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The results of our 1993 and 1994 experiments at the Tsimlyansk experimental site are given. Spatial variations of small-scale (0.1 m < l < 100 m) temperature inhomogeneities of a steppe surface have been measured. Considerable variations in surface radiation temperature Tr, with variances up to 5 K2, have been found. The spectra of Tr variations are of a one-mode character. The position of the spectral maximum on the wavenumber scale depends on the surface characteristics and may change from year-to-year. Probability density distributions for steppe surface radiation temperature variations are close to a normal distribution.  相似文献   
Despite the low elemental abundance of atomic deuterium in the interstellar medium (ISM), observational evidence suggests that several species, both in the gas phase and in ices, could be heavily fractionated. We explore various aspects of deuterium enrichment by constructing a chemical evolution model in both gaseous and granular phases. Depending on various physical parameters, gases and grains are allowed to interact with each other through the exchange of their chemical species. It is known that HCO+ and N2H+ are two abundant gas phase ions in the ISM and, their deuterium fractionation is generally used to predict the degree of ionization in the various regions of a molecular cloud. For a more accurate estimation, we consider the density profile of a collapsing cloud. The radial distributions of important interstellar molecules, along with their deuterated isotopomers, are presented. Quantum chemical simulations are computed to study the effects of isotopic substitution on the spectral properties of these interstellar species. We calculate the vibrational (harmonic) frequencies of the most important deuterated species (neutral and ions). The rotational and distortional constants of these molecules are also computed in order to predict the rotational transitions of these species. We compare vibrational (harmonic) and rotational transitions as computed by us with existing experimental and theoretical results. It is hope that our results will assist observers in detecting several hitherto unobserved deuterated species.  相似文献   
Irshell, a mid-infrared echelle spectrograph developed through a collaboration between the University of Texas, the University of California Space Sciences Laboratory, and Hughes Aircraft, has been in regular use for astronomical observations for about five years. It is optimized for high spectral resolution (R10,000) observations of narrow spectral regions (/1/300) and compact sources (a few arcsec), and is sensitive in the 5–25 m region. A wide variety of astronomical objects have been studied. Observing techniques have been developed to achieve maximum sensitivity in those observations for which Irshell is best suited and to allow observations of wide spectral regions and extended objects. We discuss the observing techniques and show some of the data obtained.  相似文献   
Fine Resolution of UV Spectra by Differentiation of 1st and 2nd Order in Hydrocarbon Analysis Basic UV spectra (0th order) in unpolar solvents such as cyclohexane are useful — though with some reservations — in characterizing mineral oils occuring in pure form and aromatic fractions in environmental samples separated by chromatographic techniques. The common standard raffinates, biogenic hydrocarbons or other mixes of hydrocarbons including polycyclic aromatics can be approximately identified. The spectra of 1st and 2nd order improve the reliability of the results and permit above all to detect polycondensated aromatics even in traces. Finally, partial spectra of 1st and 2nd order in the wavelength ranges 205…240, 220…260, and 260…320 nm allow because of their very specific structures a simple and fast practically definite assignment to the above-mentioned groups of aromatics. Analogously, substituted aromatics in detergents and other technical products have already been identified. The method is suitable as a fast preliminary test, at least.  相似文献   
本文首先发展了计算层状介质地面及地下记录地震波理论地震图的部分分离变量—有限差分计算方法,其最主要的环节是引进了吸收边界条件,使计算工作量大大减少,得以在实际工作中推广应用。其次,应用矩阵方法计算地面及地下记录的地震波的理论频谱。最后给出了用上述方法得到的华北地区两种不同的理论地壳模型情况下的理论地震图和频谱计算结果。应用这些理论结果,可根据实际地震观测资料对地壳介质模型进行分析、评判和优选。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThe Changbaishan volcano is located in Jilin Province , along the border of China and NorthKorea .It isthelargest nature reservein China .Changbaishan belongstothe northeastern Asian activebelt in the eastern margin of the Euro-Asia plate . The Changbaishan volcano is a gigantic ,polygenetic ,central volcano,and has been active since Holocene .The early eruption started in thePliocene andformedthe basaltic shield. Duringthe middle and late Pleistocene ,the volcanic cone …  相似文献   
We present preliminary results of observations of the spectrum of comet C/2001 A2(LINEAR) obtained with the Multipupil Fiber Spectrograph, installed in the PrimeFocus of the 6-m Telescope of the SAO of the RAS (Northern Caucasus, NizhnyArkhyz), on August 11/12, 12/13 and 14/15, 2001. High resolution spectra of thecomet were obtained in the range from 3800–5200 AA. The emission lines in the spectrum of comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) on Aug. 12, 2001 were identified. Thefluorescent continuum in the spectrum of comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) on Aug. 12,2001 is detected.  相似文献   
Six levels of simultaneously sampled ultrasonic data are used to analyse the turbulence structure within a mixed forest of 13 m height on a steep slope (35°) in an alpine valley. The data set is compared to other studies carried out over forests in more ideal, flat terrain. The analysis is carried out for 30-min mean data, joint probability distributions, length scales and spectral characteristics.Thermally induced upslope winds and cold air drainage lead to a wind speed maximum within the trunk space. Slope winds are superimposed on valley winds and the valley-wind component becomes stronger with increasing height. Slope and valley winds are thus interacting on different spatial and time scales leading to a quite complex pattern in momentum transport that differs significantly from surface-layer characteristics. Directional shear causes lateral momentum transports that are in the same order or even larger than the longitudinal ones. In the canopy, however, a sharp attenuation of turbulence is observed. Skewed distributions of velocity components indicate that intermittent turbulent transport plays an important role in the energy distribution.Even though large-scale pressure fields lead to characteristic features in the turbulent structure that are superimposed on the canopy flow, it is found that many statistical properties typical of both mixing layers and canopy flow are observed in the data set.  相似文献   
We present the spectra of accretion discs around white dwarfs calculated with an improved and updated version of Shaviv and Wehrse [Shaviv, G., Wehrse, R., 1991. A&A 251, 117] model. The new version includes line opacities and convective energy transport and can be used to calculate the spectra of hot discs in bright systems (nova-like variables or dwarf novae in outburst) as well as the spectra of cold accretion discs in quiescent dwarf novae.  相似文献   
通过对实测光谱数据和水深数据的分析研究发现,泥沙浓度在水深遥感中具有重要意义。泥沙含量决定水体光谱反射率与 水深的相关性方向: 泥沙含量较少的清水区,光谱反射率与水深呈负线性相关; 而在泥沙含量较高的浊水区,光谱反射率与水深 数据呈正线性相关。以此为依据,对水体进行清/浊水体的光谱分别处理,可提高水深的光谱反演精度。同时,结合实测水体光谱 进行不同光谱分辨率的模拟分析,发现高光谱分辨率遥感将有助于提高水深反演精度。  相似文献   
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