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1992年福建省地震局无线遥测地震台网开始正式运行。本文对在台网日常维修工作中碰到的一些常见故障和排除方法进行了总结。  相似文献   
从航空彩红外到航天热红外遥感应用二十年   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文概述了在地质-地球物理遥感应用领域20年的探索历程,起初应用国产彩色红外航空照片,以判释地表构造为主,继而应用美国地球资源卫星MSS多光谱信息,通过与地球物理信息的计算机图像复合,研究地壳结构,最后发现用美国NOAA气象卫星热红外通道信息与地热学结合,研究地表下隐伏构造,地热,地表水和浅层地下水的分布状况。研究范围涉及到塔里木,准噶尔,阿尔泰,鄂尔多斯,攀西,滇西,皖南,闽东等地区。  相似文献   
Remote Sensing (RS) technology has recently offered new and promising opportunities to analyze river systems. In this paper, we present a calibration of characteristic Hydraulic Scaling Law (HSL) using a regional database of river geomorphic features. We consistently linked discharge with channel geometry features for estimated Bankfull Channel Depth (eBCD), Active Channel Width (ACW), and Low Flow water Channel Width (LFCW), which are continuously available from RS data along the river course. We then used historical information and external sources of information on channel reaches that were relatively unaffected by human pressure over periods ranging from a few decades to a century (measured in comparable geographical areas) to infer relatively Unaltered HSLs (rUHSLs). Adopting rUHSL validated with available local historical evidence on channel geometry, we were able to assess historical changes in channel geometry consistently over the entire region and within the studied temporal window. The case study was conducted for the Po basin in the Piedmont Region, north-west Italy. From our analysis, it emerges that regionally 74% of the river network has riverbed incisions exceeding 1 m, while 66% of channels have halved their historical widths with a total of 617 ha of land subtracted from the active channel. LFCW is, on average, wider in Alpine rivers compared with those located in the North Apennines. Although it is currently not possible to measure the accuracy of these estimates, the evidence generated is coherent with available historical information, characteristic hydraulic scaling laws, evidence from relatively unaltered reaches and the available literature on local fluvial systems. This methodology provides robust, novel and quantitative information regarding decadal to secular channel changes that have occurred on a regional scale. This new layer of information enriches our ability to rationally address assessments of large-scale past and future channel trajectories. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
无人机遥感技术在新疆皮山地震灾情获取中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2015年07月03日,新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区皮山县(37.6°N,78.2°E)发生MS6.5级地震,震源深度10km。本文利用高性能无人机数据采集平台获取灾区高分辨率影像数据,结合地震现场震害调查建立建筑物震害遥感解译特征,采用人工目视解译完成了灾区6个0.01°×0.01°格网评估区房屋类型及损毁程度应急遥感调查,获取测区地震灾情信息。结果表明:测区内房屋结构类型主要包括土木、砖木、砖混结构;倒塌房屋主要为土木结构及个别老旧砖木结构房屋,倒塌和局部倒塌的土木结构房屋占评估区土木结构房屋总数的68%,倒塌和局部倒塌的砖木结构房屋占评估区砖木结构房屋总数的12%;测区砖混结构房屋局部倒塌1间,未倒塌228间,砖混结构显示出良好的抗震性能,对避免人员伤亡和减少经济损失起到重要作用。  相似文献   
利用NOAA/AVHRR资料监测南方林区森林火灾的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文论述了南方林区森林火灾时间分布集中、发生率高、面积小,并以地表火为主的特征;总结了气象卫星资料的林火信息特征和非林火干扰信息规律;研究了建造林火监测专家系统的理论方法,进而提出了林火宏观实时监测系统的总体设计,并建立了以计算机图像处理为基础的、以林火背景数据库支持的、以专家系统为核心的林火监测系统。并利用南方林火模拟实验和历史林火资料对该监测系统进行了改进。最后讨论了林火监测系统改进方向和研究体会。  相似文献   
陈黎  刘淑冰  李万能 《热带地理》2019,39(4):521-530
以广东省一村级河长监管河段岸线管理范围为研究区域,利用民用轻型无人机采集现场数据,经影像拼接、目标解译和相关资料叠加分析,快速获取了岸线侵占后的界桩、围栏与补种乔灌草等整改措施实施情况,通过整改设计图与遥感判读出的现状结果对比,精准筛查整改措施未落实或整改不到位等监管所需掌握的现存问题区域。研究结果显示:相比传统现场核查,基于无人机遥感方法对于点状目标(如界桩)和线状目标(如围栏)的排查更加高效直观,对面状分布目标(如植被栽植)的复核更具备现场核查所无法比拟的优势,部分不易到达区域的复核的任务也都能较好地解决。无人机遥感作为获取空间数据的重要手段之一,具有机动灵活、影像分辨率高等特点,基于无人机技术的岸线监管可较好解决当前日常监管中存在的问题,对河流岸线监管具有重要意义,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   
北斗卫星导航系统单星授时精度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究北斗卫星导航系统单星授时精度,本文基于GPS单星授时原理,结合北斗卫星多种类型星座特点,编写了BDS单星授时软件。利用iGMAS站数据进行了试验,在对原始数据进行监测并将异常信息剔除后,将授时结果与中国测绘科学研究院北斗分析中心(CGS)钟差文件进行比对,分析了BDS不同轨道卫星(GEO/IGSO/MEO)下的BDS单星授时精度。结果表明,GEO卫星的授时精度为27.39 ns,IGSO卫星的授时精度为18.37 ns,MEO卫星的授时精度为18.62 ns。  相似文献   
Coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br.) is one of the most prominent diseases in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) and causes serious damage to the crop. The pathogen incubation period may be long for about 30 days and 10% incidence of rust may result in 3 times more disease few days after the signals of rust appear in the leaves, even in the absence of new infections. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of coffee crop monitoring under different irrigation systems by orbital radiometry, exploring the spectral signature and spectral, spatial and temporal pattern of rust incidence in the coffee field. The study was carried out in four areas of coffee plantations in Carmo do Rio Claro, Minas Geris, Brazil, between August 2012 and December 2014, under self-propelled, drip, center pivot irrigation systems and rainfed system. Fifteen Landsat-7/ETM + and Landsat-8/OLI-TIRS images were used, trying to establish a better sequence of images between in situ data of rust incidence in the coffee leaves and coffee leaf growth evaluated by sample meshes in the field along the time. Space-time disease incidence distribution maps, Pearson correlation and reflectance spectral signatures were used to evaluate coffee rust progress in the different irrigation fields. The highest coffee rust incidence occurred in August and corresponded to the values of lower NIR reflectance for all evaluated areas, independently of the irrigation management system. In the visible, SWIR-1 and SWIR-2 spectral regions, there were higher reflectance values in the rainfed area when compared to irrigated areas in rainy periods. There was a greater spectral and temporal variation of rust in the center pivot irrigation system when compared to the other irrigation management systems, presenting high values ​​of average incidence of rust above 30% in the periods close to the harvest period, from June to August 2013 and 2014. The high incidence of rust associated with coffee fruit harvest probably led to a reduction in plant leaf growth in center pivot and rainfed fields. There was a negative correlation between near infrared and rust in the self-propelled and center pivot management systems. High coffee rust incidence values mainly in center pivot and rainfed coffee fields determined reduction in the average reflectance of NIR and green and increase reflectance in red, SWIR-1 and SWIR-2 when compared to periods with lower rust in the coffee fields.  相似文献   
Kelvin wake is one of the common wakes generated by moving ships and contains rich information about ships. In this paper, free wave elevations of Kelvin wake are calculated based on the Michell thin ship theory combined with a point source perturbation model. The probability density function of sea surface slopes is introduced to calculate the specular reflection of sunlight and skylight and the refraction of scattered light underwater. Satellite-detected Kelvin wakes are then simulated by adding surface specular reflectance and water-leaving reflectance. Simulation results agree well with satellite measurements. The specular reflection of sunlight is the decisive factor affecting the features of Kelvin wakes according to the simulation results. The main factors that influence the specular reflection of sunlight, such as the incident direction and observation direction, ship parameters, and background environment, are discussed. This study is helpful for wake detection and provides a preliminary theoretical method for the retrieval of ship information.  相似文献   
Satellite altimetry has been proven as an effective technology to accurately measure water level, ice elevation, and flat land surface changes since the 1990s. To overcome limitations of pulse-limited altimetry, new altimetric missions such as Cryosat-2 and Satellite with ARgos and AltiKa (SARAL/AltiKa), have been designed to have higher along-track spatial resolution to measure more accurately inland water levels for small water bodies, and coastal sea level changes. In this study, we evaluate the performance of Cryosat-2 low-resolution (LRM) and SARin modes and SARAL/AltiKa Ka-band data on two connected lakes in central Tibetan Plateau, and in the coastal region of Taiwan. Results are compared with in situ tide gauge data in Taiwan and altimetric lake level time series from the CNES Hydroweb database. Our results show that water level change trends observed by Cryosat-2 20-Hz retracked observations, the SARAL/AltiKa 40-Hz Ice-1 retracked data, and the Hydroweb measurements are consistent with the estimated water level trend of ~0.30?m/y, during 2011–2017, and 2013–2015, for the Tibetan Migriggyangzham Co and Dorsoidong Co, respectively. For the coastal region, the performance of SARAL/AltiKa is better than that of Cryosat-2 LRM data in Taiwan. This finding demonstrates the superiority of the Ka-band over Ku-band radar altimetry.  相似文献   
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