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高魁  刘泽功  刘健 《岩土力学》2015,36(3):711-718
国内外学者对煤与瓦斯突出过程及机制进行了大量的研究,但使用的均是型煤试验,很少涉及地质构造对突出的影响,而且数据监测均未深入到煤体内部。基于相似模拟试验思想和地质力学模型试验新思路,在实验室搭建了综合考虑地应力、瓦斯压力及煤体结构的大型石门揭煤的煤与瓦斯突出试验平台。该试验平台包括试验箱体和反力架、液压加载系统、密封系统、试验监测系统;设计了线充气和面充气系统,用来模拟煤层的瓦斯赋存差异。同时,利用该试验平台进行了石门揭构造软煤的相似模拟试验,研究了石门揭构造软煤过程中煤岩应力和位移的变化规律,以及突出过程中煤层内瓦斯压力和声发射的变化规律。结果表明,在巷道开挖过程中,掘进工作面前方存在明显的应力集中,且越靠近构造软煤应力集中现象越明显;突出发生的瞬间,在突出点附近的位移产生了突变;在突出发生前,声发射信号有一次降低;掘进工作面前方煤岩体应力释放,煤体裂隙增大,为瓦斯的快速放散提供了条件。  相似文献   
热解生烃实验是研究油气生成机理与定量评价烃源岩生烃潜力的重要方法.烃源岩热解生烃模拟结果不仅与温度、压力和时间等因素有关,而且与地层孔隙水及压实成岩作用等地质因素密切相关.采用高压流体和高压釜(低压水蒸气)两种生烃热模拟方法对低成熟海相二叠统大隆组(P2d)黑色泥岩进行了热解生烃实验模拟.对比分析两组实验结果表明地层孔隙热解实验有利于液态油的生成,不利于液态油向气态烃的转化,并极大地提高了干酪根的生油气潜力,显示了高压液态水、流体压力和孔隙空间等地质因素对烃源岩中有机质热成熟生烃反应的重要影响.这种影响可能与高压液态水的近临界特性有关,近临界特性地层水的参与改变了干酪根热力生烃反应的物理化学行为.推断在实际地质温压(100~200 ℃,30~120 MPa)条件下,烃源岩孔隙中的地层水是一种相对低温高压液态水,具有水的近临界物理化学特性,因此高压流体生烃热模拟实验与实际地层情况更为接近,能更有效地评价烃源岩生烃潜力.   相似文献   
在前人工作基础上,侧重研究石英脉型金矿床成矿的地质背景,建立了该类型金矿的成矿模式。进而开展三轴温压条件下的成岩成矿实验,构造形变特征及其与成矿物质活化、迁移、富集之间的相互关系的模拟实验。实验结果表明:(1)该区岩石、矿石在高温高压条件下,产生塑性变形(褶皱)和脆性变形(破裂);(2)在变形过程中使成矿物质活化、迁移和富集,形成顺层及穿层的含金石英脉,并在多期多次变形过程中使成矿物质叠加富集;(3)在褶皱(背斜)轴部形成富矿体。模拟实验结果与所建立的该类型金矿构造控矿和成矿模式非常相似。实验资料的力学分析表明,由轴压所产生的构造附加压力大大地提高了实际围压,从而促进了岩石流变、变形和物质的迁移,由此促进含矿流体向构造附加压力小的部位定向迁移、充填和成矿。构造附加压力是促进该区金成矿的重要动力条件。  相似文献   
泥质砂岩复电阻率的频散特性实验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不同孔隙流体特性的岩石复电阻率频散实验,是复电阻率测井资料评价水淹层和低阻油层的岩石物理基础。通过水驱水、水驱油、油驱水的岩石复电阻率频散特性的实验研究,发现泥质砂岩的复电阻率频散特性受含油饱和度的影响较大,受地层水矿化度的影响较小,尤其是异相电阻率,受地层水矿化度的影响更小;与含水泥质砂岩相比,含油泥质砂岩的相角相对较大,且随着含油饱和度的增加而增大;含水岩石和含油岩行在频散特性上存在着较大差异。实验研究结果表明,利用基于岩石频散特性发展起来的复电阻率测井技术,可以有效地识别油水层。  相似文献   
GT型土壤固化剂改良土的工程特性研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
GT型土壤固化剂是一种新型的土壤改性加固材料,以高钙灰和脱硫石膏两种工业废料为主要原料,辅以生石灰、水泥、熟石膏、硫酸铝及明矾石等次要成分,采用生石灰消解法除去脱硫石膏中的自由水,按全粉料配料的方法研制而成。按一定掺量向土中掺入石灰和GT型土壤固化剂制成石灰改良土样和固化剂改良土样并进行养护、浸水,对土样进行击实试验、直剪试验、压缩试验和渗透试验。试验结果表明固化剂改良土的击实效果、抗剪强度、压缩性、抗渗透性等工程特性明显优于石灰改良土。分析了GT型土壤固化剂加固土的机理,为进一步的研究和工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
黄土边坡的变形破坏一般与地表水入渗导致的地下水位上升有关。然而,现场观测发现黄土地区地表水入渗深度有限,降雨的湿润峰一般在2m以内。自湿润峰以下至地下水位之间很长一段的含水率是不变的,那么地表水是如何补给地下水的,一直存在争议。为此,本文利用甘肃正宁县地区的Q3黄土重塑样进行非饱和渗透特性的土柱试验。在一个4m高的玻璃桶内制备土样,土柱上按一定间距插入水分计探头,在顶部按每天1000mL水量均匀渗入水,测得给定时间沿土柱的含水率剖面。结果发现,随着补给时间的延长,湿润峰下移,湿润峰经过的上半土柱含水率几乎不变,当湿润峰到达土柱底部时,形成潜水位,这和现场观察的现象一致。这说明在地表活动带以下,饱和带以上,虽然土的含水率不变,但存在着稳定非饱和渗流,这是黄土地区地下水的唯一补给方式。  相似文献   
Prespa Lake and Ohrid Lake constitute a hydraulic system shared between Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Greece. Karst rocks separate both lakes. The elevation of Prespa Lake is about 150 m higher than that of Ohrid Lake. Considering these facts, Cvijić formulated in 1906 the hypothesis that Prespa Lake recharges the St. Naum and Tushemisht springs at Ohrid lakeside. Environmental isotopes demonstrated that Prespa Lake recharges about 37–42 and 52–54% of water emerging in St. Naum, and Tushemisht springs, respectively. An artificial tracer experiment carried out in 2002 physically demonstrated the underground connection between both lakes. This experiment confirmed the supposed underground connection and brought important information about the groundwater velocity, transit time, and karst water conduits development.  相似文献   
Climate change is identified as a major threat to wetlands. Altered hydrology and rising temperature can change the biogeochemistry and function of a wetland to the degree that some important services might be turned into disservices. This means that they will, for example, no longer provide a water purification service and adversely they may start to decompose and release nutrients to the surface water. Moreover, a higher rate of decomposition than primary production (photosynthesis) may lead to a shift of their function from being a sink of carbon to a source. This review paper assesses the potential response of natural wetlands (peatlands) and constructed wetlands to climate change in terms of gas emission and nutrients release. In addition, the impact of key climatic factors such as temperature and water availability on wetlands has been reviewed. The authors identified the methodological gaps and weaknesses in the literature and then introduced a new framework for conducting a comprehensive mesocosm experiment to address the existing gaps in literature to support future climate change research on wetland ecosystems. In the future, higher temperatures resulting in drought might shift the role of both constructed wetland and peatland from a sink to a source of carbon. However, higher temperatures accompanied by more precipitation can promote photosynthesis to a degree that might exceed the respiration and maintain the carbon sink role of the wetland. There might be a critical water level at which the wetland can preserve most of its services. In order to find that level, a study of the key factors of climate change and their interactions using an appropriate experimental method is necessary. Some contradictory results of past experiments can be associated with different methodologies, designs, time periods, climates, and natural variability. Hence a long-term simulation of climate change for wetlands according to the proposed framework is recommended. This framework provides relatively more accurate and realistic simulations, valid comparative results, comprehensive understanding and supports coordination between researchers. This can help to find a sustainable management strategy for wetlands to be resilient to climate change.  相似文献   
We conducted laboratory true triaxial experiments in the nearly impermeable Pohang rhyolite to investigate failure mechanisms under ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ rock conditions. Under ‘dry’ conditions prismatic specimens were jacketed all around to prevent confining fluid penetration. Under ‘wet’ conditions one pair of the specimen faces was left unjacketed and in direct contact with the confining fluid (kerosene) applying the least principal stress in an attempt to simulate the case of an unlined borehole wall. In both testing setups the true triaxial compressive strength for a given least principal stress increases significantly as the intermediate principal stress rises. The unjacketed rhyolite strength is, however, only 60 to 85% of the strength under dry conditions, depending on the magnitude of the intermediate principal stress. In dry rhyolite the failure process begins upon dilatancy onset, followed by microcrack localization, and ending in a steeply dipping shear fracture. On the other hand, brittle fracture in wet specimens occurs almost immediately after the onset of dilatancy by the development of one or more through-going extensile fractures subparallel and adjacent to one of the unjacketed faces, resembling the extensile cracks leading to borehole breakouts in crystalline rocks. We infer that upon dilatancy the confining fluid intrudes and quickly propagates newly opened stress-induced microcracks subparallel to the unjacketed faces, leading to ‘early’ failure.  相似文献   
选择北京平原区水文地质、环境地质等方面都比较典型的沙子营垃圾堆放场,建立了其水文地质模型。在充分收集资料、分析得出部分计算所需参数后,采用现场弥散实验、勘查取样测试等方法,求得了该含水层的弥散系数等参数;用二维非稳定流溶质运移方程对污染物在此含水层中的迁移扩散规律、速度和污染范围等进行了模拟计算;采用现场钻探、取样测试分析等方法,评价了该含水层的实际污染状况。实验模拟计算和现场调查结果表明:污染物在潜水含水层中的运移规律遵循二维非稳定流场中的溶质运移方程,污染物在潜水含水层中的运移速度约为86.25m/a,迁移扩散主要发生在地下水流向上,侧向扩散宽度极小,是地下水流向上的1/17。  相似文献   
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