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贵州瓮安磷矿新元古代微体生物化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁训来  周传明 《江苏地质》1999,23(4):202-211
发现于新元古代陡山沱期的瓮安生物群是一个重要的化石生物群。它的大部分化石保存了较完好的细胞结构、组织分化特征和其他微细构造 ,经描述的属种超过 5 0个。初步研究揭示出地球早期生命漫长的进化过程 ,在距今 6亿年前就已经出现了许多高级后生生物。对瓮安生物群的深入研究将有助于进一步了解早期生命的起源和演化过程。  相似文献   
Zircon and apatite fission track (FT) thermochronology was applied to investigate the history of cooling and denudation of the Southern Andes between 41° and 42°15′S in relation to the late Cenozoic activity of the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ) and the northward migration of the Chile Triple Junction (CTJ). Fifty-six zircon and 51 apatite FT ages, plus 37 apatite confined track-length distributions were obtained mainly from plutonic rocks of the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB) in the main Andean Cordillera. Apatite FT ages and track lengths indicate a stage of rapid cooling at ∼5--3 Ma along both sides of the LOFZ, whereas older Miocene ages with monotonous cooling histories were obtained further away from the fault. Zircon FT ages range from Cretaceous to Pliocene, with marked differences observed along and across the LOFZ. Three different types of temperature-time histories characterise the post-magmatic cooling of the NPB in the region: deep intrusions with moderate and steady cooling rates, intrusions in the upper crust with very slow cooling rates following a stage of initial rapid cooling, and rapidly cooled and exhumed shallow intrusions, the latter with younger ages towards the fault zone. The most prominent denudation episode along the LOFZ is late Miocene to Pliocene, coeval with plate tectonic reconstructions for the arrival and subduction of the Chile Rise beneath the Taitao Peninsula.  相似文献   
阿拉善地块在新生代的变形是青藏高原北部活动的直接结果,各方面的资料显示这种影响仅发生在中新世中晚期,前的活动性已经很低。阿尔金断裂的延伸并不能穿过阿拉善与南蒙古相关断裂相连,我们的研究更偏重认为阿尔金断裂没有进入阿拉善地区,而是经过金塔—花海盆地南缘的宽滩山—黑山地区与合黎山—龙首山南缘断裂相连,中新世中晚期,由于青藏高原北部重要的构造事件,青藏高原由南向北挤压河西走廊地区,造成了金塔—花海盆地内部由近南北向构造转变为近东西向构造。同时形成北山地区控制上第三系沉积(上新统)的东西向断裂。而阿拉善南缘产生右行走滑运动,地块的北部及内部则产生了近南北向的第三纪伸展构造,这些伸展构造以及金塔—花海盆地第三纪断裂控制的沉积与前人认为的强前陆、弱限制性边界的侧向挤出类似。我们认为阿拉善及蒙古地区中新世—上新世期间,由于受到青藏高原近南北向的挤压,产生区域性的"共轭"断裂系统,由于这些地区早期构造的控制,这些新活动的断裂主要迁就于老构造,以脆性活动为主,在蒙古国形成了沿阿尔泰山的北西—南东向断裂和东南部的北东—南西向"共轭"断裂系统,而阿尔金断裂与合黎山—龙首山南缘断裂则形成南侧的"共轭"断裂系统。北山以及金塔—花海地区则是这两组断裂的交汇地区,挤压作用明显,控制了新生代的沉积,并导致了新生代金塔—花海盆地的形成。阿拉善地块作为夹持在这两组断裂之间的地块,发生了一定程度的向东挤出运动,在其东缘贺兰山西侧形成了新生代的挤压构造,而在其东北缘和西南缘则迁就早期的韧性剪切带分别向北东和南西运动,产生相应的变形。该模型能够合理地解释阿拉善周围地区及其内部中新世以来的变形及其与青藏高原北部构造运动之间的关系。  相似文献   
贵州二叠系茅口组古岩溶及其埋藏型地下水系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王明章  陈萍 《贵州地质》2012,29(4):283-289
二叠系茅口组古岩溶发育,在一定的构造组合下构成埋藏型地下水系统。本文探讨了贵州省茅口期古岩溶地貌类型及空间分布、不同类型古地貌区的岩溶发育特征,进而对茅口组埋藏型地下水系统和地下水赋存条件进行了探讨。研究结果认为,贵州省茅口期古岩溶地貌可分为台地、斜坡和盆地三大类型,其中古斜坡和台地中的岩溶谷地以及硅质岩分布区茅口组古岩溶最为发育,成为省内茅口组埋藏型地下水系统中最有利的赋存地带。  相似文献   
贵州紫云四大寨地区中二叠世鱼类微体化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季强  季鑫鑫  冯洪真 《地质论评》2009,55(5):609-613
本文记述了贵州紫云四大寨地区晒瓦群第三段中的几种鱼类的鱼鳞和鱼牙化石,如卵形叶片鳞(新属、新种)(Lamnilance ovalis gen. et sp. nov.),不对称脆弱鳞(新种)(Fragilicorona asymmetriia sp. nov.),贵州脆弱鳞(新种)(Fragilicorona guizhouensis sp. nov.)等。这些鱼类微体化石与牙形刺Sweetognathus inornatus, Sweetognathus paraguizhouensis, Hindeodus minutus, Hindeodus cf. ellisoni, Euprioniodina sp., Hibbardelloides sp., Hindeodella sp. A, Hindeodella sp. B, Neoprioniodus sp., Ozarkodina sp.等共生,表明其所在的地层的时代为中二叠世。  相似文献   
以野外露头调查、老井复查和岩心样品测试等为基础,通过现场解吸实验和等温吸附模拟的含气性分析,认为黔西北下寒武统牛蹄塘组岩性主要为深水陆棚黑色碳质页岩和浅水陆棚粉砂质页岩,其中富有机质页岩段为牛蹄塘组底部的碳质页岩。页岩沉积厚度大(大于39m)、分布稳定。有机质类型主要为Ⅰ型干酪根,有机碳含量较高(富有机质页岩段平均大于5%),有机质热演化程度处于高—过成熟阶段;页岩储层中微裂缝、微孔隙发育,具较好的孔隙度(平均5.14%)和渗透率(0.011 4×10-3μm2),含气量大(平均1.3 m3/t),具有良好的气资源潜力。预测金沙—息烽以及仁怀两个地区为页岩气勘探有利区。  相似文献   
东海、南黄海浮游植物粒级结构及环境影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对粒径分级叶绿素a含量进行分析,探讨了南黄海和东海海域2000年秋季表层浮游植物的粒级结构特征及其环境影响因素.在整个调查海域范围内,叶绿素a平均含量为0.72 mg*m-3,各粒级浮游植物叶绿素a含量对叶绿素a总量的贡献有显著差异,小型(Microplankton,>20 μm)、微型(Nanoplankton,3~20 μm)和微微型(Picoplankton,0.45~3 μm)浮游植物的贡献率分别为31.2%,49.0%和19.8%.小型浮游植物主要分布在江苏沿岸和长江口附近;微型浮游植物在整个海域的分布较均匀,以浙江沿岸和南黄海东部为高值区;微微型浮游植物主要分布在南黄海中部和东海东南部.通过浮游植物粒径分级叶绿素a和环境因子的相关性分析,发现在调查海域营养盐与浮游植物叶绿素a的相关系数随着浮游植物粒径的增大而从负逐渐变正,说明高的营养盐含量区域较大粒径的浮游植物占有较大优势.依据浮游植物粒径分级叶绿素a和环境因子对调查站位进行的聚类分析结果和海域水团的分布以及卫星遥感图显示的水色差异之间有密切联系,聚类分析方法是研究浮游植物分布和环境因子之间关系的一种有效方法.  相似文献   
 贵州西部龙潭组主要含有6种沉积相组合:即浅海沉积、细粒滨岸平原沉积、溢岸沉积、小型河道砂体、叠置河道砂体和煤层。多层叠置砂体一般10-25m厚,2-10km宽,常含海绿石,切入下伏的三角洲平原、滨岸平原和浅海沉积中,被认为是下切谷充填。在龙潭组中共识别出广泛发育的10个层序界面,由此所限定的层序大致相当于4级旋回层序。在这些层序中,准层序或准层序组识别不出,然能识别体系域,层序几乎全由海进体系域(TST)和高位体系域(HST)组成,低位体系域(LST)发育不好。在垂向上,它们又可叠置成3级复合层序,并由低位、海进和高位层序组组成。在低位层序组中,河道下切常冲刷掉下伏层序的全部HST和部分TST,致使其与下伏层序的下切谷充填重合。在海进层序组中,下切作用最弱,具最小砂/泥比值,下切谷充填侧向孤立。高位层序组是低位和海进层序的过渡类型,下切谷充填也趋于孤立。  相似文献   
The timing of mantle−derived CO2 charging in sedimentary basins is the basis for studying CO2-sandstone interactions and CO2-oil interactions. In general, the time of the volcanic eruption near the CO2 gas reservoir is considered to be the time of mantle-derived CO2 charging. However, this approach is not suitable for hydrocarbon-bearing basins that have experienced multiple volcanic events. In this paper, using dawsonite-bearing sandstones contained in an oil-bearing CO2 gas and oil reservoir in the southern Songliao Basin as the object of the study on the basis of paragenetic sequence and fluid inclusions, we establish a mineral dating method for determining the time of mantle-derived CO2 charging. In this method, the mineral used for dating is dawsonite, which is formed under a high CO2 partial pressure and records the migration and aggregation of mantle-derived CO2 in geologic history. By interpreting the dawsonite-bearing sandstone in the southern Songliao Basin, we find two hydrocarbon charges and one CO2 charge and that the mantle-derived CO2 charging occurred slightly later than or quasi-simultaneously with the second hydrocarbon filling. Combining the currently known time of hydrocarbon reservoir formation and the time of tectonic fracture development, we deduce that the mantle-derived CO2 formed the dawsonite in the southern Songliao Basin at the end of the Cretaceous (end of the Mingshui period) and the beginning of the Paleogene.  相似文献   
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