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针对使用传统的编程方式进行空间回归分析过于繁杂的问题,本文提出将Python函数式编程引入空间回归分析方法,分析和探讨脚本语言+函数式编程方式在GIS数据分析中的推广应用前景。编程实践证明,采用Python函数式编程,结合既有的开源软件包,可以有效提高编程效率,减少代码量,将实践人员的注意力集中在问题本身。  相似文献   
Oligotrophic bacteria have been isolated from many habitats, yet environmental regulation of their distributions in soil has not been elucidated. To address the issue of environmental influence upon oligotrophic distributions, Chihuahuan Desert soils were sampled from five sites along an elevational and vegetational gradient within Big Bend National Park during January and August of 2002 and 2003. Soils were diluted and plated on oligotrophic media, and plates were incubated at 15, 25, 35, 45 and 60 °C. Additionally, measurements of soil organic matter, pH, moisture, extractable nitrate, extractable ammonium and microbial biomass carbon were collected for each sample to relate oligotrophic bacterial distributions to soil nutrient and edaphic characteristics. Analysis of variance indicated significant site, season, incubation-temperature and interaction effects on total oligotroph numbers. Canonical correspondence analysis and multiple regressions indicated that all soil-chemistry variables significantly influenced discrete morphologies of oligotrophs. Oligotroph distributions were most congruent with soil-chemistry variation in three sites, whereas oligotrophic diversity in two sites did not adhere closely to measured environmental variables. While vegetation type may structure oligotroph communities at the two mid-elevational sites, abiotic constraints are drivers in low-desert sites.  相似文献   
采用1971~2000年气候整编资料数据,初步分析了茂县的风能资源状况。结果表明:(1)由于特定的地理地形条件所致,其风能资源在四川为最大值地区之一,在横断山地区也为最大值地区之一。虽然年平均风能密度仅为27.44 W/m2(县气象局观测资料计算)。但当地风具有一年四季风速较大、风向稳定、定时起风等特点,其风能应具有较大的开发利用价值。(2)茂县的风有如下特点:一年四季都有风,冬春季最大(12月~次年5月平均风速达4.1m/s),秋季次之(10~11月平均风速达3.6m/s),夏季最小(6~9月平均风速达3.4m/s),以3月最大,平均风速达4.6m/s,以9月最小,平均风速只有3.2m/s。据茂县局3次观测的2分钟的平均风速来看,早上多为静风,在这种情况下多年平均风速仍然达到了3.8m/s,为全省最大。(3)根据茂县本站的风观测资料计算该县属于风能资源较贫乏地区,但该县由于地形复杂,县气象局观测资料不能完全代表该县的特殊风能分布情况,需要在实地调查的基础上,选择风速较大的地区建立风能观测点积累风能实测资料,为该县开发风能资源造福当地人民提供更科学、更具有说服力的数据。  相似文献   
Mark A. Fonstad   《Geomorphology》2006,77(3-4):217
The linkages between ecology and geomorphology can be difficult to identify because of physical complexity and the limitations of the current theoretical representations in these two fields of study. Deep divisions between these disciplines are manifest in the methods used to simulate process, such as rigidly physical-deterministic methods for many aspects of geomorphology compared with purely stochastic simulations in many models of change in landcover. Practical and theoretical research into ecology–geomorphology linkages cannot wait for a single simulation schema which may never come; as a result, studies of these linkages often appear disjointed and inconsistent.The grid-based simulation framework for cellular automata (CA) allows simultaneous use of competing schemas. CA use in general geographic studies has been primarily limited to urban simulations models of change for land cover, both highly stochastic and/or expert rule-based. In the last decade, however, methods for describing physically deterministic systems in the CA framework have become much more accurate. The possibility now exists to merge separate CA simulations of different environmental systems into unified “multiautomata” models. Because CAs allow transition rules that are deterministic, probabilistic, or expert rule-based, they can immediately incorporate the existing knowledge rules in ecology and geomorphology. The explicitly spatial nature of CA provides a map-like framework that should allow a simple and deeply rooted connection with the mapping traditions of the geosciences and ecological sciences.  相似文献   
金华市水资源承载力分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从生态学角度出发,提出水资源承载力是在社会发展的某一阶段和生态系统良性循环的条件下,水资源对人类活动的最大支撑能力。指出目前金华市的水荒不是水源型缺水,而是水质型缺水和工程型缺水。根据20多年的历史数据和2020年全面建设小康社会的标准,利用系统动力学(SD)模型,仿真研究了金华市未来政策实施后水资源承载力的动态变化过程。同时指出,对于金华市来说,单方面追求经济的快速发展、以牺牲环境作为代价的高方案和把环境保护作为首要目标、经济慢速发展的低方案都是不可取的,只有经济发展和环境保护同时兼顾的中方案才是首选方案。  相似文献   
葛小东  黄超  叶青 《中国沙漠》2012,32(5):1457-1462
 基于数据包络分析方法对通辽市各旗县2000—2008年农业生产技术效率进行综合评价。结果表明:①通辽市农业生产技术效率整体上较低,但呈逐年上升的趋势。②通辽市各旗县农业生产技术效率的时空差异明显,霍林郭勒和开鲁县的农业生产技术效率表现为先降低后上升;库伦旗和科尔沁左翼中旗农业生产技术效率表现为持续上升;科尔沁左翼后旗、扎鲁特旗和奈曼旗的农业生产技术效率表现为随时间呈现一定波动性;各旗县中奈曼旗年均效率最高。③通辽市农业生产技术效率主要受投入冗余影响,各旗县均存在降水冗余,反映出当地农业生产投入的盲目性。降水的波动性和不确定性导致灌溉用水、耕地面积投入过多,进而影响了各旗县农业生产技术效率。不同旗县在不同年份的投入冗余有所差异,显示农民应对降水变动的措施也具有一定盲目性。建议针对气候的不确定性对农业生产的干扰展开研究,改进农业生产技术。  相似文献   
《雷州歌谣话初集》系清末民初黄景星著述之研究雷州民歌的一部珍贵的历史文献,其所选雷歌数量众多,体裁各异,题材广泛,原汁原味,注重音义注解的翔实性与可靠性,编辑体例具有较强的科学性。作者对每首雷歌字词句篇的鉴赏曲尽其致,对雷歌"赋"、"比"、"兴"之叙述方式与"双关"、"顶针"、"回环"等修辞方式独抒己见,将雷歌分为"口头歌"、"班本歌"、"出榜歌"、"姑娘歌"四类,考辨出雷歌"源于清之雍康间,而盛于乾嘉,衰于咸同以后"之历史事实,值得研究雷歌的学人一读。  相似文献   
从理论上采用蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)模拟的方法研究了不同遗传力条件下数量性状位点的直接选择(DSQ)和以表型为基础的选择(TBS)在10个不重叠世代中的选择反应以及DSQ相对于TBS的优势。结果表明,在10个世代中DSQ的选择进展在几乎总是大于TBS的选择进展,说明DSQ较TBS具有优越性;但DSQ的相对选择效率(RSE)会随着世代数的增加而呈现较迅速下降的趋势,单个性状情况下RSE则呈直线下降的趋势。随着选择代数的增加,DSQ将失去其优越性,TBS在遗传进展上将超过DSQ。  相似文献   
本文提出一种新的方案,可以用正交调制的方法,同时发射两组互补码,从而使得该系统对目标信号相关时间的要求由历来的“必须远大于雷达重复周期”降低到”只要远大于码的总长”。本文给出了用计算机进行仿真的结果。  相似文献   
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