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闽西南地区位于福建武夷山成矿带西南部,自远古宙以来经历了多期次的构造演化.该区地处东南沿海构造-岩浆-成矿带上,为环太平洋大陆边缘多金属成矿带与南岭多金属成矿带复合部位,是我国重要的多金属矿产地.永定大排多金属矿区作为近年来武夷山成矿带新发现的大型多金属矿,区内叠加作用和控矿作用相对复杂,现有的地质地球物理工作程度不足以满足对该区域成矿规律的深入认识,一些基础地质问题亟待解决.因此,本文在深入收集永定大排矿区地质地球物理资料基础上,综合分析区域成矿背景与成矿构造,在重点区域布设综合地球物理勘探工作,包括1:1万高精度磁测、可控源音频大地电磁剖面及反射地震剖面.基于上述工作:1)开展了研究区航磁数据三维磁化率反演与分布特征分析与大地电磁二维电阻率反演与分布特征分析,开展了地震资料真地表深度偏移成像,获得了更加准确的地震剖面成像结果.2)结合推覆体控矿特征,地震剖面和电阻率剖面、航磁反演结果相互验证和约束,勾画了地下构造形态.地表地质剖面延伸和标定了构造形态的地质内涵,获得了从地表到3000 m深度的构造解释结果.解释结果清晰地显示了与推覆相关的构造、控矿层位以及岩体信息,为三位一体的找矿思路提供了地球物理依据.

The processes acting on a longitudinal dune are inferred from the response in the area size-sorting characteristics of the sediment of the active layer. The sediment size distributions are determined by settling and are best described by a log-hyperbolic model which provides the most information on size-sorting processes. Size-sorting characteristics are markedly different across the low round-crested part of the dune from cross-sections of the high more sharp-crested part. This results in changes in textural parameters along the lee-side consistent with changes in the lee-side separation vortex. This is the first time that the effect of wind speed up on the lee-side is observed to be reflected in the sediment; it can only be detected with the very sensitive log-hyperbolic parameters.  相似文献   
主要分析了1951~2004年夏季亚洲极涡强度和面积的长期变化趋势及其对东亚夏季环流,水汽输送和降水量的影响,发现1951~2004年,夏季亚洲极涡表现出了明显的强度减弱,面积缩小的变化趋势,并以面积缩小更为显著,这正对应于北极涛动(AO)指数在该时段的显著升高.在这种北半球中高纬大尺度环流变化的影响下,东亚夏季高空西风急流在近54年显著南移,冷空气活动的南侵程度明显增强,从而造成低空偏北风显著增强而偏南风减弱.与此相应,近54年整个中国区域内低空纬向风速呈明显的减小趋势.总的来看,东亚夏季风环流发生了明显减弱.同时,流经中国的中纬度西风水汽输送在近54年也表现出一致减弱的趋势,而南风水汽输送大致以110°E为界,以东的夏季风区呈显著的减弱趋势而以西则有明显的增加趋势.这种水汽输送的变化影响了中国不同区域内水汽输送通量散度的改变,进而使得夏季降水量发生变化.分析表明,夏季亚洲极涡的面积和强度与东北、华北和西北东部的水汽输送通量散度和夏季降水呈正相关,而与长江中下游、华南、西南、青藏高原和西北西部呈显著负相关,夏季亚洲极涡在近几十年的面积缩小和强度减弱是中国夏季降水长期变化的一个可能原因.  相似文献   
梅雨锋次天气尺度涡旋旋转风和辐散风动能收支   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
汪钟兴  刘勇 《高原气象》1994,13(1):28-34
本文选取1991年7月5日20:00-6日20:00梅雨锋上移动性次天气尺度涡旋引起的长江中下游特大暴雨为实例。采用准拉格朗日球坐标系的旋转风和辐散风动能方程,计算得到次天气尺度涡旋发展和成熟两个阶段对流层各层旋转风动能和辐散风动能的收支特征为:在对流层高层(100-400hPa)两个阶段的旋转风动能源汇相同,辐散风动能源汇有异,即水平动能通量项和“摩擦”项符号相反;在中层(400-700hPa)  相似文献   
层序地层研究表明,位于扬子地块西南缘的黔西南地区在中三叠世末期(相当于Ladinian-Carnian期)出现了一次与全球同步的大规模海侵,形成了一个向上变深的碳酸盐岩台地淹没沉积层序。垄头组顶部和竹竿坡组分别是海进体系域(TST)的下、上部分。碳、氧同位素研究表明,垄头组顶部自下而上δ(18O)持续增大,而δ(13C)先逐渐增大,后在顶部界面附近快速下降,反映了垄头组顶部在暴露环境下氧化作用的结果。竹竿坡组δ(13C)自下而上逐渐增大,δ(18O)总体呈现逐渐减小趋势,反映了海平面变化特征。研究认为,海进体系域的δ(13C)和δ(18O)演化不但反映了海平面和沉积环境变化,同时对密集段(CS)、层序界面和古暴露面等也有很好的识别作用,在层序地层研究中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
对2001-2007年黑龙江省南部地区降雹资料进行综合分析,总结出了降雹的天气类型、物理机制及雷达回波特征,总结了不同降雹类型预报着眼点、配合的降水量及其它灾害天气。  相似文献   
A mathematical relation between deformation and vertical vorticity tendency is built by introducing the frontogenesis function and the complete vertical vorticity equation, which is derived by virtue of moist potential vorticity. From the mathematical relation, it is shown that properly configured atmospheric conditions can make deformation exert a positive contribution to vortex development at rates comparable to other favorable factors. The effect of deformation on vortex development is not only related to the deformation itself, but also depends on the current thermodynamic and dynamic structures of the atmosphere, such as the convective stability, moist baroclinicity and vertical wind shear(or horizontal vorticity). A diagnostic study of a heavy-rainfall case that occurred during 20–22 July 2012 shows that deformation has the most remarkable effect on the increase in vertical vorticity during the rapid development stage of the low vortex during its whole life cycle. This feature is mainly due to the existence of an approximate neutral layer(about 700 h Pa) in the atmosphere where the convective stability tends to be zero. The neutral layer makes the effect of deformation on the vertical vorticity increase significantly during the vortex development stage, and thus drives the vertical vorticity to increase.  相似文献   
环境场作用与西南低涡移动的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文将西南低涡视为迭加在环境场上的一个扰动,把考虑环境场和非绝热作用下的次天气尺度扰动方程组写在一个简单斜压两层模式上,根据西南低涡的特点对方程组作一些近似处理,导得了反映低层(700hPa)西南低涡移动特征的移矢诊断方程。由此分析了影响西南低涡移动的主要因子,得出了一些定性结果。最后,利用移矢诊断方程作了低涡移动的实例计算分析,其结果与实况比较一致。  相似文献   
PreliminaryresultsonkinematicmodeloftectonicblocksderivedfromhighprecisionGPSobservationsinSouthwestChinaLIRENHUANG1)(黄立人)...  相似文献   
In previous seismotectonic studies,the emphasis was placed on the inherited active fault zones.In the recent tectonic stage that essentially keeps in step with the current regional geologic environment and the stress field,however,there are also some newly generated fault zones.By studying the seismicity in North and Southwest China,it has been known that the NE-trending Tangshan-Hejian-Cixian and NW-trending Tengchong-Gengma-Lancang seismic zones are just two newly generated fault zones.As distinguished from the inherited fault zones,they are called the newly generated seismotectonic zones.This paper deals with the existence of these two seismogenic zones from their seismicity and geological structures,gives a preliminary analysis of their characteristics,and shows their significance.  相似文献   
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