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The Cenozoic Krabi Basin in the southern part of peninsular Thailand contains about 112 million tons proven coal reserves. At present, coal is only produced from the Bang Mark mine located in the southern part of the basin, where the main lignite bed is 7-20 m thick. The lignite bed occurs in an overall paralic succession. The present paper investigates the depositional conditions of an approximately 8 m thick lignite bed (main seam) in the Bang Mark mine using organic petrography, including maceral ratios, and geochemistry. The results are further interpreted in a sequence stratigraphic context. The lignite is of low rank and is completely dominated by huminite indicating generally oxygen-deficient conditions in the precursor mire. Very low inertinite contents suggest rare occurrences of wildfires. The lower part of the lignite bed represents a topogenous fresh water peat mire with open water areas that in few cases may have experienced influx of saline water. The peat mire was subjected to periodic inundations and deposition of siliciclastics. Tissue preservation was relatively poor. The upper part of the lignite bed represents a slightly domed fresh water ombrogenous peat mire with a stable watertable and a balance between peat accumulation and accommodation space creation that favoured preservation of plant tissues. In general, the mire vegetation changed from less woody in the topogenous mire to more arborescent in the ombrogenous mire, where plants with suberinised wood cell walls also were more frequent. Decompacted, the lignite bed corresponds to a minimum ~ 11 m thick peat deposit that records from ~ 22,000 to 55,000 years of peat accumulation. Watertable rise in the peat mire was controlled overall by relative sea-level rise. In a sequence stratigraphic context, the lignite bed overlies a terrestrialisation surface (TeS; sensu Diessel, 2007) and the lowermost part records peat formation during a falling watertable and a decreasing accommodation/peat accumulation ratio (terrestrialisation). An accommodation reversal surface (ARS; sensu Diessel, 2007) indicates a change to paludification style of peat formation characterised by rising watertable and a high accommodation/peat accumulation ratio. Another ARS marks a gradual change to a situation with a balanced accommodation/peat accumulation ratio. The overall watertable rise throughout peat formation, but at a gradually slower rate from base to top, suggests that the lignite bed could be located in the late transgressive systems tract (TST).  相似文献   
The Cap Bon Peninsula, belonging to northeastern Tunisia, is located in the Maghrebian Alpine foreland and in the North of the Pelagian block. By its paleoposition, during the Cenozoic, in the edge of the southern Tethyan margin, this peninsula constitutes a geological entity that fossilized the eustatic, tectonic and climatic interactions. Surface and subsurface study carried out in the Cap Bon onshore area and surrounding offshore of Hammamet interests the Miocene deposits from the Langhian-to-Messinian interval time. Related to the basin and the platform positions, sequence and seismic stratigraphy studies have been conducted to identify seven third-order seismic sequences in subsurface (SM1-SM7), six depositional sequences on the Zinnia-1 petroleum well (SDM1-SDM6), and five depositional sequences on the El Oudiane section of the Jebel Abderrahmane (SDM1–SDM5). Each sequence shows a succession of high-frequency systems tract and parasequences. These sequences are separated by remarkable sequence boundaries and maximum flooding surfaces (SB and MFS) that have been correlated to the eustatic cycles and supercycles of the Global Sea Level Chart of Haq et al. (1987). The sequences have been also correlated with Sequence Chronostratigraphic Chart of Hardenbol et al. (1998), related to European basins, allows us to arise some major differences in number and in size. The major discontinuities, which limit the sequences resulted from the interplay between tectonic and climatic phenomena. It thus appears very judicious to bring back these chronological surfaces to eustatic and/or local tectonic activity and global eustatic and climatic controls.  相似文献   
南沙海域第三纪生物礁层序构成和演化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
陈平  陆永潮  许红 《地质科学》2003,38(4):514-518
南沙海域第三纪盆地生物礁油气藏勘探具有巨大的潜力。作者运用层序地层学原理精细解剖不同体系域的生物礁内部构成,建立了高精度的生物礁礁层序地层格架,并逐层进行回剥分析,表明第三系充填沉积为四幕伸展裂陷过程,进而揭示盆地生物礁层序的动态发育过程及不同时期南沙海域含油气盆地的发育状态。  相似文献   
关广岳  张基敏 《地质论评》1994,40(2):126-130
在位于冀东地区海拔1840多米的都山顶峰,笔者首次发现了雷暴风化作用,并目睹了雷暴风化作用的进行。在都山顶部,发现了雷暴风化砾石堆,分析了雷暴风化作用的物理依据,估算出一次雷暴作用所释放能量的0.07%-0.007%就可使1m^3的花岗岩断裂。阐述了雷暴风化作用的时空分布规律,指出雷暴风化作用主要发生在低纬度近山地地区。气候比较温暖且降水量较多的地史时期是雷暴风化作用较发育阶段。对于中国东部中低山  相似文献   
本文研究了1971-1980年间51个大于3%的宇宙线福布希下降对我国185个气象站上空雷暴活动的短期影响.结果表明,雷暴活动对福布希下降的短期响应存在明显的空间差异.在一些区域中福布希下降后雷暴活动明显增强,而在另一些区域中明显减弱,在这些明显响应区中,雷暴活动在福布希下降前后的差异显著性分别通过了10-2-10-6置信度检验.这些响应区所在的地理位置与雷暴活动对耀斑爆发的响应区相互对应,但响应性质恰恰相反.这些结果给太阳活动与地球短期天气相关机理研究提出了新的挑战,也为进一步的研究提供了新的事实根据.  相似文献   
对笛鲷属9种鱼的线粒体DNA16S rRNA基因片段进行了PCR扩增,扩增产物经纯化后测序,得到了长度为561bp的分析序列。结合GenBank中的另外9种笛鲷的16S rRNA同源序列计算得出A、T、G、C的含量平均为28.5%、22.1%、23.6%和25.8%,AT含量稍高于GC含量,18种笛鲷碱基组成差异不大。利用MEGA3.1软件对所得序列进行比对后检测到72个变异位点,其中包括简约信息位点44个,在变异位点中75.61%的碱基替换是由于发生了转换,转换/颠换平均为3.1︰1。计算了种间的遗传距离,结果表明,序列差异在0.0193-0.0680之间,其中勒氏笛鲷和金焰笛鲷、勒氏笛鲷和金带笛鲷的序列差异最小,而红鳍笛鲷和金焰笛鲷、红鳍笛鲷和画眉笛鲷的序列差异最大。选用高体四长棘鲷(Argyrops spinifer)为外群,利用NJ法构建了分子系统树,结果表明:本研究中的9种南海笛鲷与其它9种笛鲷进化关系较远;并且南海9种笛鲷相互之间仍然保持着着相对较远的遗传距离,遗传多样性较好。  相似文献   
采用RT-PCR技术和RACE技术成功克隆淡水鱼类斑鳢sGST基因cDNA全序列,推测得到氨基酸序列,初步分析其结构功能域及系统进化关系。结果表明,斑鳢sGST基因cDNA序列全长为898bp,编码225个氨基酸。斑鳢sGST与真鲷、金头鲷、鲽、黑头鲦、川鲽、大口黑鲈等最新定名为ρ型的sGST氨基酸同源性较高,ρ型sGST为水生生物所特有并共同占据进化树上独立的分枝;与大鼠、小鼠、人等哺乳动物sGST现有所有类型同源性均很低,并且在进化树上距离也较远,表明本研究成功克隆的sGST基因应属于ρ型,可能在鱼类等水生生物对水栖环境的适应上有重要作用。  相似文献   
The Baram Delta Province is located in the northern part of Sarawak (West Baram Delta) and extends north-eastward into Brunei and further into the south-western part of Sabah (East Baram Delta). The delta is a Neogene basin which developed over an accretionary wedge implying Cretaceous to Eocene sediments during the Late Eocene to Late Miocene times (Tongkul, 1991; Hutchison et al., 2000; Morley et al., 2003; Sapin et al., 2011).Facies and well log analyses were carried out on core and well data for the Late Miocene successions of Baram field, a medium-sized oilfield located in the north-eastern flank of the Baram Delta Oil Province, offshore Sarawak. A numerical model of sea-level fluctuations and progradational basin-fill was generated using the Clastic Modeling Program (Hardy and Waltham, 1992a and 1992b; Waltham, 1992) software to evaluate the possible controls of sea-level changes in the development of the siliciclastic successions and their bounding surfaces. This model was based on four lines of evidence, namely core data, fieldwide wireline logs correlation, seismic sections and average thickness variations across the field.Cored intervals of the Upper Cycle V (Late Miocene) display reservoir successions dominated by thick swaley cross-stratified (SCS) sandstones, thin hummocky cross-stratified sandstones and other shallow marine, wave and storm-dominated facies, interbedded with laminated shelfal mudstones. The vertical facies organisation suggests deposition during shoreface progradation associated with a fall of relative sea level.Analysis and correlation of well logs reveal stacking patterns comprising three scales of depositional cyclicity: the parasequences (∼10–∼30 m thick), the parasequence sets (∼45–∼130 m thick) and the major cycles (∼600–800 m thick).Field-wide, dip-oriented seismic sections show very well-developed horizontal to slightly upward convex layers traceable over great distances, which suggests a ramp-type margin, in which the basin floor dipped gradually seaward and lacked a distinct shelf-slope margin.The evidences gathered demonstrate that the deposition and build-up stratigraphy of the Late Miocene sedimentary successions could have been strongly controlled by superimposed short-term, medium-term and long-term sea-level changes.The simulated sea level and sedimentary basin-fill model, generated by the Clastic Modelling Program, match to the well log correlation. This model illustrates that high frequency sea-level fluctuations enable sands to be distributed over large areas within a shallow, low gradient shelf. Our study shows that integrated studies incorporating cores, well logs, seismic sections and simulated models can be employed as important tools for correlation and reservoir modelling.  相似文献   
The Kachchh sedimentary basin in the western continental margin of India is a peri-cratonic rift basin which preserves a nearly complete rock record from Middle Jurassic to Recent, punctuated by several stratigraphic breaks. The Cenozoic sediments exposed in the western part of the Kachchh mainland extend offshore into the present-day continental shelf. The unique feature of the outcropping area is a nearly complete, richly fossiliferous and easily accessible Cenozoic succession. Detailed field mapping and litho-biostratigraphic studies have made it possible to identify the chronostratigraphic units, map them in the field and extend the correlation into the offshore, aided by the development of continuously recognizable key biostratigraphic horizons and time boundaries. Detailed field mapping of key sections integrated with the litho-biostratigraphic information has helped in working out a sequence stratigraphic framework for the Cenozoic succession in the basin. The succession comprises a first-order passive margin sequence. Excellent biostratigraphic control has enabled identification of unconformities of various magnitudes which in turn have helped in mapping 5 second-order and four third-order sequences. Each sequence is discussed with respect to its extent, nature of sequence boundaries, sedimentary fill, key sequence stratigraphic surfaces and depositional setup, to understand the Cenozoic sequence stratigraphic architecture of the basin.  相似文献   
收集整理了我国大陆东部地区44 组水库地震序列,其中震群型32 组,主余型和孤立型12 组。分别计算了44 组序列的h 值、b 值、归一化熵值K、能量均匀度U、地震发生方式参数ρ 等5 个序列参数。在95% 的置信水平下,对每一参数分震群型、主余型加孤立型两大类进行差异性检验。结果表明,h、U、ρ 值对水库地震序列类型的分类能力不强;b 值平均值虽存在一定差异,但数值分布范围有部分重叠;K 值差异性显著,K = 0. 35 可作为区分震群型与主余型加孤立型两类水库地震序列的判别指标。在此基础上,建立以上述5 个参数为自变量的Fisher 判别函数,用于序列类型的综合判定。结果显示,所有数据全部参与建立判别函数并进行回溯性内符判别检验,识别正确率为97. 6% ;利用32 组序列参数参与判别函数建立,另外10 组进行外推检验,识别正确率为100% ,表明上述综合判别方法具有较高的水库地震序列分类能力。  相似文献   
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