点,制作了这些特殊点要素分类烟羽图,通过分析要素随时间的演变特征,提高对台风登陆地点和时间的预报精度;最后制作了盒须图,通过盒须图中数据组主体以外的数据点,确认出值得注意的一些特殊集合成员的预报结果,减少了小概率事件的漏报率。研究结果表明,将方差分析引入离散距离分簇法,要素烟羽聚类法以及盒须图的应用有利于提高和改善集合预报效果,集合预报产品解释应用效果得到改进。  相似文献   
一次梅雨锋上MCS云微物理过程及降水形成机制   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
选取2004年6月23日一次梅雨锋MCS暴雨过程,在天气分析的基础上,利用非静力中尺度模式MM5(V3.6)进行了数值模拟.对于可分辨尺度的降水,采用Reisner霰显式方案,对云内微物理过程特别是对各种水成物的源项进行了详细分析.结果表明:冷云过程是此次降水的主要云物理过程.云中以霰和雪为主要的降水元,尤其霰的作用最大.在强降水时段,雨水的主要源项都与霰有关,霰的生长过程中冰相粒子与过冷水的碰并以及霰的凝华过程最为重要.零度层上方存在着丰富的过冷水,最大的云水含量中心也在过冷层中.在过冷层中冰相粒子主要通过凝华过程和碰并过程增长,MCS发展强盛期冰晶与过冷水的碰并增长要大于液水的蒸凝过程的增长.最后给出了本次梅雨锋上MCS降水云系的三层云结构及微物理过程模型.  相似文献   
西北地区春季云系的垂直结构特征飞机观测统计分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据2001年5—6月8架次的飞机探测资料,配合地面观测和卫星资料综合分析得出了西北地区春季云系的垂直结构宏微观特征,包括云厚、云底高度、云粒子浓度、含水量、有效半径、粒子谱分布函数等。降水性层状云厚平均约2000 m,低云含水量垂直方向上平均为0.07 g·m~(-3),中云含水量垂直方向上平均为0.03 g·m~(-3)。对比分析降水云和非降水云系的微物理特征量,两者存在显著的差异,降水性层状云有效半径要达到10~16μm。  相似文献   
利用卫星云图作广西强降水短时预报   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
构造天气学意义明确的卫星云图状态函数模型,在对云层进行分类的基础上,定量提取卫星云图参数,通过与云图模板的相似运算寻找短时预报指标。试报结果表明,这种方法对提高强降雨落区的短时预报准确率是可行的。  相似文献   
Individual aerosol particles collected in the Negev desert in Israel during a summer and winter campaign in 1996–1997 were analysed by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to interpret the data on the basis of particle diameter and composition. Eleven particle classes (groups) provided clues on sources and/or particle formation. The summer samples were enriched in sulphates and mineral dusts; the winter samples contained more sea salts, aged sea salts, and industrial particles. The fine size fraction below 1 m diameter was enriched in secondary particles and showed evidence of atmospheric processing. The secondary sulphate particles were mainly attributed to long-range transport. A regional conversion from calcite to calcium sulphate occurred during summer. Industrial particles originating from local pollution appeared during winter.  相似文献   
一次秋季冷锋降水过程气溶胶与云粒子分布的飞机观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用机载PMS(Particle Measuring Systems)测量系统,对2008年10月4—5日石家庄地区一次冷锋降水云系的3次气溶胶和云粒子探测资料进行了分析。结果表明,冷锋过境降水前后,气溶胶粒子分布差异较大。降水发生前,气溶胶粒子平均数浓度约为103cm-3,平均直径为0.95μm;气溶胶主要集中于3000m高度以下的对流层低层,云内气溶胶数浓度明显减少。降水发生后,气溶胶粒子平均数浓度约为102cm-3,比降水前约小1个量级,平均直径为1.28μm;气溶胶主要集中于1200m以下的近地面层,其数浓度随高度增加而降低。气溶胶粒子浓度在低层云区内水平变化较小,而在无云区和云下近地层水平起伏较大。云粒子平均浓度比气溶胶小1~2个量级。气溶胶粒子平均谱主要呈双峰型,而云粒子谱主要为单峰型。  相似文献   
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