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Multivariate statistical analysis was used to explore relationships between catchment topography and spatial variability in snow accumulation and melt processes in a small headwater catchment in the Spanish Pyrenees. Manual surveys of snow depth and density provided information on the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) and its depletion over the course of the 1997 and 1998 melt seasons. A number of indices expressing the topographic control on snow processes were extracted from a detailed digital elevation model of the catchment. Bivariate screening was used to assess the relative importance of these topographic indices in controlling snow accumulation at the start of the melt season, average melt rates and the timing of snow disappearance. This suggested that topographic controls on the redistribution of snow by wind are the most important influence on snow distribution at the start of the melt season. Furthermore, it appeared that spatial patterns of snow disappearance were largely determined by the distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) at the start of the melt season, rather than by spatial variability in melt rates during the melt season. Binary regression tree models relating snow depth and disappearance date to terrain indices were then constructed. These explained 70–80% of the variance in the observed data. As well as providing insights into the influence of topography on snow processes, it is suggested that the techniques presented herein could be used in the parameterization of distributed snowmelt models, or in the design of efficient stratified snow surveys. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper describes the application of environmental isotopes and injected tracer techniques in estimating the contribution of storms as well as annual precipitation to groundwater recharge and its circulation, in the semi‐arid region of Bagepalli, Kolar district, Karnataka. Environmental isotopes
2 H,
18 O and
3 H were used to study the effect of storms on the hydrological system, and an isotope balance was used to compute the contribution of a storm component to the groundwater. Some of the groundwater samples collected during the post‐storm periods were highly depleted in stable isotope content with higher deuterium excess relative to groundwater from the pre‐storm periods. Significant variation in deuterium excess in groundwater from the same area, collected in two different periods, indicates the different origin of air masses. The estimated recharge component of a storm event of 600 mm to the groundwater was found to be in the range of 117–165 mm. There was no significant variation in environmental tritium content of post‐storm and pre‐storm groundwater, indicating the fast circulation of groundwater in the system. After completion of the environmental isotope work, an injected radiotracer
3 H technique was applied to estimate the direct recharge of total precipitation to the groundwater. The estimated recharge to the groundwater is 33 mm of the 550 mm annual precipitation during 1992. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
High‐resolution historical (1942) and recent (1994) digital terrain models were derived from aerial photographs along the Big Sur coastline in central California to measure the long‐term volume of material that enters the nearshore environment. During the 52‐year measurement time period, an average of 21 000 ± 3100 m
3 km
?1 a
?1 of material was eroded from nine study sections distributed along the coast, with a low yield of 1000 ± 240 m
3 km
?1 a
?1 and a high of 46 700 ± 7300 m
3 km
?1 a
?1 . The results compare well with known volumes from several deep‐seated landslides in the area and suggest that the processes by which material is delivered to the coast are episodic in nature. In addition, a number of parameters are investigated to determine what influences the substantial variation in yield along the coast. It is found that the magnitude of regional coastal landslide sediment yield is primarily related to the physical strength of the slope‐forming material. Coastal Highway 1 runs along the lower portion of the slope along this stretch of coastline, and winter storms frequently damage the highway. The California Department of Transportation is responsible for maintaining this scenic highway while minimizing the impacts to the coastal ecosystems that are part of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. This study provides environmental managers with critical background data on the volumes of material that historically enter the nearshore from landslides, as well as demonstrating the application of deriving historical digital terrain data to model landscape evolution. Published in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
利用1971-2000年河北省及周边126个气象台站的常规观测资料,应用月平均气温分布式模型,实现了起伏地形下河北省月平均气温的分布式模拟,制作出100 m×100 m分辨率的气温空间制图。结果表明:坝上高原和河北省平原地区地势平坦,气温分布比较均匀;燕山山脉和太行山山脉地形复杂,气温受局地地形影响显著。在角度相同的坡地上,偏南坡与偏北坡的气温差异1月>10月>4月>7月。在同一时段,偏南坡与偏北坡的气温差异随坡度的增加而增加;张家口地区多盆地河谷,气温分布均匀且较周围地区高;月平均气温分布式模型在河北省具有良好的模拟精度、时间维和空间维模拟性能及山地扩展性能。
利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)探测资料和ERA5再分析资料,研究了2006年7月6日发生在青藏高原东坡的一次强降水过程,并在此基础上分析了青藏高原东坡夏季(6—8月)的降水结构特征。研究结果表明:青藏高原东坡较强降水个例发生在低层辐合、高层辐散的降水环境背景场中,雨带呈东北-西南分布,最大降水强度超过20 mm·h-1 。对流降水回波顶高超过17 km,层状降水回波顶高低于15 km,6.5 km高度存在亮带,且外形也似非高原地区的层状降水垂直结构。统计分析表明在高原东部偏南区、高原东部与四川盆地交界区南部的夏季降水频次高,而在高原东部偏北及四川盆地的降水频次、对流和层状降水频次均比上述地区小;多年夏季的日均降水量分布大体与降水频次分布类似。降水反射率因子的垂直结构具有地域性特点,高原东部偏南和偏北区的回波垂直结构相似,因受到地形高度的压缩,其降水垂直结构与非高原地区的不同;而高原东部与四川盆地交接区的降水垂直结构外形,介于高原与非高原之间;四川盆地的对流降水和层状降水垂直结构与中国东部平原及热带副热带洋面的相近,但层状降水的亮带高度高出1 km。
摘 要:开展塔克拉玛干沙漠沙垄起伏地形夏季地表温度观测试验,旨在为塔克拉玛干沙漠环境陆面过程研究提供科学依据。2019年6月7日至9月2日在塔中地区,沿沙垄迎风坡以及背风坡底部、中部、上部、顶点及垄间谷地共设8个地表温度观测点。结果表明:(1)夏季沙垄地表温度最高温出现在垄间谷地,为74.63 ℃,最低温出现在迎风坡底部,为10.52 ℃;地表温度一天中在7:00左右达到最低,15:00左右达到最高。(2)晴天、多云以及浮尘天各观测点地表温度日均变化曲线呈单峰型,降水、扬沙及沙尘暴天呈双峰型;地表温度的最高温与日均值最大值均出现在晴天的垄间谷地,地表温度的最低温及日均值最小值均出现在降水天的迎风坡底部。(3)沙垄顶点与两个底部最大温差范围是顶点与背风坡底部在晴天的温差范围,为0~18.62 ℃,最小温差范围是顶点与迎风坡底部在降水天的温差范围,为0.01~6.18 ℃;迎风坡和背风坡在晴天地表温度温差范围最大,为0.01~16.93 ℃,在降水天温差范围最小,为0.01~4.15 ℃;顶点与两个底部夏季综合温差范围在0~18.62 ℃,迎风坡与背风坡夏季综合温差范围为0~16.93 ℃。塔克拉玛干沙漠地表温度受典型天气影响变化类型多样,沙垄顶点与底部、迎风坡与背风坡地表温度差异受风力及地形作用明显。
2014年5月10日08时左右,在广东阳江市附近有分散对流单体出现并发展合并形成为尺度约200 km的准静止东西向线状MCS(Meso-scale Convective System),持续近16 h,造成广东阳江以东至珠江入海口以西沿海强降水。通过实况分析、WRF-ARW(the Advanced Research WRF)模式模拟及地形敏感试验发现,在有利的大尺度水汽热力条件背景下,特殊的中尺度动力热力结构与云雾山地形的持续相互作用是该MCS触发和维持机制的关键因素。在大气低层出现的SLLJ(Super-low Level Jet)构成了向北输送的暖湿气流“通道”,增强了云雾山南侧上干冷与下暖湿的大气对流不稳定层结,使得暖湿空气在云雾山地形的阻挡作用下被强迫抬升达到自由对流高度,气块的CAPE(Convective Available Potential Energy)被触发释放,在云雾山附近生成分散的对流单体,配合中层偏西引导气流的作用,对流单体向东移动发展。由于以上大气中尺度动力热力结构特征的持续维持,配合云雾山地形抬升作用,在此后的十余小时内,云雾山附近不断触发新对流单体,在中层引导气流作用下向东移动的同时,持续的SLLJ为对流的发展供给大气不稳定能量使得对流单体逐渐发展合并,以此往复,形成了西端位于云雾山附近的准东西向线状MCS并长时间维持。