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An analytical solution is developed in this paper to investigate the vertical time-harmonic response of a large-diameter variable-section pile, and it considers the radial inhomogeneity of the surrounding soil caused by construction disturbance. First, the saturated soil surrounding the pile is described by Biot’s poroelastic theory and a series of infinitesimally thin independent layers along the shaft of the pile, and the pile is represented by a variable-section Rayleigh–Love rod. Then, the dynamic equilibrium equations of the soil and pile are solved to obtain an analytical solution for the impedance function at the pile top using the complex stiffness transfer method and impedance function transfer method. Finally, the proposed solution is compared with previous solutions to verify its reliability, and a parameter study is conducted to provide insights into the sensitivity of the vertical dynamic impedance of the pile and velocity response in low-strain integrity testing on defective piles.  相似文献   
海水中的氦同位素能对海底热液活动进行有效示踪。本文对在西南印度洋49°~56°E洋脊段采集的5条CTD拖曳剖面共14件深水样品进行了氦氖同位素分析。通过分析水体中存在的氦同位素异常,探讨调查区热液异常的特征和热液羽状流的分布。分析表明,5条CTD剖面均存在δ3He异常,其中CTD7-2(位置:37.927°S、49.412°E,水深2 140m,离底高度100m)的δ3He值最大,达到49.2%。根据δ3He分布特征,认为调查区内存在至少6处热液羽状流,其中37.927°S、49.412°E以西数千米范围内可能存在海底热液喷口。  相似文献   
Riverine waters bring to seas a variety of suspended materials, which are ultimately deposited on the shelf or exported to the deep ocean. Investigation of the mineralogical contents of these continental-borne constituents on seafloors may reveal valuable information about the environmental conditions in the drainage basin. In this note we report results of X-ray diffraction and other analysis of sediments in bottom samples collected on the continental shelf under influence of the Plata River and the Patos Lagoon, in South America. The analysis reveals that non-clay materials are mostly concentrated south of 33°S, while clay sediments are relatively more abundant further north. We propose that such distributions are controlled by the circulation pattern and water mass distribution of the lower and upper layers, respectively.  相似文献   
圆柱绕流作为流体力学领域中的经典问题,近年来得到了广泛的关注和研究。开展振荡流下二维圆柱的水动力特性和漩涡发放形态研究将为认识和理解圆柱绕流特性提供重要参考。基于RANS方程,采用k-ωSST湍流模型,首先通过对比雷诺数10 000时均匀流下的受迫振动试验数据,验证了研究方法的可行性,进而开展了振荡流下圆柱绕流的数值模拟,对比讨论了5种KC数下流体力系数变化情况及漩涡脱落模式,并开展了升力系数时历分析。结果表明:在低振幅、低频率下,小KC数时激励力系数变化较大,大KC数时流态趋向于均匀流,激励力系数变化较小。在大KC数时可以观察到较为明显的2S脱落模式,升力系数在每一周期内出现两次振幅调制现象,小KC数时流体变化较快,规律性相对较弱。  相似文献   
Since local scour at bridge piers in rivers and estuaries is a major cause of bridge failure, estimation of the maximum local scour depth is of great importance to hydraulic and coastal engineers. Although numerous studies that focus on scour-depth prediction have been done and published, understanding of the flow and turbulence characteristics of the horseshoe vortex that drives the scour mechanism in a developing scour hole still is immature. This study aims to quantify the detailed turbulent flow field in a developing clear-water scour hole at a circular pier using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The distributions of velocity fields, turbulence intensities, and Reynolds shear stresses of the horseshoe vortex that form in front of the pier at different scour stages (t=0, 0.5, 1, 12, 24, and 48 h) are presented in this paper. During scour development, the horseshoe vortex system was found to evolve from one initially small vortex to three vortices. The strength and size of the main vortex are found to increase with increasing scour depth. The regions of both the maximum turbulence intensity and Reynolds shear stress are found to form at a location upstream of the main vortex, where the large turbulent eddies have the highest possibility of occurrence. Results from this study not only provide new insight into the complex flow-sediment interaction at bridge piers, but also provide valuable experimental databases for advanced numerical simulations.  相似文献   
王祖华  刘东  刘均 《海洋工程》2019,37(4):80-86
为了全面掌握纵横加筋圆锥壳结构参数与其振动特性之间的关系,采用有限元软件ANSYS对纵横加筋圆锥壳进行参数化建模,并基于设计变量全组合数据,采用相关性分析、主效应分析和主成分分析方法,对纵横加筋圆锥壳结构参数与结构第一阶总体弯曲模态频率、激励力处的加速度响应总级以及结构质量之间的关系进行研究,得到了各结构参数与目标量之间关系的定量描述。为正确理解纵横加筋圆锥壳结构参数与振动特征量之间的关系提供了数据支撑,同时为此类结构的工程设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
徐姝  易笑园  熊明明  孙密娜  林晓萌 《气象》2024,50(2):181-194
利用常规地面高空观测、多普勒雷达、风廓线、VDRAS(Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System)和NCEP再分析资料,对2018年8月5—6日副热带高压(以下简称副高)控制下华北一次局地大暴雨过程中多个β中尺度对流系统触发和发展机制进行了分析。结果表明:这次大暴雨发生在副高控制下,处于高温、高湿气团中,大气层结极不稳定。暴雨由多个相继发展的中尺度对流系统造成,分别是太行山迎风坡上西南—东北向、华北平原地区保定一带南北向、保定至霸州附近西南—东北向和以雄安新区为中心东西向原地生消的准静止MCS-Ⅰ、MCS-Ⅱ、MCS-Ⅲ和MCS-Ⅳ,均属于β中尺度。在相似的环境中,不同中尺度对流系统触发机制有较大差异,太行山迎风坡上的MCS-Ⅰ是由近地层偏东暖湿气流在迎风坡与山风形成的辐合抬升触发;由辐射差异和前期强降水形成的局地冷池受MCS-Ⅰ影响再次加强后,其出流与环境风形成的两条地面辐合线分别触发了MCS-Ⅱ和MCS-Ⅲ,并组织对流沿辐合线呈带状发展;而超低空偏东风增强叠加冷池出流在地形抬升作用下促使沿山暖湿气团进一步抬升,使得原本消亡的MCS-Ⅰ再次重建...  相似文献   
通过对西南林学院大学生违纪行为的调查统计,运用定量和定性的方法进行比较研究,对违纪学生的年龄、性别、违纪原因、处理结果等因素进行分析,结合对违纪学生的访谈,可以客观、全面地反映高校大学生违纪行为的基本特点和成因。针对这些基本特点和成因,探索预防和减少大学生违纪现象的对策,为进一步完善学校的人才培养模式,提高学校的学生管理工作水平和教育教学质量提供决策依据。  相似文献   

2022年2月中旬,北大西洋冬季风暴“尤尼斯”(Eunice)给欧洲中、西部带来严重自然灾害。以卫星观测数据为主,研究了“尤尼斯”发生的环境场、卫星水汽图像干侵入特征、对流层中高层位涡强迫对爆发性发展的影响等。结果表明:“尤尼斯”活动期间,北半球高纬度西半球偏冷、东半球偏暖,极涡偏向北美大陆,北美极区附近平均气温偏低。“尤尼斯”的生成和北美极区附近极涡分裂南下的冷空气沿着西风带东传有关。爆发性发展期间,海平面气压下降率约40 hPa/(24 h),远超爆发性发展指标(24 hPa/(24 h)),且出现在海温正距平区。格陵兰岛南部气旋提供的极区冷空气对爆发性发展尤为重要,该冷空气在北大西洋洋面形成强西北风转偏西风,表现为排列整齐的大范围细胞状积云一直延伸至风暴中心附近,卫星水汽图像上表现为快速增强的干侵入特征,并伴有高位涡异常。发展至最强阶段,高位涡向下伸展,400 hPa最强高位涡区位于风暴中心的正上方,500 hPa以下高位涡向东南方向倾斜,并伴随着对流层中、下层强下沉运动,下沉运动为低空风速增强提供了一定的高空能量来源,高位涡侵入的下方也有利于低层气旋式环流发展。

一次青藏高原夏季低涡的诊断分析研究   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
罗四维  杨洋 《高原气象》1991,10(1):1-12
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