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粗差的拟准检定法(QUAD法)   总被引:52,自引:12,他引:52  
欧吉坤 《测绘学报》1999,28(1):15-20
以往对付粗差的各种方法都是以余差(残差)为研究对象的。本文提出一种全新的研究思路和方法,从真误差入手。真误差与观测值有确定的解析关系。但关系式的系数阵是秩亏的。本文借鉴周江文的“拟稳平差”思想,提出“拟准观测”的概念,附加“拟准观测的真误差范数极小”的条件,解决了关于真误差的秩亏方程组求解定解的问题,推导了粗差的拟准检定法算式。该方法依据真误差估值的分布特征,检测粗差准确可靠。不仅能有效地同时定位  相似文献   
城市大比例尺地形图动态修测的质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从深圳市1:1000地形图动态修测的实践出发,阐述了城市大比例尺地形图动态修测质量控制的基本方法和内容,以工程监理制与生产单位的质量控制体系的结合,实现了对地形图动态修测质量的控制。  相似文献   
庄道泽 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):189-190
新疆处于地球北部,纬度大致为北纬34o30′-49o00′,属于典型的中-中高纬度地区,现代地磁场磁倾角一般在53o~61o、磁偏角1.00o~2.26o,其地球磁场属于斜磁化场。在航空磁测、地面磁测所观测的ΔZ、ΔT磁异常一般以正磁异常为主,在北部或南部叠加伴生强度较低的负磁异常。但也存在少量以负磁异常为主、在北部或南部叠加共生的强度较低的正磁异常,经化极处理负磁异常更加明显,对负磁异常缺乏深入的研究。  相似文献   
Hydraulic fracturing has become an important technique for enhancing the permeability of hydrocarbon source rocks and increasing aquifer transmissivity in many hard rock environments where natural fractures are limited, yet little is known about the nature or behaviour of these hydraulically induced fractures as conduits to flow and transport. We propose that these fractures tend to be smooth based on observed hydraulic and transport behaviour. In this investigation a multi‐faceted approach was used to quantify the properties and characteristics of an isolated hydraulically induced fracture in crystalline rocks. Packers were used to isolate the fracture that is penetrated by two separate observation wells located approximately 33 m apart. A series of aquifer tests and an induced gradient tracer test were performed to better understand the nature of this fracture. Aquifer test results indicate that full recovery is slow because of the overall low permeability of the crystalline rocks. Drawdown tests indicate that the fracture has a transmissivity of 1–2 m2/day and a specific storage on the order of 2–9 × 10?7/m. Analysis of a potassium–bromide tracer test break through curve shows classic Fickian behaviour with minimal tailing analogous to parallel plate flow. Virtually all of the tracer was recovered, and the breakthrough curve dilution indicates that the swept area is only about 11% of a radial flow field and the estimated aperture is ≤0.5 mm, which implies a narrow linear flow region. These outcomes suggest that transport within these hydraulically induced ‘smooth’ fractures in crystalline rocks is rapid with minimal mixing, small local velocity fluctuations and no apparent diffusion into the host rock or secondary fractures. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
全波场映像技术以及其在高速公路路基缺陷检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对高速公路运营中的路基长期稳定性问题,研发了检测高速公路路基缺陷的全波场映像技术,即一种无损检测技术,主要由单点激发-单点接收的数据采集系统和三维全波场成像系统组成。为评价该技术应用于高速公路路基缺陷检测的准确性,首先使用有限元动力分析方法进行三维数值模拟。在研究三维缺陷模型中全波场传播特性的基础上,对响应波形的频谱特征进行详细分析,在此基础上合成的成像图显示缺陷区域位置与其在模型中的位置及区域大小相吻合。然后在实际预先设置缺陷的等比例高速公路路基模型上开展试验验证,试验结果证明了该技术的准确性,及其在检测高速公路路基缺陷区域及位置上有良好的应用空间。  相似文献   
In linear geostatistics, models for the mean function (drift) and the variogram or generalized covariance function are selected on the basis of the modeler's understanding of the phenomenon studied as well as data. One can seldom be assured that the most appropriate model has been selected; however, analysis of residuals is helpful in diagnosing whether some important characteristic of the data has been neglected and, ultimately, in providing a reasonable degree of assurance that the selected model is consistent with the available information. The orthonormal residuals presented in this work are kriging errors constructed so that, when the correct model is used, they are uncorrelated and have zero mean and unit variance. It is suggested that testing of orthonormal residuals is a practical way for evaluating the agreement of the model with the data and for diagnosing model deficiencies. Their advantages over the usually employed standardized residuals are discussed. A set of tests are presented. Orthonormal residuals can also be useful in the estimation of the covariance (or variogram) parameters for a model that is considered correct.  相似文献   
新生地震破裂带的识别类型划分及其地震地质意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
向宏发  张晚霞 《中国地震》1999,15(3):257-267
地质研究表明:地表地质,地貌,深部地球物理场和地震活动时空分布等可作为鉴别新生地震破裂带的主要地震地质标志。地质和实验的研究还揭示,新生地震破裂带按其形成和破裂过程可分为预破裂-孤立型,准破裂-断续型和大破裂-贯通型3类。  相似文献   
随着工程建设的日渐增多,室内土工试验项目和数量也相应增多。在工期紧、任务急的情况下,出现不确切问题较为明显。分析认为,土工试验产生误差的原因主要是现场取样不合理、土质本身的特殊性、试验方法的缺陷以及操作的不规范造成的,并提出了相应的改进措施。最后指出,土样加荷试验时,每块砝码的加压时间掌握在6s为宜;应采用76g锥下沉深度17mm时测得的含水率为液限标准;蜂窝结构和絮凝结构的土不能用作天然地基;窒内试验结果与野外描述有差别时,应根据具体情况分段或单独取样试验。  相似文献   
张世平  张昌锁  白云龙  韩世勇 《岩土力学》2011,32(11):3368-3372
采用理论分析和实验室测试的方法对锚固锚杆和自由锚杆中的导波传播规律进行了研究,并在频率为20 kHz~ 3 MHz范围内对锚固锚杆和自由锚杆波的传播速度进行了测试,发现锚固锚杆内不同频率的导波传播速度对锚固介质具有不同的敏感性。低频率段(20~200 kHz)的导波传播速度对锚杆锚固质量较为敏感,自由锚杆和锚固锚杆中导波的传播速度相差较大,适合于检测锚杆的锚固质量。高频率段(1~3 MHz)的导波传播速度对锚杆锚固质量不敏感,导波的传播速度基本不变,适合于锚杆完整性检测。探索了利用高频段多频率导波检测锚固锚杆长度的方法。实验室检测结果显示,本检测方法具有很高的精度  相似文献   
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