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针对广西荔玉高速路基沿线产生的大量高液限土弃方问题,采用生石灰对高液限土进行改良处理。选取弃土场的高液限土,分别配制不同初始含水率、不同石灰掺量的试样进行侧限压缩试验和快剪试验,采用基本初等数学函数模型拟合不同饱和状态、不同初始含水率下石灰掺量对试件压缩特性和抗剪强度影响。结果表明:(1)高液限土的压缩系数随石灰掺量增加呈指数形式减小;(2)不同饱和状态试件的黏聚力和内摩擦角随石灰掺量增加呈二次函数形式变化;(3)高液限土具有水敏性,饱和素土试件最大抗剪强度对应的含水率较击实试验最大干密度对应的含水率高3%~6%;(4)当初始含水率不高于26.73%时,建议石灰掺量不低于6%,否则改良高液限土的石灰掺量不低于8%,可在满足经济性的前提下达到较好的改良效果。  相似文献   
强震作用下,隧道地下结构损伤严重,其中洞口段更是抗震的薄弱环节,但其影响规律和特点目前尚缺乏系统的计算分析和研究。以强震区扯羊隧道为例,首先采用FLAC3D对双洞隧道洞口段地震响应进行分析,再用模型试验的方法进行洞口段模型试验,测量其地震响应应变规律,观测其震害发展情况,并与数值分析结果相互验证。结果表明:地震作用下,隧道仰拱横向位移较大;随着隧道埋深增加,内力逐步增加,其中墙角部位内力较大;洞口处隧道围岩在强震作用下会产生贯通性裂缝,影响隧道洞口稳定;地震作用下的明洞与暗洞交接处内力较大;地震作用下的双洞隧道之间存在较强的动力相互作用。  相似文献   
文章以金川和红原两组泥炭纤维素Δδ13C时间序列值的反向变化来指示西太平洋副热带高压活动变化.结果表明,在过去5000年中,西太平洋副热带高压的活动可分为4个阶段,即西太平洋副热带高压位置在2800~2200B.C.期间持续偏北,2200~600B.C.期间持续偏南,600B.C.~1200A.D.期间在北进与南移之间频繁波动,以及1200~1900A.D.期间再次持续偏北,它们导致降雨量在中国大陆上不同的分布.从约1900A.D.起西太平洋副热带高压的活动似乎又开始一个新的偏南阶段,值得进一步加强研究.  相似文献   
地震波形分类技术具有统计地震信号总体变化和反映这种变化分布规律的特点,是地震属性分析技术的重要延伸,在地质异常体解释方面具有良好的应用效果。高密度三维地震资料具有高信噪比,高分辨率和高保真度的特点,尝试利用波形分类技术对高密度三维地震资料反映的煤层赋存状态、岩浆岩侵入区进行预测,并对陷落柱解释方法进行了研究。井下巷道实际揭露和钻孔验证结果表明:波形分类方法解释的地质异常体精度高、圈定范围准确,可以为煤矿安全开采提供精准的地质资料。  相似文献   
The dynamic response of a mechanically stabilized earth wall to the passing of a high‐speed train is modelled using the finite element method. A three‐dimensional analysis is carried out, using a specific framework that allows performing the analysis with a moderate computational effort. In the first place, a so‐called multiphase approach is used to take into account the reinforcing strips. The moving load is taken into account by performing the calculation in a mobile referential using the properties of symmetry of the train cars and a simplifying assumption of periodicity for the whole train. We also assume a steady state. A partial validation of the approach is obtained by means of a comparison with an analytical solution. The quick increase in displacements induced by the train passing when the speed comes close to the celerity of Rayleigh waves clearly appears in the results. The vertical displacements, vertical stresses in the backfill, tensile forces in the strips and the influence of the stiffness of the soil are discussed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In high elevation cold regions of the Tibetan Plateau, suspended sediment transfer from glacier meltwater erosion is one of the important hydrological components. The Zhadang glacier is a typical valley‐type glacier in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains on the Tibetan Plateau. To make frequent and long period records of meltwater runoff and sediment processes in the very high elevation and isolated regions, an automatic system was installed near the glacier snout (5400 m a.s.l) in August 2013, to measure the transient discharge and sediment processes at 5‐min interval, which is shorter than the time span for the water flow to traverse the catchment from the farthest end to the watershed outlet. Diurnal variations of discharge, and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) were recorded at high frequency for the Zhadang glacier, before suspended sediment load (SSL) was computed. Hourly SSC varied from the range of 0.2 kg/m3 to 0.5 kg/m3 (at 8:00–9:00) to the range of 2.0 kg/m3 to 4.0 kg/m3 (at 17:00–18:00). The daily SSL was 32.24 t during the intense ablation period. Hourly SSC was linearly correlated with discharge (r = 0.885**, n = 18, p < 0.01). A digit‐eight hysteresis loop was observed for the sediment transport in the glacier area. Air temperature fluctuations influence discharge, and then result in the sediment variations. The results of this study provide insight into the responses of suspended sediment delivery processes with a high frequency data in the high elevation cold regions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important expenditure in water and energy balances, especially on cold and high‐altitude land surfaces. Daily ET of the upper reach of the Shule River Basin was estimated using Landsat 5 TM data and the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model. Based on observations made at the Suli station, the algorithms of land surface temperature and soil heat flux in SEBAL were modified. Land surface temperature was retrieved and compared with ground truth via three methods: the radiative transfer equation method, the mono‐window algorithm, and the single‐channel method. We selected the best of these methods, mono‐window algorithm, for estimating ET. The average error of daily ET estimated by the modified SEBAL model and measured by the eddy covariance system was 16.4%, with a root‐mean‐square error of 0.52 mm d?1. The estimated ET means were 3.09, 2.48, and 1.48 mm d?1 on June 9 (DOY 160), June 25 (DOY 176), and July 27 (DOY 208) of the year 2010, respectively. The average estimated ET on the glacier surface of all days was more than 3 mm d?1, a measurement that is difficult to capture in‐situ and has rarely been reported. This study will improve the understanding of water balance in cold, high‐altitude regions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在DOM数据生产中,山地、高山地数据一直以来都是重点和难点。本文分析了高山地影像数据的特点,提出一种与山地、高山地数据相适应的处理方式。最后基于CIPS软件,按需求设计对应的软件处理流程,并使用满足实验要求的高山地影像数据,对这种方式加以实现和验证。  相似文献   
高分二号卫星影像融合方法探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图像融合技术是卫星影像处理过程中的一个重要步骤,它可以将全色影像的高空间分辨率特点与多光谱影像的高光谱分辨率特点有机地结合起来,使得融合后的影像更利于后续解译。由于融合处理方法的原理以及获取影像的传感器特性不同,不同的卫星影像适合于不同的融合方法。针对高分二号卫星影像的特点,本文采用Gram-Schmidt融合法、FIHS变换方法、HPF方法、Pansharp方法进行试验。实验结果表明:HPF方法所得融合结果在光谱特性保持方法性能最优,而Pansharp方法融合结果在信息量的保持以及清晰度方面效果更优,因此,在实际应用中,应根据具体需求进行方法选择。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the relationship between the phase transition of the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) and decadal variation of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) in the twentieth century. The first transition occurred in the 1940s, with an enhanced SST in the North Pacific and reduced SST in the tropical eastern Pacific and South Indian Ocean. In agreement with these SST changes, a higher SLP was found in most parts of the Pacific, while a lower SLP was found in the North Pacific and most parts of the Indian Ocean. In this case, the EASM was largely enhanced with a southerly anomaly in the lower troposphere along the east coast of China. Correspondingly, there was less rainfall in the Yangtze River valley and more rainfall in northern and southern China. An opposite change was found when the PDO reversed its phase in the late 1970s. In the tropical Indian Ocean and western Pacific, however, the SST was enhanced in both the 1940s and 1970s. As a result, the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) tended to extend westward with a larger magnitude in the 1970s. The major features were reasonably reproduced by an atmospheric general circulation model (IAP AGCM4.0) prescribed with observed SST and sea ice. On the other hand, the westward extension of the WPSH was exaggerated in the 1970s, while it was underestimated in the 1940s. Besides, the spatial pattern of the simulated summer rainfall in eastern China tended to shift southward compared with the observation.  相似文献   
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