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纳米碳纤维红外消光数值计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨纳米碳纤维作为烟幕粒子的红外消光特性,基于电磁场理论建立了细直的纳米碳纤维感应电流积分方程,并利用矩量法进行了求解,导出了纳米碳纤维散射场及吸收、散射和消光截面的计算式.通过与变分法的计算结果相比较,表明了该方法的有效性.利用该方法数值分析了纳米碳纤维红外消光截面与入射场波长、入射角、纤维长度和半径的关系,计算结果为纳米碳纤维用于红外烟幕干扰提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
We analyse active-experiment seismic data obtained by the 1993 Jemez Tomography Experiment (JTEX) programme to elucidate the heterogeneous structure of the Jemez volcanic field, which is located at the boundary between the Colorado Plateau and the Rio Grande Rift. Using a single isotropic scattering assumption, we first calculate the envelope Green's functions for the upper and lower crust and the uppermost mantle. By fitting the theoretical envelopes with the observed three-component data, we estimate depth-dependent features of the scattering coefficients around Valles Caldera. We estimate the ratios of scattering coefficients, rather than scattering coefficients themselves, because of the uncertainty of the seismic efficiency of the explosive sources and knowledge of absolute site-amplification factors. The strongest scattering coefficients are observed at a shallow depth beneath the Valles Caldera. This is considered to be related to the complex structure caused by two episodes of caldera formation and the ensuing resurgent uplift in the caldera, etc. The depth-dependent characters of the scattering coefficients for the Colorado Plateau and the Rio Grande Rift are similar to each other: a transparent upper crust and a heterogeneous lower crust (small and large scattering coefficients, respectively). However, the scattering coefficients beneath the Rio Grande Rift are several times larger than those beneath the Colorado Plateau. Depths of the lower crust and the Moho boundary beneath the Rio Grande Rift are shallower than those of the Colorado Plateau. From their geological settings and other geophysical results around the region, we infer that the larger scattering coefficients of the rift are associated with rift formation and volcanic activity, such as magma ascent from the upper mantle to the crust.  相似文献   
按照波函数展开法和镜像方法,对直角域中半圆形凸起和圆形孔洞对SH波的散射进行了分析,得到其稳态解。对含孔洞和凸起的直角域做分区,等效为一个含孔洞与凹陷的直角域和一个圆域的契合,其在分界面上满足位移和应力的连续性条件,即契合条件,分别构造两个区域内的位移波函数,按照孔洞边界柱面上的应力自由和契合条件定解波函数展开式的系数。按Fourier级数展开法,得到定解条件的线性代数方程组,截断求解,进而得到问题的解析解。数值算例给出圆形孔洞边沿动应力和地表位移幅值的分布情况,得到直角域自由边界、凸起、孔洞对散射和地震动的影响。  相似文献   
利用离散偶极子近似法,数值计算分析了随机取向旋转椭球体沙尘气溶胶粒子在尺度参数为0.1~23时(波长0.55 μm对应有效半径为0.01~2 μm)的激光雷达线退偏比特性,通过比较其不同旋转椭球体轴半径比下的差别,研究了粒子非球形性程度对单分散和多分散沙尘气溶胶激光雷达线退偏比特性的影响.单分散旋转椭球体沙尘气溶胶的激光雷达线退偏比对粒子的轴半径比和尺度参数有很强的依赖性;对于长旋转椭球体,沙尘激光雷达线退偏比较小值出现在瑞利散射区,而较大的值出现在米散射区;对于扁旋转椭球体,在米散射区较大沙尘粒子也可以产生较小的激光雷达线退偏比,例如,轴半径比为1/16,尺度参数为3时的沙尘激光雷达线退偏比仅为0.1%.就随机取向旋转椭球体沙尘粒子而言,对于单分散系,仅当尺度参数小于0.5时,非球形特征越明显,其激光雷达线退偏比越大;而对多分散系,非球形特征越明显,其激光雷达线退偏比越大.  相似文献   
Synthesis of coda waves in layered medium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青藏高原地区MODIS反照率的精度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用2002-2004年青藏高原CAMP/Tibet试验期间4个地面站点的反照率观测结果定量分析Te丌aMODISlkm分辨率短波SW波段(0.3—5.0μm)反照率全反演结果和当量反演结果的精度。对于全反演结果,黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别为0.0187和0.0168;对于当量反演结果,黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别为0.0766和0.0761。综合全反演结果和当量反演结果,则黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别为0.0679和0.0675。当地面观测结果与MODIS反照率当量反演结果均为“无雪”状态时,黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别为0.0352和0.0364;当地面观测结果为“积雪”状态,MODIS反照率当量反演结果为“无雪”状态时,黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别高达0.1556和0.1541。  相似文献   
单因素分析多因素综合作图法——定量岩相古地理重建   总被引:32,自引:30,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
笔者倡导并持续采用单因素分析多因素综合作图法这一定量的岩相古地理学方法论。单因素是能独立地反映某地区、某地质时期、某沉积层段沉积环境某些特征的因素,它的有无或含量的多少均可独立地反映该地区、该层段沉积环境的某些特征,如沉积环境水体的深浅、能量大小、性质等。某沉积层段的厚度、岩石类型、结构组分、矿物成分、化学成分、化石及其生态组合等,均可作为单因素。单因素分析多因素综合作图可分三个步骤:第一,是对各剖面尤其是各基干剖面进行认真的地层学和定量岩石学研究,取得各种第一手的定性和定量资料,尤其是定量资料,了解各剖面各沉积层段的沉积环境特征。第二,在已取得的各剖面的定量资料中,按要求的作图单位,选择出那些能独立地反映其沉积环境特征的因素,即单因素;并把全区各剖面各作图单位的各种单因素的百分含量都统计出来,作出各种相应的单因素图,主要是等值线图。这些单因素图可以从不同的侧面定量地反映该地区该沉积层段的沉积环境。这就是单因素分析。第三,把这些定量的单因素图叠加起来,并结合该地区该沉积层段的其他定量和定性资料,去粗取精,去伪存真,全面分析,综合判断,即可编制出该地区该沉积层段的定量岩相古地理图。这就是多因素综合作图。这一方法论的核心是定量,即以各剖面的定量单因素资料为基础,从各单因素图的分析入手,再通过各单因素图的叠加和综合分析判断,最后作出定量的岩相古地理图。在这种岩相古地理图中,各古地理单元的确定都有确切的定量资料和单因素图为依据。定量是笔者等用单因素分析多因素综合作图法编制出的岩相古地理图的最大特色。这就使岩相古地理图和岩相古地理学发展到了定量的阶段。这在古地理学中是个重大的进展。  相似文献   
从旋转椭球粒子散射理论出发,给出单个小旋转椭球雨滴在入射不同偏振波时的散射函数,并对其在不同仰角情况的数学图形和物理意义做了讨论,为推导基于椭球雨滴群的双基地偏振雷达方程、研究椭球雨滴群对双基地线偏振雷达探测能力的影响、处理和分析双基地偏振雷达资料,提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
结合物理光学法及传统复合电磁散射计算模型中的"四路径"方法,以GNSS信号为信号源,提出了一种基于高频散射理论的GNSS-SAR成像模型,建模过程考虑了多路径散射、遮蔽、漫散射等效应,较好地描述了电磁散射效应对海面场景GNSS-SAR成像的影响。根据电磁散射效应,分析了海面风速对成像效果产生的干扰情况,发现在本文仿真场景下,9 m/s风速海背景下的目标能够被识别出来,17 m/s风速海背景下的目标几乎淹没在海杂波中。  相似文献   
We analyze temporal variations of seismic velocity along the Karadere-Düzce branch of the north Anatolian fault using seismograms generated by repeating earthquake clusters in the aftershock zones of the 1999 Mw7.4 İzmit and Mw7.1 Düzce earthquakes. The analysis employs 36 sets of highly repeating earthquakes, each containing 4–18 events. The events in each cluster are relocated by detailed multi-step analysis and are likely to rupture approximately the same fault patch at different times. The decay rates of the repeating events in individual clusters are compatible with the Omori's law for the decay rate of regional aftershocks. A sliding window waveform cross-correlation technique is used to measure travel time differences and evolving decorrelation in waveforms generated by each set of the repeating events. We find clear step-like delays in the direct S and early S-coda waves (sharp seismic velocity reduction) immediately after the Düzce main shock, followed by gradual logarithmic-type recoveries. A gradual increase of seismic velocities is also observed before the Düzce main shock, probably reflecting post-seismic recovery from the earlier İzmit main shock. The temporal behavior is similar at each station for clusters at various source locations, indicating that the temporal changes of material properties occur in the top most portion of the crust. The effects are most prominent at stations situated in the immediate vicinity of the recently ruptured fault zones, and generally decrease with normal distance from the fault. A strong correlation between the co-seismic delays and intensities of the strong ground motion generated by the Düzce main shock implies that the radiated seismic waves produced the velocity reductions in the shallow material.  相似文献   
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