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40a来江河源区的气候变化特征及其生态环境效应   总被引:68,自引:19,他引:68  
通过江河源区分布的5个气象台站有关气温与降水的多年数据,分析了近40a来江河源区的气候变化特征,结果表明,近40a来江河源区气候变化的总趋势是气温升高,降水量增加,但降水量的增加主要体现在春季降水和近15a来冬季降水的明显增加上,对植被生长起重要作用的夏季降水量却呈明显减少趋势;江河源区20世纪80年代10a平均气温比50年代高0.12~0.9℃,大部分地区高于0.3℃,属于青藏高原高温区或升温幅度最大的地区之一,平均升温0.44℃,明显比全国平均升温0.2℃要高出一倍,在这种背景下,与植被生长关系密切的4、5月和9月气温呈现持续下降态势,江河源区脆弱的生态环境体系对气候的这种变化响应强烈,冰川退缩,多年冻土消融加剧,导致大范围高寒草甸与草原被植退化。  相似文献   
The Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers originate in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas (Garhwal) and result in high sediment yields causing flood hazards downstream of the Ganga River and high sediment flux to the Bay of Bengal. The rivers are perennial, since runoff in these rivers is controlled by both precipitation and glacial melt. In the present study, three locations in the upper reaches of the Ganga River were monitored for 1 yr (daily observations of, more than >1000 samples) for suspended sediment concentrations. In addition, more than one hundred samples were collected from various locations of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers at different periods to observe spatial and temporal variations in river suspensions. Further, multi-annual data (up to 40 yrs) of water flow and sediment concentrations were used for inferring the variations in water flow and sediment loads on longer time scales. In most previous studies of Himalayan Rivers, there has been a general lack of long term water flow and sediment load data. In the present study, we carried out high frequency sampling, considered long term discharge data and based on these information, discussed the temporal and spatial variations in water discharge and sediment loads in the rivers in the Himalayan region. The results show that, >75% of annual sediment loads are transported during the monsoon season (June through September). The annual physical weathering rates in the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi River basins at Devprayag are estimated to be 863 tons km−2 yr−1 (3.25 mm yr−1) and 907 tons km−2 yr−1 (3.42 mm yr−1) respectively, which are far in excess of the global average of 156 tons km−2 yr−1 (0.58 mm yr−1).  相似文献   
In-migration to popular ‘sea change’ and ‘tree change’ regions has produced conflicts between rural land users. In the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, new residential developments have been built on much of what was previously prime agricultural land, while farmers (in particular, those negatively affected by the deregulation of the dairy industry) have sought to secure retirement incomes by subdividing land for sale. Although developers, local councils and individual farmers sometimes see eye to eye on the mutual benefits of in-migration and population growth, land use has none the less become the subject of a hotly contested local political battle. Conflicts occur at the interface of growing urban developments and surrounding farmland, with new residents finding the sights, sounds and smells of rural production intrusive. More generally, there is considerable concern that the best farmland in the region may be lost to urbanisation and rural residential subdivision. This paper discusses the results of a survey that collected opinions from local residents about the pressures on the region's land uses by in-migration, the future role of farmland as both an economic and cultural landscape, and views on proposed measures to protect prime farmland in the region. Results highlighted a strong and consistent ‘pro-farmland’ and ‘pro-protection’ attitude throughout the region, and across social groups. Yet, variations emerged when respondents were asked about why they attribute value to agricultural landscapes. For some, ‘economic’ values dominated, while for others, value was attributed in ways that reflected an emerging ethos of ‘localism’ and village lifestyle. Although values differed, a clear message from this study is that the population of Australia's pre-eminent ‘sea change’ region strongly support measures to curb urban development and the more destructive consequences of a dynamic property market.  相似文献   
We present the process of developing a macrophyte based index (River Macrophyte Index – RMI) for assessing river ecological status, that would be applicable for rivers with moderate to high water alkalinity, flowing over low slope terrain. A reference value and boundary values were determined for five ecological classes. The relation between the developed index and two existing indices, the Reference Index (RI) and the Trophic Index of Macrophytes (TIM), and selected environmental variables was established. The RMI is based on species composition and abundance from 208 sampling sites being in reference or good hydromorphological conditions and differing in the catchment land use. The percentage of natural areas in the sub-catchment was used for classifying macrophyte taxa into 5 ecological groups. 65 plant taxa, of which 47 were identified as indicator taxa, were included in the analysis. To assess the ecological status of a river site, the presence of at least 3 indicator taxa is necessary, otherwise the assessment is considered inconclusive. RMI is expected to indicate multiple pressures on the river, including trophic level. The developed index and RI and TIM indices differed in relation to slope, distance to source and catchment size.  相似文献   
三江源区径流演变及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用水循环模型、统计检测、对比分析等手段对三江源区水循环过程进行了分析,模拟和检测了1958-2005 年黄河源区出口唐乃亥站、长江源区直门达站、澜沧江源区昌都站汛期、非汛期和年径流过程的变化趋势。在此基础上,检测CSIRO和NCAR两种气候模式A1B和B1 排放情景下未来2010-2039 年源区出口断面的径流演变趋势,对比分析了气候变化的影响。研究表明过去48 年三江源区出口唐乃亥站年径流和非汛期径流过程呈显著减少趋势,而直门达和昌都站径流过程变化趋势并不显著。这将导致对黄河中下游地区的水资源补给显著减少,加剧黄河流域水资源短缺。气候变化背景下,未来30 年黄河源区径流量与现状相比有所减少,尤其是在非汛期,将持续加剧黄河中下游流域水资源短缺的现象。长江源区径流量将呈增加趋势,而且远远高于现状流量,尤其是在汛期,长江中下游地区防洪形势严峻。而澜沧江源区未来30 年径流量均高于现状流量,但汛期和年径流变化并不显著,而非汛期径流变化存在不确定性,CSIRO模式B1 情景显著减小,而NCAR模式B1 情景显著增加。气候变化对长江源区径流影响最显著,黄河源区其次,而澜沧江源区最小。  相似文献   
土地利用变化会改变地表覆盖,从而影响环境质量及陆地生态系统性质。开展区域土地利用/土地覆盖变化研究,可为区域土地资源优化利用和可持续发展提供科学依据。以第二次土壤普查资料和土地详查资料为依据,采用土地利用变化指数模型,定量分析三江并流区1983年到1999年土地利用变化特征,结果表明:(1)与土地利用结构分析法相比,土地利用变化指数模型更能反映土地变化趋势及在时空上变化特点;(2)研究区土地利用程度不断提高,其中林地园地、耕地与城郊用地增加较快;(3)1983~1996年间的变化大于1996~1999年间的变化;(4)州政府所在地(香格里拉县、泸水县、丽江县)的变化较其它地区大;(5)土地利用变化的主要原因是社会经济因素,包括人口增长、科技进步、经济增长、传统文化继承与发展、政策变化等。  相似文献   
Fractal sinuosity of stream channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Analysis of a diverse set of twelve stream channel planforms indicates that at scales relevant to river meandering, river traces are most reasonably treated as fractal curves. The atypically high degree of channel wandering apparent at such scales is a common characteristic of all single-channel streams, while identifiable meandering appears to be only one way in which this tendency is expressed. At smaller scales of view river paths have shapes of smooth curves appropriate to Euclidian geometry, and toward larger scales a distinct change in degree of wandering marks the transition to bends that are considered to be changes in general river course rather than parts of channel pattern. This analysis method provides a natural, objective calculation of river sinuosity as well as other parameters that more completely specify channel planform.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of valley setting (laterally-unconfined, partly-confined, or confined) and fluvial morphology in the source region of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers is contrasted and analyzed. The source region of the Yangtze River is divided into 3 broad sections (I, II and III) based on valley setting and channel gradient, with the upstream and downstream sections being characterized by confined (some reaches partly-confined) valleys while the middle section is characterized with wide and shallow, laterally-unconfined valleys. Gorges are prominent in sections I and III, while braided channel patterns dominate section II. By contrast, the source region of the Yellow River is divided into 5 broad sections (sections I-V) based on valley characteristics and channel gradient. Sections I, II and IV are alluvial reaches with mainly laterally-unconfined (some short reaches partly-confined) valleys. Sections III and V are mainly confined or partly-confined. Greater morphological diversity is evident in the source region of the Yellow River relative to the upper Yangtze River. This includes braided, anabranching, anastomosing, meandering and straight alluvial patterns, with gorges in confined reaches. The macro-relief (elevation, gradient, aspect, valley alignment and confinement) of the region, linked directly to tectonic movement of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, tied to climatic, hydrologic and biotic considerations, are primary controls upon the patterns of river diversity in the region.  相似文献   
浅析江河源区生态系统脆弱性研究的科学问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江、黄河源区位于青藏高原腹地,是我国气候变化的敏感区和脆弱区,面对全球气候变化以及我国冰冻圈萎缩的压力,明晰基于冰冻圈变化条件下江河源区生态系统脆弱性的科学问题,是长江、黄河流域生态安全保障及社会经济持续发展的客观要求。在分析江河源区范围、江河源区和我国冰冻圈的关系、目前生态系统脆弱性研究的基本特点的基础上,在全球气候变化和冰冻圈变化的复杂背景下,提出并阐述了江河源区生态系统脆弱性研究的5个重要科学问题:(1)脆弱性概念的延伸和拓展;(2)气候系统的非线性作用;(3)脆弱性评价的时空尺度;(4)脆弱性评价的临界阈值;(5)脆弱性评价的界面链接等。  相似文献   
通过两个时像的对比解译、调查验证和研究,表明长江-黄河上游源区20世纪90年代初至21世纪初的10年中,沼泽湿地总体呈减少趋势.由于自然和人为综合因素的长期作用,使本区沼泽湿地处于萎缩状态.  相似文献   
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