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目前大口径钻井施工中常用的泥浆正循环钻进存在着泥浆流速慢、携渣能力差、重复破碎严重、钻井效率低、钻头磨损快、能源消耗大、钻井事故发生率高等问题,气举反循环钻进工艺可有效解决上述问题。风管式气举反循环钻井工艺简单易实现,能有效减少重复破碎,钻进效率高,能源消耗少,钻头寿命长,成井质量好,对涌水和漏失均有很好的抑制作用。介绍了风管式气举反循环钻井工艺原理、专用钻具及其现场使用情况。  相似文献   
Tubular-shaped concretions and concretionary dykes occur in Holocene fossil beach deposits between the township of El Médano and Punta Roja in southern Tenerife, Canary Islands. These sediment structures have been interpreted either as the result of (a) the interaction between hot ignimbrites that overflowed wet beaches; (b) fast accumulation of beach sands on hot and degassing ignimbrites; (c) paleoliquefaction caused by an earthquake (seismites). Based on the interpretation as seismites, an intense paleoearthquake with a moment magnitude of M = 6.8 was proposed to be responsible for the generation of the paleoliquefaction structures. However, we here reinterpret the sedimentary structures in question using the general criteria diagnostic for rhizocretions and root tubules with respect to their orientation, size, branching system, and style of cementation and, thus, consider them, to be of biogenic origin.  相似文献   
孙宏晶  刘治 《探矿工程》2017,44(10):88-89,92
小口径岩心钻探海上施工不同于陆地,要借助海上钻探平台作为实施场地进行施工。因其施工环境中风、浪等自然因素所占影响比例较大,其交通运输、施工过程、人员安全防护等都较陆地施工有很大区别。为保证海上岩心钻探施工安全,通过对比分析海上与陆地施工的危险源异同,经过危险源辨识、评价、控制等3个步骤,从技术与管理2个角度,就平台搭建及拆除、施工过程、海上交通、人身防护等方面对海上施工风险进行系统化管理,确保安全施工。  相似文献   
现行绳索取心口径系列主要适用于3000 m以内浅钻孔。在4000 m左右的特深孔绳索取心钻进中,存在一定的技术“瓶颈”,如地层复杂,甚至无法安全钻达设计深度。论证3000~5000 m特深孔绳索取心合理口径系列和钻柱方案是为特深孔成套钻探装备研制、绳索取心钻具开发提供技术依据的重要前期工作,也是一项公益性和开放性的技术工作。简述了特深孔绳索取心口径系列及钻柱方案的初步设想,期望国内钻探专家、一线技术人员广泛参与,进一步论证。  相似文献   
郭林坪  孔令伟  徐超  杨爱武 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):175-180
厦门地区花岗岩残积土的颗分试验表明其粒度呈“两头多,中间少”的特征,级配较独特。孔隙比等物性指标与压缩模量等设计中常用指标定量关联性不强,离散性大且没有明显规律。结合厦门地铁工程地质勘察资料,通过粒间状态参量、级配控制模式确定所研究土体的关键物理状态参量,分析该参量与岩土工程设计中常用指标之间的相关关系。结果表明,引入Thevanayagam提出的粒间孔隙比作为参变量,压缩模量随粒间孔隙比的增大而减小,建立了估计残积砾质黏性土、残积砂质黏性土压缩模量的经验公式。级配控制模式下的特征粒径比可以作为估计花岗岩残积土抗剪强度指标的关键参变量,黏聚力随特征粒径比的增大而增大,内摩擦角随特征粒径比的增大而减小,且线性相关性较好。文中建立的预测花岗岩残积土压缩模量、抗剪强度指标经验公式,可供厦门地区工程设计时参考。  相似文献   
An analytical solution is developed in this paper to investigate the dynamic response of a large‐diameter end‐bearing pipe pile subjected to torsional loading in viscoelastic saturated soil. The wave propagation in saturated soil and pile are simulated by Biot's two‐phased linear theory and one‐dimensional elastic theory, respectively. The dynamic equilibrium equations of the outer soil, inner soil, and pile are established. The solutions for the outer and inner soils in frequency domain are obtained by Laplace transform technique and the separation of variables method. Then, the dynamic response of the pile is obtained on the basis of the perfect contacts between the pile and the outer soil as well as the inner soil. The results in this paper are compared with that of a solid pile in elastic saturated soil to verify the validity of the solution. Furthermore, the solution in this paper is compared with the classic plane strain solution to verify the solution further and check the accuracy of the plane strain solution. Numerical results are presented to analyze the vibration characteristics and illustrate the effect of the soil parameters and the geometry size of the pile on the complex impedance and velocity admittance of the pile head. Finally, the displacement of the soil at different depth and frequency is analyzed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
旱地紫色土团聚体特征的指标比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
土壤团聚体是土壤肥力的基础,团聚体结构对土壤肥力有重要的影响。用团聚体几何平均直径(GMD)、平均重量直径(MWD)、粒径分布分形维(D)和表面分形维(P)分别对紫色土团聚体及水稳性团聚体进行分析:几何平均直径(GMD)、平均重量直径(MWD)、粒径分布分形维(D)和表面分形维(P)从不同角度反映紫色土团聚体特征;几何平均直径(GMD)、平均重量直径(MWD)对团聚体和水稳性团聚体分布均能较好地反映;粒径分布分形维(D)和表面分形维(P)能更好地反映团聚体的水稳性和抗蚀性,是描述土壤团聚体水稳性和抗蚀性的新指标和新方法。  相似文献   
赵春风  陈洪祥  赵程  薛金贤 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):573-576
对上海地区某实际工程的钻孔灌注桩试成孔进行成孔测试,首先,统计分析测试所得孔径数据,得出了钻孔灌注桩考虑成孔卸荷效应的孔径随时间及空间的变化规律,孔径缩小量与时间呈正相关,且缩小幅度逐渐减小,最后趋于稳定;不同土层的孔径变化量不同,黏聚力c越小,内摩擦角φ越大,孔壁稳定性就越差,表现为该土层的孔径变化量越大。其次,采用科学合理的拟合公式对不同土层孔径变化进行拟合,拟合度较高,能够真实反映出孔径变化的特点和规律。最后,基于Kelvin模型,运用弹性理论,结合拟合公式,推导出更符合实际的孔径变化公式和反映孔壁稳定性的公式,并合理地解释了不同土层稳定性存在差异的原因。得出的结论对上海地区的成孔施工质量控制具有重要的价值。  相似文献   
Given that water resources are scarce and are strained by competing demands, it has become crucial to develop and improve techniques to observe the temporal and spatial variations in the inland water volume. Due to the lack of data and the heterogeneity of water level stations, remote sensing, and especially altimetry from space, appear as complementary techniques for water level monitoring. In addition to spatial resolution and sampling rates in space or time, one of the most relevant criteria for satellite altimetry on inland water is the accuracy of the elevation data. Here, the accuracy of ICESat LIDAR altimetry product is assessed over the Great Lakes in North America. The accuracy assessment method used in this paper emphasizes on autocorrelation in high temporal frequency ICESat measurements. It also considers uncertainties resulting from both in situ lake level reference data. A probabilistic upscaling process was developed. This process is based on several successive ICESat shots averaged in a spatial transect accounting for autocorrelation between successive shots. The method also applies pre-processing of the ICESat data with saturation correction of ICESat waveforms, spatial filtering to avoid measurement disturbance from the land–water transition effects on waveform saturation and data selection to avoid trends in water elevations across space. Initially this paper analyzes 237 collected ICESat transects, consistent with the available hydrometric ground stations for four of the Great Lakes. By adapting a geostatistical framework, a high frequency autocorrelation between successive shot elevation values was observed and then modeled for 45% of the 237 transects. The modeled autocorrelation was therefore used to estimate water elevations at the transect scale and the resulting uncertainty for the 117 transects without trend. This uncertainty was 8 times greater than the usual computed uncertainty, when no temporal correlation is taken into account. This temporal correlation, corresponding to approximately 11 consecutive ICESat shots, could be linked to low transmitted ICESat GLAS energy and to poor weather conditions. Assuming Gaussian uncertainties for both reference data and ICESat data upscaled at the transect scale, we derived GLAS deviations statistics by averaging the results at station and lake scales. An overall bias of −4.6 cm (underestimation) and an overall standard deviation of 11.6 cm were computed for all lakes. Results demonstrated the relevance of taking autocorrelation into account in satellite data uncertainty assesment.  相似文献   
本文通过改变云峰井孔径试验,探讨了提高地下水观测井映震能力的一种途径。  相似文献   
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