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摘要:卫星激光测距是目前空间大地测量的主要手段之一,在地球动力学和大地测量学等领域有广泛的应用。云南天文台即将开展非合作目标分光路激光测距试验,即激光接收和发射光路系统分别由相邻较近的两台望远镜完成。针对分光路非合作目标激光测距系统,提出了一种非合作目标分光路激光测距中测距值的确定方法,并给出了相应的计算公式,为分光路激光测距数据处理提供参考。  相似文献   
Estimation of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) is informative of the role of forest ecosystems in local and global carbon budgets. There is a need to retrospectively estimate biomass in order to establish a historical baseline and enable reporting of change. In this research, we used temporal spectral trajectories to inform on forest successional development status in support of modelling and mapping of historic AGB for Mediterranean pines in central Spain. AGB generated with ground plot data from the Spanish National Forest Inventory (NFI), representing two collection periods (1990 and 2000), are linked with static and dynamic spectral data as captured by Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensors over a 25 year period (1984–2009). The importance of forest structural complexity on the relationship between AGB and spectral vegetation indices is revealed by the analysis of wavelet transforms. Two-dimensional (2D) wavelet transforms support the identification of spectral trajectory patterns of forest stands that in turn, are associated with traits of individual NFI plots, using a flexible algorithm sensitive to capturing time series similarity. Single-date spectral indices, temporal trajectories, and temporal derivatives associated with succession are used as input variables to non-parametric decision trees for modelling, estimation, and mapping of AGB and carbon sinks over the entire study area. Results indicate that patterns of change found in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values are associated and relate well to classes of forest AGB. The Tasseled Cap Angle (TCA) index was found to be strongly related with forest density, although the related patterns of change had little relation with variability in historic AGB. By scaling biomass models through small (∼2.5 ha) spatial objects defined by spectral homogeneity, the AGB dynamics in the period 1990–2000 are mapped (70% accuracy when validated with plot values of change), revealing an increase of 18% in AGB irregularly distributed over 814 km2 of pines. The accumulation of C calculated in AGB was on average 0.65 t ha−1 y−1, equivalent to a fixation of 2.38 t ha−1 y−1 of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   
针云南省楚雄地区为研究区域,采用1:25万水系数据为参照,基于资源三号测绘卫星DSM(ZY-3DSM)数据自动提取水系,并从河流分支点和水系因子两方面分析其精度,再与SRTM DEM提取的水系进行比较。结果表明:(1)从河流分支点来看,ZY-3 DSM提取的水系精度普遍高于SRTM DEM,在中海拔丘陵和中海拔台地上点位精度比后者高50%以上,在低海拔平原和中海拔平原上点位精度比后者高25%以上;(2)就水系长度和分级而言,ZY-3 DSM提取的水系总长度比SRTM DEM约长15%,一级和二级河流数目比后者多18%;(3)从水系密度和河网套合差来看,ZY-3 DSM提取水系与1:25万水系吻合度较好,水系密度相似度高于SRTM DEM约3倍,河网套合程度前者高于后者45%。总之,基于ZY-3 DSM提取的水系精度较高,完全符合测绘标准规范,且各方面均优于SRTM DEM提取的水系。  相似文献   
用EOS/MODIS资料反演积雪深度参量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用EOS/MODIS可见光、近红外及短红外多通道资料以及新疆地区积雪深度气象台站实测资料等,在考虑积雪性质包括积雪粒子相态、积雪年龄等的差异以及积雪区的下垫面条件包括地表粗糙度、土地覆盖类型等的不同的情况下进行积雪分类,在此基础上,建立EOS/MODIS积雪深度反演模型,实现深度在30 cm以内的积雪深度反演的主要原理、思路及方法,并对模型的反演结果进行了验证。结果表明,利用该模型对30 cm以内的积雪进行深度反演计算,其精度能达到80%以上。  相似文献   
This study aimed at characterizing land cover dynamics for four decades in Eastern Mau forest and Lake Nakuru basin, Kenya. The specific objectives were to: (i) identify and map the major land cover types in 1973, 1985, 2000 and 2011; (ii) detect and determine the magnitude, rates and nature of the land cover changes that had occurred between these dates, and; (iii) establish the spatial and temporal distribution of these changes. Land cover types were discriminated through partitioning, hybrid classification and spatial reclassification of multi-temporal Landsat imagery. The land cover products were then validated and overlaid in post-classification comparison to detect the changes between 1973 and 2011. The accuracies of the land cover maps for 1973, 1985, 2000 and 2011 were 88%, 95%, 80% and 89% respectively. Six land cover classes, namely forests-shrublands, grasslands, croplands, built-up lands, bare lands and water bodies, were mapped. Forests-shrublands dominated in 1973, 1985 and 2000 covering about 1067 km2, 893 km2 and 797 km2 respectively, but were surpassed by croplands (953 km2) in 2011. Bare lands occupied the least area that varied between 2 km2 and 7 km2 during this period. Overall, forests-shrublands and grasslands decreased by 428 km2 and 258 km2 at the annual average rates of 1% each, whereas croplands and built-up lands expanded by 660 km2 and 24 km2 at the annual rates of 6% and 16% respectively. The key hotspots of these changes were distributed in all directions of the study area, but at different times. Therefore, policies that integrate restoration and conservation of natural ecosystems with enhancement of agricultural productivity are strongly recommended. This will ensure environmental sustainability and socio-economic well-being in the area. Future research needs to assess the impacts of the land cover changes on ecosystem services and to project the future patterns of land cover changes.  相似文献   
基于多源遥感的广东镇海湾红树林演变分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用4 期多源遥感数据(包括1970 年的美国间谍卫星DISP KH-9 数据、1999 年的SPOT-2 全色数据、2007 年的ALOS 多光谱数据和2015 年国产的资源三号数据),结合红树林湿地资源的空间分布特征及先验知识,基于面向对象的多尺度分割提取红树林植被斑块,采用目视解译获取多时相红树林空间分布精确信息。结果表明:1970、1999、2007 和2015 年镇海湾红树林有林地面积分别为931.4、615.3、678.5 和783.7 hm2,红树林面积呈现出先减少后增加的趋势。1970―1999 年,该区域以原生红树林被破坏为主,仅有5.7%的原生林被保存下来。1999―2015 年,红树林的人为破坏与人工修复现象并存,但总体上破坏程度有所降低;其中1999―2007、2007―2015年间红树林面积分别增加了63.2 和105.2 hm2。养殖塘侵占和人工恢复种植的综合影响,以及海岸线周边人为活动变化是驱动红树林有林地时空变化的主要因子。最后,提出了一系列有针对性的红树林保护与发展的措施,为合理地开发和更好地保护红树林资源提供决策支持。  相似文献   
太湖蓝藻爆发与水温的关系的MODIS遥感   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
利用MODIS高光谱遥感数据动态监测太湖地区蓝藻水华发展过程,并结合水温环境因子,探讨蓝藻爆发的环境条件.首先,通过简单的比值植被指数,实现蓝藻生物量的遥感估算;根据六期遥感估算结果,监测太湖蓝藻动态发展过程.然后,利用MODIS热红外波段(31和32),采用分裂窗算法,同步反演出的太湖表面水体温度,探讨蓝藻爆发的水温条件,及蓝藻生长与水-温度之间的关系.研究结果表明,在水体富营养化前提下,水体温度是影响蓝藻生长的重要环境因子;合适的水体温度(24-30℃)是蓝藻爆发的必要条件;大于30℃的高温,对蓝藻的生长有明显的抑制作用.  相似文献   
The study on vegetation cover changes based on remote sensing data sources is an important component and frequent topic of earth surface process research. In order to review and summarize the remote sensing data sources and the spatio-temporal pattern of the study areas for vegetation cover changes in China from the perspective of bibliometrics and GIS spatial presentation, the information of remote sensing data sources and study areas were extracted from 1 021 papers on vegetation. Then the composition of remote sensing data sources and their temporal changes in heat which is termed as study frequency, the spatio-temporal scale characteristics of remote sensing data sources and study areas, and the distributions and change characteristics of hot study regions were analyzed. The results show that the number of papers is increasing gradually, and the frequency of each remote sensing data source is basically consistent with its available timing; the average period length of the remote sensing data used is gradually elongated, and the spatial resolution of remote sensing data is positively correlated with the size of study areas stably; the hot study regions are concentrated in the Loess Plateau area, and the core of the northern arid and semi-arid areas. These results can provide a basic reference for understanding the spatio-temporal pattern and the change trend on the utilization of remote sensing data sources and hot regions for vegetation change studies.  相似文献   
遥感技术在中国城市环境监测中的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市的飞速发展带来了一系列环境问题。遥感以其快速、准确和实时地获取资源环境状况及其变化数据的优越性,成为城市环境监测的主要手段。对中国遥感在城市中的应用进行系统总结,主要包括:城市绿地、城市水体、城市大气遥感、城市热岛效应、城市垃圾堆放和城市土地利用变化监测,及在城市交通、灾害预警等方面的应用。遥感在城市环境监测中的应用,应在3S的基础上,形成系统的技术方法和规范,并加快城市环境遥感监测的指标体系和国家环境信息系统建设。  相似文献   
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