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平南幔源包体中橄榄石的显微构造研究及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平南玄武岩中的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩包体的平衡温度为930~980℃, 平衡深度为59~74km, 包体中橄榄石的扭折带滑移系多为(010) [100], 但也有(001) [100]的滑移系类型; 斜方辉石的滑移系为(100) [001], 它们均为高温低应变速率下的滑移系, 说明该区的上地幔主要是在高温低应变速率条件下经历了塑性变形作用.橄榄石位错组态多样, 有自由位错、位错壁、位错弓弯、缠结、{110}滑移带, 反映了上地幔的塑性变形特征.根据位错壁的大小估算, 上地幔差异流动应力为24.5~42.1MPa, 流动速率为2.93×10-17~8.36×10-16s-1, 有效粘度为1.72×1023~2.80×1024 Pa·s, 特征与中国东部新生代上地幔较为一致, 反映同处于拉张环境.   相似文献   
2012年早春广西高架雷暴冰雹天气过程分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用常规观测资料和雷达资料,对2012年早春广西高架强雷暴冰雹天气过程进行分析,得出以下结论:(1)冰雹伴随雷暴发生在地面锋后约1000 km,边界层为冷高压控制.850 hPa风速较小,700 hPa以上层有强急流,700~850 hPa有强的垂直风切变,500 hPa高空冷槽东移为对流的发生提供触发条件.(2)冰雹发生在850 hPa切变线南北两侧约200 km范围,等压面锋区强度大;高空槽前正负变温使700~500 hPa垂直方向温度差大,导致层结对流不稳定性加大.当500 hPa低槽移至强锋区上空时,锋面坡度变陡,上升运动加强,不稳定性增大,使得冰胚在对流层中层增长而形成冰雹.(3)风暴追踪信息显示风暴生成高度高,在垂直方向上倾斜增长;质心均在5~6 km,风暴生成后,随着时间的推移逐渐向低层发展,最大反射率以及液态含水量均不大,具有明显高架雷暴特征.  相似文献   
川西上三叠统的须家河组与川中香溪群地层对比问题一直富有争议,而且由于前陆盆地的活动性、不对称性、沉积中心的迁移性等特点让川西—川中地层的划分对比变得更加复杂和困难。本次研究重在借助钻、测井资料的层序地层学分析,并结合露头剖面和地震资料,寻找全区可对比的标志性的层序界面,然后根据地层叠置样式、岩性、岩相的变化以及古生物资料等细分出低位、湖侵和高位体系域,在连井剖面层序对比的基础上建立了川西—川中以四级层序为单元的等时层序地层对比格架,提出了合理的须家河组与香溪群地层对比方案。这对盆地范围的岩相古地理重建、沉积体系的展布、有利相带的预测、油气资源评价等的研究都有重要意义。  相似文献   
海洋上部水体垂向结构变化对于理解热带海区在全球气候变化中的作用有着重要意义。通过分析印度尼西亚穿越流(ITF)出口处东印度洋帝汶海区SO18480-3孔中的浮游有孔虫表层种Globigerinoides ruber和温跃层种Pulleniatina obliquiloculata壳体氧碳同位素,并借助12个AMS14C测年数据重建了末次盛冰期(LGM)以来该区温跃层深度和营养盐水平的演化序列。壳体氧同位素(δ18O)记录表明温跃层古海洋学特征的变化幅度要大于表层海水,其差值(Δδ18O(P-G))有效地反映了温跃层深度的变化,即冰消期和晚全新世温跃层较浅,LGM和早中全新世温跃层较深;并揭示出与全新世相比,LGM期间ITF总流量未显著减小,ITF对该区上部水体结构的影响受到了东西太平洋之间不对称性的调节。碳同位素(δ13C)记录则表明该区的古海洋学变化在不同程度上受到了南大洋的影响,并受本区上部水体垂向结构的控制,其差值(Δδ13(G-P))在一定程度上反映了该区上部水体营养盐水平的变化。  相似文献   
The WNW–ESE trending Toulourenc Fault Zone (TFZ) is the western segment of the major Ventoux–Lure Fault Zone, which separates the Provençal platform from the Baronnies Vocontian Basin. The TFZ was subject to polyphased Mid-Cretaceous movements, during the Early Aptian and Middle–Late Albian times. The latter faulting episode generated conglomerates and olistoliths resulting from dismantled faultscarps cutting Barremian–Bedoulian limestones. The deformation is related to compressional wrench faulting (NE–SW sinistral faults; dextral component for the TFZ). It induced the uplift of the northwestern corner of the platform, as indicated by a mid-Cretaceous hiatus (Early Aptian pro parte to Early Albian) narrowly delimited in space. The opening of submeridian grabens within the platform favoured the northward transit of channelised coarse-grained Albian sands originating from a southern area. To cite this article: C. Montenat et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
黄河上游地区气候变化及其对黄河水资源的影响   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
通过对1961年以来黄河上游地区气候变化的分析,发现黄河源区进入80年代中后期以后,年平均气温上升趋势非常明显,特别是1998年的年平均气温竟达到-2.1℃,是40年来年平均气温最高的一年;进入90年代,春季和夏季温度急剧回升.黄河上游地区年平均降水量及秋季降水量无明显的变化趋势,且其年际间的波动趋于缓和;冬季(12~2月)和春季(3~5月)降水量的变化趋势呈现出逐年增多的趋势;夏季(6~8月)降水量变化趋势却表现出显著的减少趋势.同时,分析了38年黄河上游径流量及其与流域降水、气温的关系,着重分析了干旱气候对黄河水资源的影响.结果表明,黄河上游地区水资源呈减少趋势,其减少趋势进入90年代后尤为明显.这一变化趋势与黄河上游地区夏季降水量变化趋势有着一致性,说明汛期降水量的减少是黄河上游流量减少的最直接的气候因子.  相似文献   
Although a 1972 dredging by USNS Eltanin from the submarine Naturaliste Plateau was reported to yield rocks of continental origin, a re‐examination of the dredge haul shows that the rock clasts are in fact altered tholeiitic basalts. They have affinities both with MOR basalts and, especially, within‐plate basalts. Petrographically they correlate most closely with the Bunbury Tholeiitic Suite on the Australian mainland to the east. The basalts are reworked cobbles in a manganiferous Quaternary slump mass, which contains a quartz‐rich, felsic, detrital mineral suite with a granite‐gneiss provenance. The basalt cobbles were part of a basal conglomerate, which covered large areas of the Plateau. It is suggested that this was laid down from nearby elevated volcanic structures formed during the inception of seafloor spreading and the separation of Greater India from Australia at about 122 Ma BP.  相似文献   
Based on ammonites, Upper Kimmeridgian sediments are first established in the Crimean Mountains. The Kimmeridgian-Tithonian boundary recognizable in a continuous section is placed inside the Dvuyakomaya Formation of uniform largely clayey sediments. Assemblages of Kimmeridgian ammonites Lingulaticeras cf. procurvum (Ziegler), Pseudowaagenia gemmellariana Oloriz, Euvirgalithacoceras cf. tantalus (Herbich), Subplanites sp.) and Tithonian forms (?Lingulaticeras efimovi (Rogov), Phylloceras consaguineum Gemmellaro, Oloriziceras cf. schneidi Tavera, and Paraulacosphinctes cf. transitorius (Oppel) are described. A new biostratigraphic scheme proposed for the upper Tithonian-Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains includes the following new biostratigraphic units: the Euvirgalithacoceras cf. tantalus Beds of the upper Kimmeridgian, ?Lingulaticeras efimovi Beds of the lower Tithonian, and Oloriziceras cf. schneidi and Paraulacosphinctes cf. transitorius beds of the upper Tithonian. The middle Tithonian is proposed to consist of the fallauxi and semiforme (presumably) zones. The ammonities found determine the early Kimmeridgian-Berriasian age of the Dvuyakornaya Formation that is most likely in tectonic contact with the underlying Khutoran Formation.  相似文献   
Avicennia pollen grains have been discovered in marine facies from the Middle Miocene deltaic series of Châteauredon (southeastern France). Based on the local stratigraphy, an age between 15.8 and 16.5 Ma is proposed for these grains. The age and the transgressive context of the Avicennia bearing-levels are in agreement with the maximum extension of the mangrove known in the western Mediterranean during interval N8–NN4 pro parte, in relation with the Langhian highstand. This mangrove occurrence at 42°N latitude during Middle Miocene is a more northern witness of the mangrove sites known in Languedoc and Provence areas. It also implies a lower climatic gradient than today. To cite this article: J.-J. Châteauneuf et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
流域地理景观的GIS数据三维可视化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
应用以"GIS"为核心的空间信息技术,是开展"数字流域"工程建设自然和最佳的选择。结合"清江流域水文水情与洪水演进仿真系统"的具体研制,分析流域地理数据特点及传统GIS在"数字流域"建设中的优缺点,在应用传统GIS二维方式展示形式管理和预处理先期各类基础流域地理空间数据及其相应属性数据的基础上,为满足仿真系统系列三维可视化要求,建立面向流域空间实体对象的数据模型,定义流域地理空间对象数据结构,将流域地理常规的GIS数据以三维形式展示,在实际的系统开发过程中,取得较好的三维可视化效果,并可满足"数字清江"建设各阶段综合处理、分析、评价、决策以及可视化等方面的需求。  相似文献   
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