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河西走廊沙尘暴及其影响因子的多尺度研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
沙尘暴活跃期具有周期性,这与影响因子的周期变化有关,尝试利用具有多时间尺度和多分辨率特性的小波分析技术对其进行研究。利用Morlet小波对甘肃河西走廊18个气象站多年平均的沙尘暴日数进行分析,发现沙尘暴变化的时间序列具有多尺度振荡的特点,存在7 a、13 a、以及23 a左右的特征时间尺度(周期变化)。通过对大风日数、干旱指数、降水、气温等沙尘暴的影响因子分析,表明沙尘暴的活跃度与大气环流的年际变化和突变有关,特别是与大风日数在时间尺度和主周期等方面具有明显的一致性,7 a左右的年际变化是它们的主周期;干旱指数、降水和气温具有同步的时间序列,13~25 a的年代际变化是它们的主周期,因此,它们对沙尘暴的影响主要体现在大时间尺度上。  相似文献   
基于贝叶斯网络的水源涵养服务空间格局优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
曾莉  李晶  李婷  杨晓楠  王彦泽 《地理学报》2018,73(9):1809-1822
以渭河流域关中—天水经济区段(简称“渭河流域关天段”)为研究区,基于贝叶斯网络和水量平衡原理建立了水源涵养服务网络模型;将CA-Marcov模型与贝叶斯网络模型相结合,预测了2050年不同土地利用情景及其水源涵养服务分布概率;提出了关键变量关键状态子集方法,对研究区水源涵养服务空间格局进行优化。结果表明:① 保护情景下,林地面积增长了18.12%,其主要来源为耕地;草地和城市面积增长缓慢,分别增加了0.73%和0.38%;水体和未利用地分别减少了5.08%和0.92%,该情景下的水源涵养量值偏高的概率在3种情景中最大,保护情景的设计对未来的土地利用政策制定具有一定参考价值。② 水源涵养服务的关键影响因子是降水、蒸散发和土地利用,水源涵养量最高状态对应的关键变量关键状态子集是:﹛降水= 1,蒸散发= 2,土地利用= 2﹜,该子集主要分布在年平均降雨量和蒸散发量较大,植被覆盖率高的地区。③ 研究区适宜优化水源涵养的区域主要分布在天水市麦积区南部、宝鸡市陇县西南部和渭滨区南部、咸阳市旬邑县东北部和永寿县西北部,以及铜川市耀州区西部。结合贝叶斯网络模型研究水源涵养服务的优化区域,不仅有助于提升对生态系统水源涵养服务过程的直观认识,而且增加了情景设计和格局优化的合理性。在此基础上提出的关键状态关键因子方法,对研究区水源涵养生态环境建设和政策制定都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
论文采用引文分析法,对陆大道院士所著《关于“点-轴”空间结构系统的形成机理分析》一文的349篇引文进行分析,从引文数量、引文作者、发文期刊、研究案例地、学科领域、研究主题、引用动机7个方面,探究“点-轴系统”理论的研究现状。结果表明:自2002年以来,“点-轴系统”理论的引文数量整体呈上升趋势,研究主题聚焦于区域经济和旅游发展;研究案例地以省级和市级中观尺度为主,多为单一型研究区,主要集中在西北丝绸之路经济带、东北辽宁经济圈、西南藏滇川渝、东部长三角四大热点区域;引文质量普遍较高,并且具有多学科交叉应用的特点,但批判性思考和创造性提升相对较少。基于此,论文从拓展研究和实践应用2个角度对“点-轴系统”理论未来发展进行了展望,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
High-performance simulation of flow dynamics remains a major challenge in the use of physical-based, fully distributed hydrologic models. Parallel computing has been widely used to overcome efficiency limitation by partitioning a basin into sub-basins and executing calculations among multiple processors. However, existing partition-based parallelization strategies are still hampered by the dependency between inter-connected sub-basins. This study proposed a particle-set strategy to parallelize the flow-path network (FPN) model for achieving higher performance in the simulation of flow dynamics. The FPN model replaced the hydrological calculations on sub-basins with the movements of water packages along the upstream and downstream flow paths. Unlike previous partition-based task decomposition approaches, the proposed particle-set strategy decomposes the computational workload by randomly allocating runoff particles to concurrent computing processors. Simulation experiments of the flow routing process were undertaken to validate the developed particle-set FPN model. The outcomes of hourly outlet discharges were compared with field gauged records, and up to 128 computing processors were tested to explore its speedup capability in parallel computing. The experimental results showed that the proposed framework can achieve similar prediction accuracy and parallel efficiency to that of the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)-based Real-Time Integrated Basin Simulator (tRIBS).  相似文献   
The summer day-by-day precipitation data of 97 meteorological stations on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau from 1961 to 2004 were selected to analyze the temporal-spatial dis-tribution through accumulated variance, correlation analysis, regression analysis, empirical orthogonal function, power spectrum function and spatial analysis tools of GIS. The result showed that summer precipitation occupied a relatively high proportion in the area with less annual precipitation on the Plateau and the correlation between summer precipitation and annual precipitation was strong. The altitude of these stations and summer precipitation ten-dency presented stronger positive correlation below 2000 m, with correlation value up to 0.604 (α=0.01). The subtracting tendency values between 1961–1983 and 1984–2004 at five altitude ranges (2000–2500 m, 2500–3000 m, 3500–4000 m, 4000–4500 m and above 4500 m) were above zero and accounted for 71.4% of the total. Using empirical orthogonal function, summer precipitation could be roughly divided into three precipitation pattern fields: the Southeast Plateau Pattern Field, the Northeast Plateau Pattern field and the Three Rivers' Headstream Regions Pattern Field. The former two ones had a reverse value from the north to the south and opposite line was along 35°N. The potential cycles of the three pattern fields were 5.33a, 21.33a and 2.17a respectively, tested by the confidence probability of 90%. The station altitudes and summer precipitation potential cycles presented strong negative corre-lation in the stations above 4500 m, with correlation value of –0.626 (α=0.01). In Three Rivers Headstream Regions summer precipitation cycle decreased as the altitude rose in the sta-tions above 3500 m and increased as the altitude rose in those below 3500 m. The empirical orthogonal function analysis in June precipitation, July precipitation and August precipitation showed that the June precipitation pattern field was similar to the July’s, in which southern Plateau was positive and northern Plateau negative. But positive value area in July precipita-tion pattern field was obviously less than June’s. The August pattern field was totally opposite to June’s and July’s. The positive area in August pattern field jumped from the southern Pla-teau to the northern Plateau.  相似文献   
新疆塔里木河下游断流河道输水对地下水变化的影响分析   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
郑丹  陈亚宁  薛燕 《干旱区地理》2004,27(2):216-220
结合2000~2002年以来塔里木河下游间歇性输水后地下水变化的监测数据.用回归分析的方法对输水后地下水位动态响应变化过程进行分析,揭示输水量与地下水的响应范围之间的关系。结果表明:在横向上.随着向塔河生态输水次数和输水量的增加.地下水的响应范围逐渐扩大.但随远离输水河槽中轴线,响应程度减小.地下水位的抬升幅度减弱;纵向上,输水河段上游区段地下水位响应范围最大,中游区段次之,下游区段较小。在第二次输水过程中,靠近河岸地下水位出现急剧上升,而在第三次输水过程中,地下水的响应范围则有巨幅增加.输水量与输水持续时间与地下水位变化有着密切关系。  相似文献   
古气候是影响陆相层序发育的一个重要因素,其周期性变化是源于天文旋回的驱动力(即米兰柯维奇假说)。米兰柯维奇天文旋回包括偏心率旋回、倾斜率旋回和岁差旋回,这几个轨道参数所驱动的古气候变迁,分别形成了周期为10万年(或40万年)、4万年及2万年的高频层序,即小层序组、小层序及小层单元,研究结果表明,泌阳断陷湖盆的高频层序是由地球轨道旋回所驱动的古气候周期性变迁所形成的。  相似文献   
王若宇  黄旭  薛德升  刘晔 《地理科学》2019,39(8):1199-1207
基于2005~2015年全国统计年鉴数据,采用统计地图法和空间自相关分析,分析中国高校科研人才的时空分布特征(不包括港澳台数据),并采用面板负二项回归模型,识别高校科研人才空间分布的决定因素。研究结果表明:①中国的高校科研人才分布表现出较强的空间不均衡性,总体趋势为东南密集,西北稀疏,科研人才高度集中在北京、天津、上海;②高校科研人才分布具有一定的空间集聚特征,其热点地区为北京、天津、上海和江苏等沿海省市,冷点地区集中分布在广大的西部地区和黑龙江省。2005~2015年,高级职称人才的空间集聚程度有所减弱,而中初级职称科研人才的空间集聚程度有所加强;③人才政策、高等教育规模和层次、公共服务水平和信息化水平是所有高校科研人才空间分布的主要影响因素。从职称差异的角度来看,薪酬和失业率等经济因素仅对初级职称科研人才的分布有影响,医疗、文化公共服务水平和人才政策仅对中高级职称科研人才的分布有影响,高等教育的规模与层次对各种职称人才的分布均有影响;从地区差异的角度来看,西部地区高校科研人才受到经济因素影响更为明显,而中东部高校科研人才受到公共服务水平影响的更为明显。  相似文献   
We describe a wavelet-transform-based method for automated segmentation of resistivity image logs that takes into account the apparent dip in the data and addresses the problem of discriminating lithofacies boundaries from noise and intrafacies variations. Our method can be applied to borehole measurements in general, but might have an advantage when applied to resistivity image logs as it addresses explicitly the large variability in facies segments recorded with a high-resolution multiple-sensor tool. We have developed an algorithm based on this method that might outperform other existing segmentation methods in the cases of low to moderate dip. We made a detailed comparison of the segmentation from our method with the one done by a geologist to delineate different lithofacies blocks in a well drilled in a deepwater depositional environment. Our results show considerable success rates in reproducing the geologically defined lithofacies boundaries, and the generality of our procedure suggests it could also be applied to other depositional environments.  相似文献   
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