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1998年夏季ITCZ和副高异常特征的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用GMS的红外亮温和常规气象资料,分析了1998年6~8月ITCZ和副高活动的异常特征。结果指出:ITCZ显著偏弱,副高异常强大且位置偏南偏西,并且是造成台风活动异常偏少和长江流域大水的十分重要原因:ITCZ和副高这些特征的形成,与西南季风弱和中纬度地区冷空气频繁南下密切相关  相似文献   
全新世艾比湖流域不同时段降水量的估算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文应用水热平衡模型,对艾比湖全新世时期三个高湖面期的降水量进行计算。结果表明,2ka—3ka B.P.降水量比现今高出9%,达到287mm/a;4.5ka—6ka B.P.增加16%,达到306mm/a;6.5ka—8.0ka B.P.增加了22%,达到322mm/a。  相似文献   
目前国际和国内已普遍采用星载船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS)接收系统提升针对全球船只信息的采集和监测能力。本文主要介绍了国内外星载AIS系统发展的主要进展及取得的成果,重点针对目前星载AIS系统存在的近海船只密集区域信号碰撞导致检测概率降低的技术问题,通过建模仿真找到具体原因,给出后续AIS星载载荷针对此问题在设计和应用上的优化建议。本文可作为后续星载AIS系统设计的参考。  相似文献   
In a previous study (Kaplan H, Seireg A., Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol., 2000; 13 (1/2): 25–41), the authors proposed a base isolation system for earthquake protection of structures.The system incorporates spherical supports for the base, a specially designed spring‐cam system to keep the base rigidly supported under normal conditions and to allow it to move for the duration of the earthquake under the constraint of a spring with optimized stiffness characteristics. A single‐degree‐of‐freedom structure was considered to investigate the feasibility of the concept. The simulation of the system response shows a 20 times reduction of the transmitted force as a result of using the proposed design in the considered case. This paper extends the previous study to the case of a 40‐storey steel structure subjected to the Taft as well as El Centro earthquakes. A 7.5 and 6 times reduction of the maximum transmitted force was achieved for the considered disturbances, respectively, without any adverse effects due to the tilting moment which is inherent in this type of base isolation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
高性能计算是现代科学研究、工程技术开发和大规模数据处理的关键支撑技术,在地震系统发挥着日益重要的作用。甘肃省地震局高性能计算集群系统由60个节点、采用40 GB InfiniBand网络互连组成,峰值计算速度达9.2万亿次/秒。作为地震系统重要的科技服务平台之一,为地震反演、数据分析、数值模拟等领域以及科研创新平台提供高性能计算环境。  相似文献   
A high‐temperature (T) metamorphic complex occurs in the Omuta district, northern Kyushu, Japan. Three metamorphic zones are defined based on pelitic mineral assemblage, i.e. chlorite–biotite zone, muscovite–andalusite zone and sillimanite–K‐feldspar zone with ascending metamorphic grade from north to south. Two isograds trend approximately east–west, which is oblique to the boundary between the metamorphic complex and the Tamana Granodiorite located on the southeast. The metamorphic condition of two pelitic rocks that occur in the muscovite–andalusite zone and sillimanite–K‐feldspar zone are estimated as 510 ±30 °C, 300 ±60 MPa and 720 ±30 °C, 620 ±60 MPa, respectively. Thermodynamic consideration reveals that use of the same geothermobarometer enables precise determination of the difference in pressure between the samples as 320 ±10 MPa. This indicates that the pelitic samples were metamorphosed at different depth by 11–12 km that is significantly larger than the geographic distance of 6.8 km between the sample localities. This also suggests that crustal thinning took place after the high‐T metamorphism. The high‐T metamorphic complex is, therefore, not of static contact metamorphism but of dynamic regional metamorphism. The present result combined with petrological and chronological similarities implies that this complex suffered the regional Ryoke metamorphism.  相似文献   
大功率高频电波与电离层的相互作用会引起电子密度扰动,进而产生人工沿场不均匀体,其对无线电波特别是超短波信号有强的定向散射能力,可形成一种新型的超短波通信方式.基于各向异性介质的散射理论,首先通过求解电子密度扰动产生的附加极化势获得电子密度扰动散射方程,然后对电子密度扰动进行高斯自相关处理,并结合入射波/散射波与地磁场方向的空间几何关系,获得电子密度扰动的波数谱表达式,建立了人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数理论模型.利用模型对Platteville站实验中产生的人工不均匀体散射截面积进行了数值模拟,并通过与实测值对比验证了模型的正确性.根据人工沿场散射原理给出了利用其进行无线电信号传输的约束条件.重点仿真分析了人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数和散射覆盖区范围,结果表明:同等条件下,相对于高纬度地区,低纬度地区人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数小5~10 dB,但其散射覆盖区的地面范围大,东西向可达3000 km,南北向可达1500 km,完全可用于超短波信号的超远距离传输.本文结果为中低纬度地区开展相关实验研究提供了理论指导,对利用人工沿场不均匀体进行无线信号的超远距离传输应用研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   
Land cover has been increasingly recognized as an important factor affecting hydrologic processes at the basin and regional level. Therefore, improved understanding of how land cover change affects hydrologic systems is needed for better management of water resources. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of land cover change on the duration and severity of high and low flows by using the Soil Water Assessment Tool model, Bayesian model averaging and copulas. Two basins dominated by different land cover in the Ohio River basin are used as study area in this study. Two historic land covers from the 1950s and 1990s are considered as input to the Soil Water Assessment Tool model, thereby investigating the hydrologic high and low flow response of different land cover conditions of these two basins. The relationships between the duration and severity of both low and high flow are defined by applying the copula method; changes in the frequency of the duration and severity are investigated. The results show that land cover changes affect both the duration and severity of both high and low flows. An increase in forest area leads to a decrease in the duration and severity during both high and low flows, but its impact is highest during extreme flows. The results also show that the land cover changes have had significant influences on changes in the joint return periods of duration and severity of low and high flows. While this study sheds light on the role of land cover change on severity and duration of high and low flow conditions, more studies using various land cover conditions and climate types are required in order to draw more reliable conclusions in the future. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Structure‐from‐Motion (SfM) photogrammetry is now used widely to study a range of earth surface processes and landforms, and is fast becoming a core tool in fluvial geomorphology. SfM photogrammetry allows extraction of topographic information and orthophotos from aerial imagery. However, one field where it is not yet widely used is that of river restoration. The characterisation of physical habitat conditions pre‐ and post‐restoration is critical for assessing project success, and SfM can be used easily and effectively for this purpose. In this paper we outline a workflow model for the application of SfM photogrammetry to collect topographic data, develop surface models and assess geomorphic change resulting from river restoration actions. We illustrate the application of the model to a river restoration project in the NW of England, to show how SfM techniques have been used to assess whether the project is achieving its geomorphic objectives. We outline the details of each stage of the workflow, which extend from preliminary decision‐making related to the establishment of a ground control network, through fish‐eye lens camera testing and calibration, to final image analysis for the creation of facies maps, the extraction of point clouds, and the development of digital elevation models (DEMs) and channel roughness maps. The workflow enabled us to confidently identify geomorphic changes occurring in the river channel over time, as well as assess spatial variation in erosion and aggradation. Critical to the assessment of change was the high number of ground control points and the application of a minimum level of detection threshold used to assess uncertainties in the topographic models. We suggest that these two things are especially important for river restoration applications. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Geochemical and isotopic tracers were often used in mixing models to estimate glacier melt contributions to streamflow, whereas the spatio‐temporal variability in the glacier melt tracer signature and its influence on tracer‐based hydrograph separation results received less attention. We present novel tracer data from a high‐elevation catchment (17 km2, glacierized area: 34%) in the Oetztal Alps (Austria) and investigated the spatial, as well as the subdaily to monthly tracer variability of supraglacial meltwater and the temporal tracer variability of winter baseflow to infer groundwater dynamics. The streamflow tracer variability during winter baseflow conditions was small, and the glacier melt tracer variation was higher, especially at the end of the ablation period. We applied a three‐component mixing model with electrical conductivity and oxygen‐18. Hydrograph separation (groundwater, glacier melt, and rain) was performed for 6 single glacier melt‐induced days (i.e., 6 events) during the ablation period 2016 (July to September). Median fractions (±uncertainty) of groundwater, glacier melt, and rain for the events were estimated at 49±2%, 35±11%, and 16±11%, respectively. Minimum and maximum glacier melt fractions at the subdaily scale ranged between 2±5% and 76±11%, respectively. A sensitivity analysis showed that the intraseasonal glacier melt tracer variability had a marked effect on the estimated glacier melt contribution during events with large glacier melt fractions of streamflow. Intra‐daily and spatial variation of the glacier melt tracer signature played a negligible role in applying the mixing model. The results of this study (a) show the necessity to apply a multiple sampling approach in order to characterize the glacier melt end‐member and (b) reveal the importance of groundwater and rainfall–runoff dynamics in catchments with a glacial flow regime.  相似文献   
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